public void CopyNestedTest()
            var dcrGraph = new DcrGraph();

            var activityA = new Activity("A", "somename1") { Included = true };
            var activityB = new Activity("B", "somename2") { Included = true };
            var activityC = new Activity("C", "somename3") { Included = true };
            var activityD = new Activity("D", "somename4") { Included = false };
            var activityE = new Activity("E", "somename5") { Included = true };
            var activityF = new Activity("F", "somename6") { Included = true };

            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityC.Id, activityC.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityD.Id, activityD.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityE.Id, activityE.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddIncludeExclude(true, activityC.Id, activityD.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityA.Id, activityA.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityB.Id, activityB.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityF.Id, activityF.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityE.Id, activityF.Id); //outgoing relation
            //ingoing relations
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityC.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityD.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityE.Id);

            dcrGraph.MakeNestedGraph(new HashSet<Activity>() { activityC, activityD, activityE });

            var copy = dcrGraph.Copy();

            Assert.AreEqual(dcrGraph.ToString(), copy.ToString());
예제 #2
        private static Activity ParseActivity(DcrGraph graph, XDocument doc, XElement eve)
            var nestedEvents = eve.Descendants("event").Where(element => element.HasElements).ToList(); //Only takes event elements in events!

            bool isNestedGraph = nestedEvents.Count > 0;

            // Retrieve Id
            var id = eve.Attribute("id").Value;

            // Retrieve Name:
            var name = (from labelMapping in doc.Descendants("labelMapping")
                        where labelMapping.Attribute("eventId").Value.Equals(id)
                        select labelMapping.Attribute("labelId").Value).FirstOrDefault();

            // Check to see if Activity was already parsed
            if (graph.GetActivities().ToList().Exists(x => x.Id == id && x.Name == name)) return null;

            Activity activityToReturn;

            if (isNestedGraph)
                var nestedActivities = new HashSet<Activity>();
                foreach (var nestedEvent in nestedEvents)
                    nestedActivities.Add(ParseActivity(graph, doc, nestedEvent));

                activityToReturn = graph.MakeNestedGraph(id, name, nestedActivities);
            else // Not a nested graph --> Treat as single activity
                // Add activity to graph
                activityToReturn = graph.AddActivity(id, name);

                // Assigning Roles:
                var roles = eve.Descendants("role");
                var rolesList = new List<string>();
                foreach (var role in roles)
                    if (role.Value != "") graph.AddRolesToActivity(id,role.Value);

                // Mark Included
                if ((from includedEvent in doc.Descendants("included").Elements()
                     select includedEvent.FirstAttribute.Value).Contains(id)) graph.SetIncluded(true, id);

                // Mark Pending:
                if ((from pendingEvent in doc.Descendants("pendingResponses").Elements()
                     select pendingEvent.FirstAttribute.Value).Contains(id)) graph.SetPending(true, id);

                // Mark Executed:
                if ((from executedEvent in doc.Descendants("executed").Elements()
                     select executedEvent.FirstAttribute.Value).Contains(id)) graph.SetExecuted(true, id);

            return activityToReturn;
        public DcrGraph RemoveRedundancy(DcrGraph inputGraph, BackgroundWorker worker = null)
            _worker = worker;
            #if DEBUG
            Console.WriteLine("Started redundancy removal:");

            //TODO: use an algorithm to check if the graph is connected and if not then recursively remove redundancy on the subgraphs.
            //temporarily remove flower activities.
            var copy = inputGraph.Copy();

            var removedActivities =
                copy.GetActivities().Where(x => (x.Included && !copy.ActivityHasRelations(x))).ToList();

            foreach (var a in removedActivities)

            var byteDcrGraph = new ByteDcrGraph(copy);

            _uniqueTraceFinder = new UniqueTraceFinder(byteDcrGraph);

            _originalInputDcrGraph = copy.Copy();
            OutputDcrGraph = copy;

            // Remove relations and see if the unique traces acquired are the same as the original. If so, the relation is clearly redundant and is removed immediately
            // All the following calls potentially alter the OutputDcrGraph





            foreach (var activity in OutputDcrGraph.GetActivities())
                var graphCopy = new ByteDcrGraph(byteDcrGraph);


                ReportProgress?.Invoke("Removing Activity " + activity.Id);

