public ActionResult DeletePost(int id) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { return(View(db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == id).FirstOrDefault())); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(string EmailID) { //Verify the emailid //Generate Reset Password Link //Send Email string message = ""; bool status = false; using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var account = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(x => == EmailID).FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) { //Send email for reset password string resetCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); SendVerificationLinkEmail(, resetCode, "ResetPassword"); account.ResetPasswordCode = resetCode; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.SaveChanges(); message = "Reset Password Link has been sent to your Email ID"; } else { message = "Account Not Found"; } } ViewBag.Message = message; return(View()); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(ResetPasswordModel model) { var message = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var user = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(x => x.ResetPasswordCode == model.ResetCode).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { user.password = Crypto.Hash(model.NewPassword); user.ResetPasswordCode = ""; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; db.SaveChanges(); message = "New password updated successfully"; } } } else { message = "Something invalid"; } ViewBag.Message = message; return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult ManageUser() { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { string userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); List <Post_Table> article = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.userid.Equals(userid) && x.category == true).ToList(); List <Post_Table> blog = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.userid.Equals(userid) && x.category == false).ToList(); if (article.Count > 0) { ViewData["Articles"] = article; } else { ViewData["Articles"] = null; ViewBag.ArticleMessage = "No articles published "; } if (blog.Count > 0) { ViewData["Blogs"] = blog; } else { ViewData["Blogs"] = null; ViewBag.BlogMessage = "No blogs posted "; } return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Details(int id, Article article, Rate rate) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { Post_Table post = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (post.comments != null) { article.comments = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Comment> >(post.comments); } Rate.rateList.Clear(); if (post.rating != null) { Rate.rateList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Rate> >(post.rating); rate.rating = Rate.getUserRating(Rate.rateList, Session["userid"].ToString()); if (rate.rating != 0) { rate.userId = Session["userid"].ToString(); } } ViewData["Article"] = post; ViewData["Comments"] = article; ViewData["Rate"] = rate; ViewData["AverageRating"] = Rate.calculateAverageRating(Rate.rateList); return(View("../Post/ResultView")); } }
public ActionResult Create() { DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity(); List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); return(View()); }
public bool IsEmailExist(string emailid) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var v = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(a => == emailid).FirstOrDefault(); return(v != null); } }
public ActionResult Create(Post_Table post, Article article) { try { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; List <Technology_Table> TechnologyList = db.Technology_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.TechnologyList = new SelectList(TechnologyList, "tid", "technology"); //Get the Domain ID int did = Convert.ToInt32(article.Post.domain); //Get the Technology ID int tid = Convert.ToInt32(; //Convert the Domain ID to Domain Name var d = db.Domain_Table.Where(x => x.did == did).FirstOrDefault(); post.domain = d.domain; //Convert the Technology ID to Technology Name var t = db.Technology_Table.Where(x => x.tid == tid).FirstOrDefault(); =; //Check for same title int count = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.title == article.Post.title && x.category == true).Count(); if (count > 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please modify the TITLE, Article found with same TITLE"; return(View(article)); } else { post.title = article.Post.title; post.tags = article.Post.tags; post.content_ = article.Post.content_; = DateTime.Now; post.category = true; post.userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); ViewData["Article"] = post; db.Post_Table.Add(post); db.SaveChanges(); return(View("ResultView")); } } } catch { return(View()); } }
