public void Awake() { status = NOT_STARTED; theOcean = GameObject.Find("Ocean").GetComponent <OceanController>(); movesAPIObj = GameObject.Find("MovesAPIRequests").GetComponent <MovesAPIRequests> (); jsonDataObj = GameObject.Find("JSONDataObject").GetComponent <JSONDataObject> (); dateObj = GameObject.Find("DateObject").GetComponent <DateClass> (); startDate = dateObj.getCurrentDateString(); }
public string getAPIString() { Debug.Log("MovesAPIRequests getAPIString is Called!"); if (MOVES_ACCESS_TOKEN == "") { Debug.Log("MOVES_ACCESS_TOKEN is empty, requesting one from playerPrefs."); MOVES_ACCESS_TOKEN = PlayerPrefs.GetString("MOVES_ACCESS_TOKEN"); } dateString = dateObj.getCurrentDateString(); return(movesApiUrl + dateString + "?access_token=" + MOVES_ACCESS_TOKEN); }
IEnumerator timedAPICalls() { Debug.Log("MovesApiChallenge timedAPICalls is called"); string currentDate = dateObj.getCurrentDateString(); while (stepsWalked < targetSteps && currentDate == startDate) { Debug.Log("inside while"); string theSummary = jsonDataObj.getSummary(); Debug.Log("theSummary is " + theSummary); getMovesAPIData(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(APIInterval)); } // need to design a flag mechanism to turn off the calls and exit the function. }