/// <summary>
 /// 得到日期
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <param name="dateTimeType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DateTime GetDateTime(string date, DateTimeType dateTimeType)
     if (dateTimeType == DateTimeType.Start)
         return GetDateTimeByStrDateTime(date, "00:00:00");
         return GetDateTimeByStrDateTime(date, "23:59:59");
 /// <summary>
 /// 得到日期
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="date"></param>
 /// <param name="dateTimeType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static DateTime GetDateTime(DateTime datetime, DateTimeType dateTimeType)
     if (dateTimeType == DateTimeType.Start)
         return GetDateTimeByStrDateTime(GetDateStr(datetime), "00:00:00");
         return GetDateTimeByStrDateTime(GetDateStr(datetime), "23:59:59");
예제 #3
        public void WriteDateTime_WritesDatetimeInRFC339Spec()
            // Arrange
            var o = new DateTimeType();

            // Act
            var written = Toml.WriteString(o);

            // Assert
            written.Should().Be($"DT = {DateTimeType.Default}\r\n");
예제 #4
 public byte[] GetDateTimeConfig(DateTimeType type, byte schedId)
     if (type == DateTimeType.FromDate)
     else if (type == DateTimeType.ToDate)
         return(new byte[0]);
예제 #5
        public static ItemsBase[] BuildList(UInt16Swap swap, DateTimeType type, string[] strName)
            if (strName == null || strName.Length <= 0)

            var lst = new List <ItemsBase>(strName.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < strName.Length; i++)
                lst.Add(new DateTimeItem(strName[i], type, swap));

예제 #6
        public void ReferenceAndValueTest2()
            //Arrange - adaugam toate resursele de care avem nevoie
            DateTimeType object1 = new DateTimeType(); // 1:pointer catre obiect  2: obiectul cu proprietatile
            DateTimeType object2 = new DateTimeType(); // 3:pointer catre obiect  4: obiectul cu proprietatile

            //Act - apelam metoda pe care vrem sa o testam
            //object2 = object1;  //val 1 va merge in val de la 3 =>2         1=>2
            object2           = object1.Clone(); // 3:pointer catre obiect 5
            object2.datetime2 = DateTime.Today;  //modificam obiectul din spatiul de memorie 2    3=>2
            //Assert - verificam daca rezultatul este cel asteptat
            //Assert.IsTrue(result == DateTime.Now);
            //Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now, result);
            Assert.That(object2.datetime2, Is.EqualTo(DateTime.Today));
            Assert.That(object1.datetime2, Is.EqualTo(DateTime.MinValue));
예제 #7
        public void DateTimeToday()
            //Arrange - adaugam toate resursele de care avem nevoie
            //var car = new Car();
            var today = new DateTimeType();

            //Act - apelam metoda pe care vrem sa o testam
            var result = today.GetToday();

            //Assert - verificam daca rezultatul este cel asteptat
            //Assert.IsTrue(result == DateTime.Now);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now, result);
            //Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(DateTime.Now));
예제 #8
        public ExpressionOp(Expression e) : base(e.DataType.IsDateTimeTypeWithZone() ? 0x5b : 0x5c)
            switch (e.DataType.TypeCode)
            case 0x5c:
                base.nodes             = new Expression[2];
                base.nodes[0]          = e;
                base.nodes[0].DataType = e.DataType;
                base.DataType          = DateTimeType.GetDateTimeType(0x5e, e.DataType.Scale);

            case 0x5d:
                base.nodes             = new Expression[2];
                base.nodes[0]          = e;
                base.nodes[0].DataType = e.DataType;
                base.DataType          = DateTimeType.GetDateTimeType(0x5f, e.DataType.Scale);

            case 0x5e:
                base.nodes = new Expression[1];
                ExpressionOp op1 = new ExpressionOp(0x5c, e, null)
                    DataType = e.DataType
                base.nodes[0] = op1;
                base.DataType = DateTimeType.GetDateTimeType(0x5c, e.DataType.Scale);

            case 0x5f:
                base.nodes = new Expression[1];
                ExpressionOp op2 = new ExpressionOp(0x5c, e, null)
                    DataType = e.DataType
                base.nodes[0] = op2;
                base.DataType = DateTimeType.GetDateTimeType(0x5d, e.DataType.Scale);

                throw Error.RuntimeError(0xc9, "ExpressionOp");
            base.Alias = e.Alias;
예제 #9
        public static long FromDatetime(DateTime time, DateTimeType type)
            switch (type)
            case DateTimeType.Ticks:

            case DateTimeType.UnixTimeSeconds:
                return((long)(time.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.Kind))).TotalSeconds);

            case DateTimeType.UnixTimeMilliseconds:
                return((long)(time.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, time.Kind))).TotalMilliseconds);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
예제 #10
        public void Convert_Null_NullableDateTimeDefault()
            // arrange
            DateTimeValueConverter converter = new DateTimeValueConverter();
            DateTimeType           type      = new DateTimeType();

            DateTime?expectedUtcOutput = default(DateTime?);

            // act
            bool result = converter.TryConvert(
                typeof(DateTimeOffset), typeof(DateTime?),
                null, out object convertedValue);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedUtcOutput, convertedValue);
예제 #11
        void convertToDateTime(int interval, string unit)
            str_  = interval + unit;
            type_ = new DateTimeType();

            Debug.Assert(unit.Contains("day") || unit.Contains("month") || unit.Contains("year"));
            int day = interval;

            if (unit.Contains("month"))
                day *= 30;  // FIXME
            else if (unit.Contains("year"))
                day *= 365;  // FIXME
            val_ = new TimeSpan(day, 0, 0, 0);
예제 #12
        public static DateTime ToDateTime(long value, DateTimeType type)
            switch (type)
            case DateTimeType.Ticks:
                return(new DateTime(value));


            case DateTimeType.UnixTimeSeconds:

            case DateTimeType.UnixTimeMilliseconds:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
예제 #13
 public void AssertEquals(ManyDataTypesPoco actualRow)
     Assert.AreEqual(StringType, actualRow.StringType);
     Assert.AreEqual(GuidType, actualRow.GuidType);
     Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeType.ToString(), actualRow.DateTimeType.ToString()); // 'ToString' rounds to the nearest second
     Assert.AreEqual(DateTimeOffsetType.ToString(), actualRow.DateTimeOffsetType.ToString());
     Assert.AreEqual(BooleanType, actualRow.BooleanType);
     Assert.AreEqual(DecimalType, actualRow.DecimalType);
     Assert.AreEqual(DoubleType, actualRow.DoubleType);
     Assert.AreEqual(FloatType, actualRow.FloatType);
     Assert.AreEqual(IntType, actualRow.IntType);
     Assert.AreEqual(Int64Type, actualRow.Int64Type);
     Assert.AreEqual(TimeUuidType, actualRow.TimeUuidType);
     Assert.AreEqual(NullableTimeUuidType, actualRow.NullableTimeUuidType);
     Assert.AreEqual(DictionaryStringLongType, actualRow.DictionaryStringLongType);
     Assert.AreEqual(DictionaryStringStringType, actualRow.DictionaryStringStringType);
     Assert.AreEqual(ListOfGuidsType, actualRow.ListOfGuidsType);
     Assert.AreEqual(ListOfStringsType, actualRow.ListOfStringsType);
예제 #14
        public void ReferenceAndValueTest9()
            //Arrange - adaugam toate resursele de care avem nevoie
            DateTimeType   object1 = null;
            string         abc     = null;
            Nullable <int> value   = null;
            int?           value2  = null;

            //Act - apelam metoda pe care vrem sa o testam
            if (value2.HasValue)
            var result  = value2?.ToString(); // result = null
            var result2 = value2 ?? 2;        // daca value2 este null -> result2=2

            if (value2 == null)
                result2 = 2;
예제 #15
        public void Convert_DateTimeOffset_LocalNullableDateTime()
            // arrange
            DateTimeValueConverter converter = new DateTimeValueConverter();
            DateTimeType           type      = new DateTimeType();
            DateTimeOffset         input     = new DateTimeOffset(
                new DateTime(2018, 04, 05, 13, 15, 0),
                new TimeSpan(4, 0, 0));

            DateTime?expectedUtcOutput = new DateTime(
                2018, 04, 05, 09, 15, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

            // act
            bool result = converter.TryConvert(
                typeof(DateTimeOffset), typeof(DateTime?),
                input, out object convertedValue);

            // assert
            Assert.IsType <DateTime>(convertedValue);
            Assert.Equal(expectedUtcOutput, ((DateTime)convertedValue).ToUniversalTime());
예제 #16
        public BufferType GetDataType()
            if (bytes == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The DateTimeMarshaler is not set.");

            DateTimeType type = (DateTimeType)(bytes[8] >> 5);

            if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
            if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
            if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
예제 #17
 public void Update(ReferralData data)
     firstName          = data.FirstName.IsDefault ? firstName : data.FirstName;
     middleName         = data.MiddleName.IsDefault ? middleName : data.MiddleName;
     lastName           = data.LastName.IsDefault ? lastName : data.LastName;
     directSalesAgentId = data.DirectSalesAgentId.IsDefault ? directSalesAgentId : data.DirectSalesAgentId;
     streetAddress      = data.StreetAddress.IsDefault ? streetAddress : data.StreetAddress;
     city                   = data.City.IsDefault ? city : data.City;
     state                  = data.State.IsDefault ? state : data.State;
     postalCode             = data.PostalCode.IsDefault ? postalCode : data.PostalCode;
     latitude               = data.Latitude.IsDefault ? latitude : data.Latitude;
     longitude              = data.Longitude.IsDefault ? longitude : data.Longitude;
     email                  = data.Email.IsDefault ? email : data.Email;
     phoneNumber            = data.PhoneNumber.IsDefault ? phoneNumber : data.PhoneNumber;
     messageBody            = data.MessageBody.IsDefault ? messageBody : data.MessageBody;
     preferredContactMethod = data.PreferredContactMethod.IsDefault ? preferredContactMethod : data.PreferredContactMethod;
     distance               = data.Distance.IsDefault ? distance : data.Distance;
     referralDate           = data.ReferralDate.IsDefault ? referralDate : data.ReferralDate;
     demonstratorNotified   = data.DemonstratorNotified.IsDefault ? demonstratorNotified : data.DemonstratorNotified;
     iPAddress              = data.IPAddress.IsDefault ? iPAddress : data.IPAddress;
     referralSourceId       = data.ReferralSourceId.IsDefault ? referralSourceId : data.ReferralSourceId;
예제 #18
        void convertToDateTime(int interval, string unit)
            string[] validIntevals = { "years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds",
                                       "year",  "month",  "day",  "hour",  "minute",  "second" };
            str_  = interval + unit;
            type_ = new DateTimeType();

            // convert year/month to day or hour/min to second
            int days = 0, seconds = 0;

            if (unit.Contains("day"))
                days = interval;
            else if (unit.Contains("month"))
                days = interval * 30;  // FIXME
            else if (unit.Contains("year"))
                days = interval * 365;  // FIXME
            else if (unit.Contains("second"))
                seconds = interval;
            else if (unit.Contains("minute"))
                seconds = interval * 60;
            else if (unit.Contains("hour"))
                seconds = interval * 3600;
            val_ = new TimeSpan(days, 0, 0, seconds);
		private void ObjectToBytes (Object value, DateTimeType type)
			Debug.WriteLineIf (Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTimeMarshaler.ObjectToBytes(" + value + ", " + type + ")");

			int days, hour, minute, second, fraction, tz_offset_minutes;
			if (value is DateTime)
				DateTime dt = (DateTime) value;

				TimeZone tz = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
				TimeSpan tz_offset = tz.GetUtcOffset (dt);
				tz_offset_minutes = (int) (tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

				dt -= tz_offset;

				int year = dt.Year;
				int month = dt.Month;
				int day_of_month = dt.Day;
				days = GetDays (year, month, day_of_month);

				if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
					hour = dt.Hour;
					minute = dt.Minute;
					second = dt.Second;
					fraction = (int)(dt.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 10L);// dt.Millisecond * Values.MicrosPerMilliSec;
				else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
					hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
					throw new InvalidCastException ();
			else if (value is TimeSpan)
				if (type != DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
					throw new InvalidCastException ();

				days = Values.DAY_ZERO;
				tz_offset_minutes = 0;

				TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan) value;
				hour = ts.Hours;
				minute = ts.Minutes;
				second = ts.Seconds;
				fraction = (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 10L); //ts.Milliseconds * Values.MicrosPerMilliSec;
			else if (value is VirtuosoDateTime)
				VirtuosoDateTime dt = (VirtuosoDateTime) value;

				TimeZone tz = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
				TimeSpan tz_offset = tz.GetUtcOffset (dt.Value);
				tz_offset_minutes = (int) (tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

                long ticks = dt.Ticks - tz_offset.Ticks;
                dt = new VirtuosoDateTime(ticks);

				int year = dt.Year;
				int month = dt.Month;
				int day_of_month = dt.Day;
				days = GetDays (year, month, day_of_month);

				if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
					hour = dt.Hour;
					minute = dt.Minute;
					second = dt.Second;
                    fraction = (int)dt.Microsecond;
				else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
					hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
					throw new InvalidCastException ();
            else if (value is VirtuosoDateTimeOffset)
                VirtuosoDateTimeOffset dt = (VirtuosoDateTimeOffset)value;

                TimeSpan tz_offset = dt.Offset;
                tz_offset_minutes = (int)(tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

                long ticks = dt.Ticks - tz_offset.Ticks;
                dt = new VirtuosoDateTimeOffset(ticks, new TimeSpan(0));

                int year = dt.Year;
                int month = dt.Month;
                int day_of_month = dt.Day;
                days = GetDays(year, month, day_of_month);

                if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
                    hour = dt.Hour;
                    minute = dt.Minute;
                    second = dt.Second;
                    fraction = (int)dt.Microsecond;
                else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                    hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
                    throw new InvalidCastException();
            else if (value is VirtuosoTimeSpan)
                if (type != DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
                    throw new InvalidCastException();

                days = Values.DAY_ZERO;
                tz_offset_minutes = 0;

                VirtuosoTimeSpan ts = (VirtuosoTimeSpan)value;
                hour = ts.Hours;
                minute = ts.Minutes;
                second = ts.Seconds;
                fraction = (int)ts.Microseconds;
				throw new InvalidCastException ();

			if (bytes == null)
				bytes = new byte[10];

			bytes[0] = (byte) (days >> 16);
			bytes[1] = (byte) (days >> 8);
			bytes[2] = (byte) days;
			bytes[3] = (byte) hour;
			bytes[4] = (byte) ((minute << 2) | (second >> 4));
			bytes[5] = (byte) ((second << 4) | (fraction >> 16));
			bytes[6] = (byte) (fraction >> 8);
			bytes[7] = (byte) fraction;
			bytes[8] = (byte) (((tz_offset_minutes >> 8) & 0x07) | ((int) type << 5));
			bytes[9] = (byte) tz_offset_minutes;
예제 #20
        public TCCircleDateTimeSelector()

            colorRotaryProxy = new LabelColorRotaryProxy(SettingColorLabel);

            SettingColorLabel.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command = new Command(() => SettingPage.SetValue(CircleSurfaceEffectBehavior.RotaryFocusObjectProperty, colorRotaryProxy))

            SettingScroller.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer
                Command = new Command(() => SettingPage.SetValue(CircleSurfaceEffectBehavior.RotaryFocusObjectProperty, SettingScroller))

            type = DateTimeType.Date;

            SettingValueTypeLabel.Text = type.ToString();
            SettingValueType.IsToggled = true;
            SettingValueType.Toggled  += (s, e) =>
                type = SettingValueType.IsToggled ? DateTimeType.Date : DateTimeType.Time;
                SettingValueTypeLabel.Text = type.ToString();

            TimeTextPage.Appearing += (s, e) =>
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (TimeSelector.ValueType == DateTimeType.Date)
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfYear)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{TimeSelector.DateTime.Year} Year");
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfMonth)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{TimeSelector.DateTime.Month} Month");
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfDate)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{TimeSelector.DateTime.Day} Day");
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfHour)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{TimeSelector.DateTime.Hour} Hour");
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfMinute)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{TimeSelector.DateTime.Minute} Minute");
                    if (TimeSelector.IsVisibleOfAmPm)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{(TimeSelector.DateTime.Hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM")}");

                sb.AppendLine($"Marker = {ColorHexConverter.ToHexString(TimeSelector.MarkerColor)}");
                sb.AppendLine($"Max = {(TimeSelector.ValueType == DateTimeType.Date ? TimeSelector.MaximumDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : TimeSelector.MaximumDate.ToString("HH:mm"))}");
                sb.AppendLine($"Min = {(TimeSelector.ValueType == DateTimeType.Date ? TimeSelector.MinimumDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : TimeSelector.MinimumDate.ToString("HH:mm"))}");

                TimeText.Text = sb.ToString();
예제 #21
 public void Visit(DateTimeType dt)
     //DateTime resDateTime = dt.Value; Or similar
예제 #22
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DateTimeFormatAttribute" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="kind"><see cref="DateTimeKind" />.</param>
 /// <param name="type"><see cref="DateTimeType" />.</param>
 public DateTimeFormatAttribute(DateTimeKind kind, DateTimeType type)
     Kind = kind;
     Type = type;
예제 #23
        public static DateTime ToDateTime(byte[] data, int start, UInt16Swap int16Swap, DateTimeType dateTimeType)
            ushort year, moth, day, hour, min, sec;

            year = ToUInt16(data, start, int16Swap);
            moth = ToUInt16(data, start + 2, int16Swap);
            day  = ToUInt16(data, start + 4, int16Swap);
            hour = ToUInt16(data, start + 6, int16Swap);
            min  = ToUInt16(data, start + 8, int16Swap);
            sec  = ToUInt16(data, start + 10, int16Swap);

            if (year <= 99)
                year += 2000;

                return(new DateTime(year, moth, day, hour, min, sec));
            catch (Exception)
        public void TestDateObject()
            ICollection<PortableTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs =
                new List<PortableTypeConfiguration>();

            typeCfgs.Add(new PortableTypeConfiguration(typeof(DateTimeType)));

            PortableConfiguration cfg = new PortableConfiguration {TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs};

            PortableMarshaller marsh = new PortableMarshaller(cfg);

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            DateTimeType obj = new DateTimeType(now);

            DateTimeType otherObj = marsh.Unmarshal<DateTimeType>(marsh.Marshal(obj));

            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Loc, otherObj.Loc);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Utc, otherObj.Utc);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.LocNull, otherObj.LocNull);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcNull, otherObj.UtcNull);            
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.LocArr, otherObj.LocArr);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcArr, otherObj.UtcArr);

            Assert.AreEqual(obj.LocRaw, otherObj.LocRaw);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcRaw, otherObj.UtcRaw);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.LocNullRaw, otherObj.LocNullRaw);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcNullRaw, otherObj.UtcNullRaw);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.LocArrRaw, otherObj.LocArrRaw);
            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcArrRaw, otherObj.UtcArrRaw);
예제 #25
 public JqGridSearch(JqGridRequest request, NameValueCollection form, DateTimeType dateTimeType)
     _request      = request;
     _form         = form;
     _dateTimeType = dateTimeType;
예제 #26
 public InvoiceCreated(string invoiceNumber, DateTime invoiceDate)
     InvoiceNumber = invoiceNumber;
     InvoiceDate   = invoiceDate;
예제 #27
        public async Task <DataGridViewModel <ProductDataGridViewModel> > GetDataGridSource(string orderBy, JqGridRequest request, NameValueCollection form, DateTimeType dateTimeType, int page, int pageSize)
            var usersQuery = _products.AsQueryable();

            var query = new JqGridSearch(request, form, dateTimeType).ApplyFilter(usersQuery);

            var dataGridModel = new DataGridViewModel <ProductDataGridViewModel>
                Records = await query.AsQueryable().OrderBy(orderBy)
                          .Skip(page * pageSize)
                          .Take(pageSize).ProjectTo <ProductDataGridViewModel>(null, _mappingEngine).ToListAsync(),

                TotalCount = await query.AsQueryable().OrderBy(orderBy).CountAsync()

예제 #28
파일: Generator.cs 프로젝트: omeaart/CSTS
        private TypeScriptType GetTypeScriptType(Type type)
            TypeScriptType tst;

              if (TypeHelper.Is(type, typeof(string)))
            tst = new StringType();
              else if (TypeHelper.Is(type, typeof(bool)))
            tst = new BooleanType();
              else if (TypeHelper.Is(type, typeof(int),
            tst = new NumberType();
              else if (TypeHelper.Is(type, typeof(DateTime)))
            tst = new DateTimeType();
              else if (TypeHelper.Is(type, typeof(TimeSpan)))
            tst = new TimeSpanType();
              else if (type.IsGenericParameter)
            tst = new GenericTypeParameter();
              else if (TypeHelper.IsDictionary(type))
            tst = new DictionaryType();
              else if (TypeHelper.IsEnumerable(type))
            tst = new ArrayType();
              else if (TypeHelper.IsEnum(type))
            tst = new EnumType();
            var processType = _options.TypeFilter(type);

            if (processType)
              if (type.IsInterface)
            tst = new InterfaceType(type);
            tst = new CustomType(type);
              tst = new AnyType();

              if (TypeHelper.IsNullableValueType(type))
            ((ValueType)tst).IsNullable = true;
            type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);

              tst.ClrType = type;

              return tst;
        /// <summary>
        /// Interrogates the expression instance populating the report column that is exposed to the Report API service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argument">The argument.</param>
        /// <param name="reportColumn">The report column.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool PopulateTypeFromArgument(ActivityArgument argument, out DatabaseType type, out EntityType resourceType)
            resourceType = null;

            if (argument.Is <StringArgument>())
                type = new StringType();
            else if (argument.Is <IntegerArgument>())
                type = new Int32Type();
            else if (argument.Is <CurrencyArgument>())
                type = new CurrencyType();
            else if (argument.Is <DecimalArgument>())
                type = new DecimalType();
            else if (argument.Is <DateArgument>())
                type = new DateType();
            else if (argument.Is <TimeArgument>())
                type = new TimeType();
            else if (argument.Is <DateTimeArgument>())
                type = new DateTimeType();
            else if (argument.Is <GuidArgument>())
                type = new GuidType();
            else if (argument.Is <BoolArgument>())
                type = new BoolType();
            else if (argument.Is <TypedArgument>())
                TypedArgument rla = argument.As <TypedArgument>();
                resourceType = Entity.Get <EntityType>(rla.ConformsToType);
                if (resourceType == null)
                    type = null;
                if (resourceType.IsOfType.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Alias == "core:enumType") != null)
                    // A choice field
                    type = new ChoiceRelationshipType();
                    // Is a related resource
                    type = new InlineRelationshipType();
                type = null;
예제 #30
 public string GetTypeName(DateTimeType tst)
     return "string";
        public static string ConvertDateTime(string src, DateTimeType dtt = DateTimeType.DateTime)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(src))
                return "";

            src = src.Trim();
            switch (dtt)
                case DateTimeType.DateTime:
                    string[] srca = src.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (srca == null || srca.Length != 2)
                        return src;
                    string srca0 = srca[0];
                    while (srca0.IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        srca0 = srca0.Replace("-", "/");
                    string srca1 = srca[1];
                    while (srca1.IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        srca1 = srca1.Replace("-", ":");
                    return srca0 + " " + srca1;
                case DateTimeType.Date:
                    while (src.IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        src = src.Replace("-", "/");
                    return src;
                case DateTimeType.Time:
                    while (src.IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        src = src.Replace("-", ":");
                    return src;
 public object Read(DateTimeType dateTimeType) => TypeConverter.DateTimeEpochStart.AddSeconds(reader.ReadUInt32());
		internal static void MarshalDate (Stream stream, object value, DateTimeType type)
			DateTimeMarshaler m = new DateTimeMarshaler ();
			m.ObjectToBytes (value, type);
			m.Marshal (stream);
예제 #34
 public DatetimeLiteral(DateTimeType DateTimeType)
     this.DateTimeType = DateTimeType;
예제 #35
        public void Seed()
            DateTimeType type = (DateTimeType)NHibernateUtil.DateTime;

            Assert.IsTrue(type.Seed(null) is DateTime, "seed should be DateTime");
 /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TimeSpanFormatAttribute" /> class.</summary>
 /// <param name="type"><see cref="DateTimeType" />.</param>
 public TimeSpanFormatAttribute(DateTimeType type) => Type = type;
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加缓存
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">key</param>
 /// <param name="obj">对象</param>
 /// <param name="type">日期类型</param>
 /// <param name="num">长度</param>
 public static void Add(string key, object obj, DateTimeType type, int num)
     Add <object>(key, obj, type, num);
예제 #38
        private void ObjectToBytes(Object value, DateTimeType type)
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTimeMarshaler.ObjectToBytes(" + value + ", " + type + ")");

            int days, hour, minute, second, fraction, tz_offset_minutes;

            if (value is DateTime)
                DateTime dt = (DateTime)value;

                TimeZone tz        = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
                TimeSpan tz_offset = tz.GetUtcOffset(dt);
                tz_offset_minutes = (int)(tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

                dt -= tz_offset;

                int year         = dt.Year;
                int month        = dt.Month;
                int day_of_month = dt.Day;
                days = GetDays(year, month, day_of_month);

                if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
                    hour     = dt.Hour;
                    minute   = dt.Minute;
                    second   = dt.Second;
                    fraction = (int)(dt.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 10L);                    // dt.Millisecond * Values.MicrosPerMilliSec;
                else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                    hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
                    throw new InvalidCastException();
            else if (value is TimeSpan)
                if (type != DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
                    throw new InvalidCastException();

                days = Values.DAY_ZERO;
                tz_offset_minutes = 0;

                TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)value;
                hour     = ts.Hours;
                minute   = ts.Minutes;
                second   = ts.Seconds;
                fraction = (int)(ts.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 10L);                 //ts.Milliseconds * Values.MicrosPerMilliSec;
            else if (value is VirtuosoDateTime)
                VirtuosoDateTime dt = (VirtuosoDateTime)value;

                TimeZone tz        = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
                TimeSpan tz_offset = tz.GetUtcOffset(dt.Value);
                tz_offset_minutes = (int)(tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

                long ticks = dt.Ticks - tz_offset.Ticks;
                dt = new VirtuosoDateTime(ticks);

                int year         = dt.Year;
                int month        = dt.Month;
                int day_of_month = dt.Day;
                days = GetDays(year, month, day_of_month);

                if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
                    hour     = dt.Hour;
                    minute   = dt.Minute;
                    second   = dt.Second;
                    fraction = (int)dt.Microsecond;
                else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                    hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
                    throw new InvalidCastException();
            else if (value is VirtuosoDateTimeOffset)
                VirtuosoDateTimeOffset dt = (VirtuosoDateTimeOffset)value;