public JsonResult GetTechList(int did) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; List <Technology_Table> TechList = db.Technology_Table.Where(x => x.did == did).ToList(); return(Json(TechList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult EditPost(int id) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); List <Technology_Table> TechnologyList = db.Technology_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.TechnologyList = new SelectList(TechnologyList, "tid", "technology"); Post_Table post = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == id).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(post)); } }
public ActionResult EditPost(int id, Post_Table post) { StreamWriter stream = null; try { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; List <Technology_Table> TechnologyList = db.Technology_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.TechnologyList = new SelectList(TechnologyList, "tid", "technology"); //Get all the values of article/blog var postvalues = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == id).FirstOrDefault(); //set all the values post.postid = postvalues.postid; =; post.category = postvalues.category; post.userid = postvalues.userid; int did = Convert.ToInt32(post.domain); int tid = Convert.ToInt32(; var d = db.Domain_Table.Where(x => x.did == did).FirstOrDefault(); post.domain = d.domain; var t = db.Technology_Table.Where(x => x.tid == tid).FirstOrDefault(); =; post.userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); ViewData["Article"] = post; db.Post_Table.AddOrUpdate(post); db.SaveChanges(); } return(View("../Post/ResultView")); } catch (Exception e) { stream = new StreamWriter(@"D:/EditException.txt"); stream.WriteLine(e); stream.Close(); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult PostRating(Article article, Rate rate, string rating, string postId) { using (DbAccessEntity postEntity = new DbAccessEntity()) { var postIdInt = Convert.ToInt32(postId); var post = postEntity.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == postIdInt).FirstOrDefault(); if (post.comments != null) { article.comments = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Comment> >(post.comments); } Rate.rateList.Clear(); if (post.rating != null) { Rate.rateList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Rate> >(post.rating); rate.rating = Rate.getUserRating(Rate.rateList, Session["userid"].ToString()); rate.userId = Session["userid"].ToString(); } if (rate.rating == 0) { rate = new Rate(); rate.rating = Convert.ToInt32(rating); rate.userId = Session["userid"].ToString(); Rate.rateList.Add(rate); var jsonRatingList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Rate.rateList); post.rating = jsonRatingList; postEntity.Post_Table.AddOrUpdate(post); postEntity.SaveChanges(); } ViewData["Article"] = post; ViewData["Comments"] = article; ViewData["Rate"] = rate; ViewData["AverageRating"] = Rate.calculateAverageRating(Rate.rateList); } return(View("ResultView")); }
public ActionResult GenerateTestReport(TestUser u, string answer, string inp, string answercat, string Search) { int i = 0; DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); var domainvar = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } ViewBag.domainlistname = u.Domainlist; return(View(u)); }
//To search for the post/author/tags based on input public ActionResult SearchPost(string term) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Post_Table> searchlist = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.tags.Contains(term) || x.title.Contains(term) || x.userid.Contains(term)).ToList(); if (searchlist.Count > 0) { ViewData["searchlist"] = searchlist; } else { ViewData["searchlist"] = null; ViewBag.SearchMessage = "No results found"; } } return(View("ResultView")); }
public ActionResult DeletePost(int id, FormCollection form) { try { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { Post_Table post = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == id).FirstOrDefault(); db.Post_Table.Remove(post); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("ManageUser")); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Login(SubscriberLogin login, string ReturnUrl) { string message = ""; using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var v = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(a => ==; if (v != null) { if (string.Compare(Crypto.Hash(login.password), v.password) == 0) { int timeout = login.RememberMe ? 