예제 #1
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string createdby = txtUser.Text.Trim();
            string created   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

            string department = txtDepartment.Text.Trim();

            string key     = txtKey.Text.Trim();
            string remarks = txtRemarks.Text.Trim();

            string sectHead = UserUtil.GetSectionHead(UserUtil.GetSect(GlobalService.User));
            string divHead  = UserUtil.GetDivisionHead(UserUtil.GetDivision(GlobalService.User));

            string adm1st = "Sammy Chow Chi To (周志滔)";
            string adm2nd = "Sammy Chow Chi To (周志滔)";

            string query = string.Format("insert into TB_ADM_FORM_KEY (ak_createdby, ak_created, ak_department, ak_key, ak_remarks, ak_sect, ak_div, ak_adm1st, ak_adm2nd)" +
                                         " values (N'{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', N'{3}', N'{4}', N'{5}', N'{6}', N'{7}', N'{8}')", createdby, created, department, key, remarks, sectHead, divHead, adm1st, adm2nd);


            string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUserId(AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), "kmhk.local");

            string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUserId(AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(sectHead, "kmhk.local"), "kmhk.local");

            string text = "Application Approval required. Please click <a href=\"\\\\kdthk-dm1\\project\\it system\\MyCloud Beta\\KDTHK-DM-SP.application\">HERE</a> to approval process.";
            string body = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + text + "</span></p>";

            EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail("", GlobalService.User, from, to, body, "Approval Required - 複製鎖匙依賴");

            MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved.");

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #2
        private void LoadMCData(DataTable table)
            string q1 = string.Format("select d_type, d_reason, d_created, d_docno, d_custcurr, d_dntotal1, d_dntotal2, d_custname, d_custcode  from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_createdby = N'{0}' and d_status != N'已發送'", GlobalService.User);

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(q1))
                while (reader.Read())
                    string type    = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                    string reason  = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                    string created = reader.GetString(2).Trim();
                    string docno   = reader.GetString(3).Trim();
                    string curr    = reader.GetString(4).Trim();
                    string total1  = reader.GetString(5).Trim();
                    string total2  = reader.GetString(6).Trim();
                    string name    = reader.GetString(7).Trim();
                    string code    = reader.GetString(8).Trim();

                    string title = reason + " (" + curr + "";
                    string total = total1 != "" ? total1 : total2;

                    title = title + total + " )";
                    table.Rows.Add("已輸入", type, title, name + "(" + code + ")", created, "-", docno);
예제 #3
        private void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string query = string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'拒絕承認' where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno);


            string sect      = "";
            string div       = "";
            string dept      = "";
            string createdby = "";

            string text = string.Format("select d_sect, d_div, d_dept, d_createdby from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno);

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(text))
                while (reader.Read())
                    sect      = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                    div       = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                    dept      = reader.GetString(2).Trim();
                    createdby = reader.GetString(3).Trim();

            string subject = "Debit/Credit Note Application has been Rejected";

            string content = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nYour Debit/Credit Note Application has been Rejected. Please go to MyCloud to revise or apply a new application.\n\nThis is system message, please do not reply.";

            EformUtil.SendRejectEmail(_docno, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(createdby, "kmhk.local"), subject, content);//cc?
        private void LoadData(string invoice)
            string query = string.Format("select o_id, o_invoice, o_vendor, o_vendorname, o_inputdate, o_paymentdate, o_currency, o_amount, o_status from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING where o_invoice = '{0}'", invoice);

            int id = 0;

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                while (reader.Read())
                    id = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    txtInvoice.Text    = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                    txtVendorCode.Text = reader.GetString(2).Trim();
                    txtVendorName.Text = reader.GetString(3).Trim();
                    txtInputDate.Text  = reader.GetString(4).Trim();
                    txtPayDate.Text    = reader.GetString(5).Trim();
                    txtCurrency.Text   = reader.GetString(6).Trim();
                    txtAmount.Text     = reader.GetString(7).Trim();
                    _status            = reader.GetString(8).Trim();
                    _invoice           = reader.GetString(1).Trim();

            string text = string.Format("select od_accountcode as acc, od_accountname as accname, od_costcentre as cc, od_costcentrename as ccname, od_amount as amount" +
                                        ", od_desc1 as desc1, od_desc2 as desc2, od_desc3 as desc3, od_desc4 as desc4, od_desc5 as desc5, od_display as descdisplay from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL" +
                                        " where od_o_id = '{0}'", id);

