예제 #1
        public void ConvertSoilToDataTable()
            Soil Soil = new Soil();

            Soil.ApsoilNumber     = "100";
            Soil.Water.Thickness  = new double[] { 150.00, 150.00, 300.00, 300.00, 300.00 };
            Soil.Water.BD         = new double[] { 1.02, 1.03, 1.02, 1.02, 1.06 };
            Soil.Water.BDMetadata = new string[] { "Field measured and checked for sensibility", "Laboratory measured", "", "", "" };
            Soil.Water.AirDry     = new double[] { 0.15, 0.26, 0.29, 0.29, 0.30 };
            Soil.Water.LL15       = new double[] { 0.29, 0.29, 0.29, 0.29, 0.30 };
            Soil.Water.DUL        = new double[] { 0.54, 0.53, 0.54, 0.54, 0.52 };
            Soil.Water.SAT        = new double[] { 0.59, 0.58, 0.59, 0.58, 0.57 };

            Soil.Water.Crops.Add(new SoilCrop()
                Name      = "Barley",
                Thickness = new double[] { 100.00, 100.00 },
                LL        = new double[] { 0.29, 0.25 },
                KL        = new double[] { 0.10, 0.08 },
                XF        = new double[] { 1.00, 1.00 }
            Soil.Water.Crops.Add(new SoilCrop()
                Name      = "Chickpea",
                Thickness = new double[] { 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00, 100.00 },
                LL        = new double[] { 0.29, 0.29, 0.36, 0.43, 0.51, 0.50, 0.50, 0.48 },
                KL        = new double[] { 0.10, 0.10, 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01, 0.00 },
                XF        = new double[] { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00 }

            Soil.SoilOrganicMatter.Thickness = new double[] { 200.000, 200.00 };
            Soil.SoilOrganicMatter.OC        = new double[] { 1.040, 0.89 };
            Soil.SoilOrganicMatter.FBiom     = new double[] { 0.025, 0.02 };
            Soil.SoilOrganicMatter.FInert    = new double[] { 0.400, 0.89 };

            Soil.InitialWater = new InitialWater();
            Soil.InitialWater.SetSW(0.5, InitialWater.PercentMethodEnum.FilledFromTop);
            Soil.SoilWater            = new SoilWater();
            Soil.SoilWater.SummerCona = 3.5;
            Soil.SoilWater.WinterCona = 3.5;
            Soil.Analysis.Thickness   = new double[] { 100, 100, 100 };
            Soil.Analysis.EC          = new double[] { 1.7, double.NaN, double.NaN };

            DataTable Table = new DataTable();

            SoilDataTable.SoilToTable(Soil, Table);
            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Table, "Thickness (mm)"),
                            Soil.Water.Thickness, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Table, "BD (g/cc)"),
                            Soil.Water.BD, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, "BDCode")[0], "FM");
            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, "BDCode")[1], "LM");

            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Table, "Chickpea ll (mm/mm)"),
                            new double[] { 0.29, 0.29, 0.36, 0.43, 0.51, 0.50, 0.50, 0.48 }, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Table, "Chickpea xf (0-1)"),
                            new double[] { 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00 }, 0.01);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Return an array of values for the specified column.
 /// </summary>
 private static string[] GetStringValues(DataTable Table, string VariableName, int NumRows, int StartRow)
     if (Table.Columns.Contains(VariableName))
         string[] Values = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, VariableName, NumRows, StartRow);
         if (MathUtility.ValuesInArray(Values))
예제 #3
 static private string[] GetStringValues(DataTable Table, string FieldName, int NumValues, int Row)
     // Get string value from specified table for specified field.
     if (Table.Columns.IndexOf(FieldName) != -1)
         return(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, FieldName, NumValues, Row));
         return(new string[0]);
예제 #4
        public override void OnSave()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            Data.InnerXml = doc.DocumentElement.InnerXml;

