예제 #1
        public void test_InsertUpdateDelete_Speed()
            var cmdGenerator = new DbCommandGenerator(new NI.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDalcFactory());
            var ds           = new DataSet();
            var t            = ds.Tables.Add("users");

            t.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
            t.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            t.Columns.Add("userpic", typeof(string));
            t.Columns.Add("create_date", typeof(DateTime));
            t.Columns.Add("update_date", typeof(DateTime));
            t.Columns.Add("age", typeof(int));
            t.PrimaryKey = new[] { t.Columns["id"] };

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            int iterations = 0;

            while (iterations < 500)

                cmdGenerator.ComposeAdapterUpdateCommands(new System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter(), t);

            Console.WriteLine("Speedtest for DbCommandGenerator Update commands ({1} times): {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed, iterations);
예제 #2
        public void test_Parse()
            RelExParser relExParser = new RelExParser();
            // generate SQL by query
            SqlClientDalcFactory factory      = new SqlClientDalcFactory();
            DbCommandGenerator   cmdGenerator = new DbCommandGenerator(factory);

            for (int i = 0; i < oldRelExSamples.Length; i++)
                string     relEx = oldRelExSamples[i];
                Query      q     = relExParser.Parse(relEx);
                IDbCommand cmd   = cmdGenerator.ComposeSelect(q);

                Assert.AreEqual(oldRelExCommandTexts[i], cmd.CommandText, "Parse failed: " + i.ToString());

            for (int i = 0; i < relExSamples.Length; i++)
                string     relEx = relExSamples[i];
                Query      q     = relExParser.Parse(relEx);
                IDbCommand cmd   = cmdGenerator.ComposeSelect(q);

                Assert.AreEqual(relExCommandTexts[i], cmd.CommandText, "Parse failed: " + i.ToString());

            // test for named nodes
            string relexWithNamedNodes = @"users( (<idGroup> id=null and id!=null) and (<ageGroup> age>5 or age<2) and (<emptyGroup>) )[count(*)]";
            Query  qWithGroups         = relExParser.Parse(relexWithNamedNodes);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, FindNodeByName(qWithGroups.Condition, "idGroup"), "named group not found");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, FindNodeByName(qWithGroups.Condition, "ageGroup"), "named group not found");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, FindNodeByName(qWithGroups.Condition, "emptyGroup"), "named group not found");

            // just a parse test for real complex relex
            string sss = "sourcename( ( ((\"False\"=\"True\") or (\"False\"=\"True\")) and \"contact-of\" in agent_to_agent_role( left_uid in agent_accounts(agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id] and (right_uid=agent_institutions.id) )[role_uid] ) or ( ((agent_institutions.id in events( events.id in event_assignments( person_id in agent_accounts (agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id] )[event_id] )[client_institution_id]) or (agent_institutions.id in events( events.id in event_assignments( person_id in agent_accounts (agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id] )[event_id] )[supplier_institution_id])) and (\"False\"=\"True\") ) or ( (agent_institutions.id in agent_to_agent_role( (left_uid in agent_to_agent_role( left_uid in agent_accounts(agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id] and role_uid='contact-of' )[right_uid]) and role_uid='supplier-of')[right_uid] ) or (agent_institutions.id in events( events.supplier_institution_id in agent_to_agent_role( (agent_to_agent_role.role_uid='contact-of') and (agent_to_agent_role.left_uid in agent_accounts(agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id]) )[agent_to_agent_role.right_uid] )[events.client_institution_id]) or (agent_institutions.id in events( events.client_institution_id in agent_to_agent_role( (agent_to_agent_role.role_uid='contact-of') and (agent_to_agent_role.left_uid in agent_accounts(agent_accounts.id=\"\")[agent_id]) )[agent_to_agent_role.right_uid] )[events.supplier_institution_id]) ) or (\"False\"=\"True\") or ( (\"False\"=\"True\") and (agent_institutions.id in agent_to_agent_role( role_uid='supplier-of' and right_uid = \"\" )[left_uid]) ) or (\"False\"=\"True\") )[*]";


            var complexSortAndFields = "users.u( u.id=1 )[\"name+','\";id asc,id desc,\"sum(id)\"]";
            var complexQ             = relExParser.Parse(complexSortAndFields);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, complexQ.Fields.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, complexQ.Sort.Length);