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(text, DataServiceCM.GetInstance().Connection);


            dgvOutstanding.DataSource = table;
        private void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

            string text = _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_divapproval = 'Yes', o_divapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計處理中' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice)
                : _status == "會計處理中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_staffapproval = 'Yes', o_staffapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計承認中' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice)
                : string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_accapproval = 'Yes', o_accapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'申請處理完成' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice);


            string applicant = AccUtil.GetApplicant(_invoice);
            string div       = AccUtil.GetDivisionApprover(_invoice);
            string staff     = AccUtil.GetAccStaff(_invoice);
            string acc       = AccUtil.GetAccApprover(_invoice);

            if (_status == "科責承認中")
                EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_invoice, applicant, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(staff, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip - " + _invoice);

            if (_status == "會計處理中")
                EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_invoice, applicant, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip - " + _invoice);

            if (_status == "會計承認中")
                EformUtil.SendFinishedEmail(_invoice, acc, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), "Outstanding Slip Application Finished - " + _invoice, "You Outstanding Slip Application has been finished.");

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #6
        public OutstandingPreviewDetailForm(string invoice, string code, string name, string currency, string total, List <Outstanding> list)

            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string[] headers = { "code", "name", "ac", "acname", "cc", "ccname", "amt", "rm1", "rm2", "rm3", "rm4", "rm5" };

            foreach (string header in headers)

            this.Text = "Invoice: " + invoice + "   Total: " + currency + " " + total;

            var dataList = from x in list
                           where x.Invoice == invoice && x.VendorCode == code
                           select new { x.AccountCode, x.CostCentre, x.Amount, x.Desc1, x.Desc2, x.Desc3, x.Desc4, x.Desc5 };

            foreach (var item in dataList)
                string acText = string.Format("select a_name from TB_CM_MASTER_ACCOUNTCODE where a_code = '{0}'", item.AccountCode);
                string acName = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(acText).ToString();

                string ccText = string.Format("select c_name from TB_CM_MASTER_COSTCENTRE where c_code = '{0}'", item.CostCentre);
                string ccName = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(ccText).ToString();

                table.Rows.Add(code, name, item.AccountCode, acName, item.CostCentre, ccName, item.Amount, item.Desc1, item.Desc2, item.Desc3, item.Desc4, item.Desc5);

            dgvPreview.DataSource = table;
예제 #7
        private void deleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to delete selected items?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
            case DialogResult.Yes:
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvForm.SelectedRows)
                    string refno = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim();

                    string text = string.Format("select o_id from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING where o_invoice = '{0}'", refno);
                    int    id   = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(text);

                    string delText = string.Format("delete from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING where o_id = '{0}'", id);

                    string delText2 = string.Format("delete from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL where od_o_id = '{0}'", id);



                MessageBox.Show("Record has been deleted");


            case DialogResult.No:
예제 #8
        public static int GetApprovalCount()
            string q1         = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_FORM_PERMISSION where p_approver = N'{0}' and p_status = N'{1}'", GlobalService.User, "上司承認中");
            int    permission = (int)DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q1);

            string q2      = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_FORM_LOANING where l_approver = N'{0}' and l_status = N'{1}'", GlobalService.User, "上司承認中");
            int    loaning = (int)DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q2);

            string q3      = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_FORM_DEVELOP where d_approver = N'{0}' and d_status = N'{1}'", GlobalService.User, "上司承認中");
            int    develop = (int)DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q3);

            string query = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_FORM where f_approver = N'{0}' and f_status = N'{1}'", GlobalService.User, "上司承認中");
            int    form  = (int)DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query);

            string q4 = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_FORM_R3 where (r_approver = N'{0}' and r_status = N'{1}') or (r_cmapprover = N'{0}' and r_status = N'{2}')", GlobalService.User, "上司承認中", "經管承認中");
            int    r3 = (int)DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q4);

            string q5 = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_CM_DEBIT where (d_sect = N'{0}' and d_status = N'係責承認中') or (d_div = N'{0}' and d_status = N'科責承認中')" +
                                      " or (d_dept = N'{0}' and d_status = N'部責承認中') or (d_mcreviewer = N'{0}' and d_status = N'經管檢查中') or (d_mcfinal = N'{0}' and d_status = N'經管承認中')", GlobalService.User);
            int debit = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q5);

            string q6     = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_CM_DEBIT_CANCEL where (c_applicant = N'{0}' or c_sect = N'{0}' or c_div = N'{0}' or c_dept = N'{0}' or c_targetsect = N'{0}' or c_targetdept = N'{0}')", GlobalService.User);
            int    cancel = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q6);

            string q7 = string.Format("select count(*) from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING where (o_sect = N'{0}' and o_status = N'係責承認中') or (o_div = N'{0}' and o_status = N'科責承認中') or (o_dept = N'{0}' and o_status = N'部責承認中') or (o_staff = N'{0}' and o_status = N'會計處理中')" +
                                      " or (o_acc = N'{0}' and o_status = N'會計承認中')", GlobalService.User);
            int outstanding = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(q7);

            return(permission + loaning + develop + form + r3 + debit + cancel + outstanding);
예제 #9
        private void LoadAdmData(DataTable table)
                string keyText = string.Format("select ak_status, ak_key, ak_remarks, ak_created, ak_id, case ak_status when N'係責承認中' then ak_sect when N'科責承認中' then ak_div when N'行政係責承認中' then ak_adm1st when N'行政科責承認中' then ak_adm2nd else '-' end from TB_ADM_FORM_KEY" +
                                               " where ak_createdby = N'{0}' and ak_status != N'申請處理完成'", GlobalService.User);
                using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(keyText))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        table.Rows.Add(reader.GetString(0).Trim(), "複製鎖匙申請", reader.GetString(1).Trim(), reader.GetString(2).Trim(), reader.GetString(3).Trim(), reader.GetString(5).Trim(), reader.GetInt32(4));

                string liftText = string.Format("select al_status, al_date, al_vendor, al_reason, al_created, al_id, case al_status when N'係責承認中' then al_sect when N'科責承認中' then al_div when N'行政係責承認中' then al_adm1st when N'行政科責承認中' then al_adm2nd else '-' end from TB_ADM_FORM_LIFT" +
                                                " where al_createdby = N'{0}' and al_status != N'申請處理完成'", GlobalService.User);
                using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(liftText))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        table.Rows.Add(reader.GetString(0).Trim(), "使用載貨升降機", reader.GetString(1).Trim() + "  " + reader.GetString(2).Trim(), reader.GetString(3).Trim(), reader.GetString(4).Trim(), reader.GetString(6).Trim(), reader.GetInt32(5));

                string parkText = string.Format("select ap_status, ap_company, ap_license, ap_date, ap_created, ap_id, case ap_status when N'係責承認中' then ap_sect when N'科責承認中' then ap_div when N'行政係責承認中' then ap_adm1st when N'行政科責承認中' then ap_adm2nd else '-' end from TB_ADM_FORM_PARK" +
                                                " where ap_createdby = N'{0}' and ap_status != N'申請處理完成'", GlobalService.User);
                using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(parkText))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        table.Rows.Add(reader.GetString(0).Trim(), "訪客車位申請", reader.GetString(1).Trim() + " " + reader.GetString(2).Trim(), reader.GetString(3).Trim(), reader.GetString(4).Trim(), reader.GetString(6).Trim(), reader.GetInt32(5));

                string stampText = string.Format("select as_status, as_total, as_created, as_id, case as_status when N'係責承認中' then as_sect when N'科責承認中' then as_div when N'行政係責承認中' then as_adm1st when N'行政科責承認中' then as_adm2nd else '-' end from TB_ADM_FORM_STAMP" +
                                                 " where as_createdby = N'{0}' and as_status != N'申請處理完成'", GlobalService.User);
                using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(stampText))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        table.Rows.Add(reader.GetString(0).Trim(), "購買郵票", "$" + reader.GetString(1).Trim(), "-", reader.GetString(2).Trim(), reader.GetString(4).Trim(), reader.GetInt32(3));

                string visaText = string.Format("select av_status, av_reason, av_created, av_id, case av_status when N'係責承認中' then av_sect when N'科責承認中' then av_div when N'行政係責承認中' then av_adm1st when N'行政科責承認中' then av_adm2nd else '-' end from TB_ADM_FORM_VISA" +
                                                " where av_createdby = N'{0}' and av_status != N'申請處理完成'", GlobalService.User);
                using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(visaText))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        table.Rows.Add(reader.GetString(0).Trim(), "簽証申請", reader.GetString(1).Trim(), "-", reader.GetString(2).Trim(), reader.GetString(4).Trim(), reader.GetInt32(3));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #10
        private void SignalChanged(string docno)
            string query = string.Format("select d_status from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", docno);

            string status = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query).ToString().Trim();

            _status = status;

            pb1st.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;

            if (status == "係責承認中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;

            if (status == "科責承認中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb3rd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;
                pb4th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_gray;

            if (status == "部責承認中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb3rd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb4th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;
                pb5th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_gray;

            if (status == "經管確認中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb3rd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb4th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb5th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;
                pb6th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_gray;

            if (status == "經管檢查中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb3rd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb4th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb5th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb6th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;
                pb7th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_gray;

            if (status == "經管承認中")
                pb2nd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb3rd.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb4th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb5th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb6th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle;
                pb7th.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.circle_orange;
예제 #11
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string query = string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_reject = N'{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", txtReason.Text.Trim(), _docno);