525600 : 20; //525600 minutes equals 1 year var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(, login.RememberMe, timeout); string encrypted = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypted); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout); cookie.HttpOnly = true; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); Session["userid"] = v.userid; Session.Timeout = timeout; if (Url.IsLocalUrl(ReturnUrl)) { return(Redirect(ReturnUrl)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("ManageUser")); } } else { message = "Invalid credentials provided"; } } else { message = "Invalid credentials provided"; } } ViewBag.Message = message; return(View(login)); }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(string id) { //Verify the reset password link //Find accound associated with this link //redirect to reset password page using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var user = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(x => x.ResetPasswordCode == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { ResetPasswordModel model = new ResetPasswordModel(); model.ResetCode = id; return(View(model)); } else { return(HttpNotFound()); } } }
// GET: Admin public ActionResult Index(string UserID, string Password, string Login) { if (Login != null) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { var user = db.Admin_Table.Where(x => x.Username == UserID && x.Password == Password).FirstOrDefault(); if (user != null) { return(View("GenerateUserReport")); } else { return(View("Index", null, model: "Wrong Credentials")); } } } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult VerifyAccount(string id) { bool Status = false; using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; //This line is added to avoid //confirm password does not match issue var v = db.Subscriber_Table.Where(a => a.ActivationCode == new Guid(id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { v.IsEmailVerified = true; db.SaveChanges(); Status = true; } else { ViewBag.Message = "Invalid Request"; } } ViewBag.Status = Status; return(View()); }
public ActionResult BrowseArticle(Post_Table post) { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; List <Technology_Table> TechnologyList = db.Technology_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.TechnologyList = new SelectList(TechnologyList, "tid", "technology"); int did = Convert.ToInt32(post.domain); int tid = Convert.ToInt32(; var d = db.Domain_Table.Where(x => x.did == did).FirstOrDefault(); post.domain = d.domain; var t = db.Technology_Table.Where(x => x.tid == tid).FirstOrDefault(); =; List <Post_Table> browsearticle = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.domain == post.domain && == && x.category == true).ToList(); if (browsearticle.Count > 0) { ViewData["browsearticle"] = browsearticle; } else { ViewData["browsearticle"] = null; ViewBag.Message = "No article found"; } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(Post_Table post, Blog blog, Comment comment) { StreamWriter stream = null; try { using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { List <Domain_Table> DomainList = db.Domain_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.DomainList = new SelectList(DomainList, "did", "domain"); db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; List <Technology_Table> TechnologyList = db.Technology_Table.ToList(); ViewBag.TechnologyList = new SelectList(TechnologyList, "tid", "technology"); //Get the Domain ID int did = Convert.ToInt32(blog.Post.domain); //Get the Technology ID int tid = Convert.ToInt32(; //Convert the Domain ID to Domain Name var d = db.Domain_Table.Where(x => x.did == did).FirstOrDefault(); post.domain = d.domain; //Convert the Technology ID to Technology Name var t = db.Technology_Table.Where(x => x.tid == tid).FirstOrDefault(); =; //Check for same title int count = db.Post_Table.Where(x => x.title == blog.Post.title && x.category == false).Count(); if (count > 0) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please modify the TITLE, Blog found with same TITLE"; return(View(blog)); } else { // Add the date, category and post.title = blog.Post.title; post.tags = blog.Post.tags; post.content_ = blog.Post.content_; = DateTime.Now; post.category = false; post.userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); ViewData["Blog"] = post; db.Post_Table.Add(post); db.SaveChanges(); return(View("../Post/ResultView")); } } } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { stream = new StreamWriter(@"D:\BlogException.txt"); foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { stream.