public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 17; hash ^= 31 + SerialNumber.ToInt(); hash ^= 31 + DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString().ToInt(); return(hash ^ 31 + ExpiryDate.ToShortDateString().ToInt()); }
void FillFrontSideTextByDrawText(Graphics gr) { var textMargin = GraphicsHelper.DefaultMainTextMargin + 26; GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "1.", 146); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, RegNumber.ToUpper(), textMargin, 146); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "2.", 183); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, Model.ToUpper(), textMargin, 183); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "3.", 220); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, Color.ToUpper(), textMargin, 220); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "4.", 257); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, Owner.ToUpper(), textMargin, 257, GraphicsHelper.DefaultTextBlockWidth, 65); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "5.", 330); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, Address, textMargin, 330, GraphicsHelper.DefaultTextBlockWidth, 85); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "6.", 425); var dt = DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString(); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, dt.ToUpper(), textMargin, 425); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "7.", 466); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, PlaceOfIssue.ToUpper(), textMargin, 466); GraphicsHelper.DrawMainText(gr, "8.", 510); GraphicsHelper.DrawText(gr, PersonalNumber.ToUpper(), textMargin, 510); }
public void generate() { string path = "invoiceTemplate.xml"; XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path); XElement root = doc.Element("Template"); string header = root.Element("Header").Value; header = string.Format(header, Company.Name, Company.FullAddress, Company.NIP, Company.REGON, Company.Phone, Company.Email, Company.Website, Company.BankName, Company.BankAccount); string cityOfIssue = root.Element("DatePlace").Value; string dateOfIssue = DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString(); string dateOfDelivery = DateOfDelivery.ToShortDateString(); cityOfIssue = string.Format(cityOfIssue, dateOfIssue, IssuePlace, dateOfDelivery); string title = root.Element("Title").Value; title = string.Format(title, Number); string sellerBuyer = root.Element("SellerBuyer").Value; sellerBuyer = string.Format(sellerBuyer, Company.FullName, Company.FullAddress, Company.NIP, Contractor.FullName, Contractor.FullAddress, Contractor.NIP); header += cityOfIssue += title += sellerBuyer; string invoiceItemsTable = root.Element("InvoiceItemsTableHeader").Value; string invoiceItemsSummary = root.Element("InvoiceItemTableSummary").Value; string invoiceItem = root.Element("InvoiceItem").Value; int i = 1; foreach (InvoiceItem item in InvoiceItems) { string newItem = string.Format(invoiceItem, i, item.Item.Name, item.Item.UnitOfMeasure, item.Quantity, item.Item.UnitPrice.ToString("0.00"), item.ValueNetto.ToString("0.00"), item.Item.VatRate.ToString("0.00"), item.VATValue.ToString("0.00"), item.ValueBrutto.ToString("0.00")); Console.WriteLine(newItem); invoiceItemsTable += newItem; i++; } invoiceItemsSummary = string.Format(invoiceItemsSummary, TotalValueNetto.ToString("0.00"), TotalVATValue.ToString("0.00"), TotalValueBrutto.ToString("0.00")); invoiceItemsTable += invoiceItemsSummary; string taxTableHeader = root.Element("TaxTableHeader").Value; string tax = root.Element("Tax").Value; string taxTableSummary = root.Element("TaxTableSummary").Value; string taxTable = taxTableHeader + tax + taxTableSummary; string priceSummary = root.Element("PriceSummary").Value; priceSummary = string.Format(priceSummary, TotalValueBrutto.ToString("0.00"), "słownie złotych", "groszy"); string paymentMethod = root.Element("PaymentMethod").Value; paymentMethod = string.Format(paymentMethod, PaymentMethod.Name, DateOfIssue.AddDays(PaymentMethod.DueDate).ToShortDateString()); string issuer = root.Element("Issuer").Value; issuer = string.Format(issuer, Company.IssuerName); string footer = paymentMethod + issuer; string output = header + invoiceItemsTable + taxTable + priceSummary + footer; output = output.Replace("~^~^", "{{"); output = output.Replace("^~^~", "}}"); output = output.Replace("~^", "{"); output = output.Replace("^~", "}"); File.WriteAllText("out.tex", output); Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = "pdflatex"; process.StartInfo.Arguments = "out.tex"; process.Start(); //process.Dispose(); }
public override string ToString() { return(String.Format("Номер замовлення: {0}\tБібліотекар: {1} {2}\tСписок книг: {3}\tЧитач: {4} {5}\tДата видачі: {6}\tДата здачі: {7}\n\n" , NumberOfOrder, Librarian.Person.FirstName, Librarian.Person.LastName, BookList.NumberOfBooks, Reader.Person.FirstName, Reader.Person.LastName, DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString(), DateOfAdmission.ToShortDateString())); }
void drawPrescriptionTemplate(Graphics g) { g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter; float lineSize = 0.2f; Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black, lineSize); Pen penDotted = new Pen(Color.Black, lineSize); penDotted.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash; int pageWidth = 99; int pageHeight = 200; Point rectLocation = new Point(0, 0); Size rectSize = new Size(pageWidth, pageHeight); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(rectLocation, rectSize); g.DrawRectangle(p, rectangle); g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, rectangle); Point hLine00 = new Point(0, 35); Point hLine01 = new Point(99, 35); Point hLine10 = new Point(0, 74); Point hLine11 = new Point(99, 74); Point hLine20 = new Point(0, 160); Point hLine21 = new Point(99, 160); g.DrawLine(p, hLine00, hLine01); g.DrawLine(p, hLine10, hLine11); g.DrawLine(p, hLine20, hLine21); Point hLine30 = new Point(69, 48); Point hLine31 = new Point(99, 48); g.DrawLine(p, hLine30, hLine31); Point hLine110 = new Point(69, 61); Point hLine111 = new Point(99, 61); g.DrawLine(p, hLine110, hLine111); Point vLine00 = new Point(69, 35); Point vLine01 = new Point(69, 74); g.DrawLine(p, vLine00, vLine01); Point vLine10 = new Point(69, 74); Point vLine11 = new Point(69, 148); g.DrawLine(penDotted, vLine10, vLine11); Point hLine60 = new Point(0, 79); Point hLine61 = new Point(99, 79); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine60, hLine61); Point hLine70 = new Point(0, 93); Point hLine71 = new Point(99, 93); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine70, hLine71); Point hLine80 = new Point(0, 107); Point hLine81 = new Point(99, 107); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine80, hLine81); Point hLine90 = new Point(0, 121); Point hLine91 = new Point(99, 121); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine90, hLine91); Point hLine100 = new Point(0, 135); Point hLine101 = new Point(99, 135); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine100, hLine101); Point hLine50 = new Point(0, 148); Point hLine51 = new Point(99, 148); g.DrawLine(penDotted, hLine50, hLine51); Point vLine20 = new Point(35, 160); Point vLine21 = new Point(35, 200); g.DrawLine(p, vLine20, vLine21); Point hLine40 = new Point(0, 180); Point hLine41 = new Point(35, 180); g.DrawLine(p, hLine40, hLine41); int marginLeft = 3; int marginTop = 3; Font fontDefault = new Font("Arial", 10); Font fontSmall = new Font("Arial", 8); Brush brush = Brushes.Black; Point ptPrescriptonStr = new Point(marginLeft, marginTop); Point ptPrescriptionNumberVal = new Point(marginLeft + 30, marginTop); Point ptSwiadczeniodawcaVal = new Point(marginLeft, marginTop + 5); Point ptSwiadczeniodawcaStr = new Point(marginLeft, 30); Point ptPacjentStr = new Point(marginLeft, 35); Point ptPacjentFullNameVal = new Point(marginLeft, 40); Point ptPatientFullAddressVal = new Point(marginLeft, 45); Point ptWiek = new Point(marginLeft, 60); Point ptPeselStr = new Point(marginLeft, 69); Point ptPeselVal = new Point(marginLeft + 20, 69); Point ptNfzStr = new Point(70, 35); Point ptNfzVal = new Point(75, 40); Point ptUprawnieniaStr = new Point(70, hLine30.Y); Point ptUprawnieniaVal = new Point(75, hLine30.Y + 5); Point ptChorobyPrzewlekle = new Point(70, hLine110.Y); Point ptRpStr = new Point(marginLeft, 75); Point ptRefundacjaStr = new Point(70, 75); Point ptPosition0 = new Point(marginLeft, hLine70.Y - 12); Point ptPosition1 = new Point(marginLeft, hLine80.Y - 12); Point ptPosition2 = new Point(marginLeft, hLine90.Y - 12); Point ptPosition3 = new Point(marginLeft, hLine100.Y - 12); Point ptPosition4 = new Point(marginLeft, hLine50.Y - 12); Point ptPrescriptionNumberVal2 = new Point(27, 155); Point ptDaneLekarzaStr = new Point(40, 160); Point ptDaneLekarzaVal = new Point(40, 165); Point ptDaneLekarzaNrPrawaVal = new Point(40, 170); Point ptDataWystawieniaStr = new Point(marginLeft, 160); Point ptDataWystawieniaVal = new Point(marginLeft, 165); Point ptDataRealizacjiStr = new Point(marginLeft, 180); Point ptWydrukWlasnyStr = new Point(70, 195); g.DrawString("Recepta", fontDefault, brush, ptPrescriptonStr); g.DrawString(PrescriptionNumber.Number, fontDefault, brush, ptPrescriptionNumberVal); g.DrawString(Gabinet.Nazwa + "\n" + "REGON " + Gabinet.REGON, fontDefault, brush, ptSwiadczeniodawcaVal); g.DrawString("Świadczeniodawca", fontDefault, brush, ptSwiadczeniodawcaStr); g.DrawString("Pacjent", fontDefault, brush, ptPacjentStr); g.DrawString(Patient.FullName, fontDefault, brush, ptPacjentFullNameVal); g.DrawString(Patient.FullAddress, fontDefault, brush, ptPatientFullAddressVal); g.DrawString("R.p.", fontDefault, brush, ptRpStr); g.DrawString("Refundacja", fontDefault, brush, ptRefundacjaStr); g.DrawString("Wiek: " + Patient.Age, fontDefault, brush, ptWiek); g.DrawString("PESEL", fontDefault, brush, ptPeselStr); g.DrawString(Patient.PESEL, fontDefault, brush, ptPeselVal); g.DrawString("Oddział NFZ", fontDefault, brush, ptNfzStr); g.DrawString(Patient.Kod, fontDefault, brush, ptNfzVal); g.DrawString("Uprawnienia", fontDefault, brush, ptUprawnieniaStr); g.DrawString(Patient.Uprawnienie, fontDefault, brush, ptUprawnieniaVal); g.DrawString("Ch. przewlekłe", fontDefault, brush, ptChorobyPrzewlekle); g.DrawString(PrescriptionNumber.Number, fontDefault, brush, ptPrescriptionNumberVal2); g.DrawString("Dane i podpis lekarza", fontDefault, brush, ptDaneLekarzaStr); g.DrawString(Doctor.FullName, fontDefault, brush, ptDaneLekarzaVal); g.DrawString("Nr prawa: " + Doctor.RightToPracticeNumber, fontDefault, brush, ptDaneLekarzaNrPrawaVal); g.DrawString("Data wystawienia", fontSmall, brush, ptDataWystawieniaStr); g.DrawString(DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString(), fontDefault, brush, ptDataWystawieniaVal); g.DrawString("Data realizacji 'od dnia'", fontSmall, brush, ptDataRealizacjiStr); g.DrawString("Wydruk własny", fontSmall, brush, ptWydrukWlasnyStr); Point[] items = new Point[5]; items[0] = ptPosition0; items[1] = ptPosition1; items[2] = ptPosition2; items[3] = ptPosition3; items[4] = ptPosition4; int i = 0; foreach (Lek lek in Leki) { if (Leki[i] != null) { g.DrawString(Leki[i].FullInfo, fontDefault, brush, items[i]); } i++; } Point ptBarcodeREGON = new Point(65, 28); Image imgREGONBarcode = drawBarcode(Gabinet.REGON); g.DrawImage(imgREGONBarcode, ptBarcodeREGON); Point ptBarcodePrescriptionNumber = new Point(27, 150); Image imgPrescriptionNumberBarcode = drawBarcode(PrescriptionNumber.Number); g.DrawImage(imgPrescriptionNumberBarcode, ptBarcodePrescriptionNumber); Point ptBarcodeRightToPractice = new Point(45, 175); Image imgRightToPracticeBarcode = drawBarcode(Doctor.RightToPracticeNumber); g.DrawImage(imgRightToPracticeBarcode, ptBarcodeRightToPractice); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Join("\n\t", "Passport data:", string.Join(string.Empty, "Passport number: ", PassportNumber), PassportIdentification, string.Join(string.Empty, "Date of issue: ", DateOfIssue.ToShortDateString()), string.Join(string.Empty, "Authority: ", Authority), string.Join(string.Empty, "Date of expiry: ", DateOfExpiry.ToShortDateString()))); }