예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the debt class information from a debt class row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="debtClassRow">The row to update from.</param>
        protected void Update(DebtClassRow debtClassRow)
            if (!this.Modified && this.DebtClassId == debtClassRow.DebtClassId)
                this.DebtRuleId = debtClassRow.IsDebtRuleIdNull() ? null : (Guid?)debtClassRow.DebtRuleId;

                this.Address1          = debtClassRow.IsAddress1Null() ? null : debtClassRow.Address1;
                this.Address2          = debtClassRow.IsAddress2Null() ? null : debtClassRow.Address2;
                this.BankAccountNumber = debtClassRow.IsBankAccountNumberNull() ? null : debtClassRow.BankAccountNumber;
                this.BankRoutingNumber = debtClassRow.IsBankRoutingNumberNull() ? null : debtClassRow.BankRoutingNumber;
                this.City               = debtClassRow.IsCityNull() ? null : debtClassRow.City;
                this.CompanyName        = debtClassRow.IsCompanyNameNull() ? null : debtClassRow.CompanyName;
                this.ContactName        = debtClassRow.IsContactNameNull() ? null : debtClassRow.ContactName;
                this.Department         = debtClassRow.IsDepartmentNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Department;
                this.Email              = debtClassRow.IsEmailNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Email;
                this.Fax                = debtClassRow.IsFaxNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Fax;
                this.ForBenefitOf       = debtClassRow.IsForBenefitOfNull() ? null : debtClassRow.ForBenefitOf;
                this.Phone              = debtClassRow.IsPhoneNull() ? null : debtClassRow.Phone;
                this.Province           = debtClassRow.IsProvinceIdNull() ? null : (Guid?)debtClassRow.ProvinceId;
                this.PostalCode         = debtClassRow.IsPostalCodeNull() ? null : debtClassRow.PostalCode;
                this.SettlementTemplate = debtClassRow.IsSettlementTemplateNull() ? null : debtClassRow.SettlementTemplate;
                this.Modified           = false;

            this.rowVersion = debtClassRow.RowVersion;
예제 #2
        public ConsumerTrustMatchInfo(DataModelTransaction dataModelTransaction, WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow)
            // Initialize the object
            this.PaymentMethodTypes = new List <Guid>();

            // These rows are required for navigating through the asset.  Locks are acquired temporarily for them and released as soon as the Consumer Debt
            // information is collected.
            BlotterRow       blotterRow       = null;
            SecurityRow      securityRow      = null;
            ConsumerTrustRow consumerTrustRow = null;

            // The working order row is where everything starts. This is the asset that is to be matched against another.
            workingOrderRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);

                // The working order identifier is used when creating matches.
                this.WorkingOrderId = workingOrderRow.WorkingOrderId;
                // The underlying security is a Consumer Debt record.
                securityRow = workingOrderRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_WorkingOrder_SecurityId;

                // The blotter row needs to be examined for this cross.
                blotterRow = workingOrderRow.BlotterRow;

            securityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                consumerTrustRow = securityRow.GetConsumerTrustRows()[0];

            DebtRuleRow debtRuleRow = null;

            // This row contains the actual asset that is to be matched.
            consumerTrustRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                // The savings balance is used when calculating the status of the match (whether there is enough funds in the account).
                this.SavingsBalance = consumerTrustRow.SavingsBalance;

                if (consumerTrustRow.IsDebtRuleIdNull() == false)
                    // At this point a rule override was found on an asset and there's no need to search the Entity hierarchy.
                    debtRuleRow = consumerTrustRow.DebtRuleRow;

            // This will attempt to find the debt rule associated with this credit card.  If there is no rule explicitly associated with the asset,
            // then the entity hierarchy is searched until a debt class is found that contains a rule.  When the rule is found, the values in that rule
            // will become the opening bid.
            DebtClassRow[] blotterRowDebtClassRows = null;
            blotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                // The blotter is required for adding matches to the data model once they are found.
                this.BlotterId = blotterRow.BlotterId;

                if (debtRuleRow == null)
                    blotterRowDebtClassRows = blotterRow.GetDebtClassRows();

            if (debtRuleRow == null)
                // At this point, the asset hasn't got an explicit rule, so the hierarchy will need to be searched.  There is only going to be one Debt
                // Class element associated with this blotter, but the iteration is an easier construct to work with than the equivalent array logic
                // for a single element.
                foreach (DebtClassRow debtClassRow in blotterRowDebtClassRows)
                    // This variable will keep track of our current location as we crawl up the hierarchy.
                    DebtClassRow currentDebtClassRow = debtClassRow;
                    DebtClassRow nextDebtClassRow    = null;

