public void Initialize(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation, bool unattended, string connectionStringFromCmdLine) { InitializeDictionary(); SetApplicationName(); _unattended = unattended; _databaseOperation = databaseOperation; authenticationComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; SetDefaultValues(connectionStringFromCmdLine); SearchHistoryHandler.LoadItems(serverNameComboBox, "RecentListServerName"); if (ConfigHandler.SaveConnectionString == "True") { saveValuesCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { saveValuesCheckBox.Checked = false; } if (GenericHelper.IsUserInteractive()) { InitializeWorker(); } }
public List <ActiveQBuyItem> GetActiveQBuy() { List <ActiveQBuyItem> list = new List <ActiveQBuyItem>(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat(TaskJobSqls.SELECT_ACTIVE_QBUY_LIST); string sql = builder.ToString(); DataTable dt = DatabaseOperation.ExecuteSelectDS(sql, "T").Tables[0]; if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ActiveQBuyItem item = new ActiveQBuyItem { activeId = dr["ACTIVE_ID"].ToString(), activeQBuyId = dr["ACTIVE_QBUY_ID"].ToString(), beforeStart = Convert.ToDouble(dr["BEFORE_START"]), lastDays = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LAST_DAYS"]), checkNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CHECK_NUM"]), consumeNum = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CONSUME_NUM"]), minConsume = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MIN_CONSUME"]), storeId = dr["ACTIVE_STORE"].ToString(), dateFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ACTIVE_TIME_FROM"]), dateTo = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["ACTIVE_TIME_TO"]), }; list.Add(item); } } return(list); }
private void DoWork(RunWorkerArgument arg) { string connectionString = arg.ConnectionString; if (_databaseOperation == null) // new connection, no connection has been made { _databaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation(); _databaseOperation.InitializeDal(connectionString); } else // a connection has already been made, but should be changed { ConnectionChanged = _databaseOperation.ChangeConnection(connectionString); } if (_databaseOperation.Connected) { ConnectionChanged = true; } else { ConnectionChanged = false; } if (ConnectionChanged) { ConfigHandler.ConnectionString = connectionString; } if (saveValuesCheckBox.Checked && ConnectionChanged) { ConfigHandler.ConnectionStringToSave = connectionString; ConfigHandler.SaveConnection(); } }
public ActionResult <Application> PostApplication([FromForm] ApplicationFile appFile, [FromForm] Application app) { //appending date with filename to make dbo.Application.File_Name unique string tempFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "/" + app.FileName; DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); db.AddApplication(app.ProjectName, app.CategoryName, tempFileName); Application application = new Application(); DatabaseOperation db1 = new DatabaseOperation(); application = db1.GetSingleApplication(app.ProjectName, app.CategoryName, tempFileName); DatabaseOperation db2 = new DatabaseOperation(); Project project = db2.GetSingleProject(app.ProjectName)[0]; FileHierarchyCreation file = new FileHierarchyCreation(); bool uploadCheck = file.CreateApplicationFolder(application.AppId, app.CategoryName, app.ProjectName, tempFileName, project.BundleIdentifier, appFile); if (uploadCheck) { return(StatusCode(200, new { title = "Applicaton uploaded successfully.", status = 200 })); } else { return(StatusCode(500, new { title = "Applicaton upload error.", status = 500, message = "This app version already exists" })); } }
public bool InsertQBuy( string activeId, string activeQBuyId, string storeId, string memberId, double beforeStart, int lastDays ) { string qbuyCode = activeQBuyId + memberId + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendFormat( TaskJobSqls.INSERT_QBUY_LIST, activeId, activeQBuyId, storeId, memberId, beforeStart, lastDays, qbuyCode); string sql = builder.ToString(); list.Add(sql); builder.Clear(); builder.AppendFormat(TaskJobSqls.INSERT_QBUY_GOODS, activeQBuyId, qbuyCode); sql = builder.ToString(); list.Add(sql); return(DatabaseOperation.ExecuteDML(list)); }
