private void GetDateSources(ConfigNode node) { var sourceName = node.Attributes["name"]; var sourceType = node.Attributes["type"]; if (sourceType.ToLower() != "mysql") { throw new NotSupportedException("nova not support " + sourceType); } var userName = node.TryGetNode("UserName").InnerText; var password = node.TryGetNode("Password").InnerText; var sqlMode = node.TryGetNode("SqlMode").InnerText; var locations = node.TryGetNodes("Locations/Location"); var index = 0; foreach (var item in locations) { Datasources.Add(String.Format("{0}[{1}]", sourceName, index), new DataSourceConfig() { SourceName = String.Format("{0}[{1}]", sourceName, index), SourceType = sourceType, UserName = userName, Password = password, SqlMode = sqlMode, Host = item.Attributes["host"], Port = Convert.ToInt32(item.Attributes["port"]), Database = item.Attributes["database"] }); index++; } }
private int[] mCount2 = new int[3]; //存放后CLICK的管线 每段长度的个数 public PipeStatist(LengthStatistics m_LengthStatis, SceneControl m_SceneControl, CaliberStatist m_CaliberStatist, int m_Index, MaterialStatist m_MaterialStatist, OwnerStatist m_OwnerStatist) { mIndex = m_Index; this.mOwnerStatist = m_OwnerStatist; this.mMaterialStatist = m_MaterialStatist; this.mCaliberStatist = m_CaliberStatist; this.mLengthStatis = m_LengthStatis; this.mSceneControl = m_SceneControl; //获取数据源的名字 Datasources m_datasources = mSceneControl.Scene.Workspace.Datasources; mDataSourceName = m_datasources[0].Alias; InitializeComponent(); switch (mIndex) { case 1: Array.Clear(mCount, 0, mCount.Length); Array.Clear(mCount1, 0, mCount1.Length); Array.Clear(mCount2, 0, mCount2.Length); LengBar(); break; case 2: Array.Clear(mCount, 0, mCount.Length); Array.Clear(mCount1, 0, mCount1.Length); Array.Clear(mCount2, 0, mCount2.Length); CaliberBar(); break; case 3: MaterialBar(); break; case 4: OwnerBar(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the hash code /// </summary> /// <returns>Hash code</returns> public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap { var hashCode = 41; // Suitable nullity checks etc, of course :) if (Datasources != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Datasources.GetHashCode(); } if (Step != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Step.GetHashCode(); } if (Archives != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Archives.GetHashCode(); } if (Path != null) { hashCode = hashCode * 59 + Path.GetHashCode(); } return(hashCode); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if OrgApacheSlingCommonsMetricsRrd4jImplCodahaleMetricsReporterProperties instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of OrgApacheSlingCommonsMetricsRrd4jImplCodahaleMetricsReporterProperties to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(OrgApacheSlingCommonsMetricsRrd4jImplCodahaleMetricsReporterProperties other) { if (other is null) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Datasources == other.Datasources || Datasources != null && Datasources.Equals(other.Datasources) ) && ( Step == other.Step || Step != null && Step.Equals(other.Step) ) && ( Archives == other.Archives || Archives != null && Archives.Equals(other.Archives) ) && ( Path == other.Path || Path != null && Path.Equals(other.Path) )); }
/// <summary> /// 添加等级符号专题图 /// Add the theme of graduated symbol /// </summary> public void ThemeRangeThemeDisplay() { try { Map map = m_mapControl.Map; Layers layers = map.Layers; Int32 count = layers.Count; Datasources datasources = m_workspace.Datasources; Datasource datasource = datasources[0]; Datasets datasets = datasource.Datasets; DatasetVector datasetVector = datasets["BaseMap_R"] as DatasetVector; ThemeGraduatedSymbol themeGraduatedSymbol = new ThemeGraduatedSymbol(); themeGraduatedSymbol.Expression = "Urban"; themeGraduatedSymbol.BaseValue = 150.00000; themeGraduatedSymbol.GraduatedMode = GraduatedMode.SquareRoot; themeGraduatedSymbol.IsFlowEnabled = false; GeoStyle geoStyle = themeGraduatedSymbol.PositiveStyle; geoStyle.LineColor = Color.Pink; m_layer = layers.Add(datasetVector, themeGraduatedSymbol, true); m_themeLayerName = m_layer.Name; m_mapControl.Map.Refresh(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private Datasources FindCurrentDatasources() { if ( this.mruConnections == null ) return null; Datasources datasources = mruConnections.FindDatasources( dbConnectionParameter.Provider ); return datasources; }
private void DbConnectionParameter_GetDatasourceAddressValues( object sender, StringLookupGetValuesEventArgs args ) { Datasources datasources = FindCurrentDatasources(); if ( datasources == null ) return; args.Values.Clear(); foreach ( var ds in datasources.Datasource ) { args.Values.Add( ds.Address ); } }
private void DbConnectionParameter_GetDatasourceNameValues( object sender, StringLookupGetValuesEventArgs args ) { if ( this.mruConnections == null ) return; Datasources datasources = mruConnections.FindDatasources( dbConnectionParameter.Provider ); if ( datasources == null ) return; args.Values.Clear(); foreach ( var ds in datasources.Datasource ) { args.Values.Add( ds.Comment ); } }
public SQLQuery(Workspace workspace, SceneControl scenecontrol, UseData useData, DataGridView datagridview) { InitializeComponent(); mUseData = useData; mDataGridView = datagridview; mScenecontrol = scenecontrol; //layer3DsTree1.Scene = scenecontrol.Scene; mWorkspace = workspace; //layer3DsTree1.SimpleMode = true; //移除屏幕图层和地形图层节点 // layer3DsTree1.TerrainLayersNode.Remove(); // layer3DsTree1.ScreenLayer3DNode.Remove(); // layer3DsTree1.Icons = TreeIconTypes.None | TreeIconTypes.TypeIcon; // layer3DsTree1.MultiSelect = false; GetTreeNode(); Datasources m_datasources = mScenecontrol.Scene.Workspace.Datasources; mDataSourceName = m_datasources[0].Alias; }
void LoadApplications(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, Storage storage) { var fileInfo = directoryInfo.GetFiles("adlib.pbk"); foreach (var file in fileInfo) { var path = file.FullName.ToLower(); var applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo(path, storage); var applicationNode = new ApplicationNode(path, applicationInfo); Applications.Add(path, applicationNode); foreach (var dataSourceInfo in applicationInfo.DataSourceList) { if (dataSourceInfo.DatabaseType == DatabaseType.NormalDatabase) { var dataSourceNode = new DataSourceNode(applicationInfo, dataSourceInfo); Datasources.Add(dataSourceNode.Path, dataSourceNode); } } } }
public EditInstrumentViewModel(Instrument model, IDataClient client, IClosableView view, IDialogCoordinator dialogCoordinator) : base(model, new InstrumentValidator()) { _view = view; DialogCoordinator = dialogCoordinator; if (model.Sessions == null) { model.Sessions = new List <InstrumentSession>(); } if (model.Tags == null) { model.Tags = new List <Tag>(); } foreach (var session in model.Sessions) { Sessions.Add(new SessionViewModel(session)); } ContractMonths = new ObservableCollection <KeyValuePair <int, string> >(); //fill the continuous futures contrat month combobox for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { ContractMonths.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(i, MyUtils.Ordinal(i) + " Contract")); } Load = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async _ => { var tags = client.GetTags(); var sessionTemplates = client.GetSessionTemplates(); var exchanges = client.GetExchanges(); var underlyingSymbols = client.GetUnderlyingSymbols(); var datasources = client.GetDatasources(); await Task.WhenAll(tags, sessionTemplates, exchanges, underlyingSymbols, datasources).ConfigureAwait(true); var responses = new ApiResponse[] { tags.Result, sessionTemplates.Result, exchanges.Result, underlyingSymbols.Result, datasources.Result }; if (await responses.DisplayErrors(this, DialogCoordinator).ConfigureAwait(true)) { return; } foreach (var tag in tags.Result.Result.Select(x => new CheckBoxTag(x, model.Tags.Contains(x)))) { AllTags.Add(tag); tag.PropertyChanged += Tag_PropertyChanged; } Exchanges.AddRange(exchanges.Result.Result); foreach (var template in sessionTemplates.Result.Result) { SessionTemplates.Add(template); } foreach (var us in underlyingSymbols.Result.Result) { UnderlyingSymbols.Add(us); } foreach (var ds in datasources.Result.Result) { Datasources.Add(ds); } }); //Sessions AddNewSession = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => AddSession()); RemoveSession = ReactiveCommand.Create <SessionViewModel>(ExecRemoveSession); //Save var saveCanExecute = this .WhenAnyValue(x => x.HasErrors) .Select(x => !x); Save = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async _ => { if (model.ID == null || model.ID <= 0) { //adding a new instrument return(await client.AddInstrument(model).ConfigureAwait(true)); } else { //updating an existing one return(await client.UpdateInstrument(model).ConfigureAwait(true)); } } , saveCanExecute); Save.Subscribe(async result => { var errors = await result.DisplayErrors(this, DialogCoordinator).ConfigureAwait(true); if (!errors) { AddedInstrument = result.Result; _view.Close(); } }); this.Validate(); }
public override void PopulateDatabases(IDatasource datasource) { DatabaseObjectsCollection <IDatabase> databases = new DatabaseObjectsCollection <IDatabase>(datasource); SqlConnection sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(); sqlConnection.ConnectionString = datasource.ConnectionString; try { sqlConnection.Open(); } catch (SqlException ex) { switch (ex.Number) { case 2: case 3: case 53: Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { Datasources.Remove(datasource as SQLServerDatasource); })); break; default: break; } throw ex; } Version version = new Version(sqlConnection.ServerVersion); string manifestToken; if (!IsVersionSupported(version, out manifestToken)) { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Version '{0}' is not supported!", version == null ? "unknown" : version.ToString())); } string sql = string.Empty; if (version.Major >= 9) { sql = "use master; select name from sys.databases order by name"; } else { sql = "use master; select name from sysdatabases order by name"; } SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection); sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 20; SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDataReader.Read()) { databases.Add(new Database(datasource) { Name = sqlDataReader["name"].ToString() }); } sqlDataReader.Close(); datasource.Databases = databases; if (sqlConnection != null && sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { sqlConnection.Close(); } }
public override void PopulateDatabases(IDatasource datasource) { DatabaseObjectsCollection <IDatabase> databases = new DatabaseObjectsCollection <IDatabase>(datasource); SqlConnection sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(); sqlConnection.ConnectionString = datasource.ConnectionString; try { sqlConnection.Open(); } catch (SqlException ex) { switch (ex.Number) { case 2: case 3: case 53: Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() => { Datasources.Remove(datasource as SQLServerDatasource); })); break; default: break; } throw ex; } string sqlversion = sqlConnection.ServerVersion; sqlversion = sqlversion.Split('.').FirstOrDefault(); //major version int intsqlversion = Convert.ToInt32(sqlversion); string sql = string.Empty; if (intsqlversion == 8) { datasource.ProviderManifestToken = "2000"; } else if (intsqlversion == 9) { datasource.ProviderManifestToken = "2005"; } else if (intsqlversion == 10) { datasource.ProviderManifestToken = "2008"; } if (intsqlversion >= 9) { sql = "use master; select name from sys.databases order by name"; } else { sql = "use master; select name from sysdatabases order by name"; } SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection); sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 20; SqlDataReader sqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (sqlDataReader.Read()) { databases.Add(new Database(datasource) { Name = sqlDataReader["name"].ToString() }); } sqlDataReader.Close(); datasource.Databases = databases; if (sqlConnection != null && sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { sqlConnection.Close(); } }