            if (Table != null)
                XmlNode variablesNode = Data.SelectSingleNode("//vars");
                if (variablesNode == null)
                    variablesNode = Data.AppendChild(Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("vars"));
                if (Table.Rows.Count >= 10000)
                    string[] values   = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, Table.Columns[0].ColumnName);
                    string   csvValue = "";
                    foreach (string value in values)
                        if (value != "")
                            if (csvValue != "")
                                csvValue += ",";
                            csvValue += value;
                    XmlNode varNode = variablesNode.AppendChild(Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Table.Columns[0].ColumnName));
                    varNode.InnerText = csvValue;
                    foreach (DataRow row in Table.Rows)
                        if ((bool)row[0])
                            XmlNode varNode = variablesNode.AppendChild(Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(row[1].ToString()));
                            varNode.InnerText = row[3].ToString();
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of code values for the specified variable.
        /// </summary>
        private static string[] GetCodeValues(DataTable Table, string VariableName, int NumRows, int StartRow)
            if (!Table.Columns.Contains(VariableName))

            string[] Codes = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, VariableName, NumRows, StartRow);
            for (int i = 0; i != Codes.Length; i++)
                StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Codes[i], '(', ')');
            Codes = APSIMChangeTool.CodeToMetaData(Codes);
            if (MathUtility.ValuesInArray(Codes))
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill the specified SoilNode with data from the specified table.
        /// </summary>
        public static Soil[] TableToSoils(DataTable Table, ProgressNotifier Notifier = null)
            List <Soil> Soils = new List <Soil>();

            string[] Names = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, "Name");
            if (Names.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find a name column in spreadsheet");

            // Loop through all blocks of rows in datatable from XLS, create a
            // soil and store soil in correct location in the AllSoils XML.
            int StartRow = 0;
            int counter  = 0;

            while (StartRow < Table.Rows.Count)
                // Calculate how many rows for this soil
                int NumRows = 1;
                for (int i = StartRow + 1; i < Names.Length; i++)
                    if (Names[i] == Names[StartRow])

                Soil NewSoil = new Soil();
                NewSoil.Name                     = Names[StartRow];
                NewSoil.Country                  = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "Country");
                NewSoil.State                    = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "State");
                NewSoil.Region                   = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "Region");
                NewSoil.NearestTown              = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "NearestTown");
                NewSoil.Site                     = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "Site");
                NewSoil.ApsoilNumber             = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "APSoilNumber");
                NewSoil.SoilType                 = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "Soil type texture or other descriptor");
                NewSoil.LocalName                = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "LocalName");
                NewSoil.ASCOrder                 = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "ASC_Order");
                NewSoil.ASCSubOrder              = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "ASC_Sub-order");
                NewSoil.Latitude                 = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "Latitude");
                NewSoil.Longitude                = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "Longitude");
                NewSoil.LocationAccuracy         = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "LocationAccuracy");
                NewSoil.YearOfSampling           = GetIntegerValue(Table, StartRow, "YearOfSampling");
                NewSoil.DataSource               = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "DataSource");
                NewSoil.Comments                 = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "Comments");
                NewSoil.NaturalVegetation        = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "NaturalVegetation");
                NewSoil.RecordNumber             = GetIntegerValue(Table, StartRow, "RecordNo");
                NewSoil.Analysis.MunsellColour   = GetStringValues(Table, "MunsellColour", NumRows, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.MunsellMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "MunsellColourCode", NumRows, StartRow);

                NewSoil.Water.Thickness = MathUtility.RemoveMissingValuesFromBottom(GetDoubleValues(Table, "Thickness (mm)", NumRows, StartRow));
                int NumLayers = NewSoil.Water.Thickness.Length;
                NewSoil.Water.BD                 = GetDoubleValues(Table, "BD (g/cc)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.BDMetadata         = GetCodeValues(Table, "BDCode", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Rocks           = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Rocks (%)", NumRows, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.RocksMetadata   = GetCodeValues(Table, "RocksCode", NumRows, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Texture         = GetStringValues(Table, "Texture", NumRows, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.TextureMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "TextureCode", NumRows, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.SAT                = GetDoubleValues(Table, "SAT (mm/mm)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.SATMetadata        = GetCodeValues(Table, "SATCode", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.DUL                = GetDoubleValues(Table, "DUL (mm/mm)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.DULMetadata        = GetCodeValues(Table, "DULCode", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.LL15               = GetDoubleValues(Table, "LL15 (mm/mm)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.LL15Metadata       = GetCodeValues(Table, "LL15Code", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.AirDry             = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Airdry (mm/mm)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.AirDryMetadata     = GetCodeValues(Table, "AirdryCode", NumLayers, StartRow);

