private bool Insert(Client client) { try { client.Logo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.Logo)? "" : client.Logo; var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select oid from dsto_client where guid='{0}'", client.Key); var oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); string query = string.Empty; var exists = oid != null; if (!exists) { query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_client ([guid],created_by,[Name],[Email],[Logo],[Contact],[Location],[yref_package]) values('{client.Key}','Admin','{client.Name}','{client.Email}','{client.Logo}','{client.Contact}','{client.Location}','{client.Package.Key}')"; } else { query = $"UPDATE dsto_client SET Name='{client.Name}', " + $"Email='{client.Email}', " + $"Contact='{client.Contact}', " + $"Location='{client.Location}', " + $"Logo='{client.Logo}', " + $"[Deleted]='{client.Deleted}', " + $"yref_package='{client.Package.Key}' " + $"WHERE oid='{client.OID}'"; } var added = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > 0; if (added) { oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); client.OID = (int)oid; if (!exists) { Billing billing = new Billing(); billing.Package = client.Package; billing.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Pending; billing.Client = client; billing.Bill = client.Package.Price.ToString(); billing.BillingDate = DateTime.Now; billing.InvoiceNo = "XYZ"; new BillingProvider(DbInfo).Save(billing); } foreach (var user in client.Users) { user.ClientId = client.OID.ToString(); new UserProvider(DbInfo).AddOrUpdateUser(user); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
internal bool Save(Category category) { try { var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); var missing = Exists(category) == false; if (missing) { string query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_questionaireXcategory ([guid],created_by,[yref_questionaire],[yref_category]) values('{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}','Admin','{category.QuestionaireId}','{category.Key}')"; return(DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > 0); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool AddConfigurationUser(User user) { try { var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = $"select dsto_user.* from dsto_user inner join dsto_configurationuser on dsto_user.OID = dsto_configurationuser.yref_user where dsto_configurationuser.yref_configuration='{user.ConfigurationId}' and dsto_configurationuser.yref_user='******'"; var oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); string Query = string.Empty; if (oid == null) { Query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_configurationuser([yref_user],[yref_configuration]) values('{user.OID}','{user.ConfigurationId}')"; } else { Query = $"UPDATE dsto_configurationuser SET [Deleted]='{user.Deleted}' where [yref_user]='{user.OID}' and [yref_configuration]='{user.ConfigurationId}'"; } if (DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(Query) > -1) { if (oid == null) { var innerHtml = " <h5> Hello " + user.Firstname + ",</h5>" + " <p>" + "Your account has been added to a configuration, you're now eligible to access our mobile application" + "</p>" + " <h5 style='margin-top: 85px;'> Best Regards,</h5>" + " <span> DCAnalytics Team </span>"; MailService.SendMail(user.Email, true, "Configuration Registration", innerHtml); } foreach (UserRight userRight in user.UserRights) { userRight.Configuration = new Configuration(); userRight.Configuration.OID = int.Parse(user.ConfigurationId); userRight.UserId = user.OID; new UserRightProvider(DbInfo).Save(userRight); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(true); }
private bool Insert(Region region) { try { var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select oid from dsto_region where guid='{0}'", region.Key); var oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); string query = string.Empty; var exists = oid != null; if (!exists) { query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_region ([guid],created_by,[Name],[Prefix], [yref_questionaire]) values('{region.Key}','Admin','{region.Name}','{region.Prefix}', '{region.yref_questionaire}')"; } else { query = $"UPDATE dsto_region SET Name='{region.Name}', " + $"Prefix='{region.Prefix}' " + $"Deleted='{region.Deleted}' " + $"WHERE oid='{region.OID}'"; } var added = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > 0; if (added) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool AddOrUpdateUser(User user) { try { var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select guid from dsto_User where email='{0}'", user.Email); var guid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); string query = string.Empty; if (guid == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.ClientId)) { query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_User([guid],firstname,lastname,username,email,isadmin,password,client_id,userType) values('{user.Key}','','','','{user.Email}','{user.IsAdmin}','','{user.ClientId}','{(int)user.UserType}')"; } else { query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_User([guid],firstname,lastname,username,email,isadmin,password,userType) values('{user.Key}','','','','{user.Email}','{user.IsAdmin}','','{(int)user.UserType}')"; } } else { query = $"UPDATE dsto_User set firstname='{user.Firstname}', " + $"lastname='{user.Lastname}', username='******', password='******', [Deleted]='{user.Deleted}', usercode = '{user.Usercode}', enabled = '{user.Enabled}' where guid='{guid}'"; } if (DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > -1) { cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select OID from dsto_User where email='{0}'", user.Email); var oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); if (guid == null) { var innerHtml = ""; if (user.IsAdmin) { innerHtml = " <h1 style='text-align: center;color: #299def;'>Welcome aboard</h1>" + " <h5> Hello " + user.Firstname + " " + user.Lastname + ",</h5>" + " <p>We’re excited you're joining us! You have been invited by DCAnalytics as a System Admin or owner of the account.<p>" + " <p>" + "Please click on the link below to complete your account registration" + "</p>" + " <a href='" + $"{oid}" + "'> Click here to proceed </a>" + " <h5 style='margin-top: 85px;'> Best Regards,</h5>" + " <span> DCAnalytics Team </span>"; } else { innerHtml = " <h5> Hello " + user.Firstname + " " + user.Lastname + ",</h5>" + " <p>" + "Please click on the link below to complete your account registration" + "</p>" + " <a href='" + $"{oid}" + "'> Click here to proceed </a>" + " <h5 style='margin-top: 85px;'> Best Regards,</h5>" + " <span> DCAnalytics Team </span>"; } MailService.SendMail(user.Email, true, "Account Registration", innerHtml); } foreach (UserRight userRight in user.UserRights) { new UserRightProvider(DbInfo).Save(userRight); } return(true); } return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }