예제 #1
        private IList <SentEnquiry> AddSentEnquiries(IEnumerable <IGrouping <int?, BStage> > groupedBStages, Dictionary <string, string> consultNames)
            IList <SentEnquiry> listSentEnquiries = new List <SentEnquiry>();

            foreach (var gp in groupedBStages)
                // count nbDaysQuoting
                // count nbDaysContracting
                // check the date sent and add an objet sentEnquiry

                int      bhdId       = gp.FirstOrDefault().BHD_ID.Value;
                DateTime dateEntered = gp.OrderBy(bs => bs.FromDate)
                SentEnquiry se = new SentEnquiry()
                    BHD_ID = bhdId, Date_Entered = dateEntered
                bool hasQuoted     = false;
                bool hasContracted = false;

                foreach (BStage bs in gp.OrderBy(bs => bs.FromDate))
                    // if quoting
                    if (CompSpec.BookingStageCodes[bookingStage.pendingSalesBDOPS].Contains(bs.Status.Trim()))
                        // calculate and add the number of days
                        // add the consultant if not already there
                        se.nbDaysQuoting += DatesUtilities.GetNbWorkingDays(bs.FromDate, bs.ToDate);
                        if (!se.dictQuoting.ContainsKey(bs.Consultant.Trim()))
                            se.dictQuoting.Add(bs.Consultant.Trim(), consultNames[bs.Consultant.Trim()]);
                        hasQuoted = true;

                    // if contracting
                    if (CompSpec.BookingStageCodes[bookingStage.pendingContract].Contains(bs.Status.Trim()))
                        // calculate and add the number of days
                        // add the consultant if not already there
                        se.nbDaysContracting += DatesUtilities.GetNbWorkingDays(bs.FromDate, bs.ToDate);
                        if (!se.dictContracting.ContainsKey(bs.Consultant.Trim()))
                            se.dictContracting.Add(bs.Consultant.Trim(), consultNames[bs.Consultant.Trim()]);
                        hasContracted = true;

                    // if past the "sent" stage (not pending) and was preceded by quoting or contracting stages
                    if (!CompSpec.BookingStageCodes[bookingStage.pending].Contains(bs.Status.Trim()))
                        bool isOneDayer = bs.FromDate == dateEntered;
                        // create a new SentEnquiry object and add it to the list
                        if (hasQuoted || hasContracted || isOneDayer)
                            se.FullReference = bs.FullReference;
                            se.Department    = CompSpec.RetrieveDepartment(se.FullReference);

                            //  add the consultant name if not there :
                            if (!se.dictQuoting.ContainsKey(bs.Consultant.Trim()))
                                se.dictQuoting.Add(bs.Consultant.Trim(), consultNames[bs.Consultant.Trim()]);

                            // 12/06/2017 clean dictQuoting and dictContracting of unassigned if there is at least one consultant
                            if (se.dictQuoting.Count >= 2)
                            if (se.dictContracting.Count >= 2)

                            se.DateSent = bs.FromDate;
                            se.nbDaysQuoting++; // the day counts as being quoting


                            // reset
                            se = new SentEnquiry()
                                BHD_ID = bhdId, Date_Entered = dateEntered
                            hasQuoted     = false;
                            hasContracted = false;

예제 #2
        public PendingEnquiryTableRow GenerateTableRow(BHDmini b)
            PendingEnquiryTableRow tr = new PendingEnquiryTableRow();

            tr.Full_Reference = b.FULL_REFERENCE.Trim();
            tr.Booking_Name   = b.NAME.Trim();
            tr.Last_Stage     = CompSpec.GetCurrentStage(b.STATUS.Trim());

            //  to get the number of days of the current process:
            //    foreach BStage going backward in time
            //      if same as current stage -> add days
            //      if beyond sent stage or not pending -> exit for

            //  take into account that the last BStage will be recorded until yesterday max
            int nbDaysCurrentStage = 0;
            var listBS             = compDbRepo.listBStage.Where(bs => MinimiseRef(bs.FullReference.Trim()) == MinimiseRef(b.FULL_REFERENCE.Trim()));

            foreach (BStage bs in listBS.OrderByDescending(_bs => _bs.FromDate))
                string stage = CompSpec.GetCurrentStage(bs.Status.Trim());
                if (stage == tr.Last_Stage)
                    // add days
                    nbDaysCurrentStage += DatesUtilities.GetNbWorkingDays(bs.FromDate, bs.ToDate);
                // if not pending at all -> break for
                if (!CompSpec.BookingStageCodes[bookingStage.pending].Contains(bs.Status.Trim()))
            nbDaysCurrentStage++;  // to include today's working day

            // establish the number of days before deadline
            //      if response code other than "I" -> difference between deadline and nbDaysCurrentStage
            //      if response code is "I" -> difference between today and the target date
            string responseCode = b.SALE4.Trim();

            if (responseCode == "I")
                DateTime deadlineDate;
                if (b.UDTEXT4.Trim() == "")
                    deadlineDate = new DateTime(2017, 2, 1);
                    deadlineDate = DateTime.Parse(b.UDTEXT4.Trim(), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR", true));
                tr.Days_Before_Deadline = (int)deadlineDate.Subtract(DateTime.Today).TotalDays;
                int nbMaxDays = 0;
                if (CompSpec.dictDeadlines.ContainsKey(responseCode))
                    nbMaxDays = tr.Last_Stage == "Quoting" ? CompSpec.dictDeadlines[responseCode].MaxDaysQuoting : CompSpec.dictDeadlines[responseCode].MaxDaysContracting;
                tr.Days_Before_Deadline = (nbMaxDays - nbDaysCurrentStage);

            //if (tpRepo.DictCsls == null) tpRepo.GetAllConsultants();
            tr.Last_Consultant = tpRepo.DictCsls[b.CONSULTANT.Trim()];
            tr.BD_Consultant   = tpRepo.DictCsls[b.SALE1.Trim()];