private void InitializeDatabaseFieldNameComboBox(SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString) { databaseFieldNameComboBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed; databaseFieldNameComboBox.DrawItem += DatabaseFieldNameComboBox_DrawItem; DatabaseOperation databaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation(connectionString.ToString()); DataTable databasesDataTable = databaseOperation.GetDatabases(); foreach (DataRow databaseDataRow in databasesDataTable.Rows) { connectionString.InitialCatalog = databaseDataRow["name"].ToString(); databaseOperation.ChangeConnection(connectionString.ToString()); DataTable descriptionsDataTable = databaseOperation.GetDescriptionFields(); if (descriptionsDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { databaseFieldNameComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(databaseDataRow["name"].ToString(), true, -1)); foreach (DataRow descriptionDataRow in descriptionsDataTable.Rows) { databaseFieldNameComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(descriptionDataRow["name"].ToString(), false, Convert.ToInt32(descriptionDataRow["count"].ToString()))); } } } databaseOperation.Dispose(); }
private void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txt_username.Text == "" || txt_name.Text == "" || txt_password.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("fields cannot be null"); } else { DataTable dt = null; string validateUsernameQuery = (new User().validateUsername(txt_username.Text)); dt = DatabaseOperation.get(new DataTable(), validateUsernameQuery); if (dt != null) { MessageBox.Show("Duplicated username ! "); txt_username.Text = null; } else if (txt_password.TextLength < 8) { MessageBox.Show("please enter a valid password"); txt_password.Text = null; } else { dgv_users.DataSource = _invoker.Invoke(new InsertUserThenGetUsers(_user, txt_username.Text, txt_name.Text, txt_password.Text, ((Roles)cmb_roles.SelectedItem).key)); } } }
private void onLoginClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { DatabaseOperation.Connect(); SqlDataReader reader = DatabaseOperation.SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM ZoneAdmin WHERE Username = '******'"); if (reader.Read()) { string password = reader.GetString(1); string enteredPassword = CalculateMD5Hash(Password.Password); if (password == enteredPassword) { MW.MainFrame.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(@"Pages\ZonePage.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password"); } reader.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong username"); } DatabaseOperation.Disconnect(); }
public void Initialize(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation, string sql) { ConfigHandler.GetDataFormShown = true; InitializeDictionary(); timeTextBox.GotFocus += TimeTextBox_GotFocus; Opacity = 0; elapsedTimeTimer.Start(); _sw.Reset(); _sw.Start(); _timer = new Timer(); _timer.Interval = 500; _timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; _timer.Start(); _databaseOperation = databaseOperation; ConfigHandler.GetDataStartTime = DateTime.Now; if (GenericHelper.IsUserInteractive()) { InitializeWorker(); _worker.RunWorkerAsync(sql); } else { RunWorkerCompleted(DoWork(sql)); } }
public static bool DeleteTraceFile(bool showError, DatabaseOperation databaseOperation) { databaseOperation.DropEventSession(); if (Directory.Exists(ConfigHandler.TraceFileDirectory)) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(ConfigHandler.TraceFileDirectory, string.Format("{0}*.*", TaskHelper.TraceFileName))) { try { File.Delete(file); } catch (Exception ex) { if (showError) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Error deleting Trace File.\r\n\r\n{0}", ex.Message), GenericHelper.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } return(false); } } } else { if (showError) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The Trace File Directory \"{0}\" does not exist.\r\n\r\nPlease create the directory manually.", ConfigHandler.TraceFileDirectory), GenericHelper.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return(false); } return(true); }
public StoredProcedureCommand(string commandText, T instance, DatabaseOperation operation, Func <T, object?>?commandParametersDelegate) : base(commandText, DatabaseCommandType.StoredProcedure, instance, operation, commandParametersDelegate) { }
public void Initialize(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation, bool recordingMode) { InitializeDictionary(); _databaseOperation = databaseOperation; _recordingMode = recordingMode; }
private void InitializeDatabaseOperation(bool unattended) { ConnectionDialogForm form = new ConnectionDialogForm(); form.Initialize(_databaseOperation, unattended, _unattendedConnectionStringFromCmdLine); if (GenericHelper.IsUserInteractive()) { form.ShowDialog(); } else { form.OkButtonClick(); } Application.DoEvents(); if (form.ConnectionChanged) { _databaseOperation = form.GetDatabaseOperation(); ChangeConnectionForm form1 = new ChangeConnectionForm(); form1.Initialize(_databaseOperation, this); } else { if (_databaseOperation == null) { Environment.Exit(-1); } } }
