예제 #1
 public RegressionResult(ILevels independent_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double[]> regDataInput_, NMathStats.LinearRegression lin_, NMathStats.LinearRegressionAnova anova_)
   m_independent = independent_;
   m_lin = lin_;
   m_regressionData = regDataInput_;
   m_anova = anova_;
    private DatedDataCollectionGen<double> getSignal(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> prices_, double convention_, int windowLength_, double zScoreThreshold_)
      var periodReturns = getPeriodReturns(prices_, convention_, windowLength_);
      var zScores = getZScores(prices_, convention_, windowLength_, ZScoreIsFromMean);

      var dates = periodReturns.Length < zScores.Length ? periodReturns.Dates : zScores.Dates;

      var scores = new double[dates.Length];

      for (int i = 1; i < dates.Length; ++i)
        var date = dates[i];

        var zScore = zScores.ValueOnDate(date);
        var ret = periodReturns.ValueOnDate(date);

        var targetScore =
          Math.Abs(zScore) < zScoreThreshold_
          ? 0d
          : ret > 0d ? 1d : -1d;

        var prevScore = scores[i - 1];

        var shift = Math.Min(Math.Abs(targetScore - prevScore), ScoreShift);

        if (targetScore < prevScore)
          scores[i] = prevScore - shift;
          scores[i] = prevScore + shift;

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, scores);

예제 #3
    private void btnGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      KeyValuePair<ConstructGen<double>, ReturnsEval.DataSeriesEvaluator> kvp = SI.Research.FXStrat.BacktestHelper.getWE(m_calc.Strat);

      DatedDataCollectionGen<double> cum = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(kvp.Value.All.Dates,kvp.Value.All.CumulativeReturnSeries);

      DatedDataCollectionGen<double> indic = m_calc.GetIndicator();

      if (indic == null) return;

      indic = indic.GetValuesBetweenDates(cum.Dates[0], cum.LastDate);

      if (cbAbsIndic.Checked)
        indic = indic.ToAbs();

      zoneChart1.LineThickness = 2;
      zoneChart1.Create(cum, indic, new ZoneDefinition[] {
        new ZoneDefinition("under",double.MinValue,m_calc.DisplayThreshold,Color.Tomato),
        new ZoneDefinition("over",m_calc.DisplayThreshold,double.MaxValue,Color.LightGreen)

      if (cbPlotIndic.Checked)
        zoneChart1.AddSeries(indic, m_calc.IndicType.ToString(), Color.AliceBlue, 80, "##0.0#");

예제 #4
    protected ATMVolsRankGroup(FXGroup group_)
      var currencies = Singleton<FXIDs>.Instance.Where(x => x.IsGroup(group_)).ToArray();

      var oneWeek = new ConstructGen<double>(currencies.Select(x => x.Code).ToArray());
      var oneMonth = new ConstructGen<double>(currencies.Select(x => x.Code).ToArray());

      for (int i = 0; i < currencies.Length; ++i)
          var vols = BbgTalk.HistoryRequester.GetHistory(DataConstants.DATA_START, currencies[i].AtTheMoneyVolTicker_1W, "PX_LAST", false);
          oneWeek.SetColumnValues(i, vols);
          var vols = BbgTalk.HistoryRequester.GetHistory(DataConstants.DATA_START, currencies[i].AtTheMoneyVolTicker_1M, "PX_LAST", false);
          oneMonth.SetColumnValues(i, vols);

        var avg1W = oneWeek.AvgRows();
        ATM_1W_Avg = avg1W;
        ATM_1W_o6M = avg1W.ToPercentileRanked(126);
        ATM_1W_o1Y = avg1W.ToPercentileRanked(252);

        var avg1M = oneMonth.AvgRows();
        ATM_1M_Avg = avg1M;
        ATM_1M_o6M = avg1M.ToPercentileRanked(126);
        ATM_1M_o1Y = avg1M.ToPercentileRanked(252);
예제 #5
    protected DatedDataCollectionGen<double> ensureAllWeekdays(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> input_)
      var dates = new List<DateTime>();
      var values = new List<double>();

      var date = input_.Dates[0];

      while (date <= input_.Dates.Last())
        int index = input_.IndexOf(date);

        if (index == -1)

        date = MyCalendar.NextWeekDay(date);

