void BindDate() { List <int> dayList = new List <int>(); List <string> monthList = new List <string>(); List <string> yearList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { if (i <= 12) { monthList.Add(i.ToString()); } dayList.Add(i); } for (int i = 1990; i < 2010; i++) { yearList.Add(i.ToString()); } DayList.DataSource = dayList; DayList.DataBind(); MonthList.DataSource = monthList; MonthList.DataBind(); YearList.DataSource = yearList; YearList.DataBind(); }
public bool OneDayAfterAllow() { var _date = DayList.Last().Date; var daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(_date.Year, _date.Month); return(!IsBusy && _date.Day < daysInMonth); }
public static DayList Create() { DayList asset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DayList>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/DayList.asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); return(asset); }
public void OneDayAfterAction() { IsBusy = true; DayList.RemoveAt(0); DayList.Add(EntireMonth[DayList.Last().Date.Day]); IsBusy = false; }
public void OneDayBeforeAction() { IsBusy = true; DayList.RemoveAt(DayList.Count - 1); DayList.Insert(0, EntireMonth[DayList.First().Date.Day - 2]); IsBusy = false; }
public void OneDayBeforeAction() { IsBusy = true; DayList.RemoveAt(DayList.Count - 1); DayList.Insert(0, new DayOverviewViewModel() { Date = DayList[0].Date.AddDays(-1) }); IsBusy = false; }
public void OneDayAfterAction() { IsBusy = true; var _date = DayList.Last().Date; DayList.RemoveAt(0); DayList.Add(new DayOverviewViewModel() { Date = _date.AddDays(+1) }); IsBusy = false; }
private void SaveDay() { DayAdd.WorkoutId = WorkoutAdd.Id; if (DayAdd.Id == 0) { new DayRepository().Save(DayAdd); DayList.Add(DayAdd); } else { new DayRepository().Update(DayAdd); DayList = new ObservableCollection <Day>(new DayRepository().GetAll()); OnPropertyChanged("DayList"); } //DayAdd = new Day(); //OnPropertyChanged("DayAdd"); }
private void MonthList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DayList.Visible = false; DayList.ClearSelected(); DayList.Items.Clear(); if (MonthList.Text != "") { if (int.Parse(YearList.Text) == today.Year && int.Parse(MonthList.Text) == 2) { timeListAdder.Fill_Day(DayList, today.Day); } else { timeListAdder.Fill_Day(DayList, validation.Maximum_Days_Month(int.Parse(MonthList.Text), int.Parse(YearList.Text))); } DayList.Visible = true; } }
public async Task <JsonResponse> CreateDayList(CreateDayListViewModel model) { var transact = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(); var response = new JsonResponse(); try { var dayList = new DayList() { Name = model.name, DateAdded = _dateProvider.GetCurrentDateTime(), SubscriberUserId = _userProvider.GetUserId() }; _context.DayLists.Add(dayList); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); foreach (var place in model.dayListPlaces) { _context.PlaceDayLists.Add(new PlaceDayList() { PlaceId = place.Id, DayListId = dayList.Id, ZoomLevel = 8 }); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); transact.Commit(); return(response); } catch { transact.Rollback(); response.Success = false; response.Errors.Add("An error occurred while writing to the database."); return(response); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { uid = Request.QueryString["Id"]; action = Request.QueryString["Action"]; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { YearList.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(startYear, DateTime.Now.Year - startYear + 1).Reverse(); YearList.DataBind(); MonthList.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 12); MonthList.DataBind(); } if (action == "create") { } else { } Comment.Visible = false; Boolean isLeapYear = IsLeapYear(); int year = int.Parse(YearList.SelectedValue); int month = int.Parse(MonthList.SelectedValue); int endDate = 30; int[] bigMonth = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }; if (bigMonth.Contains(month)) { endDate = 31; } if (month == 2) { if (isLeapYear == true) { endDate = 29; } else { endDate = 28; } } DayList.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, endDate); DayList.DataBind(); }