public ConnectionDialogForm(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation) { InitializeComponent(); SetApplicationName(); _databaseOperation = databaseOperation; authenticationComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; SetDefaultValues(); SearchHistoryHandler.LoadItems(serverNameComboBox, "RecentListServerName"); if (ConfigHandler.SaveConnectionString == "True") { saveValuesCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { saveValuesCheckBox.Checked = false; } if (ConfigHandler.OfflineModeToSave == "True") { offlineCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { offlineCheckBox.Checked = false; } InitializeWorker(); }
public void DeleteStaff() { string id; Staff result = null; RetrieveAllStaff(); Console.WriteLine("\nEnter Details to Delete :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter EmpId:"); id = Console.ReadLine(); // JsonFileOperation jfile = new JsonFileOperation(); // jfile.DeleteFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(id); // XmlFileOperation xfile = new XmlFileOperation(); // xfile.DeleteFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(id); DatabaseOperation dbr = new DatabaseOperation(); result = dbr.GetSingleStaff(id, (int)SType.AdministrativeStaff); if (result != null) { DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); db.DeleteStaff((int)SType.AdministrativeStaff, id); Console.WriteLine("\nDeletion Successfull"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nStaff Not Found !!"); } }
public static void SetTraceFileDirectory() { TraceFileDirectory = RegistryHandler.ReadFromRegistry("TraceFileDirectory"); if (TraceFileDirectory == "") { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(OfflineMode)) { DatabaseOperation databaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation(); databaseOperation.InitializeDal(ConnectionString); string traceFileDir = databaseOperation.GetSqlServerDataDir(); databaseOperation.Dispose(); if (!Directory.Exists(traceFileDir)) { traceFileDir = GenericHelper.TempPath; } TraceFileDirectory = traceFileDir; } else { TraceFileDirectory = GenericHelper.TempPath; } } }
public void Create_Throws_On_Unsupported_DatabaseOperation(DatabaseOperation operation) { // Act & Assert Sut.Invoking(x => x.Create <TestEntity>(operation)) .Should().ThrowExactly <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>() .And.ParamName.Should().Be("operation"); }
public ActionResult Profile(Person model) { DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); var person = db.UpdateProfile(model); return(RedirectToAction("Home")); }
private void btnRemoveGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Are you sure to delete selected ServerGroup?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (grdServerGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Please select a ServerGroup which you want to remove."); return; } try { ServerGroup serverGroup = grdServerGrid.SelectedItem as ServerGroup; DatabaseOperation.DeleteServerGroup(m_matchID, serverGroup.Order); m_serverGroup = DatabaseOperation.GetServerGroups(m_matchID); grdServerGrid.ItemsSource = m_serverGroup; } catch { } }
private void btnUpdateGroup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (grdServerGrid.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGroupLongname.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGroupShortname.Text)) { AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("LongName and ShortName could not be null"); return; } else { ServerGroup serverGroup = grdServerGrid.SelectedItem as ServerGroup; DatabaseOperation.UpdateServerGroup(m_matchID, serverGroup.Order, txtGroupLongname.Text, txtGroupShortname.Text); m_serverGroup = DatabaseOperation.GetServerGroups(m_matchID); grdServerGrid.ItemsSource = m_serverGroup; txtGroupShortname.Text = ""; txtGroupLongname.Text = ""; } } catch { } }
private void btnDelPos_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Are you sure to delete selected judge position?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (grdSelJudge.SelectedIndex < 0) { AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Please select a judge which you want to remove."); return; } JudgeInfo pos = grdSelJudge.SelectedItem as JudgeInfo; if (DatabaseOperation.DelMatchOfficial(m_matchID, pos.ServantNum)) { m_selJudge.RemoveAt(grdSelJudge.SelectedIndex); m_unSelJudge = DatabaseOperation.GetAvailableOfficial(m_matchID); grdUnSelJudge.ItemsSource = m_unSelJudge; FilterUnSelJudges(); } else { AthleticsCommon.ShowLastErrorBox(); } }