                NewSoil.SoilWater             = new SoilWater();
                NewSoil.SoilWater.Thickness   = NewSoil.Water.Thickness;
                NewSoil.SoilWater.SummerU     = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "SummerU");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.SummerCona  = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "SummerCona");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.WinterU     = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "WinterU");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.WinterCona  = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "WinterCona");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.SummerDate  = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "SummerDate");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.WinterDate  = GetStringValue(Table, StartRow, "WinterDate");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.Salb        = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "Salb");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.DiffusConst = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "DiffusConst");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.DiffusSlope = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "DiffusSlope");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.CN2Bare     = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "Cn2Bare");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.CNRed       = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "CnRed");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.CNCov       = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "CnCov");

                if (Table.Columns.Contains("ThicknessChem (mm)"))
                    NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.Thickness = MathUtility.RemoveMissingValuesFromBottom(GetDoubleValues(Table, "ThicknessChem (mm)", NumRows, StartRow));
                    NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.Thickness = NewSoil.Water.Thickness;
                int NumChemLayers = NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.Thickness.Length;
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.RootCN    = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "RootCn");
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.RootWt    = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "RootWt");
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.SoilCN    = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "SoilCN");
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.EnrACoeff = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "EnrACoeff");
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.EnrBCoeff = GetDoubleValue(Table, StartRow, "EnrBCoeff");
                NewSoil.SoilWater.SWCON             = GetDoubleValues(Table, "SWCON (0-1)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilWater.MWCON             = GetDoubleValues(Table, "MWCON (0-1)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.FBiom     = GetDoubleValues(Table, "FBIOM (0-1)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.FInert    = GetDoubleValues(Table, "FINERT (0-1)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Water.KS                     = GetDoubleValues(Table, "KS (mm/day)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.OC         = GetDoubleValues(Table, "OC", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.OCMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "OCCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.OCUnits    = GetOCUnits(Table, StartRow);

                NewSoil.Analysis.Thickness                = NewSoil.SoilOrganicMatter.Thickness;
                NewSoil.Analysis.EC                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "EC (1:5 dS/m)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ECMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "ECCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.PH                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "PH", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.PHMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "PHCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.PHUnits                  = GetPHUnits(Table, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.CL                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "CL (mg/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.CLMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "CLCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Boron                    = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Boron (Hot water mg/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.BoronMetadata            = GetCodeValues(Table, "BoronCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.CEC                      = GetDoubleValues(Table, "CEC (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.CECMetadata              = GetCodeValues(Table, "CECCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Ca                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Ca (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.CaMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "CaCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Mg                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Mg (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.MgMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "MgCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Na                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Na (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.NaMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "NaCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.K                        = GetDoubleValues(Table, "K (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.KMetadata                = GetCodeValues(Table, "KCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ESP                      = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ESP (%)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ESPMetadata              = GetCodeValues(Table, "ESPCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Mn                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Mn (mg/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.MnMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "MnCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.Al                       = GetDoubleValues(Table, "Al (cmol+/kg)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.AlMetadata               = GetCodeValues(Table, "AlCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeSand         = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSand (%)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeSandMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSandCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeSilt         = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSilt (%)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeSiltMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "ParticleSizeSiltCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeClay         = GetDoubleValues(Table, "ParticleSizeClay (%)", NumChemLayers, StartRow);
                NewSoil.Analysis.ParticleSizeClayMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, "ParticleSizeClayCode", NumChemLayers, StartRow);

