public Accessor_SparseType(List <string> imageList) { var baseColorTextureA = new Texture { Source = UseTexture(imageList, "BaseColor_A") }; var baseColorTextureB = new Texture { Source = UseTexture(imageList, "BaseColor_B") }; UseFigure(imageList, "SparseAccessor_Input"); UseFigure(imageList, "SparseAccessor_Output-Rotation"); UseFigure(imageList, "SparseAccessor_NoBufferView"); // There are no common properties in this model group that are reported in the readme. Model CreateModel(Action <List <Property>, Animation, List <Node> > setProperties) { var properties = new List <Property>(); var animated = true; var meshPrimitive0 = MeshPrimitive.CreateSinglePlane(includeTextureCoords: false); var meshPrimitive1 = MeshPrimitive.CreateSinglePlane(includeTextureCoords: false); var nodes = new List <Node> { new Node { Mesh = new Runtime.Mesh { MeshPrimitives = new List <Runtime.MeshPrimitive> { meshPrimitive0 } } }, new Node { Mesh = new Runtime.Mesh { MeshPrimitives = new List <Runtime.MeshPrimitive> { meshPrimitive1 } } } }; var animation = new Animation(); var animations = new List <Animation> { animation }; // Apply the properties that are specific to this gltf. setProperties(properties, animation, nodes); // If no animations are used, null out that property. if (animation.Channels == null) { animations = null; animated = false; } // Create the gltf object. return(new Model { Properties = properties, GLTF = CreateGLTF ( () => new Scene { Nodes = nodes }, animations: animations ), Animated = animated, Camera = new Manifest.Camera(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.75f)) }); } var samplerInputLinear = new[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, }; var samplerInputSparse = 1.5f; var samplerOutputTranslationSparse = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f); var samplerOutputRotation = new[] { Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0.0f, FloatMath.ToRadians(-45.0f), 0.0f), Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0.0f, FloatMath.ToRadians(45.0f), 0.0f), Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0.0f, FloatMath.ToRadians(-45.0f), 0.0f), }; var samplerOutputRotationSparse = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0.0f, FloatMath.ToRadians(-90.0f), 0.0f); List <AnimationChannel> CreateChannels(List <Node> nodes, AnimationSampler sampler0, AnimationSampler sampler1) { return(new List <AnimationChannel> { new AnimationChannel { Target = new AnimationChannelTarget { Node = nodes[0], }, Sampler = sampler0 }, new AnimationChannel { Target = new AnimationChannelTarget { Node = nodes[1], }, Sampler = sampler1 }, }); } void SetAnimationPaths(List <AnimationChannel> channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath path, List <Property> properties) { foreach (var channel in channels) { channel.Target.Path = path; } } void OffsetPositions(List <Node> nodes) { // Offsets the positions of the mesh primitives so they don't overlap. This is done because animation translations override node translations. nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values.Select(position => { return(new Vector3(position.X - 0.6f, position.Y, position.Z)); }); nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values.Select(position => { return(new Vector3(position.X + 0.6f, position.Y, position.Z)); }); } void SetTexture(List <Node> nodes) { nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Material = new Runtime.Material { PbrMetallicRoughness = new PbrMetallicRoughness { BaseColorTexture = new TextureInfo { Texture = baseColorTextureA } } }; nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Material = new Runtime.Material { PbrMetallicRoughness = new PbrMetallicRoughness { BaseColorTexture = new TextureInfo { Texture = baseColorTextureB } } }; nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().TexCoords0 = Data.Create(MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlaneTexCoords()); nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().TexCoords0 = Data.Create(MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlaneTexCoords()); } Models = new List <Model> { CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear, DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedByte, new Dictionary <int, float> { { 1, samplerInputSparse } } )), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Rotation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Input")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, sampler1.Input.Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, sampler1.Input.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 1")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear, DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedShort, new Dictionary <int, float> { { 1, samplerInputSparse } } )), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Rotation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Input")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, sampler1.Input.Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, sampler1.Input.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 1")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear, DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedInt, new Dictionary <int, float> { { 1, samplerInputSparse } } )), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Rotation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Input")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, sampler1.Input.Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, sampler1.Input.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 1")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation, DataType.NormalizedByte), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation, DataType.NormalizedByte, DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedByte, new Dictionary <int, Quaternion> { { 1, samplerOutputRotationSparse } } )), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Rotation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Output")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, ((Data <Quaternion>)sampler1.Output).Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, sampler1.Output.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 2")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation, DataType.NormalizedShort), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputRotation, DataType.NormalizedShort, DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedByte, new Dictionary <int, Quaternion> { { 1, samplerOutputRotationSparse } } )), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Rotation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Output")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, ((Data <Quaternion>)sampler1.Output).Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, sampler1.Output.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 2")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { // Add extra vertexes that will be used by the sparse accessor. SetTexture(nodes); var positions = MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlanePositions().Concat(new[] { new Vector3(0.25f, -0.5f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-0.25f, 0.5f, 0.0f), }); var texCoords = MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlaneTexCoords().Concat(new[] { new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), }); foreach (var node in nodes) { node.Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = positions; node.Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().TexCoords0.Values = texCoords; } OffsetPositions(nodes); var meshPrimitiveIndices = nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Indices; meshPrimitiveIndices.Values = nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Indices.Values; meshPrimitiveIndices.Sparse = DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedByte, new Dictionary <int, int> { { 1, 4 }, { 5, 5 }, } ); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Mesh Primitive Indices")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, meshPrimitiveIndices.Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, meshPrimitiveIndices.OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, ":white_check_mark:")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See the description for the Mesh Primitive Indices model in [Accessor_Sparse](../Accessor_Sparse/")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { SetTexture(nodes); nodes.RemoveAt(0); var sampler = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(Enumerable.Repeat(default(Vector3), 3), DataSparse.Create ( DataType.UnsignedByte, new Dictionary <int, Vector3> { { 1, samplerOutputTranslationSparse } } )), }; var channels = new List <AnimationChannel> { new AnimationChannel { Target = new AnimationChannelTarget { Node = nodes[0], Path = AnimationChannelTargetPath.Translation }, Sampler = sampler }, }; animation.Channels = channels; properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Output")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.IndicesType, ((Data <Vector3>)sampler.Output).Sparse.IndicesOutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.ValueType, ((Data <Vector3>)sampler.Output).OutputType.ToReadmeString())); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.BufferView, "")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 3")); }), }; GenerateUsedPropertiesList(); }
public Accessor_Sparse(List <string> imageList) { var baseColorTextureA = new Texture { Source = UseTexture(imageList, "BaseColor_A") }; var baseColorTextureB = new Texture { Source = UseTexture(imageList, "BaseColor_B") }; UseFigure(imageList, "SparseAccessor_Input"); UseFigure(imageList, "SparseAccessor_Output-Translation"); // There are no common properties in this model group that are reported in the readme. Model CreateModel(Action <List <Property>, Animation, List <Node> > setProperties) { var properties = new List <Property>(); var animated = true; var meshPrimitive0 = MeshPrimitive.CreateSinglePlane(); var meshPrimitive1 = MeshPrimitive.CreateSinglePlane(); var nodes = new List <Node> { new Node { Mesh = new Runtime.Mesh { MeshPrimitives = new List <Runtime.MeshPrimitive> { meshPrimitive0 } } }, new Node { Mesh = new Runtime.Mesh { MeshPrimitives = new List <Runtime.MeshPrimitive> { meshPrimitive1 } } } }; SetTexture(nodes); var animation = new Animation(); var animations = new List <Animation> { animation }; // Apply the properties that are specific to this gltf. setProperties(properties, animation, nodes); // If no animations are used, null out that property. if (animation.Channels == null) { animations = null; animated = false; } // Create the gltf object. return(new Model { Properties = properties, GLTF = CreateGLTF ( () => new Scene { Nodes = nodes }, animations: animations ), Animated = animated, Camera = new Manifest.Camera(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.75f)) }); } var