public void Initialize(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation, List <ImportTraceFileInfo> importTraceFileInfoList) { InitializeDictionary(); timeTextBox.GotFocus += TimeTextBox_GotFocus; progressBar1.Value = 0; elapsedTimeTimer.Start(); _sw.Reset(); _sw.Start(); RunWorkerArgument arg = new RunWorkerArgument(); arg.DatabaseOperation = databaseOperation; arg.ImportTraceFileInfoList = importTraceFileInfoList; if (GenericHelper.IsUserInteractive()) { InitializeWorker(); _worker.RunWorkerAsync(arg); } else { RunWorkerCompleted(DoWork(arg)); } }
private void btn_insert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { disableFields(false, false, false); DatabaseOperation.create(new StockManagement().add(stock)); MessageBox.Show("Quantities Added Successfully!"); }
private bool UpdateJudge() { if (grdUnSelJudge.SelectedIndex < 0) { AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Please select a judge in left list!"); return(false); } if (grdSelJudge.SelectedIndex < 0) { AthleticsCommon.MsgBox("Please select a position in right list!"); return(false); } JudgeInfo judge = grdUnSelJudge.SelectedItem as JudgeInfo; JudgeInfo pos = grdSelJudge.SelectedItem as JudgeInfo; if (DatabaseOperation.UpdateMatchOfficial(m_matchID, pos.ServantNum, judge.RegisterID)) { m_unSelJudge = DatabaseOperation.GetAvailableOfficial(m_matchID); grdUnSelJudge.ItemsSource = m_unSelJudge; FilterUnSelJudges(); m_selJudge = DatabaseOperation.GetMatchOfficials(m_matchID, m_serverGroupID); grdSelJudge.ItemsSource = m_selJudge; } else { AthleticsCommon.ShowLastErrorBox(); return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model) { DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { //var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email }; var user = new Person() { UserId = model.UserName, FullName = model.FullName, Password = model.Password, Email = model.Email }; var result = db.CreateUser(user); if (result) { db.SignIn(user); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.UserId, false); return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Tweet", new { User = user.UserId })); } //AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } ModelState.Clear(); DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); var user = new Person() { UserId = model.UserName, Password = model.Password }; // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, change to shouldLockout: true var result = db.SignIn(user); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { ModelState.AddModelError("InvalidLoginAttempt", "Invalid UserName/Password"); return(RedirectToAction("Login")); } FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.UserId, false); return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Tweet", new { user = user.UserId })); }
public void RetrieveSingleStaff() { string name = "", output = ""; List <Staff> finalResult = new List <Staff>(); object[] result = new object[7]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Details to Search :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Name :"); name = InputName(); // JsonFileOperation jfile = new JsonFileOperation(); // jfile.RetrieveFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(name); // XmlFileOperation xfile = new XmlFileOperation(); // xfile.RetrieveFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(name); DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); finalResult = db.SearchStaff(name, (int)SType.AdministrativeStaff); if (finalResult.Count > 0) { foreach (var items in finalResult) { AdministrativeStaff item = (AdministrativeStaff)items; output = "EmpId : " + item.EmpId + " Name : " + item.Name + " Phone : " + item.Phone + " Email : " + item.Email + " Dob : " + item.Dob + " Designation : " + item.Designation; Console.WriteLine(output + "\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n List is empty \n"); } }
public void RetrieveAllStaff() { string output = ""; List <Staff> finalResult = new List <Staff>(); // JsonFileOperation jfile = new JsonFileOperation(); // jfile.RetrieveAllFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(); // XmlFileOperation xfile = new XmlFileOperation(); // xfile.RetrieveAllFromFile<AdministrativeStaff>(); try { DatabaseOperation db = new DatabaseOperation(); finalResult = db.RetriveAll((int)SType.AdministrativeStaff); foreach (var items in finalResult) { AdministrativeStaff item = (AdministrativeStaff)items; output = "EmpId : " + item.EmpId + " Name : " + item.Name + " Phone : " + item.Phone + " Email : " + item.Email + " Dob : " + item.Dob + " Designation : " + item.Designation; Console.WriteLine(output + "\n"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("\n List is empty \n"); } }