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } stream.Close(); return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Registration([Bind(Exclude = "IsEmailVerified,ActivationCode")] Subscriber_Table subscriber) { bool Status = false; string message = ""; StreamWriter stream = null; //Model Validation if (ModelState.IsValid) { #region Email is already existing var isExist = IsEmailExist(; if (isExist) { ModelState.AddModelError("EmailExist", "Email already exist"); return(View(subscriber)); } #endregion #region Activation Code Generation subscriber.ActivationCode = Guid.NewGuid(); #endregion #region Password Hashing subscriber.password = Crypto.Hash(subscriber.password); subscriber.confirmpassword = Crypto.Hash(subscriber.confirmpassword); #endregion subscriber.IsEmailVerified = false; #region Save data to database using (DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity()) { db.Subscriber_Table.Add(subscriber); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { stream = new StreamWriter(@"D:\Exception.txt"); foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { stream.WriteLine("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } stream.Close(); } finally { //stream.Close(); } //Send Email to user SendVerificationLinkEmail(, subscriber.ActivationCode.ToString()); message = "Registration successfully done. Account activation link has been sent to your emailid " +; Status = true; } #endregion } else { message = "Invalid request"; } ViewBag.Message = message; ViewBag.Status = Status; return(View(subscriber)); }
public ActionResult TakeTest(Test_Table test, string searchtest, string submittechnology, string technology, string submitdomain, QuestionBank qu, string domain, string checkscore, string _1, string _2, string _3, string _4, string _5, string _6, string _7, string _8, string _9, string _10) { /*provides dropdown to select domain*/ /*Lists the technologies after selecting the respective domain*/ if (domain != null && submittechnology == null) { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); //fetch technology id var techlist = (from p in tec.Technology_Table join q in tec.Domain_Table on p.did equals q.did where q.domain == domain select new { Technology =, }).ToList(); Session["Domain"] = domain; var domainlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table where p.domain != domain select new { domain = p.domain //gets the domain list }).ToList(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); foreach (var p in techlist) { QuestionBank q = new QuestionBank(); q.techlist = p.Technology; li.Add(q); } qu.domainlist = domain; li.Add(qu); foreach (var p in domainlist) { QuestionBank q = new QuestionBank(); q.domainlist = p.domain; li.Add(q); } return(View(li)); //returns the list of domain and technology } /*submitting the technology and domain and starting the test*/ else if (submittechnology != null) { DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity(); //fetch technologyID var techidquery = (from p in db.Technology_Table where == technology select new { Technology = p.tid }); foreach (var p in techidquery) { qu.idtech = p.Technology; } Session["TechnologyID"] = qu.idtech; //fetch the questions and options based on TechnologyID var query = (from p in db.Question_Bank_Table where p.TechnologyId == qu.idtech select new { Question = p.Question, QuestionID = p.QuestionID, Options = p.Options, CorrectAnswer = p.CorrectAnswer }); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); int no = 1; foreach (var p in query) { QuestionBank qi = new QuestionBank(); qi.QuestionID = p.QuestionID; qi.Question = p.Question; qi.qno = no; qi.CorrectAnswer = p.CorrectAnswer; string[] tempsplit = p.Options.Split(','); qi.Options = tempsplit; li.Add(qi); no++; } Session["listOfObjects"] = li; return(View("TestPage", li)); } /*Checking the score after end of test*/ else if (checkscore != null) { qu.idtech = Int32.Parse(Session["TechnologyID"].ToString()); DbAccessEntity db = new DbAccessEntity(); //Fetch Domain ID var iddomain = (from p in db.Technology_Table where p.tid == qu.idtech select new { DomainID = p.did }); foreach (var p in iddomain) { qu.count = p.DomainID; } //Based on the technology ID retrieve the correct answers var query = (from p in db.Question_Bank_Table where p.TechnologyId == qu.idtech select new { Question = p.Question, QuestionID = p.QuestionID, Options = p.Options, Answer = p.CorrectAnswer }); List <string> correctanswer = new List <string>(); //Append the selected options and enter into test_table string selectedoptions = ""; foreach (var p in query) { qu.qid = qu.qid + p.QuestionID + ","; correctanswer.Add(p.Answer); } selectedoptions = _1 + "," + _2 + "," + _3 + "," + _4 + "," + _5 + "," + _6 + "," + _7 + "," + _8 + "," + _9 + "," + _10; Session["selectedoptions"] = selectedoptions; /*evaluate the score by checking