                // crops
                foreach (DataColumn Col in Table.Columns)
                    if (Col.ColumnName.ToLower().Contains(" ll"))
                        string[] NameBits = Col.ColumnName.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        if (NameBits.Length == 3)
                            string   CropName = NameBits[0];
                            SoilCrop NewCrop  = new SoilCrop();
                            NewCrop.Name       = CropName;
                            NewCrop.Thickness  = NewSoil.Water.Thickness;
                            NewCrop.LL         = GetDoubleValues(Table, CropName + " ll (mm/mm)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                            NewCrop.LLMetadata = GetCodeValues(Table, CropName + " llCode", NumLayers, StartRow);
                            NewCrop.KL         = GetDoubleValues(Table, CropName + " kl (/day)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                            NewCrop.XF         = GetDoubleValues(Table, CropName + " xf (0-1)", NumLayers, StartRow);
                            if (MathUtility.ValuesInArray(NewCrop.LL) ||

                StartRow += NumRows;

                if (Notifier != null)
                    Notifier.Invoke(Convert.ToInt32(StartRow * 100.0 / Table.Rows.Count));
                if (counter == 50)
                    counter = 0;

예제 #7
        public override void OnSave()
            // --------------------------------------------------
            // Save the variable grid back to the selected data.
            // --------------------------------------------------

            if (Grid.EditingControl != null)  // Save any current edits

            // Work out the property type from the currently selected data type by removing the last character.
            // e.g. if current data type is 'variables' then property type is 'variable'
            string PropertyType = XmlHelper.Type(Data);

            if (PropertyType.ToLower() == "tracker")
                PropertyType = "variables";
            PropertyType = PropertyType.Remove(PropertyType.Length - 1);
            // Turn from plural to singular.

            string[] VariableNames = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Grid.DataSourceTable, Grid.DataSourceTable.Columns[0].ColumnName);

            string DataName = XmlHelper.Name(Data);

            XmlHelper.SetName(Data, DataName);
            foreach (string VariableName in VariableNames)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(VariableName))
                    XmlNode Variable = Data.AppendChild(Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(PropertyType));
                    Variable.InnerText = VariableName;

            XmlNode Constants = XmlHelper.Find(Data, "constants");

            if ((Constants != null))
            XmlNode ConstantsNode = null;

            foreach (string Line in ConstantsBox.Lines)
                int PosEquals = Line.IndexOf("=");
                if (PosEquals != -1)
                    string ConstantName  = Line.Substring(0, PosEquals).Trim();
                    string ConstantValue = Line.Substring(PosEquals + 1).Trim();
                    if ((ConstantName == "Title"))
                        MessageBox.Show("You cannot specify a title. It is set automatically to the name of the simulation", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                        if ((ConstantsNode == null))
                            ConstantsNode = XmlHelper.Find(Data, "constants");
                            if ((ConstantsNode == null))
                                ConstantsNode = Data.AppendChild(Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("constants"));

                        XmlNode ConstantNode = Data.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("constant");
                        XmlHelper.SetName(ConstantNode, ConstantName);
                        ConstantNode.InnerText = ConstantValue;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Refresh the chart from data in the specified datasource.
        /// </summary>
        public void Populate(DataTable DataSource, string ChartType, Soil Soil)
            this.Soil  = Soil;
            this.Table = DataSource;

            DataSource.TableName        = ChartType;
            Chart.Axes.Left.Automatic   = true;
            Chart.Axes.Top.Automatic    = true;
            Chart.Axes.Right.Automatic  = true;
            Chart.Axes.Bottom.Automatic = true;

            // Try and load an appropriate template.
            if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimDirectory(), "UserInterface")))
                FileName = Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimDirectory(), "UserInterface", ChartType + ".xml");
                FileName = Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimDirectory(), ChartType + ".xml");
            XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();

            if (File.Exists(FileName))
                Data = Doc.DocumentElement;
                Data = null;

            // Get the base chart to do it's thing.

            // Make sure there is a DepthMidPoints column
            if (DataSource.Columns.IndexOf("DepthMidPoints (mm)") == -1)
                    string[] Depths         = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(DataSource, "Depth (cm)");
                    double[] Thickness      = Soil.ToThickness(Depths);
                    double[] DepthMidPoints = Soil.ToMidPoints(Thickness);
                    DataTableUtility.AddColumn(DataSource, "DepthMidPoints (mm)", DepthMidPoints);
                catch (Exception e)

            // Add in LL series and SW if it is present.
            foreach (DataColumn Column in DataSource.Columns)
                if (Column.ColumnName.Contains(" LL") || Column.ColumnName.Contains("SW"))
                    Line Line = new Line();
                    Line.LinePen.Width = 2;
                    AddSeries(DataSource, Column.ColumnName, Line);

            // Get our data.

