예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get about page with different variables
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns about page</returns>
        public ActionResult About()
            ViewBag.Message = "Om oss";

            var AboutList = _context.About.ToList();
            var About     = new DbTables.Info();

            if (AboutList.Any())
                About = AboutList.First();
            var TwitterList = _context.Twitter.ToList();
            var Twitter     = new DbTables.Twitter();

            if (TwitterList.Any())
                Twitter = TwitterList.First();
            var FacebookList = _context.Facebook.ToList();
            var Facebook     = new DbTables.Facebook();

            if (FacebookList.Any())
                Facebook = FacebookList.First();
            //var style = "background:url(/File/Background?id="+") no-repeat center center fixed";

            var background     = new DbTables.BackgroundImage();
            var backgroundList = _context.BackgroundImage.ToList();

            if (backgroundList.Any())
                background = backgroundList.First();
                if (background.Enabeled)
                    ViewBag.Style = "background:url('/File/Background?id=" + background.Image.FileId +
                                    "') no-repeat center center fixed;-webkit-background-size: cover;-moz-background-size: cover;-o-background-size: cover;background-size: cove;overflow-x: hidden;";
                    ViewBag.BackGround = "background-color:transparent;";
            var AboutModel = new AboutModel
                About    = About,
                Facebook = Facebook,
                Twitter  = Twitter

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Edit values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">Model values to change</param>
        /// <returns>view with updated info and success/failure message</returns>
        public ActionResult EditFacebook(DbTables.Facebook model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var Facebook     = new DbTables.Facebook();
                    var FacebookList = _context.Facebook.ToList();
                    if (FacebookList.Any())
                        Facebook     = FacebookList.First();
                        Facebook.Url = model.Url;
                        Facebook.Url      = model.Url;
                        Facebook.Enabeled = true;

                    ViewBag.Success = "Facebook variabler ble sukessfult oppdatert";
                    return(PartialView("_FacebookPartial", _context.Facebook.First()));
                catch (EntityException ex)
                    ViewBag.Error = "Error:" + ex.Message;
                    return(PartialView("_FacebookPartial", _context.Facebook.First()));
            var FacebookError     = new DbTables.Facebook();
            var FacebookListError = _context.Facebook.ToList();

            if (FacebookListError.Any())
                FacebookError = FacebookListError.First();
            var messages = string.Join("\r\n\r\n", ModelState.Values //validation failed, return errors
                                       .SelectMany(x => x.Errors)
                                       .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage));

            ViewBag.Error = "Ugyldige verdier: " + messages;

            return(PartialView("_FacebookPartial", FacebookError));
예제 #3
        // GET: Admin/Various
        /// <summary>
        ///     Index view of various, check if various database elements are actually added and then add these to the model if
        ///     they exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Various index view</returns>
        public ActionResult Index()
            var carouselObj   = new DbTables.Carousel();
            var GoogleCap     = new DbTables.GoogleCaptchaAPI();
            var GoogleCapList = _context.GoogleCaptchaAPI.ToList();

            if (GoogleCapList.Any())
                GoogleCap = GoogleCapList.First();
            var SendG        = new DbTables.SendGridAPI();
            var SendgridList = _context.SendGridAPI.ToList();

            if (SendgridList.Any())
                SendG = SendgridList.First();
            var Stripe     = new DbTables.StripeAPI();
            var StripeList = _context.StripeAPI.ToList();

            if (StripeList.Any())
                Stripe = StripeList.First();
            var Facebook     = new DbTables.Facebook();
            var FacebookList = _context.Facebook.ToList();

            if (FacebookList.Any())
                Facebook = FacebookList.First();
            var Twitter     = new DbTables.Twitter();
            var TwitterList = _context.Twitter.ToList();

            if (TwitterList.Any())
                Twitter = TwitterList.First();
            var Disqus     = new DbTables.Disqus();
            var DisqusList = _context.Disqus.ToList();