each of radio button with the correct answer*/ if (_1 == correctanswer[0]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_2 == correctanswer[1]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_3 == correctanswer[2]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_4 == correctanswer[3]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_5 == correctanswer[4]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_6 == correctanswer[5]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_7 == correctanswer[6]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_8 == correctanswer[7]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_9 == correctanswer[8]) { qu.score += 1; } if (_10 == correctanswer[9]) { qu.score += 1; } string userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); test.UserId = userid; test.TechnologyID = (qu.idtech); test.DomainID = (qu.count); test.SelectedOptions = selectedoptions; test.Score = qu.score; db.Test_Table.Add(test); db.SaveChanges(); //saving the results of the test in the database return(View("TestResult", qu)); } else { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); int i = 0; var domainlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select new { domain = p.domain //select domain from domain table }).ToList(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); foreach (var p in domainlist) { QuestionBank q = new QuestionBank(); if (i == 0) { q.domainlist = p.domain; Session["domaintrack"] = p.domain; li.Add(q); } else { q.domainlist = p.domain; li.Add(q); } i++; } string firstdomain = Session["domaintrack"].ToString(); var techlist = (from p in tec.Technology_Table join q in tec.Domain_Table on p.did equals q.did where q.domain == firstdomain select new { Technology =, }).ToList(); foreach (var q in techlist) { QuestionBank que = new QuestionBank(); que.techlist = q.Technology; li.Add(que); } return(View(li)); } }
public ActionResult DomainSelect(string domlist, TestUser u, String show, string showtech, string technolist) { if (show != null) { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); var domainlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table join q in tec.Test_Table on p.did equals q.DomainID where p.domain == domlist select new { domain = p.domain, UserID = q.UserId, TestID = q.TestId, Score = q.Score }).ToList(); Session["domainlist"] = domlist; u.domainsession = Session["domainlist"].ToString(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); int i = 0; foreach (var p in domainlist) { u.Domainlist[i] = p.domain; u.UserId[i] = p.UserID; u.TestId[i] = p.TestID; u.Score[i] = p.Score; i++; } u.count = i; var techlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table join q in tec.Technology_Table on p.did equals q.did where p.domain == domlist select new { Technology = }).ToList(); i = 0; foreach (var p in techlist) { u.Technologydroplist[i] = p.Technology; i++; } u.techcount = i; i = 0; var domainvar = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } return(View("GenerateTestReport", u)); } else if (showtech != null) { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); u.techsession = technolist; var techlist = (from p in tec.Technology_Table join q in tec.Test_Table on p.tid equals q.TechnologyID where == technolist select new { technology =, UserID = q.UserId, TestID = q.TestId, Score = q.Score }).ToList(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); int i = 0; foreach (var p in techlist) { u.Technologylist[i] =; u.UserId[i] = p.UserID; u.TestId[i] = p.TestID; u.Score[i] = p.Score; i++; } u.count = i; i = 0; var domainvar = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } u.domainsession = Session["domainlist"].ToString(); var techdropdownlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table join q in tec.Technology_Table on p.did equals q.did where p.domain == u.domainsession select new { Technology = }).ToList(); i = 0; foreach (var p in techdropdownlist) { u.Technologydroplist[i] = p.Technology; i++; } u.techcount = i; return(View("GenerateTestReport", u)); } return(View("GenerateTestReport")); }
