예제 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                //Retrieves session from Login.aspx
                string fullname = (string)(Session["name"]);
                string role     = (string)(Session["role"]);
                string Email    = (string)(Session["email"]);

                //Display retrieved values from session into relevant textbox
                name.Text       = fullname;
                full_name.Text  = fullname;
                user_level.Text = role;
                email.Text      = Email;

                //Checks the role to determine what page current user can access and display it on MasterPage sidebar based on the sitemap
                if (role == "SuperAdmin")
                    SiteMapDataSource1.SiteMapProvider = "Admin";
                else if (role == "Executive")
                    SiteMapDataSource1.SiteMapProvider = "Staff";

                // Every time user visits a page
                // Get his current page name
                // And make sure he has access right
                currentPageName = GetCurrentPageName();
                DatabaseDAO userObj = new DatabaseDAO();
                hasAccess = userObj.AccessRight(role, currentPageName);
                //hasAccess = accessRight(RoleAction.roles, currentPageName);
                if (hasAccess == false)
                    //CATCH ERRORS INTO ERROR LOG
                    ErrorLog.WriteErrorLog(fullname + " tried to access a prohibited site: " + currentPageName + " \r\nWith their Administrative Status of: " + role + ".");

                    // DO NOT allow user to access this page
                    html.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("display", "none");
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, GetType(), "AlertUnauthorised", "alert('Unathorised Access!');window.location.href='Login.aspx';", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Catch error and write to ErrorLog.txt