public ActionResult Create(DayList d, FormCollection f) { string clinicid = f["Clinics"].ToString(); if (clinicid == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } d.ClinicId = int.Parse(clinicid); var c = db.Clinics.Find(d.ClinicId); if (c.DayLists.ToList().Find(q => q.DayName == d.DayName) != null) { return(RedirectToAction("YourclinicDaylist")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.DayLists.Add(d); for (int i = (int)c.StartTime; i < (int)c.EndTime; i++) { AvailableTimesList availableTimes = new AvailableTimesList { DayListId = d.Id, Taken = false, Slot_start = (TimeSlots)i }; db.AvailableTimesLists.Add(availableTimes); } db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("YourclinicDaylist")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var user = User.Identity.GetUserId(); DayList day = db.DayLists.Find(id); if (day.Clinic.userId == user) { db.DayLists.Remove(day); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("YourclinicDaylist")); } return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); }
public bool OneDayBeforeAllow() { return(!IsBusy && DayList.First().Date.Day > 1); }
public ByDayToken(DayList dayList) : base(dayList) { }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { PhysicsBooking phb1 = new PhysicsBooking(); string s = Request.Params.Get("BookingId"); if (s != null) { phb1.Load(s); } else { Utility u = new Utility(); phb1.DayId = System.Convert.ToInt16(Request.Params.Get("Day")); phb1.StaffId = new Guid(u.Get_StaffID(Request.Params.Get("Staff"))); phb1.Date = System.Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Params.Get("Date"));//this is week beginning... phb1.Date = phb1.Date.AddDays(phb1.DayId); phb1.PeriodId = u.Get_PeriodId_fromcode(Request.Params.Get("Period")); phb1.RoomId = u.Get_RoomId_fromCode(Request.Params.Get("Room")); Group g1 = new Group(); g1.Load(Request.Params.Get("Group"), phb1.Date); phb1.GroupId = g1._GroupID; s = Request.Params.Get("Group"); if (s.StartsWith("10") || s.StartsWith("11")) { RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (s.StartsWith("12") || s.StartsWith("13")) { RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 2; } if (s.StartsWith("7") || s.StartsWith("8") || s.StartsWith("9")) { RadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 0; } } DayList dlist1 = new DayList(); s = dlist1.FindDayName_fromId(phb1.DayId); servercontent.InnerHtml = "<h3>Booking for " + s + " Period " + Request.Params.Get("Period") + " for Group " + Request.Params.Get("Group") + " and Room " + Request.Params.Get("Room") + "</h3>"; if (phb1.FindBooking()) { Add_Controls(phb1); TextBox_Notes.Text = phb1.Notes; } ViewState.Add("PhysicsBooking", phb1); PhysicsEquipmentItemList list1 = new PhysicsEquipmentItemList(); list1.LoadList_All(); foreach (PhysicsEquipmentItem p in list1.m_list) { ListItem l = new ListItem(p.EquipmentItemCode, p.EquipmentItemId.ToString()); DropDownList_Items.Items.Add(l); } UpdateExptList(); //find previous booking??? Label2.Visible = false; TextBox_last.Visible = false; Button_AddLast.Visible = false; PhysicsBooking phb2 = new PhysicsBooking(); //for last booking for this group PhysicsBookingList list2 = new PhysicsBookingList(); list2.LoadList_Group(phb1.GroupId); //these are ordered with lates first... foreach (PhysicsBooking b in list2.m_list) { if (b.Date < phb1.Date) { Label2.Visible = true; TextBox_last.Visible = true; Button_AddLast.Visible = true; PhysicsEquipmentItemList list3 = new PhysicsEquipmentItemList(); list3.LoadList(b); TextBox_last.Text = ""; foreach (PhysicsEquipmentItem i in list3.m_list) { TextBox_last.Text += i.EquipmentItemCode + Environment.NewLine; } ViewState.Add("LastBooking", b); break; } } } else { PhysicsBooking b2 = (PhysicsBooking)ViewState["PhysicsBooking"]; Add_Controls(b2); } }
public bool OneDayAfterAllow() { return(!IsBusy && DayList.Last().Date.Day < EntireMonth.Last().Date.Day); }
private void DeleteDay(Day day) { new DayRepository().Delete(day); DayList.Remove(day); }