public ActionResult PostComment(Post_Table postTable, Comment comment, Article article, Rate rate, string postId, string commentId, string commentContent) { try { using (DbAccessEntity pe = new DbAccessEntity()) { var postIdInt = Convert.ToInt32(postId); var post = pe.Post_Table.Where(x => x.postid == postIdInt).FirstOrDefault(); if (post.comments != null) { article.comments = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Comment> >(post.comments); } if (post.rating != null) { Rate.rateList.Clear(); Rate.rateList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Rate> >(post.rating); rate.rating = Rate.getUserRating(Rate.rateList, Session["userid"].ToString()); rate.userId = Session["userid"].ToString(); } ViewData["Rate"] = rate; ViewData["AverageRating"] = Rate.calculateAverageRating(Rate.rateList); ViewData["Article"] = post; ViewData["Comments"] = article; comment.userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); = DateTime.Now; if (commentContent == null) { if (comment.content_ != null) { if (article.comments.Count() < 10) { comment.postid = "0" + (article.comments.Count() + 1); } else { comment.postid = (article.comments.Count() + 1).ToString(); } article.comments.Add(comment); } else { ViewData["EmptyComment"] = "Put something atleast!"; return(View("ResultView")); } } else if (commentContent != null) { var foundParentComment = false; while (!foundParentComment) { foundParentComment = AddCommentToParentComment(article.comments, commentId, commentContent); } } var jsonCommentList = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(article.comments); post.comments = jsonCommentList; pe.Post_Table.AddOrUpdate(post); pe.SaveChanges(); return(View("ResultView")); } } //TODO: Print exception in log catch (Exception e) { return(Content(e.ToString())); } }
public ActionResult GenerateUserReport(string answer, string inp, Subscriber_Table si, Post_Table ai, TestUser u) { if (answer != null) { DbAccessEntity te = new DbAccessEntity(); var testsub = (from p in te.Subscriber_Table join t in te.Test_Table on p.userid equals t.UserId where p.userid == inp select new { ID = p.userid, Domain = t.DomainID, Score = t.Score, Technology = t.TechnologyID, TesTID = t.TestId, }).ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var p in testsub) { u.Name = p.ID; u.Domain[i] = p.Domain; u.UserId[i] = p.ID; u.Score[i] = p.Score; u.TestId[i] = p.TesTID; if (u.Score[i] <= (0.4) * 10) { = + 1; } else { u.pass = u.pass + 1; } i++; } u.counttest = i; var artsubq = (from p in te.Subscriber_Table join e in te.Post_Table on p.userid equals e.userid where p.userid == inp select new { ID = p.userid, Name =, Title = e.title, Rating = e.rating, Technology = }).ToList(); i = 0; double sum = 0; foreach (var p in artsubq) { u.Title[i] = p.Title; u.Technologylist[i] = p.Technology; i++; } u.countarticle = i; if (u.countarticle > 0) { u.averagerating = (sum / u.countarticle); } else { u.averagerating = 0; } return(View(u)); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult GenerateCategoryReport(string domlist, TestUser u, String show, string showtech, string technolist) { if (show != null) { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); var domainlist = (from p in tec.Post_Table where p.domain == domlist select new { domain = p.domain, Title = p.title, UserID = p.userid }).ToList(); Session["domainlist"] = domlist; u.domainsession = Session["domainlist"].ToString(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); int i = 0; foreach (var p in domainlist) { u.Domainlist[i] = p.domain; u.Title[i] = p.Title; u.UserId[i] = p.UserID; i++; } u.count = i; var techlist = (from p in tec.Technology_Table join q in tec.Domain_Table on p.did equals q.did where q.domain == domlist select new { Technology = }).ToList(); i = 0; foreach (var p in techlist) { u.Technologydroplist[i] = p.Technology; i++; } u.techcount = i; i = 0; var domainvar = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } return(View("GenerateCategoryReport", u)); } else if (showtech != null) { DbAccessEntity tec = new DbAccessEntity(); u.techsession = technolist; var techlist = (from p in tec.Technology_Table join q in tec.Post_Table on equals where == technolist select new { technology =, UserID = q.userid, Title = q.title, }).ToList(); List <QuestionBank> li = new List <QuestionBank>(); int i = 0; foreach (var p in techlist) { u.Technologylist[i] =; u.UserId[i] = p.UserID; u.Title[i] = p.Title; i++; } u.count = i; i = 0; var domainvar = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tec.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } u.domainsession = Session["domainlist"].ToString(); var techdropdownlist = (from p in tec.Domain_Table join q in tec.Technology_Table on p.did equals q.did where p.domain == u.domainsession select new { Technology = }).ToList(); i = 0; foreach (var p in techdropdownlist) { u.Technologydroplist[i] = p.Technology; i++; } u.techcount = i; return(View("GenerateCategoryReport", u)); } else { int i = 0; DbAccessEntity tz = new DbAccessEntity(); var domainvar = (from p in tz.Domain_Table select p.domain); var count = (from p in tz.Domain_Table select p.domain).Count(); u.Domaincount = count; foreach (var p in domainvar) { u.Domaindroplist[i] = p; i++; } ViewBag.domainlistname = u.Domainlist; return(View(u)); } }