예제 #1
    protected void btn_create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int    fac = 185;
        string j1  = objFunc.Get_details("select count(*) from papers where f_id='" + fac + "' and area_of_intrst='" + ddl_aoi.SelectedValue + "'");
        int    i1  = Convert.ToInt32(j1);

        if (i1 == 0)
            int i = objFunc.ExecuteDML("insert into papers(f_id,area_of_intrst) values('" + fac + "','" + ddl_aoi.SelectedValue + "')");
            if (i == 1)
                objFunc.MsgBox("Record Added Sucessfully...", this);
                grd_quiz.Visible = true;
예제 #2
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        for (int i = 0; i < Gvresult.Rows.Count; i++)
            CheckBox chkrslt = (CheckBox)Gvresult.Rows[i].FindControl("ChkResult");
            string   check;
            string   dtky = Gvresult.DataKeys[i].Value.ToString();

            if (chkrslt.Checked == true)
                check = "Yes";
                string sql = "INSERT INTO resultrecord(Course,Specialisation,Trimester,InstituteID,Session,UserEntryID,UserEntryDate,SubjectId,ResultStatus) VALUES('" + ddlCourse.SelectedValue + "','" + ddlspl.SelectedValue + "','" + ddltremester.SelectedValue + "','" + Session["instID"].ToString() + "','" + Session["sesnID"].ToString() + "','" + Session["UID"].ToString() + "','" + DateTime.Now + "','" + dtky + "','" + check + "');";
                objfun.ExecuteDML("Select Subject_Mast.SubjectName+' ('+Subject_Mast.SubjectCode+')' as Subject FROM  iESEresult INNER JOIN Subject_Mast ON iESEresult.SubjectId = Subject_Mast.SubjectID WHERE iESEresult.SubjectId=dtky  ");
        DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();

        dt1 = objfun.FillDataTable("SELECT DISTINCT iESEresult.SubjectId, Subject_Mast.SubjectName+' ('+Subject_Mast.SubjectCode+')' as Subject FROM  iESEresult INNER JOIN Subject_Mast ON iESEresult.SubjectId = Subject_Mast.SubjectID WHERE(iESEresult.courseId = '" + ddlCourse.SelectedValue + "') AND (iESEresult.yearId = '" + ddltremester.SelectedValue + "') AND (iESEresult.SpecializationId='" + ddlspl.SelectedValue + "') AND (iESEresult.InstituteID = '" + Session["instID"].ToString() + "') AND (iESEresult.sessionId= '" + Session["sesnID"].ToString() + "') AND iESEresult.SubjectId NOT IN (Select SubjectId from resultrecord)");
        if (dt1.Rows.Count == 0)
            Gvresult.Visible  = false;
            imgnodata.Visible = true;
        if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
            Gvresult.Visible  = true;
            imgnodata.Visible = false;

        if (Gvresult.Rows.Count != 0)
예제 #3
    public int insertApply_detls(int aply, int J_Idd)
        string  st_name = "";
        int     branch  = 0;
        int     course  = 0;
        string  batch   = "";
        int     sem     = 0;
        int     comp_id = 0;
        int     job_id  = 0;
        decimal ctOff   = 0;
        int     Jbak    = 0;
        int     Jgap    = 0;
        int     Jcoff   = 0;
        string  status  = "";
        int     Mmarks  = 0;
        decimal Obt     = 0.0m;

        int       bak        = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select COUNT(StudentID) from ibackpaperDetails where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + ""));
        int       gap        = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select SUM(Gap) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + ""));
        DataTable dt         = objFunc.FillDataTable("select top 1 * from student_por_view where studentid=" + Application["uid"] + "");
        DataTable dt1        = objFunc.FillDataTable("select * from Stud_Aply_Cid_View where comp_id=" + Convert.ToInt32(aply) + " and job_id=" + J_Idd + "");
        int       checkExist = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select count(*) from iESEresult where studentId=" + Application["uid"] + ""));

        if (checkExist != 0)
            DataTable dt2 = objFunc.FillDataTable("select SUM(isnull(MaxMrks,0)) as MaxMrks,SUM(isnull(MarksObtain,0)) as MarksObtain from iESEresult where studentId=" + Application["uid"] + "");
            if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < dt2.Rows.Count; k++)
                    string de = dt2.Rows[k]["MarksObtain"].ToString();
                    Mmarks = Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[k]["MaxMrks"].ToString());
                    Obt    = Convert.ToDecimal(de);
                ctOff = (Obt * 100) / Mmarks;
            ctOff = 0.00M;
        DataTable DTmrk = objFunc.FillDataTable("select * from Job_Qualification_percentage where Job_id=" + J_Idd + "");

