/// <summary> /// Copy one web source row to show destination row /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="destination"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal Data_Schema.DepartureShowRow CopyLineDeparture(Data_Schema.DepartureWebRow source, Data_Schema.DepartureShowRow destination) { destination.FLIGHTID = source.FLIGHTID; destination.TIME_LT = source.TIME_LT; destination.ICAO_AIR = source.ICAO_AIR; destination.IATAICAO = source.IATAICAO; destination.FLGTNUM = source.FLGTNUM; destination.S1 = source.S1; destination.S1CIT = source.S1CIT; if (source.IsS2Null()) { destination.S2 = string.Empty; } else { destination.S2 = source.S2; } if (source.IsS2CITNull()) { destination.S2CIT = string.Empty; } else { destination.S2CIT = source.S2CIT; } if (source.IsHALNull()) { destination.HAL = string.Empty; } else { destination.HAL = source.HAL; } if ((!source.IsCHIN_FNull()) && (!source.IsCHIN_LNull())) { destination.CHIN = string.Format("{0} - {1}", source.CHIN_F, source.CHIN_L); } else if (!source.IsCHIN_FNull()) { destination.CHIN = source.CHIN_F; } else { destination.CHIN = string.Empty; } if (source.IsREMARKNull()) { destination.REMARK = string.Empty; } else { destination.REMARK = source.REMARK; } if ((!source.IsGATE1Null()) && (!source.IsGATE2Null())) { destination.GATE = string.Format("{0} - {1}", source.GATE1, source.GATE2); } else if (!source.IsGATE1Null()) { destination.GATE = source.GATE1; } else { destination.GATE = string.Empty; } if (source.IsHDGNull()) { destination.HDG = string.Empty; } else { destination.HDG = source.HDG; destination.HDGDETAIL = HDGDetail(destination.HDG); } if (!source.IsAIRCRFTNull()) { destination.AIRCRAFT = source.AIRCRFT; } else { destination.AIRCRAFT = string.Empty; } if (source.IsATD_LTNull()) { destination.COLOR = source.TIME_LT >= DateTime.Now ? Color.Black.Name : Color.Red.Name; } else { destination.COLOR = Color.Black.Name; } return(destination); }
public ShareCodeDeparture(Data_Schema.DepartureShowRow source) { MASTERROW = source; }
/// <summary> /// Manipulate with every row /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { RowCount = 2; e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.FLGTNUM].ColumnSpan = 2; e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt((int)Colums.FLGSHARE); } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Data_Schema.DepartureShowRow row = (Data_Schema.DepartureShowRow)((System.Data.DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem).Row; if (row.FLIGHTID <= 0) { if ((GridView1.SortExpression == "") || (GridView1.SortExpression == Colums.TIME_LT.ToString())) { while (e.Row.Cells.Count > 1) { e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(e.Row.Cells.Count - 1); } e.Row.Cells[0].ColumnSpan = GridView1.Columns.Count - 1; e.Row.Cells[0].Text = string.Format(Constants.ShowData.SeparatorFormat, row.TIME_LT); e.Row.Cells[0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; e.Row.BackColor = Color.Black; e.Row.ForeColor = Color.White; e.Row.Visible = true; } else { while (e.Row.Cells.Count > 0) { e.Row.Cells.RemoveAt(e.Row.Cells.Count - 1); } e.Row.Visible = false; } return; } if ((GridView1.SortExpression == "") && (!SeparateLineIsShow)) // && (GridView1.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending)) { } RowCount++; if (!row.IsFLGTSHARENull()) { e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.FLGTNUM].ToolTip = row.FLGTSHARE; e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.FLGSHARE].ToolTip = row.FLGTSHARE; e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.FLGSHARE].Text = string.Format(" {0} ", Constants.CommonConst.Block); } if (!row.IsS2CITNull()) { e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.S2].ToolTip = row.S2CIT; } if (!row.IsS1CITNull()) { e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.S1].ToolTip = row.S1CIT; } // if (!row.IsIATAICAONull()) if (!row.IsICAO_AIRNull()) { e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.IATAICAO].ToolTip = row.ICAO_AIR; } if (!row.IsHDGDETAILNull()) { e.Row.Cells[(int)Colums.HDG].ToolTip = row.HDGDETAIL; } string testedDate = row.TIME_LT.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); if (string.Compare(testedDate, currentDate) < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++) { e.Row.Cells[i].BackColor = Color.LightGray; } } if (!row.IsCOLORNull()) { for (int i = 0; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++) { e.Row.Cells[i].ForeColor = Color.FromName(row.COLOR); } } } }