/// <summary>
        /// The render subject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">
        /// The model.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="string"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private string RenderSubject(DailyDealsContract model)
            string subject = null;

            if (model != null && model.Deals != null && model.Deals.Any())
                DealContract contract = model.Deals.First();
                if (contract.DealType == DealType.CardLinked)
                    if (contract.CardLinkInfos.Any() && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.CardLinkInfos[0].DiscountAmount) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.CardLinkInfos[0].Discount)) &&
                        subject = string.Format("Save {0} at {1}",
                                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.CardLinkInfos[0].DiscountAmount) ? contract.CardLinkInfos[0].DiscountAmount : contract.CardLinkInfos[0].Discount,
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.Discount) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contract.BusinessName))
                        subject = string.Format("Save {0} at {1}", contract.Discount, contract.BusinessName);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
                    subject = model.Deals.First().Title;

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Email Model method
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> The <see cref="DealsEmailModel"/>. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ModelContentException"> The input is insufficient for email model creation </exception>
        public DailyDealsContract GenerateModel(EmailTemplateData modelData)
            DailyDealsContract dailyDealsContract  = null;
            DealsTemplateData  dailyDealsModelData = modelData as DealsTemplateData;

            if (dailyDealsModelData != null)
                var            dealsList     = dailyDealsModelData.Deals == null ? null : dailyDealsModelData.Deals.ToList();
                DealContract[] dealsContract = null;
                if (dealsList != null)
                    if (dailyDealsModelData.DealEmailType == DealEmailType.WeeklyDeal && dealsList.Count() <= 3)
                        throw new ModelContentException(string.Format("Number of deals is: {0}. This is insufficient for email model creation", dealsList.Count()));

                    dealsContract = new DealContract[dealsList.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dealsList.Count; ++i)
                        DealContract dealContract = ConvertDeal(dealsList[i]);
                        if (dealContract != null)
                            dealsContract[i] = dealContract;

                    if (dailyDealsModelData.DealEmailType == DealEmailType.WeeklyDeal && dealsContract.Length <= 3)
                        throw new ModelContentException(string.Format("Number of deals is: {0}. This is insufficient for email model creation", dealsList.Count()));

                var location    = Users.Dal.DataModel.Location.Parse(dailyDealsModelData.LocationId);
                var locationStr = string.Empty;
                if (location.Type == LocationType.Postal || location.Type == LocationType.City)
                    Log.Info("Getting Location for user: {0}, locationId: {1}", dailyDealsModelData.EmailAddress, dailyDealsModelData.LocationId);
                    var geoCodePoint = GeoSpatial.GetGeoData(WebUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", location.CountryCode, location.AdminDistrict, location.Value)), GeoSpatial.GeoSource.VirtualEarth);
                    if (geoCodePoint != null && geoCodePoint.Location != null)
                        locationStr = geoCodePoint.Location.Locality;
                        Log.Info("Retrieved Location info : {0} for user: {1}, locationId: {2}", locationStr, dailyDealsModelData.EmailAddress, dailyDealsModelData.LocationId);
                        Log.Warn("Couldn't fetch location data for user: {0}, locationId: {1}", dailyDealsModelData.EmailAddress, location);

                dailyDealsContract = new DailyDealsContract {
                    UnsubscribeUrl = dailyDealsModelData.UnsubscribeUrl, Deals = dealsContract, Location = locationStr

예제 #3
        private void SendPositionHistoryEvent(Position position, PositionHistoryTypeContract historyType,
                                              decimal chargedPnl, string orderAdditionalInfo, Order dealOrder = null, decimal?dealVolume = null,
                                              PositionOpenMetadata metadata = null)
            DealContract deal = null;

            if (dealOrder != null && dealVolume != null)
                var sign = position.Volume > 0 ? 1 : -1;

                var accountBaseAssetAccuracy = AssetsConstants.DefaultAssetAccuracy;

                var fpl = Math.Round((dealOrder.ExecutionPrice.Value - position.OpenPrice) *
                                     dealOrder.FxRate * dealVolume.Value * sign, accountBaseAssetAccuracy);
                var balanceDelta = fpl - Math.Round(chargedPnl, accountBaseAssetAccuracy);

                var dealId = historyType == PositionHistoryTypeContract.Close
                    ? position.Id
                    : _identityGenerator.GenerateAlphanumericId();

