예제 #1
        protected override void HandleVoltronSessionResponse(IAriesSession session, object message)
            var rawSession = (AriesSession)session;
            var packet     = message as RequestClientSessionResponse;

            if (message != null)
                DbLotServerTicket ticket = null;

                using (var da = DAFactory.Get())
                    ticket = da.Lots.GetLotServerTicket(packet.Password);
                    if (ticket != null)
                        //TODO: Check if its expired

                    if (ticket != null)
                        uint location = 0;
                        if ((ticket.lot_id & 0x40000000) > 0)
                            location = (uint)ticket.lot_id;
                            location = da.Lots.Get(ticket.lot_id).location;

                        //We need to claim a lock for the avatar, if we can't do that we cant let them join
                        var didClaim = da.AvatarClaims.Claim(ticket.avatar_claim_id, ticket.avatar_claim_owner, Config.Call_Sign, location);
                        if (!didClaim)

                        //Time to upgrade to a voltron session
                        var newSession = Sessions.UpgradeSession <VoltronSession>(rawSession, x =>
                            x.UserId          = ticket.user_id;
                            x.AvatarId        = ticket.avatar_id;
                            x.IsAuthenticated = true;
                            x.AvatarClaimId   = ticket.avatar_claim_id;

                        newSession.SetAttribute("cityCallSign", ticket.avatar_claim_owner);

                        //Try and join the lot, no reason to keep this connection alive if you can't get in
                        if (!Lots.TryJoin(ticket.lot_id, newSession))
                            using (var db = DAFactory.Get())
                                //return claim to the city we got it from.
                                db.AvatarClaims.Claim(newSession.AvatarClaimId, Config.Call_Sign, (string)newSession.GetAttribute("cityCallSign"), 0);

            //Failed authentication
예제 #2
        public async void Handle(IVoltronSession session, FindLotRequest packet)
            if (session.IsAnonymous) //CAS users can't do this.

                //special modes at 0x200-0x1000
                //0x200: join my job lot
                //0x201-0x2FF: create job lot of type/lotgroup (client CANNOT join on demand.)
                //   0x01-0x10: Robot Factory
                //   0x11-0x20: Restaurant
                //   0x21-0x30: DJ/Dancer
                //0x300+: instanced lots (client CAN join on demand, and appear in data service)

                //note: lotgroup is not the same as a grade. eg. restaurant grade 5+6 share a lot. (zero based grade)
                //nightclub 7-10 share a lot group. (two lots, one chosen randomly)

                if (packet.LotId >= 0x200 && packet.LotId < 0x300)
                    //join my job lot.
                    //look up our avatar's current job and attempt to match them to a job lot with <max players, or a new one.

                    using (var db = DAFactory.Get)
                        var job = db.Avatars.GetCurrentJobLevel(session.AvatarId);
                        if (job == null)
                            session.Write(new FindLotResponse
                                Status = Protocol.Electron.Model.FindLotResponseStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR,
                                LotId  = packet.LotId
                        //ok, choose the correct type/lotgroup combo
                        var type = job.job_type;
                        //if (type > 2) type--; //cook and waiter share job lot
                        //if (type > 3) type--; //dj and dancer share job lot
                        packet.LotId = (uint)(0x201 + (type - 1) * 0x10 + job.job_level);

                var find = await Lots.TryFindOrOpen(packet.LotId, session.AvatarId, session); //null reference exception possible here

                if (find.Status == Protocol.Electron.Model.FindLotResponseStatus.FOUND)
                    DbLotServerTicket ticket = null;

                    using (var db = DAFactory.Get)
                        //I need a shard ticket so I can connect to the lot server and assume the correct avatar
                        ticket = new DbLotServerTicket
                            ticket_id          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""),
                            user_id            = session.UserId,
                            avatar_id          = session.AvatarId,
                            lot_owner          = find.Server.CallSign,
                            date               = Epoch.Now,
                            ip                 = session.IpAddress,
                            lot_id             = find.LotDbId,
                            avatar_claim_id    = session.AvatarClaimId,
                            avatar_claim_owner = Context.Config.Call_Sign


                    session.Write(new FindLotResponse
                        Status          = find.Status,
                        LotId           = find.LotId, //can be modified by job matchmaker
                        LotServerTicket = ticket.ticket_id,
                        Address         = find.Server.PublicHost,
                        User            = session.UserId.ToString()
                    session.Write(new FindLotResponse
                        Status = find.Status,
                        LotId  = packet.LotId
            } catch (Exception e)