            AdjustTopAxisTitle = false;

            // For some charts were we don't have a predefined chart XML file we need to set
            // up some default chart settings.
            Chart.Axes.Left.Inverted = true;

            // If there are no series then add some e.g. Analysis
            if (Chart.Series.Count == 0)
                bool FirstSeries = true;
                foreach (DataColumn Column in DataSource.Columns)
                    if (Column.DataType == typeof(double) && !Column.ColumnName.Contains("Depth"))
                        string[] Values = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(DataSource, Column.ColumnName);
                        if (MathUtility.ValuesInArray(Values))
                            Line Line = new Line();
                            Line.LinePen.Width = 2;
                            AddSeries(DataSource, Column.ColumnName, Line);
                            Line.Active = FirstSeries;
                            FirstSeries = false;
                AdjustTopAxisTitle = true;

            // Now we can populate all series as we've created our series.
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate all series with data.
        /// </summary>
        public void PopulateSeries()
            bool LeftAxisUsed   = false;
            bool RightAxisUsed  = false;
            bool BottomAxisUsed = false;
            bool TopAxisUsed    = false;
            int  SeriesIndex    = 1;

            foreach (Series S in Chart.Series)
                if (S.HorizAxis == HorizontalAxis.Bottom)
                    BottomAxisUsed = true;
                    TopAxisUsed = true;

                if (S.VertAxis == VerticalAxis.Left)
                    LeftAxisUsed = true;
                    RightAxisUsed = true;

                // Read in XML about this series.
                XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();
                string        DataSource  = XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "DataSource");
                List <string> ColumnNames = new List <string>();
                ColumnNames.Add(XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "X"));
                ColumnNames.Add(XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "Y"));
                ColumnNames.Add(XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "Y2"));
                ColumnNames.Add(XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "Y3"));
                ColumnNames.Add(XmlHelper.Value(Doc.DocumentElement, "Y4"));
                DataTable Table = GetDataSourceWithName(DataSource);

                for (int i = 0; i < S.ValuesLists.Count; i++)
                    if (Table != null && i < ColumnNames.Count)
                        string ColumnName = ColumnNames[i];
                        if (Table.Columns.Contains(ColumnName))
                            if (i == 0 && Table.Columns[ColumnName].DataType == typeof(string))
                                S.Labels.AddRange(DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsStrings(Table, ColumnName));

                            else if (Table.Columns[ColumnName].DataType == typeof(double) ||
                                     Table.Columns[ColumnName].DataType == typeof(float))
                                S.ValuesLists[i].Value = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDoubles(Table, ColumnName);
                                S.ValuesLists[i].Count = S.ValuesLists[i].Value.Length;
                            else if (Table.Columns[ColumnName].DataType == typeof(DateTime))
                                DateTime[] Dates  = DataTableUtility.GetColumnAsDates(Table, ColumnName);
                                double[]   Values = new double[Dates.Length];
                                for (int j = 0; j < Values.Length; j++)
                                    Values[j] = Dates[j].ToOADate();
                                S.ValuesLists[i].Value    = Values;
                                S.ValuesLists[i].Count    = S.ValuesLists[i].Value.Length;
                                S.ValuesLists[i].DateTime = true;
                            S.ValuesLists[i].Value = MathUtility.CreateArrayOfValues(SeriesIndex, Table.Rows.Count);
                            S.ValuesLists[i].Count = S.ValuesLists[i].Value.Length;

                // Strip out missing values.

                Chart.Axes.Left.Visible   = LeftAxisUsed;
                Chart.Axes.Right.Visible  = RightAxisUsed;
                Chart.Axes.Top.Visible    = TopAxisUsed;
                Chart.Axes.Bottom.Visible = BottomAxisUsed;