public static void CheckRpcParams(string ien, string fromDate = null, string toDate = null) { if (!isWellFormedIen(ien)) { throw new InvalidlyFormedRecordIdException(ien); } //4/14/2011 David Parshan //Added toDate check, as there is the ability to have a valid //fromDate with a default "" toDate if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate) && fromDate != "0" && toDate != "" && toDate != "0" && toDate != "-1") { DateUtils.CheckDateRange(fromDate, toDate); } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate) && fromDate != "0") { if (!DateUtils.isWellFormedUtcDateTime(fromDate)) { throw new MdoException(MdoExceptionCode.ARGUMENT_DATE_FORMAT, "Invalid 'from' date: " + fromDate); } } } }
public static string buildFromToDateScreenParam(string fromDate, string toDate, int node, int pieceNum) { if (fromDate == "") { return(""); } DateUtils.CheckDateRange(fromDate, toDate); // Need test for valid dates. fromDate = VistaTimestamp.fromUtcFromDate(fromDate); toDate = VistaTimestamp.fromUtcString(toDate); return("S FD=" + fromDate + ",TD=" + toDate + ",CDT=$P(^(" + node + "),U," + pieceNum + ") I CDT>=FD,CDT<TD"); }
internal DdrLister buildGetChemHemSpecimensQuery(string lrdfn, string fromDate, string toDate, string pieceNum) { DateUtils.CheckDateRange(fromDate, toDate); DdrLister query = new DdrLister(cxn); query.File = "63.04"; query.Iens = "," + lrdfn + ","; // E flag note // .01 - DATE/TIME SPECIMEN TAKEN // .03 - DATE REPORT COMPLETED // .05 - SPECIMEN TYPE // .06 - ACCESSION // .08 - METHOD OR SITE // .112 - ACCESSIONING INSTITUTION query.Fields = ".01;.03;.05E;.06;.08;.112E"; query.Flags = "IP"; query.Xref = "#"; query.Screen = buildChemHemSpecimensScreenParam(fromDate, toDate, pieceNum); query.Id = "S X=$P(^(0),U,14) I X'= \"\" S Y=$P($G(^DIC(4,X,99)),U,1) D EN^DDIOL(Y)"; return(query); }