                TimeSpan tz_offset = dt.Offset;
                tz_offset_minutes = (int)(tz_offset.Hours * 60) + tz_offset.Minutes;

                long ticks = dt.Ticks - tz_offset.Ticks;
                dt = new VirtuosoDateTimeOffset(ticks, new TimeSpan(0));

                int year         = dt.Year;
                int month        = dt.Month;
                int day_of_month = dt.Day;
                days = GetDays(year, month, day_of_month);

                if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
                    hour     = dt.Hour;
                    minute   = dt.Minute;
                    second   = dt.Second;
                    fraction = (int)dt.Microsecond;
                else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                    hour = minute = second = fraction = 0;
                    throw new InvalidCastException();
            else if (value is VirtuosoTimeSpan)
                if (type != DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
                    throw new InvalidCastException();

                days = Values.DAY_ZERO;
                tz_offset_minutes = 0;

                VirtuosoTimeSpan ts = (VirtuosoTimeSpan)value;
                hour     = ts.Hours;
                minute   = ts.Minutes;
                second   = ts.Seconds;
                fraction = (int)ts.Microseconds;
                throw new InvalidCastException();

            if (bytes == null)
                bytes = new byte[10];

            bytes[0] = (byte)(days >> 16);
            bytes[1] = (byte)(days >> 8);
            bytes[2] = (byte)days;
            bytes[3] = (byte)hour;
            bytes[4] = (byte)((minute << 2) | (second >> 4));
            bytes[5] = (byte)((second << 4) | (fraction >> 16));
            bytes[6] = (byte)(fraction >> 8);
            bytes[7] = (byte)fraction;
            bytes[8] = (byte)(((tz_offset_minutes >> 8) & 0x07) | ((int)type << 5));
            bytes[9] = (byte)tz_offset_minutes;
예제 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得DateTime
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="num"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime GetDateTime(DateTimeType type, double num)
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            return(GetDateTime(dt, type, num));
예제 #40
        private object BytesToObject()
            Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTimeMarshaler.BytesToObject()");

            int          days              = (bytes[0] << 16) | (bytes[1] << 8) | bytes[2];
            int          hour              = bytes[3];
            int          minute            = bytes[4] >> 2;
            int          second            = ((bytes[4] & 0x03) << 4) | (bytes[5] >> 4);
            long         fraction          = ((bytes[5] & 0x0f) << 16) | (bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7];
            DateTimeType type              = (DateTimeType)(bytes[8] >> 5);
            int          tz_offset_minutes = ((bytes[8] & 0x03) << 8) | bytes[9];

            if ((bytes[8] & 0x04) != 0)
                tz_offset_minutes |= (-1 & ~0x03ff);

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "type: " + type);

            if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_TIME)
                VirtuosoTimeSpan ts = new VirtuosoTimeSpan(0, hour, minute, second, fraction);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "TimeSpan: " + ts);
            else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME)
                int year, month, day_of_month;
                GetDate(days, out year, out month, out day_of_month);
                TimeSpan tz_offset = new TimeSpan(0, tz_offset_minutes, 0);

                VirtuosoDateTimeOffset dt = new VirtuosoDateTimeOffset(year, month, day_of_month, hour, minute, second, fraction, tz_offset);
                dt = dt.AddMinutes(tz_offset_minutes);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTime: " + dt);
            else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                int year, month, day_of_month;
                GetDate(days, out year, out month, out day_of_month);

                VirtuosoDateTime dt = new VirtuosoDateTime(year, month, day_of_month, hour, minute, second, fraction);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTime: " + dt);
            else if (type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATETIME || type == DateTimeType.DT_TYPE_DATE)
                int year, month, day_of_month;
                GetDate(days, out year, out month, out day_of_month);

                VirtuosoDateTime dt = new VirtuosoDateTime(year, month, day_of_month, hour, minute, second, fraction);
                dt = dt.AddMinutes(tz_offset_minutes);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Marshaler.marshalSwitch.Enabled, "DateTime: " + dt);
                throw new InvalidCastException();
예제 #41
 public void DateTimeTypeNames()
     var expected = new[] { "System.DateTime", "System.TimeSpan" };
     var actual = new DateTimeType().TypeNames;
     TestHelper.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #42
 public DatetimeLiteral(DateTimeType DateTimeType, DateTime Value)
     this.DateTimeType = DateTimeType;
     this.Value = Value;