            Assert.Catch <RelExParseException>(() => {
예제 #3
        public void test_Select_Speed()
            var cmdGenerator = new DbCommandGenerator(new NI.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDalcFactory());

            Query q = new Query("test");

            q.Condition = createTestQuery();
            q.Fields    = new QField[] { "name", "age" };

            // SELECT TEST
            var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                IDbCommand cmd = cmdGenerator.ComposeSelect(q);

            Console.WriteLine("Speedtest for select command generation (10000 times): {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
예제 #4
        public void test_CommandGenerator()
            SqlClientDalcFactory factory      = new SqlClientDalcFactory();
            DbCommandGenerator   cmdGenerator = new DbCommandGenerator(factory);

            Query q = new Query(new QTable("test", "t"));

            q.Condition = createTestQuery();
            q.Fields    = new QField[] { "name", "t.age", new QField("age_months", "t.age*12") };

            // SELECT TEST with prefixes and expressions
            IDbCommand cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeSelect(q);
            string     masterSQL = "SELECT name,(t.age) as age,(t.age*12) as age_months FROM test t WHERE (((name LIKE @p0) Or (NOT(age>=@p1))) And ((weight=@p2) And (type IN (@p3,@p4)))) Or ((name<>@p5) And (type IS NOT NULL))";

            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.CommandText, masterSQL, "Select command generation failed");

            cmd = cmdGenerator.ComposeSelect(
                new Query("accounts.a",
                          new QueryConditionNode((QField)"a.id", Conditions.In,
                                                 new Query("dbo.accounts.b", (QField)"a.id" != (QField)"b.id"))));
            masterSQL = "SELECT * FROM accounts a WHERE a.id IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.accounts b WHERE a.id<>b.id)";
            Assert.AreEqual(masterSQL, cmd.CommandText);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds.Tables["test"].Columns.Add("name", typeof(string)).DefaultValue = "name";
            ds.Tables["test"].Columns.Add("age", typeof(int));
            ds.Tables["test"].Columns.Add("weight", typeof(double));
            ds.Tables["test"].Columns.Add("type", typeof(string));
            ds.Tables["test"].PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { ds.Tables["test"].Columns["name"] };

            // INSERT TEST
            cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeInsert(ds.Tables["test"]);
            masterSQL = "INSERT INTO test (name,age,weight,type) VALUES (@p0,@p1,@p2,@p3)";

            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.CommandText, masterSQL, "Insert command generation failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.Parameters.Count, 4, "Insert command generation failed");

            // UPDATE TEST
            cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeUpdate(ds.Tables["test"]);
            masterSQL = "UPDATE test SET name=@p0,age=@p1,weight=@p2,type=@p3 WHERE name=@p4";

            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.CommandText, masterSQL, "Update command generation failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.Parameters.Count, 5, "Update command generation failed");

            // UPDATE TEST (by query)
            var changes = new Dictionary <string, IQueryValue>()
                { "age", (QConst)21 }, { "name", (QConst)"Alexandra" }

            cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeUpdate(new Query("test", (QField)"id" == (QConst)1), changes);
            masterSQL = "UPDATE test SET age=@p0,name=@p1 WHERE id=@p2";

            Assert.AreEqual(masterSQL, cmd.CommandText, "Update command generation failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, cmd.Parameters.Count, "Update command generation failed");

            // DELETE TEST
            cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeDelete(ds.Tables["test"]);
            masterSQL = "DELETE FROM test WHERE name=@p0";

            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.CommandText, masterSQL, "Delete command generation failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.Parameters.Count, 1, "Delete command generation failed");

            // DELETE BY QUERY TEST
            cmd       = cmdGenerator.ComposeDelete(new Query("test", (QField)"id" == (QConst)5));
            masterSQL = "DELETE FROM test WHERE id=@p0";

            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.CommandText, masterSQL, "Delete command (by query) generation failed");
            Assert.AreEqual(cmd.Parameters.Count, 1, "Delete command (by query) generation failed");