            if (DisqusList.Any())
                Disqus = DisqusList.First();
            var About     = new DbTables.Info();
            var AboutList = _context.About.ToList();

            if (AboutList.Any())
                About = AboutList.First();
            var carousel = _context.Carousel.ToList();

            if (carousel.Any())
                carouselObj = carousel.First();
            var Terms     = new DbTables.TermsOfUse();
            var TermsList = _context.TermsOfUse.ToList();

            if (TermsList.Any())
                Terms = TermsList.First();
            var Background     = new DbTables.BackgroundImage();
            var BackgroundList = _context.BackgroundImage.ToList();

            if (BackgroundList.Any())
                Background = BackgroundList.First();

            var model = new VariousModel
                GoogleCaptchaAPI = GoogleCap,
                SendGridAPI      = SendG,
                Terms            = Terms,
                Carousel         = carouselObj,
                About            = About,
                StripeAPI        = Stripe,
                Twitter          = Twitter,
                Facebook         = Facebook,
                Background       = Background,
                Disqus           = Disqus

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handles subscription payments. Creates user and subscribes to plan
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>reciept</returns>
        public ActionResult HandleSubPayment()
            var subId        = Request.Form["subId"];
            var anon         = Request.Form["anon"];
            var user         = Request.Form["user"];
            var token        = Request.Form["token"];
            var email        = Request.Form["email"];
            var phone        = Request.Form["phone"];
            var birthnumber  = Request.Form["birthnumber"];
            var name         = Request.Form["name"];
            var description  = Request.Form["description"];
            var recieptemail = ""; //email to send reciept
            var recieptname  = ""; //name on reciept

            var client = new WebClient();

            var data = new NameValueCollection();

            data["source"] = token; //the payment token with user's credidentials
            if (user == "true")
                var manager     = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(_context));
                var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                recieptemail        = currentUser.Email;
                recieptname         = currentUser.Fname + " " + currentUser.Lname;
                data["email"]       = currentUser.Email;
                data["description"] = "Bruker " + email + " i databasen: " + description;
                //set description of donation
            else if ((anon == "true") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                data["description"] = description;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                    data["email"] = email;
                    recieptemail  = email;
                recieptname         = name;
                data["description"] = "Telefon: " + phone + " - Navn: " + name + " - Fødselsnummer: " + birthnumber +
                                      " - Beskrivelse: " + description;
            client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;          //use default credidentials for API request

            var stripeList = _context.StripeAPI.ToList(); //check if stripe actually exists in the database

            byte[] response;
            if (!stripeList.Any())
                    Error = "Stripe er ikke konfigurert for applikasjonen.",
                    Succsess = "false",
                    striperesponse = "false"
                }));        //no stripe in database, return error
            if (!stripeList.First().Enabeled)
                    Error = "Stripe er avslått for applikasjonen.",
                    Succsess = "false",
                    striperesponse = "false"
                }));        //stripe disabeled
            client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_context.StripeAPI.ToList().First().Secret, "");

                response = client.UploadValues("https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers", "POST", data);
                // upload values and get response
            catch (WebException exception) //exepction happen when poisting to API
                string responseString;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(exception.Response.GetResponseStream())) //read the errorstring
                    responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                return(Json(new { Error = responseString, Success = "false", striperesponse = "true" }));
                // return responsestring as error message
            //if we get here customer was succsessfully created
            var json_serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var JsonDict        =
                (IDictionary <string, object>)json_serializer.DeserializeObject(client.Encoding.GetString(response));
            //deseroalize the response
            var customer = JsonDict["id"].ToString();     //get id of customer returned by the API

            data             = new NameValueCollection(); //now create a collection for the plan and subscribe
            data["plan"]     = subId;
            data["customer"] = customer;
                response = client.UploadValues("https://api.stripe.com/v1/subscriptions", "POST", data);
                // upload values and get response
            catch (WebException exception) //exepction happen when poisting to API
                string responseString;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(exception.Response.GetResponseStream())) //read the errorstring
                    responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                return(Json(new { Error = responseString, Success = "false", striperesponse = "true" }));
                // return responsestring as error message
            //customer successfully subscribed to plan
            JsonDict =
                (IDictionary <string, object>)json_serializer.DeserializeObject(client.Encoding.GetString(response));
            //deseroalize the response
            var subscriptionId = JsonDict["id"].ToString();