private void btn_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txt_username.Text.ToString() == "" || txt_password.Text.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("username and password cannot be empty!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); int count = 0; string query = new User().login(txt_username.Text, txt_password.Text); dt =, query); Console.WriteLine(dt); count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows.Count.ToString()); if (count != 0) { user = new User(id: dt.Rows[0].Field <int>("id"), name: dt.Rows[0].Field <string>("name"), username: dt.Rows[0].Field <string>("username"), password: dt.Rows[0].Field <string>("password"), role: dt.Rows[0].Field <string>("role"), user_algorithm: new UserFactory(dt.Rows[0].Field <string>("role")).getUserAlgorithm()); MessageBox.Show("Welcome to the LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM! " + user.role + " - " + user.username); this.Hide(); new Main(user).Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid username or password."); } } }
private static string GetUsingObjectDefinition(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation, CustomNode node) { string nodeNameToUse = ""; switch (node.Type) { case NodeType.TableValuedFunction: case NodeType.ScalarValuedFunction: case NodeType.View: case NodeType.ViewTrigger: case NodeType.TableTrigger: case NodeType.StoredProcedure: nodeNameToUse = node.Name; break; case NodeType.TableValuedFunctionParameter: case NodeType.ScalarValuedFunctionParameter: case NodeType.StoredProcedureParameter: case NodeType.ViewColumn: nodeNameToUse = node.ParentName; break; } return(databaseOperation.GetObjectDefinition(nodeNameToUse)); }
public VersionedDatabaseRow(long version, DateTime timestampUtc, DatabaseOperation databaseOperation) { _values = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Version = version; TimestampUtc = timestampUtc; DatabaseOperation = databaseOperation; }
public void WriteSourceFileTest() { // setup DatabaseOperation operation = new DatabaseOperation() { Namespace = "TestProject.DataAccess.Context", ModelNamespace = "TestProject.DataAcces.Model", DatabaseName = "Test" }; // add some tables operation.TableMap.Add("Posts", "Post"); operation.TableMap.Add("Users", "User"); string location = TestSettings.ENVIRONMENT_PATH; string path = String.Format("{0}\\{1}.cs", location, operation.ClassName); // exercise operation.WriteSourceFile(location); // verify Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(path)); }
private void buttonRestore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listViewDatabases.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { lblResultMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblResultMessage.Text = string.Format(MultiLanguageStrings.GetString(Ressource.FrmDatabaseSettings, "SelectInList.Text")); return; } openFileDialog.FileName = ""; if (DialogResult.OK != openFileDialog.ShowDialog()) return; SqlDatabaseSettings sqlDatabase = (SqlDatabaseSettings) listViewDatabases.SelectedItems[0].Tag; btnRestore.Tag = sqlDatabase; DatabaseOperation dbo = new DatabaseOperation {Settings = sqlDatabase, File = openFileDialog.FileName}; _exitApplicationIfClose = true; groupBoxDatabaseManagement.Enabled = false; groupBoxSQLSettings.Enabled = false; btnSave.Enabled = false; lblResultMessage.ForeColor = Color.Black; lblResultMessage.Text = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", MultiLanguageStrings.GetString(Ressource.FrmDatabaseSettings, "RestoreDatabase.Text.Text"), sqlDatabase.Name, MultiLanguageStrings.GetString(Ressource.FrmDatabaseSettings, "InProgress.Text")); bWDatabaseRestore.RunWorkerAsync(dbo); }
public void AddToDatabaseOperations(DatabaseOperation databaseOperation) { base.AddObject("DatabaseOperations", databaseOperation); }
public static DatabaseOperation CreateDatabaseOperation(global::System.Guid ID, int stateId, global::System.Guid sessionActivityId, int percentComplete, global::System.DateTime startTime, global::System.DateTime lastModifyTime) { DatabaseOperation databaseOperation = new DatabaseOperation(); databaseOperation.Id = ID; databaseOperation.StateId = stateId; databaseOperation.SessionActivityId = sessionActivityId; databaseOperation.PercentComplete = percentComplete; databaseOperation.StartTime = startTime; databaseOperation.LastModifyTime = lastModifyTime; return databaseOperation; }