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates.ToArray(), values.ToArray());
    public DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GenerateWeightSeries(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> prices_, double convention_, DateTime? minDate_)
      var periodReturns = getPeriodReturns(prices_, convention_);
      var zScores = getZScores(prices_, convention_);

      double lastScore = 0d;

      var dates = periodReturns.Length < zScores.Length ? periodReturns.Dates : zScores.Dates;

      var scores = new double[dates.Length];

      for (int i = 1; i < dates.Length; ++i)
        var date = dates[i];

        var zScore = zScores.ValueOnDate(date);
        var ret = periodReturns.ValueOnDate(date);

        var targetScore = 
          Math.Abs(zScore) < ZScoreThreshold
          ? 0d
          : ret > 0d ? 1d : -1d;

        var prevScore = scores[i - 1];

        var shift = Math.Min(Math.Abs(targetScore - prevScore), ScoreShift);

        if (targetScore < prevScore)
          scores[i] = prevScore - shift;
          scores[i] = prevScore + shift;

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, scores);
예제 #7
    public override DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GenerateWeightSeries(Backtest.ProductBase product_, DateTime? minDate_)
      var pxs = product_.Prices;
      var mas = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>[m_windows.Length];

      for (int i = 0; i < mas.Length; ++i)
        mas[i] = HelperMethods.GetMA(pxs, m_windows[i]);

      double[] scores = new double[mas[0].Length];
      var dates = mas[0].Dates;

      for (int i = 0; i < dates.Length; ++i)
        var date = dates[i];
        var px = pxs.ValueOnDate(date);

        for (int m = 0; m < mas.Length; ++m)
          var maValue = mas[m].ValueOnDate(date);

          if (px > maValue)
            scores[i] += m_weightings[m_windows[m]];
            scores[i] -= m_weightings[m_windows[m]];

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, scores);
예제 #8
 public DataAroundEvent(DateTime eventDate_, IntradayFuture usedFuture_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> data_, int numPointsAroundEvent_)
   EventDate = eventDate_;
   Future = usedFuture_;
   RawFutureDataAroundEvent = data_;
   NumPointsAroundEvent = numPointsAroundEvent_;
예제 #9
    private static DatedDataCollectionGen<double> unwind_1d(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> input_)
      var dates = input_.Dates.Slice(0, input_.Length - 1);
      var values = input_.Data.Slice(1, input_.Length - 1);

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, values);
    public DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GetSeries(Periodicity type_)
      if (m_lastType == type_ && m_cachedSeries != null)
        return m_cachedSeries;

      m_lastType = type_;

      var ds = m_eval.ToPeriod(type_, DoubleCollationType.Sum);

      if (m_lag == 0)
        m_cachedSeries = ds;
        return ds;

      double[] values=new double[ds.Data.Length-m_lag];
      DateTime[] dates=new DateTime[ds.Data.Length-m_lag];

      for (int i = m_lag; i < ds.Data.Length; ++i)

      m_cachedSeries = ds = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, values);

      return ds;
 public void ApplyData(string name_, DateTime[] xAxis_, double[] yAxis_)
   //seasonalityChartSingle1.AddLineChart(name_, xAxis_, yAxis_);
      var dateddata = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(xAxis_, yAxis_);
     Chart.SetValues(dateddata, dateddata, name_);
   updateGrid(name_, xAxis_, yAxis_);
예제 #12
    public override double GetVol(DateTime date_, VolType type_, int window_ = 252)
        m_histVols = HelperMethods.GetRollingStat(Prices.ToReturns(), window_, Statistics.Stdev);

      return m_histVols.ValueOnDate(date_);
		virtual protected DatedDataCollectionGen<double> getData(DateTime startDate_, DateTime endDate_)
			DatedDataCollectionGen<double> d = null;

			string sql = getQueryString(startDate_, endDate_);

				var ds = Singleton<ConnMngr>.Instance.Execute(getDBName(), getQueryString(startDate_, endDate_));

				if (ConnMngr.HasResult(ds))
					var dates = new List<DateTime>();
					var values = new List<double>();

					foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
						var value = Convert.ToDouble(row[valueColumn]);
						var date = Convert.ToDateTime(row[dateColumn]);


					d = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates.ToArray(), values.ToArray());
			catch (Exception ex_)
				this.LogError(string.Format("Error getting data from database. sql=('{0}')", sql),ex_);

			return d;
예제 #14
    public void Create(DatedDataCollectionGen<BarDataPoint> points_)