            Response.StatusCode = 200;

            var sub = _context.Subscriptions.Find(int.Parse(subId));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recieptemail)) //send reciept email if reciept email is given
                var subject = "Kvitering på donasjon";
                var message = "Takk for din støtte! \n Du har started et abonement med id " + subId + " for " +
                              sub.Amount + " kroner i måneden til Butterfly Friends. \n" + "Ditt referansenummer er " +
                              subscriptionId + ". \n\n" + "Vennlig hilsen,\nButterfly Friends.";
                var messageHTML = "<p>Takk for din støtte! <br> Du har startet et abonement med id " + subId + " for " +
                                  sub.Amount + " kroner i måneden til Butterfly Friends. <br>" +
                                  "Ditt referansenummer er: " + subscriptionId + ". <br><br>" +
                                  "Vennlig hilsen,<br>Butterfly Friends.</p>";
                if (!SendEmail(message, messageHTML, subject, recieptemail, recieptname))
                    //returns true if sending of email was succsessful
                    ViewBag.Error = "Emailkviteringen kunne ikke sendes, Sendgrid er ikke konfigurert.";

            ViewBag.Share     = "https://www." + Request.Url.Host + "/Home/Index";                    //share link for twitter
            ViewBag.ShareText = "Jeg donerer " + sub.Amount + " kr i måneden til Butterfly Friends!"; //share message

            var TwitterList = _context.Twitter.ToList();                                              //check if facebook and twitter exist
            var Twitter     = new DbTables.Twitter();

            if (TwitterList.Any())
                Twitter = TwitterList.First();
            var FacebookList = _context.Facebook.ToList();
            var Facebook     = new DbTables.Facebook();

            if (FacebookList.Any())
                Facebook = FacebookList.First();
            var subReciept = new SubReciept
                Amount      = sub.Amount,
                Id          = subId,
                referenceId = subscriptionId
            var model = new RecieptModel
                Facebook   = Facebook,
                Twitter    = Twitter,
                SubReciept = subReciept

            return(PartialView("_RecieptPartial", model)); //return reciept view
예제 #5
        public ActionResult HandlePayment()
            var amount       = int.Parse(Request.Form["amount"]);
            var anon         = Request.Form["anon"];
            var user         = Request.Form["user"];
            var token        = Request.Form["token"];
            var email        = Request.Form["email"];
            var phone        = Request.Form["phone"];
            var city         = Request.Form["city"];
            var streetadress = Request.Form["streetadress"];
            var postcode     = Request.Form["postcode"];
            var birthnumber  = Request.Form["birthnumber"];
            var name         = Request.Form["name"];
            var description  = Request.Form["description"];

            var recieptemail = "";
            var recieptname  = "";
            var donation     = new DbTables.Donations();

            if (anon == "true") //payment is anonymous
                donation = new DbTables.Donations
                    Amount      = amount,
                    Description = description,
                    anonymous   = true
            else if ((user == "true") && (User.Identity.GetUserId() != null))
            //connet donation to user as long as there is actually a logged in user
                var manager     = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(_context));
                var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                donation = new DbTables.Donations
                    Amount      = amount,
                    Description = description,
                    anonymous   = false,
                    User        = currentUser
                recieptname  = currentUser.Fname + " " + currentUser.Lname;
                recieptemail = currentUser.Email;
                donation = new DbTables.Donations //information has been given
                    Amount       = amount,
                    Email        = email,
                    Phone        = phone,
                    City         = city,
                    StreetAdress = streetadress,
                    ZipCode      = postcode,
                    BirthNumber  = birthnumber,
                    Name         = name,
                    Description  = description,
                    anonymous    = false
                recieptemail = email;
                recieptname  = name;

