public ActionResult Index(ApplyVisa AV) { var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); string us = DbOperation.FetchPassportNumber(userId); string Visa = DbOperation.FetchVisaNumber(userId); AV.VisaNumber = Visa; AV.UserId = userId; Session["PassportNumber"] = us; if (checkForCancelVisaValidation(AV)) { return(View()); } bool successful = DbOperation.VisaCancel(AV); if (successful) { var json = DbOperation.fetchApplyVisabyUserId(userId); Session["successMsg"] = "Your request has been submitted successfully. Please pay " + json[0].CancellationCharge + " to complete the cancellation process"; return(Redirect("/CancelVisaSuccess")); } else { return(View()); } }
// GET: ReIssuePassport //[Authorize] public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.Cookies["UserName"] == null) { return(Redirect("/SignIn")); } var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); if (!DbOperation.CheckUserHaveApplyPassport(userId)) { return(Redirect("/ReissuePassportError")); } else { ApplyPassport C = new ApplyPassport(); Service1Client PVMS = new Service1Client(); Country[] D = PVMS.FetchCountries(); List <SelectListItem> CountrynewList = new List <SelectListItem>(); CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Country", Value = "-1" }); for (var i = 0; i < D.Length; i++) { CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = D[i].CountryName, Value = D[i].CountryId.ToString() }); } ViewBag.CountryDD = CountrynewList.ToList(); return(View(C)); } }
public ActionResult Index(ApplyVisa AV) { Service1Client PVMS = new Service1Client(); Country[] D = PVMS.FetchCountries(); ViewBag.CountryDD = D.ToList(); var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); AV.UserId = userId; if (checkForApplyVisaValidation(AV)) { return View(); } bool successful =DbOperation.ApplyingVisa(AV); if (successful) { var json = DbOperation.fetchApplyVisabyUserId(userId); string destination = DbOperation.fetchCountryStateCityById(json[0].CountryId); Session["successMsg"] = "Dear User your Visa request has been accepted successfully with id " + json[0].VisaNumber +" ,UserId " + username + " Destination " + destination + " Employee Occupation " + json[0].Occupation + " Date of Application " + json[0].DateOfApplication.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " Date of Issue " + json[0].DateOfIssue.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "\n Date of Expiry " + json[0].DateOfExpiry.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " Registration Cost " + json[0].RegistrationCost; return Redirect("/ApplyVisaSuccess"); } else { return View(); } }
public ActionResult Index(ApplyPassport A) { var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); ViewBag.CountryDD = null; Service1Client PVMS = new Service1Client(); Country[] D = PVMS.FetchCountries(); List <SelectListItem> CountrynewList = new List <SelectListItem>(); CountrynewList.Clear(); CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Country", Value = "-1" }); for (var i = 0; i < D.Length; i++) { CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = D[i].CountryName, Value = D[i].CountryId.ToString() }); } ViewBag.CountryDD = CountrynewList.ToList(); if (checkForApplyPassportValidation(A)) { return(View()); } int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); if (DbOperation.CheckUserHaveApplyPassport(userId)) { return(Redirect("/ApplyPassportError")); } else { A.UserId = userId; bool successful = DbOperation.ApplyPassportNew(A); if (successful) { var json = DbOperation.fetchApplyPassportbyUserId(userId); Session["PassportNumber"] = json[0].PassportNumber; Session["Amount"] = json[0].Amount; Session["successMsg"] = "<b>Need the passport number while giving payment? Please note down your Id \n </b> \n" + json[0].PassportNumber + ".Passport application cost is Rs." + json[0].Amount; return(Redirect("/ApplyPassportSuccess")); } else { return(View()); } } }
public ActionResult Index(User U) { var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); TempData["HintQuestion"] = DbOperation.FetchHintQuestionByUserName(username); U.UserId = username; if (DbOperation.Authenticity(U)) { return(Redirect("/VisaCancellation")); } else { TempData["Msg"] = "Answer does not Match.Please Try Again"; return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Index(ApplyPassport A) { var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); ViewBag.CountryDD = null; Service1Client PVMS = new Service1Client(); Country[] D = PVMS.FetchCountries(); List <SelectListItem> CountrynewList = new List <SelectListItem>(); CountrynewList.Clear(); CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "Select Country", Value = "-1" }); for (var i = 0; i < D.Length; i++) { CountrynewList.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = D[i].CountryName, Value = D[i].CountryId.ToString() }); } ViewBag.CountryDD = CountrynewList.ToList(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); A.UserId = userId; if (checkForReissuePassportValidation(A)) { return(View()); } bool successful = DbOperation.ReissuePassport(A); if (successful) { var json = DbOperation.fetchApplyPassportbyUserId(userId); Session["PassportNumber"] = json[0].PassportNumber; Session["Amount"] = json[0].Amount; Session["successMsg"] = "<b>Passport re issue is successfully done.</b>\n Amount to be paid is Rs." + json[0].Amount + " Passport issue date is " + json[0].IssueDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " and expiry date is " + json[0].ExpiryDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); return(Redirect("/ReIssuePassportSuccess")); } else { return(View()); } }
// GET: VisaCancellation //[Authorize] public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.Cookies["UserName"] == null) { return(Redirect("/SignIn")); } var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); if (!DbOperation.CheckUserHaveApplyVisa(userId)) { return(Redirect("/CancelVisaError")); } else { Session["PassportNumber"] = DbOperation.FetchPassportNumber(userId); Session["VisaNumber"] = DbOperation.FetchVisaNumber(userId); ApplyVisa AV = new ApplyVisa(); return(View(AV)); } }
// GET: ApplyVisa //[Authorize] public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.Cookies["UserName"] == null) { return Redirect("/SignIn"); } var username = Request.Cookies["UserName"].Value.ToString(); int userId = DbOperation.FetchIdByUserName(username); if (!DbOperation.CheckUserHaveApplyPassport(userId)) { return Redirect("/ApplyVisaError"); } else { ApplyVisa V = new ApplyVisa(); Service1Client PVMS = new Service1Client(); Country[] D = PVMS.FetchCountries(); ViewBag.CountryDD = D.ToList(); return View(V); } }