public static FileFactory ForExtension(string extension) { return(ForDataType(DataTypes.ForExtension(extension))); }
protected override void Execute() { if (arguments.Length == 0) { Fail("No source directory specified"); } string sourceBasePath = Helpers.AbsolutePath(arguments[0]); string targetBasePath = arguments.Length > 1 ? Helpers.AbsolutePath(arguments[1]) : Path.ChangeExtension(sourceBasePath.TrimEnd('\\'), "ykc"); string[] files = null; if (Directory.Exists(sourceBasePath)) { files = Directory.GetFiles(sourceBasePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } else { Fail("The specified source directory does not exist"); } YukaArchive archive = new YukaArchive(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { string sourcePath = files[i]; string localPath = Helpers.RelativePath(sourcePath, sourceBasePath); string extension = Path.GetExtension(localPath); DataType type = DataTypes.ForExtension(extension); // ignore unknown file types and hidden files if (!type.IncludeInArchive()) { continue; } if (new FileInfo(sourcePath).Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden)) { continue; } currentFile = localPath; if (flags.Has('v')) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("SourceBase: " + sourceBasePath); Console.WriteLine("TargetBase: " + targetBasePath); Console.WriteLine("Source: " + sourcePath); Console.WriteLine("Local: " + localPath); } if (DataTypes.ConvertOnPack(extension)) { // File needs to be converted string realPath = Path.ChangeExtension(localPath, type.BinaryExtension()); MemoryStream ms = archive.GetOutputStream(realPath); dynamic factory = FileFactory.ForDataType(type); dynamic data = factory.FromSource(sourcePath); factory.ToBinary(data, ms); } else { MemoryStream ms = archive.GetOutputStream(localPath); FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourcePath, FileMode.Open); fs.CopyTo(ms); fs.Close(); } } currentFile = ""; ArchiveFactory.Instance.ToSource(archive, targetBasePath); if (flags.Has('w')) { Console.ReadLine(); } }
protected override void Execute() { // init patch directory if (flags.Has("init")) { string deployDirectory = Helpers.AbsolutePath(arguments.Length > 0 ? arguments[0] : "autopatch"); string deployFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(deployDirectory, Constants.ydr); Dictionary <string, string> targets = new Dictionary <string, string>(); for (int i = 1; i < arguments.Length; i++) { // parse targets in format name:path or just path string[] tmp = arguments[i].Split(new[] { ':' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string name = tmp.Length > 1 && tmp[0].Length > 1 ? tmp[0] : Path.GetFileName(tmp[0]); string path = Helpers.AbsolutePath(tmp.Length > 1 && tmp[0].Length > 1 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0]); targets.Add(name, path); } if (targets.Count == 0) { Fail("No target directories specified"); } Directory.CreateDirectory(deployDirectory); int fileCount = 0; dynamic info = new JObject(); = 0; info.nameschema = "inc.{buildno}.{target}.patch.ykc"; info.deploydir = deployDirectory; info.targets = new JArray(); foreach (var targetInfo in targets) { string targetName = targetInfo.Key; string targetPath = targetInfo.Value; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(targetPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); dynamic target = new JObject(); { = targetName; target.path = targetPath; target.files = new JArray(); foreach (string file in files) { // ignore unknown file types and hidden files if (!DataTypes.ForExtension(DataTypes.BaseExtension(Path.GetExtension(file))).IncludeInArchive()) { continue; } if (new FileInfo(file).Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden)) { continue; } dynamic entry = new JObject(); { = Helpers.RelativePath(file, targetPath); entry.size = Helpers.FileSize(file); entry.hash = Helpers.FileHash(file); entry.version = 0; } target.files.Add(entry); fileCount++; } } info.targets.Add(target); Log("Added target '" + targetName + "' (" + target.files.Count + " files) [" + targetPath + "]", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } Log("Successfully added " + fileCount + " file in " + info.targets.Count + " targets", ConsoleColor.Green); File.WriteAllText(deployFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info, Formatting.Indented)); } else { if (arguments.Length == 0) { Fail("No target file specified"); } string deployFilePath = Helpers.AbsolutePath(arguments[0]); int changedFiles = 0, newFiles = 0; if (deployFilePath.EndsWith(Constants.ydr, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { dynamic info = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(deployFilePath)); = (int) + 1; foreach (var target in info.targets) { List <string> includedFiles = new List <string>(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles((string)target.path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { string localName = Helpers.RelativePath(file, (string)target.path); // ignore unknown file types and hidden files if (!DataTypes.ForExtension(DataTypes.BaseExtension(Path.GetExtension(localName))).IncludeInArchive()) { continue; } if (new FileInfo(file).Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden)) { continue; } bool include = true, exists = false; foreach (var localFile in target.files) { if (localName.Equals((string), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { exists = true; string hash = Helpers.FileHash(file); long size = Helpers.FileSize(file); if (size != (long)localFile.size || !hash.Equals((string)localFile.hash)) { // update file entry if files differ localFile.size = size; localFile.hash = hash; localFile.version = (int)localFile.version + 1; } else { include = false; } break; } } if (!exists) { Log("[New file] " + localName, ConsoleColor.Green); dynamic entry = new JObject(); { = localName; entry.size = Helpers.FileSize(file); entry.hash = Helpers.FileHash(file); entry.version = 1; } target.files.Add(entry); newFiles++; } if (include) { string mainFile = Path.ChangeExtension(localName, DataTypes.BaseExtension(Path.GetExtension(localName))); if (!includedFiles.Contains(mainFile)) { includedFiles.Add(mainFile); if (exists) { Log("[Changed] " + localName, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } if (exists) { changedFiles++; } } } else { Log("[Up to date] " + localName, ConsoleColor.Red); } // Log(include ? exists ? "Changed" : "New file" : "Up to date", ConsoleColor.Cyan); } if (includedFiles.Count > 0) { bool verbose = flags.Has('v'); flags.Unset('v'); YukaArchive archive = new YukaArchive(); foreach (string file in includedFiles) { dynamic factory = FileFactory.ForExtension(Path.GetExtension(file)); if (factory != null) { string realname = Path.ChangeExtension(file, DataTypes.ForExtension(Path.GetExtension(file)).BinaryExtension()); Console.WriteLine(realname); dynamic data = factory.FromSource(Path.Combine((string)target.path, file)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); factory.ToBinary(data, ms); archive.files[realname] = ms; } } string name = (string)info.nameschema; name = name.Replace("{buildno}", ((int)"D3")); name = name.Replace("{target}", ((string); name = name.Replace("{date}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); name = name.Replace("{time}", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm-ss")); ArchiveFactory.Instance.ToSource(archive, Path.Combine((string)info.deploydir, name)); if (verbose) { flags.Set('v'); } } } Log("Deployed " + newFiles + " new files and " + changedFiles + " updates", ConsoleColor.Green); File.WriteAllText(deployFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info, Formatting.Indented)); } } if (flags.Has('w')) { Console.ReadLine(); } }