            // Process payment.
            var client = new WebClient();

            var data = new NameValueCollection();

            data["amount"] = (amount * 100).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            // Stripe charges are øre-based in NOK, so 100x the price.
            data["currency"]    = "nok";
            data["source"]      = token;                                          //the payment token with user's credidentials
            data["description"] = "Donasjon " + donation.Id + ": " + description; //description of donation.

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                data["receipt_email"] = email;
            else if (user == "true")
                data["receipt_email"] = donation.User.Email;
            client.UseDefaultCredentials = true;          //use default credidentials for API request

            var stripeList = _context.StripeAPI.ToList(); //check if stripe actually exists in the database

            byte[] response;
            if (!stripeList.Any())
                    Error = "Stripe er ikke konfigurert for applikasjonen.",
                    Succsess = "false",
                    striperesponse = "false"
                }));        //no stripe in database, return error
            if (!stripeList.First().Enabeled)
                    Error = "Stripe er avslått for applikasjonen.",
                    Succsess = "false",
                    striperesponse = "false"
                }));        //stripe disabeled
            client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(_context.StripeAPI.ToList().First().Secret, "");

                response = client.UploadValues("https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges", "POST", data);
                // upload values and get response
            catch (WebException exception) //exepction happen when poisting to API
                string responseString;
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(exception.Response.GetResponseStream())) //read the errorstring
                    responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                return(Json(new { Error = responseString, Success = "false", striperesponse = "true" }));
                // return responsestring as error message

            /*var json_serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
             * var JsonDict = (IDictionary<string, object>)json_serializer.DeserializeObject(client.Encoding.GetString(response));*/
            //These lines parses the respone, which is at the moment not used for anything

            // If we got this far, there were no errors, and we set the order to paid, and save.
            Response.StatusCode = 200;
            donation.isPaid     = true;              //change element to paid
            _context.SaveChanges();                  //save db
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recieptemail)) //send reciept email if reciept email is given
                var subject = "Kvitering på donasjon";
                var message = "Takk for din støtte! \n Du har donert " + amount + " kroner til Butterfly Friends. \n" +
                              "Ditt referansenummer er " + donation.Id + ". \n\n" +
                              "Vennlig hilsen,\nButterfly Friends.";
                var messageHTML = "<p>Takk for din støtte! <br> Du har donert " + amount +
                                  " kroner til Butterfly Friends. <br>" + "Ditt referansenummer er " + donation.Id +
                                  ". <br><br>" + "Vennlig hilsen,<br>Butterfly Friends.</p>";
                if (!SendEmail(message, messageHTML, subject, recieptemail, recieptname))
                    //returns true if sending of email was succsessful
                    ViewBag.Error = "Emailkviteringen kunne ikke sendes, Sendgrid er ikke konfigurert.";

            ViewBag.Share     = "https://www." + Request.Url.Host + "/Home/Index";          //share link for twitter
            ViewBag.ShareText = "Jeg har donert " + amount + " kr. til Butterfly Friends!"; //share message

            var TwitterList = _context.Twitter.ToList();                                    //check if facebook and twitter exist
            var Twitter     = new DbTables.Twitter();

            if (TwitterList.Any())
                Twitter = TwitterList.First();
            var FacebookList = _context.Facebook.ToList();
            var Facebook     = new DbTables.Facebook();

            if (FacebookList.Any())
                Facebook = FacebookList.First();

            var model = new RecieptModel
                Facebook = Facebook,
                Twitter  = Twitter,
                Donation = donation

            return(PartialView("_RecieptPartial", model)); //return reciept view