      // order of columns is important
      // http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/WinForms/2012.2/CLR4.0/html/Chart_Working_with_Candle_Chart_Data.html

      if (dt.Columns.Count == 0)
        dt.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
        dt.Columns.Add("Open", typeof(double));
        dt.Columns.Add("High", typeof(double));
        dt.Columns.Add("Low", typeof(double));
        dt.Columns.Add("Close", typeof(double));
        dt.Columns.Add("Volume", typeof(double));

      for (int i = 0; i < points_.Length; ++i)
        dt.LoadDataRow(new object[] {
        }, true);

      ultraChart.DataSource = dt;
예제 #15
 public CorrelationValue(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> rollingCorrelations_, int windowLength_, CorrelationMeasure displayMeasure_, CorrelationMeasure colorMeasure_ )
   RollingCorrelations = rollingCorrelations_;
   WindowLength = windowLength_;
   DisplayMeasure = displayMeasure_;
   ColorMeasure = colorMeasure_;
예제 #16
 public Portfolio(string rootName_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> allocationTo_, double pnlMultiplier_, Portfolio parent_=null)
   RootName = rootName_;
   AllocationToThis = allocationTo_;
   PnlMultiplier = pnlMultiplier_;
   m_parentPortfolio = parent_;
예제 #17
    public static async Task<DatedDataCollectionGen<double>> Get(string name_, CarbonClient cc_, bool force_ = false)
      if (_cache.ContainsKey(name_) && !force_)
        return _cache[name_];

        var con = await DataFrameHelper.GetDataFrameByRow(
          name_: string.Format("ssys.trs.{0}",name_),
          keyExtractor_: x => (DateTime) x,
          valueExtractor_: (dict, vals) => Convert.ToDouble(vals[0]),
          cc_: cc_);

        var ddc = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(con.Keys.ToArray(), con.GetColumnValues(0));

        _cache[name_] = ddc;

        return ddc;
      catch (Exception ex_)
        _cache[name_] = null;
        Logger.Error(string.Format("Error getting timeseries for [{0}]", name_), typeof (TimeSeries), ex_);
        return null;
예제 #18
    public void Refresh(bool forceReRead_)
      Logger.Debug(string.Format("CommodsMultiScore.Refresh() : Rebuilding scores from scratch. ForceReRead_=={0}", forceReRead_.ToString()), GetType());
      var spotReturns =
        Singleton<ComIndexPrices>.Instance.GetData(DataConstants.DATA_START, DateTime.Today, forceReRead_).ToReturns();

      var prices = new double[spotReturns.Dates.Count];

      for (int i = 0; i < spotReturns.Dates.Count; ++i)
        var today = spotReturns.Dates[i];

        if (today == DateTime.Today) // explicitly don't want 'today's' value as that will be handled by 'live'

        var todayValues = spotReturns.GetValues(today);

        prices[i] = i == 0
          ? 100d
          : todayValues.Any(x => (Math.Abs(x)) > 1e-07)
            ? prices[i - 1]*(1d - todayValues.Where(x => Math.Abs(x) > 1e-07).Average())
            : prices[i - 1];

      Pxs = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(spotReturns.Dates.ToArray(), prices);

      Scores = HelperMethods.CalculateStdevFromMean(Pxs, NumDays, NumDays);

예제 #19
    public CorrelationAnalyzer(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> series1_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> series2_, Period p_, int numOfPeriods_)
      m_series1 = series1_;
      m_series2 = series2_;
      m_period = p_;
      m_numPeriod = numOfPeriods_;

      // find common dates

      List<DateTime> commonDates = new List<DateTime>();
      List<DateTime> stratDates = new List<DateTime>(m_series1.Dates);
      foreach (DateTime date in m_series2.Dates)
        if (stratDates.Contains(date))


      List<double> first = new List<double>();
      List<double> second = new List<double>();

      // get the values for each of the common dates

      foreach (DateTime date in commonDates)

      m_series1 = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(commonDates.ToArray(), first.ToArray());
      m_series2 = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(commonDates.ToArray(), second.ToArray());

예제 #20
    public void Bind(ReturnsEval.DataSeriesEvaluator eval_, ReturnsEval.Period period_)
      m_eval = eval_;
      m_period = period_;