samplerInputLinear = new[] { 0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, }; var samplerOutputTranslation = new[] { new Vector3(0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, -0.3f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f), }; void SetTexture(List <Node> nodes) { nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Material = new Runtime.Material { PbrMetallicRoughness = new PbrMetallicRoughness { BaseColorTexture = new TextureInfo { Texture = baseColorTextureA }, } }; nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Material = new Runtime.Material { PbrMetallicRoughness = new PbrMetallicRoughness { BaseColorTexture = new TextureInfo { Texture = baseColorTextureB } } }; } void OffsetPositions(List <Node> nodes) { // Offsets the positions of the mesh primitives so they don't overlap. This is done because animation translations override node translations. nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = ((Vector3[])nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values).Select(position => { return(new Vector3(position.X - 0.6f, position.Y, position.Z)); }); nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = ((Vector3[])nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values).Select(position => { return(new Vector3(position.X + 0.6f, position.Y, position.Z)); }); } void OffsetNodeTranslations(List <Node> nodes) { // Gives each node a translation so they don't overlap, but can have the same values for position. nodes[0].Translation = new Vector3(-0.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f); nodes[1].Translation = new Vector3(0.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } List <AnimationChannel> CreateChannels(List <Node> nodes, AnimationSampler sampler0, AnimationSampler sampler1) { return(new List <AnimationChannel> { new AnimationChannel { Target = new AnimationChannelTarget { Node = nodes[0], }, Sampler = sampler0 }, new AnimationChannel { Target = new AnimationChannelTarget { Node = nodes[1], }, Sampler = sampler1 }, }); } void SetAnimationPaths(List <AnimationChannel> channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath path, List <Property> properties) { foreach (var channel in channels) { channel.Target.Path = path; } } Models = new List <Model> { CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputTranslation), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear, DataSparse.Create ( new Dictionary <int, float> { { 1, 1.5f } } )), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputTranslation), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Translation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Animation Sampler Input")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 1")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { OffsetPositions(nodes); var sampler0 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputTranslation), }; var sampler1 = new AnimationSampler { Interpolation = AnimationSamplerInterpolation.Linear, Input = Data.Create(samplerInputLinear), Output = Data.Create(samplerOutputTranslation, DataSparse.Create ( new Dictionary <int, Vector3> { { 1, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f) }, } )), }; var channels = CreateChannels(nodes, sampler0, sampler1); animation.Channels = channels; SetAnimationPaths(channels, AnimationChannelTargetPath.Translation, properties); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Animation Sampler Output")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "See Figure 2")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { OffsetNodeTranslations(nodes); nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values; nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Sparse = DataSparse.Create ( new Dictionary <int, Vector3> { { 0, new Vector3(0.25f, -0.5f, 0.0f) }, { 2, new Vector3(-0.25f, 0.5f, 0.0f) }, } ); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Positions")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "Mesh B's sparse accessor overwrites the values of the top left and bottom right vertexes.")); }), CreateModel((properties, animation, nodes) => { // Add extra vertexes that will be used by the sparse accessor. var positions = MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlanePositions().Concat(new[] { new Vector3(0.25f, -0.5f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-0.25f, 0.5f, 0.0f), }); var textureCoords = MeshPrimitive.GetSinglePlaneTexCoords().Concat(new[] { new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), }); foreach (var node in nodes) { node.Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Positions.Values = positions; node.Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().TexCoords0.Values = textureCoords; } OffsetNodeTranslations(nodes); nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Indices.Values = nodes[0].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Indices.Values; nodes[1].Mesh.MeshPrimitives.First().Indices.Sparse = DataSparse.Create ( new Dictionary <int, int> { { 1, 4 }, { 5, 5 }, } ); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.SparseAccessor, "Mesh Primitive Indices")); properties.Add(new Property(PropertyName.Description, "Both meshes have six vertexes, but only four are used to make the visible mesh. " + "Mesh B's sparse accessor replaces the indices pointing at the top left and bottom right vertexes with ones pointing at the unused vertexes.")); }), }; GenerateUsedPropertiesList(); }