                    // This will crawl up the hierarchy until a Debt Class is found with a rule.  This rule will provide the opening values for the
                    // bid on this negotiation.
                        // This will lock the current item in the hierarchy so it can be examined for a rule or, failing that, a parent element.
                        currentDebtClassRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                        Guid currentDebtClassRowDebtClassId;
                            currentDebtClassRowDebtClassId = currentDebtClassRow.DebtClassId;
                            if (currentDebtClassRow.IsDebtRuleIdNull() == false)
                                // At this point we have finally found a debt rule that can be used to start the negotiations.
                                debtRuleRow = currentDebtClassRow.DebtRuleRow;
                            // The current Debt Class can be released.  At this point, every record that was locked to read the hiearchy has been
                            // released and the loop can either exit (when a rule is found) or move on to the parent Debt Class.
                        // If the current Debt Class has no rule then the Entity Hierarchy is used to find the parent element.
                        if (debtRuleRow == null)
                            EntityTreeRow[] entityTreeRows;
                            // The entity is the root of all objects in the hierarchy.  From this object the path to the parent Debt Class can be
                            // navigated.
                            EntityRow entityRow = DataModel.Entity.EntityKey.Find(currentDebtClassRowDebtClassId);

                            // Each entity needs to be locked before the relation can be used.
                            entityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                                entityTreeRows = entityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId();
                                // Finaly, the current entity is released.  This allows us to finally move on to the next level of the hierarchy
                                // without having to hold the locks for the entire transaction.

                            // This will find each relation in the hierarchy which uses the current node as a child.
                            foreach (EntityTreeRow entityTreeRow in entityTreeRows)
                                EntityRow parentEntityRow;
                                // Lock the relation down before navigating to the parent.
                                entityTreeRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                                    // This is the parent entity of the current entity in the crawl up the hierarchy.
                                    parentEntityRow = entityTreeRow.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId;
                                    // The relationship record is released after each level of the hierarchy is examined for a parent.

                                BlotterRow[] blotterRows;
                                // The parent entity must be locked befor it can be checked for blotters and then, in turn, debt
                                // classes.
                                parentEntityRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                                    blotterRows = parentEntityRow.GetBlotterRows();
                                    // The parent Entity record is released after each level of the hiearchy is examined for a parent.

                                // In practice, there will be zero or one blotter rows.  The iteration makes it easier to check both
                                // conditions.
                                foreach (BlotterRow parentBlotterRow in blotterRows)
                                    DebtClassRow[] parentBlotterRowDebtClassRows;
                                    // The blotter must be locked before iterating through the Debt Classes that may be associated
                                    // with the blotter.
                                    parentBlotterRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                                        parentBlotterRowDebtClassRows = parentBlotterRow.GetDebtClassRows();
                                        // The locks are released after the each level of the hierarchy is checked.

                                    // Each blotter can have zero or one Debt Classes associated with it.  This is a long an
                                    // tortuous way to finally get to the parent Debt Class.
                                    foreach (DebtClassRow parentDebtClassRow in parentBlotterRowDebtClassRows)
                                        // Now that we've finally found the parent Debt Class, it will become the parent on
                                        // the next pass through the hierarchy.  Note that the locks are released each time we
                                        // pass through a level of the hierarchy.
                                        nextDebtClassRow = parentDebtClassRow;

                        // Now that all the locks are released, the parent Debt Class becomes the current one for the next level up in the hierarchy.
                        // This algorithm will keep on climbing through the levels until a rule is found or the hierarchy is exhausted.
                        currentDebtClassRow = nextDebtClassRow;
                    } while(debtRuleRow == null && currentDebtClassRow != null);

            // The data is copied out of the Debt Rule when one is found in the Entity hierarchy.
            if (debtRuleRow != null)
                DebtRulePaymentMethodRow[] debtRuleRowDebtRulePaymentMethodRows;
                // At this point we found a rule that can be used for the opening bid of a settlement.
                debtRuleRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);
                    // These values are used in the opening bid of a negotiated settlement.
                    this.PaymentLength          = debtRuleRow.PaymentLength;
                    this.PaymentStartDateLength = debtRuleRow.PaymentStartDateLength;
                    this.PaymentStartDateUnitId = debtRuleRow.PaymentStartDateUnitId;
                    this.SettlementValue        = debtRuleRow.SettlementValue;
                    this.SettlementUnitId       = debtRuleRow.SettlementUnitId;

                    debtRuleRowDebtRulePaymentMethodRows = debtRuleRow.GetDebtRulePaymentMethodRows();
                    // A lock on the Debt Rule is no longer required.

                // This will copy each of the payment methods that are available for this settlement.  Note that the table rows are locked only long
                // enough to acquire the item, then released.
                foreach (DebtRulePaymentMethodRow debtRulePaymentMethodRow in debtRuleRowDebtRulePaymentMethodRows)
                    debtRulePaymentMethodRow.AcquireReaderLock(dataModelTransaction.TransactionId, DataModel.LockTimeout);