      DatedDataCollectionGen<double> daily = eval_.Daily;
      AddSeries(eval_.Daily.Dates, eval_.Daily.CumulativeReturnSeries, "Cumulative Pnl", 40, "##0.0#%");

        DatedDataCollectionGen<double>[] years = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>[]

        int index = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < years[0].Length; ++i)
          if (i>0 && years[0].Dates[i].Year != years[0].Dates[i - 1].Year)
            index = (index == 1) ? 0 : 1;

          years[index].Data[i] = 0d;

        if (ShowYearly)
          AddSeries(years[0].Dates, years[0].Data, "YTD Cumulative(A)", 40, "##0.0#%");
          AddSeries(years[1].Dates, years[1].Data, "YTD Cumulative(B)", 40, "##0.0#%");

      //AddSeries(daily.Dates, daily.ToYearsCumulativeYTD().Data, "YTD Cumulative", 40, "##0.0#%");
      //AddSeries(daily.Dates, daily.ToMonthsCumulativeMTD().Data, "MTD Cumulative", 40, "##0.0#%");
예제 #21
    internal override DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GetTrades(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> levels_)
      var ma = HelperMethods.GetMA(levels_, MA);

      var trades = ma.Dates.Select((date, index) => levels_.ValueOnDate(date) > ma.Data[index] ? 1d : -1d).ToArray();

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(ma.Dates, trades);
예제 #22
 public DataInterEvent(EventsPick.EventDateSpan span_, bool dateOnly_, object instrument_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> data_, DataInterEventArgs args_)
   EventSpan = span_;
   Instrument = instrument_;
   RawData = data_;
   Args = args_;
   DateOnly = dateOnly_;
   m_processedData = processToAroundAnchor(RawData);
예제 #23
 public EventsPostFilter(PostFilterType postFilter, FilterOperator filterOperator, double value, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> sourceCollections, string instrumentString, Tuple<string, DatedDataCollectionGen<double>> rawData)
     _postFilter = postFilter;
     _filterOperator = filterOperator;
     valueToCompare = value;
     //FetchValueToCompare = fetchValueToCompare;
     this.sourceCollections = sourceCollections;
     _instrumentString = instrumentString;
     _rawData = rawData;
    public DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GenerateWeightSeries(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> prices_, double convention_, DateTime? minDate_)
      var periodReturns = getPeriodReturns(prices_, convention_);
      var zScores = getZScores(prices_, convention_);
      var contextMAs = HelperMethods.GetRollingStat(prices_, Context, x => x.Average());

      double lastScore = 0d;

      var dates = new[]
      }.OrderBy(x => x.Length)

      var scores = new double[dates.Length];

      for (int i = 1; i < dates.Length; ++i)
        var date = dates[i];

        var zScore = zScores.ValueOnDate(date);
        var ret = periodReturns.ValueOnDate(date);
        var price = prices_.ValueOnDate(date);
        var contextMA = contextMAs.ValueOnDate(date);

        var targetScore = 
          Math.Abs(zScore) < ZScoreThreshold
          ? 0d
          : ret > 0d ? 1d : -1d;

        // matches context?
        if (targetScore == 1)
          targetScore = (price >= contextMA) ? targetScore : 0d;
        else if (targetScore == -1)
          targetScore = (price <= contextMA) ? targetScore : 0d;

        var prevScore = scores[i - 1];

        var shift = Math.Min(Math.Abs(targetScore - prevScore), ScoreShift);

        if (targetScore < prevScore)
          scores[i] = prevScore - shift;
          scores[i] = prevScore + shift;

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, scores);
예제 #25
    public DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GenerateWeightSeries(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> prices_, DateTime? minDate_)
      var maF = HelperMethods.GetMA(prices_, FastMA);
      var maS = HelperMethods.GetMA(prices_, SlowMA);

      var arr = new double[maS.Length];
      for (int i = 0; i < maS.Length; ++i) arr[i] = maF.ValueOnDate(maS.Dates[i]) - maS.Data[i];

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(maS.Dates, arr);