                // Compare unique traces - if equal activity is redundant
                if (_uniqueTraceFinder.CompareTraces(graphCopy))
                    // The relation is redundant, replace  copy with current copy (with the relation removed)


            foreach (var a in removedActivities)
                OutputDcrGraph.AddActivity(a.Id, a.Name);
                OutputDcrGraph.SetIncluded(true, a.Id);
                OutputDcrGraph.SetPending(a.Pending, a.Id);
            var nested = OutputDcrGraph.ExportToXml();

            return OutputDcrGraph;
        public void TestFinalStateMisplacement()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph.AddActivity("B", "somename2");
            graph.AddActivity("C", "somename3");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddResponse("B", "C");
            // Self-excludes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");


            var graph2 = new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph);


        public void TestExportDcrGraphToXml()
            var activities = new HashSet<Activity> { new Activity("A", "somename1"), new Activity("B", "somename2"), new Activity("C", "somename3") };
            var graph = new DcrGraph();

            foreach (var a in activities)
                graph.AddActivity(a.Id, a.Name);

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");


            var xml = graph.ExportToXml();

            File.WriteAllText("E:/DCR2XML.xml", xml);

        public void TestCanActivityEverBeIncluded()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph.AddActivity("B", "somename2");
            graph.AddActivity("C", "somename3");
            graph.AddActivity("D", "somename3");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddResponse("B", "C");
            // Self-excludes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");


            foreach (var activity in graph.Activities)
                Console.WriteLine(activity.Id + " includable: " + graph.CanActivityEverBeIncluded(activity.Id));

        public void GetQualityMeasuresOnStatisticsOriginalGraph()
            var trace1 = new LogTrace { Id = "1" };
            trace1.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'B', 'E');
            var trace2 = new LogTrace { Id = "2" };
            trace2.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'F');
            var trace3 = new LogTrace { Id = "3" };
            trace3.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'C', 'E');
            var trace4 = new LogTrace { Id = "4" };
            trace4.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'D', 'F');
            var trace5 = new LogTrace { Id = "5" };
            trace5.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'B', 'F', 'A', 'B', 'E');
            var trace6 = new LogTrace { Id = "6" };
            trace6.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'C', 'F');
            var trace7 = new LogTrace { Id = "7" };
            trace7.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'B', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'E');
            var trace8 = new LogTrace { Id = "8" };
            trace8.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'F');
            var trace9 = new LogTrace { Id = "9" };
            trace9.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'B', 'B', 'E');
            var trace10 = new LogTrace { Id = "10" };
            trace10.AddEventsWithChars('A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'E');

            Log log = new Log() { Traces = { trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6, trace7, trace8, trace9, trace10 } };

            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'F'; ch++)
                if (ch == 'D') continue;
                graph.AddActivity(ch.ToString(), "somename" + ch);
            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A");

            // Self-excludes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "E", "E");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "F", "F");

            // Includes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "E");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "F");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "C", "E");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "C", "F");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "F", "A");

            // Excludes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "E", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "F", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "E", "F");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "F", "E");

            //var redundRemoved = new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph);

            Console.WriteLine(QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(graph, log));
        public void TestSimpleGraph()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph.AddActivity("B", "somename2");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "B");


            var graph2 = new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph);


        public void TestRedundancyRemoverLimited()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");


            //graph.Running = true;



            Console.WriteLine(new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph));


            // Conclusion: Edits made to not see self-exclusion as redundant
        public void TestRedundancyRemoverExcludes()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph.AddActivity("B", "somename2");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A
            graph.SetIncluded(true, "B"); // Start at B

            // If you choose A - cannot do B, if you choose B, can still do A.
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "B");
            // Self-excludes
            //graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            //graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");


            //graph.Running = true;



            Console.WriteLine(new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph));


            // Conclusion: Edits made to not see self-exclusion as redundant
        //public void TestCompareTracesWithSupplied()
        //    var activities = new HashSet<Activity> { new Activity("A", "somename1"), new Activity("B", "somename2"), new Activity("C", "somename3") };
        //    var graph = new DcrGraph();
        //    foreach (var a in activities)
        //    {
        //        graph.AddActivity(a.Id, a.Name);
        //    }
        //    graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "C");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
        //    graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");
        //    var unique = new UniqueTraceFinder(graph);
        //    var copy = graph.Copy(); // Verified Copy works using Activity level copying
        //    // Remove B -->+ C (Gives same traces :) )
        //    var activityB = copy.GetActivity("B");
        //    Dictionary<Activity, bool> targets;
        //    if (copy.IncludeExcludes.TryGetValue(activityB, out targets))
        //    {
        //        targets.Remove(copy.GetActivity("C"));
        //    }
        //    // Remove A -->+ C (Gives different traces :) )
        //    //var activityA = copy.GetActivity("A");
        //    //Dictionary<Activity, bool> targets;
        //    //if (copy.IncludeExcludes.TryGetValue(activityA, out targets))
        //    //{
        //    //    targets.Remove(copy.GetActivity("C"));
        //    //}
        //    Console.WriteLine(unique.CompareTracesFoundWithSupplied3(copy));
        //    Console.ReadLine();
        //    // Conclusion: I do believe it works!
        public void TestRedundancyRemover()
            var activities = new HashSet<Activity> { new Activity("A", "somename1"), new Activity("B", "somename2"), new Activity("C", "somename3") };
            var graph = new DcrGraph();

            foreach (var a in activities)
                graph.AddActivity(a.Id, a.Name);