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                st_name = dt.Rows[i]["StudentName"].ToString();
                branch  = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["Specialization"].ToString());
                course  = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["CourseID"].ToString());
                batch   = dt.Rows[i]["Batch"].ToString();
                sem     = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["SemesterID"].ToString());

        //=================================================Job DEtail
        decimal J_Hig_S  = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select (isnull(Cut_off,0)) from Job_Qualification_percentage where Job_id=" + J_Idd + " and Qualification_id='1'"));
        decimal J_InterM = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select (isnull(Cut_off,0))from Job_Qualification_percentage where Job_id=" + J_Idd + " and Qualification_id='2'"));
        decimal J_UG     = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select (isnull(Cut_off,0)) from Job_Qualification_percentage where Job_id=" + J_Idd + " and Qualification_id='3'"));
        decimal J_PG     = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select (isnull(Cut_off,0)) from Job_Qualification_percentage where Job_id=" + J_Idd + " and Qualification_id='4'"));
        int     count_S_High   = 0;
        int     count_S_InterM = 0;
        int     Count_S_UG     = 0;
        decimal S_High         = 0.0M;
        decimal S_InterM       = 0.0M;
        decimal S_UG           = 0.0M;

        count_S_High = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select count(*) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='1'"));
        if (count_S_High > 0)
            S_High = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select isnull(RankPercentage,0) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='1'"));

        count_S_InterM = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select count(*) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='2'"));
        if (count_S_InterM > 0)
            S_InterM = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select isnull(RankPercentage,0) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='2'"));

        string nature = objFunc.Get_details("select CourseNature from course where CourseId=" + course + "");

        if (nature == "PG")
            Count_S_UG = Convert.ToInt32(objFunc.Get_details("select count(*) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='3'"));
            if (Count_S_UG > 0)
                S_UG = Convert.ToDecimal(objFunc.Get_details("select isnull(RankPercentage,0) from StudentAcademicDetail where StudentID=" + Application["uid"] + " and QualificationID='3'"));
            S_UG = ctOff;
        decimal S_PG = ctOff;


        if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int j = 0; j < dt1.Rows.Count; j++)
                comp_id = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[j]["Comp_ID"].ToString());
                job_id  = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[j]["job_id"].ToString());
                Jbak    = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[j]["b_log"].ToString());
                Jgap    = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[j]["e_gap"].ToString());
                //Jcoff = Convert.ToInt32(dt1.Rows[j]["cutt_off"].ToString());
        if (nature == "PG")
            if (Jbak >= bak && Jgap >= gap && J_Hig_S <= S_High && J_InterM <= S_InterM && J_UG <= S_UG && J_PG <= S_PG)
                status = "Applied";
                status = "Waiting";
            if (Jbak >= bak && Jgap >= gap && J_Hig_S <= S_High && J_InterM <= S_InterM && J_UG <= S_UG)
                status = "Applied";
                status = "Waiting";

        string sjd   = "insert into stud_applydetails (job_id, comp_id, stud_id, stud_name, branch_id, batch, Sem_ID, course_id, cut_off, backlog, status, edu_gap, session_id, inst_id) values (" + job_id + ", " + comp_id + "," + Application["uid"] + ", '" + st_name + "'," + branch + ",'" + batch + "'," + sem + "," + course + "," + ctOff + ", " + bak + ", '" + status + "'," + gap + ",'" + Application["sesnID"] + "'," + Application["instID"] + ")";
        int    value = objFunc.ExecuteDML(sjd);