                deal = new DealContract
                    DealId                  = dealId,
                    PositionId              = position.Id,
                    Volume                  = dealVolume.Value,
                    Created                 = dealOrder.Executed.Value,
                    OpenTradeId             = position.OpenTradeId,
                    OpenOrderType           = position.OpenOrderType.ToType <OrderTypeContract>(),
                    OpenOrderVolume         = position.OpenOrderVolume,
                    OpenOrderExpectedPrice  = position.ExpectedOpenPrice,
                    CloseTradeId            = dealOrder.Id,
                    CloseOrderType          = dealOrder.OrderType.ToType <OrderTypeContract>(),
                    CloseOrderVolume        = dealOrder.Volume,
                    CloseOrderExpectedPrice = dealOrder.Price,
                    OpenPrice               = position.OpenPrice,
                    OpenFxPrice             = position.OpenFxPrice,
                    ClosePrice              = dealOrder.ExecutionPrice.Value,
                    CloseFxPrice            = dealOrder.FxRate,
                    Fpl             = fpl,
                    PnlOfTheLastDay = balanceDelta,
                    AdditionalInfo  = dealOrder.AdditionalInfo,
                    Originator      = dealOrder.Originator.ToType <OriginatorTypeContract>()

                var account = _accountsCacheService.Get(position.AccountId);

                _cqrsSender.PublishEvent(new PositionClosedEvent(account.Id, account.ClientId,
                                                                 deal.DealId, position.AssetPairId, balanceDelta));

                _accountUpdateService.FreezeUnconfirmedMargin(position.AccountId, deal.DealId, balanceDelta)
                .GetAwaiter().GetResult();    //todo consider making this async or pass to broker

            var positionContract = _convertService.Convert <Position, PositionContract>(position,
                                                                                        o => o.ConfigureMap(MemberList.Destination).ForMember(x => x.TotalPnL, c => c.Ignore()));

            positionContract.TotalPnL = position.GetFpl();

            var historyEvent = new PositionHistoryEvent
                PositionSnapshot    = positionContract,
                Deal                = deal,
                EventType           = historyType,
                Timestamp           = _dateService.Now(),
                ActivitiesMetadata  = metadata?.ToJson(),
                OrderAdditionalInfo = orderAdditionalInfo,

        /// <summary>
        /// The convert deal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deal">
        /// The deal.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="DealContract"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private DealContract ConvertDeal(Deal deal)
            DealContract dealContract = new DealContract
                Id           = deal.Id,
                BusinessName = deal.Business == null ? string.Empty : deal.Business.Name,
                Description  = deal.Description,
                DealType     = deal.DealType == 7 ? DealType.CardLinked : DealType.Prepaid,

                // TODO - fix when email will be international
                Price          = deal.Price <= 0 ? string.Empty : Math.Ceiling(deal.Price).ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")),
                OriginalPrice  = deal.DealInfo == null || deal.DealInfo.VoucherValue <= 0 ? string.Empty : Math.Ceiling(deal.DealInfo.VoucherValue).ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")),
                Title          = deal.Title,
                TransactionUrl = deal.TransactionUrl,
                LargeImageUrl  = deal.ImageUrl + "&size=12",
                MediumImageUrl = deal.ImageUrl + "&size=4",

                // TODO - add this information when we are getting it from the ingestion
                Website = string.Empty

            if (dealContract.DealType == DealType.CardLinked && deal.CardLinkInfos != null && deal.CardLinkInfos.Any())
                dealContract.Attribution   = null; //omit the attribution for clo deals for now
                dealContract.CardLinkInfos = new CardLinkInfo[deal.CardLinkInfos.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < deal.CardLinkInfos.Count; i++)
                    dealContract.CardLinkInfos[i] = new CardLinkInfo
                        MinimumSpend =
                            deal.CardLinkInfos[i].MinimumPurchase <= 0
                                    ? string.Empty
                                    : string.Format("{0}+",
                                                    .ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))),
                        DiscountAmount =
                            deal.CardLinkInfos[i].DiscountAmount <= 0
                                    ? string.Empty
                                    : string.Format("{0}",
                                                    .ToString("C0", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))),
                        Discount =
                            deal.CardLinkInfos[i].DiscountPercent <= 0
                                    ? string.Empty
                                    : string.Format("{0}%",

                //If it's a CLO, check to see if there's either a discount or discountamount
                bool validDeal = dealContract.CardLinkInfos.Any(cardlinkInfo => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardlinkInfo.Discount) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardlinkInfo.DiscountAmount));

                //If it's not a valid deal, return null so that this deal is not included in the deals email.
                if (!validDeal)
                    dealContract = null;
            else if (dealContract.DealType == DealType.Prepaid && deal.DealInfo != null)
                dealContract.Attribution = deal.Attribution;
                dealContract.Discount    = deal.DealInfo.VoucherDiscountPercent <= 0 ? string.Empty : string.Format("{0}%", deal.DealInfo.VoucherDiscountPercent.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                //If the discount is missing for the PrePaid deal, return null so that this deal is not included in the deals email.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dealContract.Discount))
                    dealContract = null;
