public DataTable showVoteAll() { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(table); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlDataAdapter sample = new SqlDataAdapter(helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spCountVoteAll", spParams)); // Step 6. Execute the command sample.Fill(table); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(table); }
public void deleteCandidate(string id) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spDeleteCandidate", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return; }
public int totalCandidate() { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(0); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spTotalCandidate", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. int total = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(total); }
public int getSectionPopulation(int id) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(0); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@section_id", id) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spShowTotalStudent", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. int index = Int32.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(index); }
public string viewDescription(int id) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(""); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@violation_num", id) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spShowDescription", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. string desc = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(desc); }
public void studentAddRecord(string stud_id, string violation_num) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", stud_id), new SqlParameter("@violation_num", violation_num) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spStudentAddRecord", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return; }
public int getNewRecord() { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(0); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spGetNewRecord", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. int violation_num = Int32.Parse(cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString()); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(violation_num); }
public DataTable showStudentSection(string section_name) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(table); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@section_name", section_name) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spSelectSection", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. table.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader()); helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(table); }
public int addStudent(string id, string fname, string mname, string lname, string postal, string stname, string building, string city, string contact, string year, string date, char gender) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(0); } if (validSubmit(id, fname, mname, lname, postal, stname, building, city, contact, year) != true) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the black"); return(0); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id), new SqlParameter("@fname", fname), new SqlParameter("@mname", mname), new SqlParameter("@lname", lname), new SqlParameter("@postalcode", Int32.Parse(postal)), new SqlParameter("@stName", stname), new SqlParameter("@building_num", building), new SqlParameter("@city", city), new SqlParameter("@year_level", Int32.Parse(year)), new SqlParameter("@contact_num", contact), new SqlParameter("@gender", gender), new SqlParameter("@bdate", date) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spAddStudent", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("This " + id + " Student ID is already existing"); return(0); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(1); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidSubmit() != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill the empty textbox"); return; } // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", txtID.Text), new SqlParameter("@postalcode", txtpostal.Text), new SqlParameter("@stName", txtstname.Text), new SqlParameter("@building_num", txtBuilding.Text), new SqlParameter("@city", txtcity.Text), new SqlParameter("@year_level", Int32.Parse(cmbYearLevel.Text)), new SqlParameter("@contact_num", txtContact.Text) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spUpdateStudent", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); helper.CloseConnection(conn); MessageBox.Show("Student Information has been updated successfully"); }
public int addCandidate(string id, int pos_id, string path) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(1); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParam = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id), new SqlParameter("@pos_id", pos_id), new SqlParameter("@imagepath", path) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spAddCandidate", spParam); // Step 6. Execute the command. try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("This student is already on the list of candidate" + id); return(1); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(0); }
public int countRecord(string id) { int recordCount; // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(0); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id), }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spCountRecord", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. try { recordCount = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured when trying to update"); return(0); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(recordCount); }
public void updateStudentRoom(string id, int index) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id), new SqlParameter("@section_id", index) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spUpdateRoomAssign", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured when trying to update"); return; } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return; }
public bool insertStudentToRoom(string id, int section_id) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(false); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id), new SqlParameter("@section_id", section_id) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spInsertStudentRoom", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command. try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("This student is already assign in room"); return(true); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(false); }
public void addRoom(string section_name) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@section_name", section_name) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlCommand cmd = helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spAddSection", spParams); // Step 6. Execute the command try { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("This section name already existing"); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return; }
public void fillSearchBoxCandidate2(TextBox text) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlDataAdapter sample = new SqlDataAdapter(helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spShowCandidateID2", spParams)); // Step 6. Execute the command. DataTable table = new DataTable(); sample.Fill(table); AutoCompleteStringCollection col = new AutoCompleteStringCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { col.Add(table.Rows[i]["stud_id"].ToString()); } text.AutoCompleteCustomSource = col; helper.CloseConnection(conn); }
public void showPosition(ComboBox cmbPosition) { // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return; } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlDataAdapter sample = new SqlDataAdapter(helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spShowPosition", spParams)); // Step 6. Execute the command. DataTable table = new DataTable(); sample.Fill(table); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { cmbPosition.Items.Add(table.Rows[i]["pos_name"]); } helper.CloseConnection(conn); }
public DataTable selectCandidate(string id) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); // Step 1. Creates an instance of DbConnHelper DbConnHelpe helper = new DbConnHelpe(); // Step 2. Open a connection SqlConnection conn = helper.OpenConnection(); // Step 3. Check the state of the connection. if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed!"); return(table); } // NOTE: From this point onwards we are sure that we are connected to the DB. // Step 4. Prepare parameters. var spParams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@stud_id", id) }; // Step 5. Create a command. SqlDataAdapter sample = new SqlDataAdapter(helper.CreateCommand(conn, "spSelectCandidate", spParams)); // Step 6. Execute the command try { sample.Fill(table); } catch (Exception) { } helper.CloseConnection(conn); return(table); }