예제 #26
    private static DatedDataCollectionGen<double> combineAllocation(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> a_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> b_)
      // this should only be used when at the top level, when the allocation will be assumed to be '1' 
      if (a_ == null) return b_;
      if (b_ == null) return a_;

      var distinctDates = a_.Dates.AppendWith(b_.Dates).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
      var allocs = distinctDates.Select(date => a_.ValueOnDate(date)*b_.ValueOnDate(date)).ToArray();

      return new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(distinctDates, allocs);
        public static Tuple<DatedDataCollectionGen<string>, DatedDataCollectionGen<double>> GetItemsFromCarbonFrame(string identifier, double multiplier,
                                                                                                        Func<RollResults, RollResultContractItem> GetGenerationResult,
                                                                                                        Func<RollResultContractItem, DatedDataCollectionGen<RollResultItem>> GetResult)
            bool isCT = identifier.ToUpper().Contains("CT");
            var rolltype = isCT ? "ct" : "ctd";
            var moniker =
                    ("symapp.roll." + rolltype + "." + identifier.Market() + "." + identifier).ToLower();

            RollResults savedResults=null;

            // clear the cache every day
            if(DateTime.UtcNow.Date > cacheTimeStamp)

            // our static cache is moniker name + utc today date. we use utc as we don't want to clear the cache at HK midnight.
            var cacheKey = moniker + "_" + DateTime.UtcNow.Date.ToString("yy-MM-dd");
            if (!CarbonRollResultsCache.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                var savedFrame = CarbonModel.RetrieveFrameFromCarbon(moniker).Result;
                savedResults = savedFrame.ToRollResult(moniker);
                CarbonRollResultsCache[cacheKey] = savedResults;
                cacheTimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
                savedResults = CarbonRollResultsCache[cacheKey];

            var generationResult = GetGenerationResult(savedResults);
            var genResultCollection = GetResult(generationResult);            
            var value = genResultCollection.Data.Select(d => d.Value * multiplier).ToArray();
            var dates = genResultCollection.Dates.ToArray();

            var bonds = genResultCollection.Data.Select(d => d.Name).ToArray();

            // fill in zeroes

            for (int i = 1; i < value.Length; ++i)
                if (value[i].IsZero())
                    // if bonds haven't changed then can take the previous price
                    //if (bonds[i].SymmetryCode.Equals(bonds[i - 1].SymmetryCode))
                    value[i] = value[i - 1];
                    //  value[i] = double.NaN;

            var validatedResult =  new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(dates, value);

            return new Tuple<DatedDataCollectionGen<string>, DatedDataCollectionGen<double>>(
              new DatedDataCollectionGen<string>(dates, bonds),
예제 #28
    private DatedDataCollectionGen<double> preProcess(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> series_)
      if (m_args.OmitYears == null)
          if (m_args.EndYear.HasValue)
              return series_.GetSubValues(x => x.Year < m_args.StartYear || x.Year > m_args.EndYear);
         return series_;

          return series_.GetSubValues(x => m_args.OmitYears.Contains(x.Year) || x.Year < m_args.StartYear || x.Year > m_args.EndYear);
      return series_.GetSubValues(x => m_args.OmitYears.Contains(x.Year) || x.Year < m_args.StartYear);
예제 #29
        public static EventsPostFilter DeMark(DeMarkEventType markEventType,  int window, RetrieveEventDataDelegate FetchValueToCompare)
            var retrievedData = FetchValueToCompare();
            var prices = retrievedData.Item2;
            var instrumentString = retrievedData.Item1;
            var setups = SI.Strategy.Technicals.DeMark.Analysis.GetSetups(prices.ToContruct(), 0, 0, 0, 0, window)
                  .Where(x => x.EventType == markEventType && x.Children != null);

            var events = setups.Select(x => new {a = x.Children.First(c => c.SeriesIndex == window).Date, b = (double)window}).ToArray();
            var dateWindowDeMarkCollection = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>(events.Select(e => e.a).ToArray(),
                events.Select(e => e.b).ToArray());
            return new EventsPostFilter(PostFilterType.DeMarkBuy, FilterOperator.Equal, window, dateWindowDeMarkCollection, instrumentString, retrievedData);            
예제 #30
    public void Create(DatedDataCollectionGen<double> x_, DatedDataCollectionGen<double> y_, string xName_, string yName_)
      var con = new ConstructGenGen<string,double>(2);
      con.ColumnHeadings = new string[] { xName_, yName_ };

      var ds = new DatedDataCollectionGen<double>[] { x_, y_ };

      for (int y = 0; y < ds.Length; ++y)
        for (int i = 0; i < ds[y].Length; ++i)
          con.SetValue(ds[y].Dates[i].ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), y, ds[y].Data[i]);