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");


            //graph.Running = true;


            Console.WriteLine(new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(graph));

        public void TestQualityDimensionsRetriever()
            var graph = new DcrGraph();
            graph.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph.AddActivity("B", "somename2");
            graph.AddActivity("C", "somename3");
            //graph.AddActivity("D", "somename3");

            graph.SetIncluded(true, "A"); // Start at A

            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "A", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(true, "B", "C");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph.AddResponse("B", "C");
            // Self-excludes
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");
            graph.AddCondition("A", "B");
            graph.AddMileStone("A", "B");

            var someLog  =
                new Log() { Traces =
                    new List<LogTrace>
                        new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'C'),
                        new LogTrace('A', 'C')
            var res = QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(graph, someLog);

            var graph2 = new DcrGraph();
            graph2.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph2.AddActivity("B", "somename2");
            graph2.AddActivity("C", "somename3");
            graph2.SetIncluded(true, "A");
            graph2.SetIncluded(true, "B");
            graph2.SetIncluded(true, "C");

            res = QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(graph2, someLog);

            var graph3 = new DcrGraph();
            graph3.AddActivity("A", "somename1");
            graph3.AddActivity("B", "somename2");
            graph3.AddActivity("C", "somename3");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "A");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "B");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "C");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "B");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "A");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "A");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "C", "B");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "A", "C");
            graph3.AddIncludeExclude(false, "B", "C");
            graph3.AddResponse("A", "B");
            graph3.AddResponse("A", "C");
            graph3.AddResponse("B", "A");
            graph3.AddResponse("B", "C");
            graph3.AddResponse("C", "A");
            graph3.AddResponse("C", "B");
            graph3.AddCondition("A", "B");
            graph3.AddCondition("A", "C");
            graph3.AddCondition("B", "A");
            graph3.AddCondition("B", "C");
            graph3.AddCondition("C", "A");
            graph3.AddCondition("C", "B");
            graph3.AddMileStone("A", "B");
            graph3.AddMileStone("A", "C");
            graph3.AddMileStone("B", "A");
            graph3.AddMileStone("B", "C");
            graph3.AddMileStone("C", "A");
            graph3.AddMileStone("C", "B");

            res = QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(graph3, someLog);

            // "Original" test log
            var activities = new HashSet<Activity>();

            for (char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'F'; ch++)
                activities.Add(new Activity("" + ch, "somename " + ch));

            var exAl = new ContradictionApproach(activities);

            var originalLog = new List<LogTrace>();
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'E'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'F'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'C', 'E'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'D', 'F'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'F', 'A', 'B', 'E'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'C', 'F'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'E'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'F'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'B', 'B', 'E'));
            originalLog.Add(new LogTrace('A', 'C', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'E'));

            var log = new Log() {Traces = originalLog};

            res = QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(exAl.Graph, log);

            Console.WriteLine("Removing redundancy::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::");
            exAl.Graph = new RedundancyRemover().RemoveRedundancy(exAl.Graph);

            res = QualityDimensionRetriever.Retrieve(exAl.Graph, log);

        public void MakeNestedGraphTest()
            var dcrGraph = new DcrGraph();

            var activityA = new Activity("A", "somename1") { Included = false };
            var activityB = new Activity("B", "somename2") { Included = true };
            var activityC = new Activity("C", "somename3") { Included = true };
            var activityD = new Activity("D", "somename4") { Included = false };
            var activityE = new Activity("E", "somename5") { Included = true };
            var activityF = new Activity("F", "somename6") { Included = true };

            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityC.Id, activityC.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityD.Id, activityD.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityE.Id, activityE.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddIncludeExclude(true, activityC.Id, activityD.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityA.Id, activityA.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityB.Id, activityB.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddActivity(activityF.Id, activityF.Name);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityE.Id, activityF.Id); //outgoing relation
            //ingoing relation
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityC.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityD.Id);
            dcrGraph.AddCondition(activityA.Id, activityE.Id);

            dcrGraph.MakeNestedGraph(new HashSet<Activity>() { activityC, activityD, activityE });

            //we check that the Nested graph exists
            Assert.IsTrue(dcrGraph.Activities.Any(a => a.IsNestedGraph));