            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #12
        private void btnRecall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string query = string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'申請中', d_sectapproval = '-', d_divapproval = '-', d_deptapproval = '-' where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno);


            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #13
        private void printToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string refno = dgvFormHistory.SelectedRows[0].Cells[7].Value.ToString().Trim();

            string query = string.Format("select d_directory from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", refno);
            string file  = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query).ToString().Trim();

        private void LoadData(string noteNo)
            string query = string.Format("select d_reqdate, d_reqoffice, d_reqcostcentre, d_custcode, d_custname, d_custcurr, d_payterm, d_duedate, d_custdiv" +
                                         ", d_divname, d_incharge, d_reason, d_invno, d_ringino, d_exmonth, d_exrate, d_dntotal1, d_dncurr, d_dntotal2, d_pdf, d_deduct, d_mention" +
                                         ", d_createdby, d_created, d_sect, d_sectapproval, d_sectdate, d_div, d_divapproval, d_divdate, d_dept, d_deptapproval, d_deptdate from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", noteNo);

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                while (reader.Read())
                    txtReqDate.Text       = reader.GetString(0).Trim();
                    txtReqOffice.Text     = reader.GetString(1).Trim();
                    txtReqCostcentre.Text = reader.GetString(2).Trim();

                    txtCustCode.Text = reader.GetString(3).Trim();
                    txtCustName.Text = reader.GetString(4).Trim();
                    txtCustCurr.Text = reader.GetString(5).Trim();
                    txtPayTerm.Text  = reader.GetString(6).Trim();
                    txtDueDate.Text  = reader.GetString(7).Trim();
                    txtCustDiv.Text  = reader.GetString(8).Trim();
                    txtDivName.Text  = reader.GetString(9).Trim();
                    txtIncharge.Text = reader.GetString(10).Trim();

                    txtReason.Text  = reader.GetString(11).Trim();
                    txtInvNo.Text   = reader.GetString(12).Trim();
                    txtRingiNo.Text = reader.GetString(13).Trim();

                    txtExMonth.Text  = reader.GetString(14).Trim();
                    txtExRate.Text   = reader.GetString(15).Trim();
                    txtDnTotal1.Text = reader.GetString(16).Trim();
                    txtDnCurr2.Text  = reader.GetString(17).Trim();
                    txtDnTotal2.Text = reader.GetString(18).Trim();

                    string pdf    = reader.GetString(19).Trim();
                    string deduct = reader.GetString(20).Trim();
                    txtMention.Text = reader.GetString(21).Trim();

                    string createdby = reader.GetString(22).Trim();
                    string created   = reader.GetString(23).Trim();
                    lblRequester.Text = "Form was created by " + createdby + " at " + created;

                    string sect     = reader.GetString(24).Trim();
                    string sectapp  = reader.GetString(25).Trim();
                    string sectdate = reader.GetString(26).Trim();
                    lblSection.Text = "Form was approved by " + sect + " at " + sectdate;

                    string div     = reader.GetString(27).Trim();
                    string divapp  = reader.GetString(28).Trim();
                    string divdate = reader.GetString(29).Trim();
                    lblDivision.Text = "Form was approved by " + div + " at " + divdate;
        private void LoadData(string source)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string query = string.Format("select cu_month as mon, cu_type as item, cu_description as description, cu_currency as rate from TB_CM_MASTER_CURRENCY where cu_month like '%{0}%'", source);

            SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(query, DataServiceCM.GetInstance().Connection);


            dgvCurrency.DataSource = table;
        private Boolean IsAllItemApprovedByAcc(int id)
            string query = string.Format("select * from TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL where od_o_id = '{0}' and od_divapproval = 'No'", id);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                if (reader.HasRows)
예제 #17
        private void LoadData(string source)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string query = string.Format("select cust_code as code, cust_name as name, cust_curr as curr, cust_payterm as payterm, cust_currtype as currtype, cust_currdesc as currdesc" +
                                         " from TB_CM_MASTER_CUSTOMER where cust_name like N'%{0}%' or cust_shortname like '%{0}%' order by cust_vc, cust_type, cust_name", source);

            SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(query, DataServiceCM.GetInstance().Connection);


            dgvCustomer.DataSource = table;
예제 #18
        private void LoadData(string source, string type)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            string query = type == "code" ? string.Format("select v_code as vendor, v_name as vendorname, v_payterm as payterm, v_currency as curr from TB_ACC_MASTER_VENDOR where v_code like '%{0}%'", source)
                : string.Format("select v_code as vendor, v_name as vendorname, v_payterm as payterm, v_currency as curr from TB_ACC_MASTER_VENDOR where v_name like N'%{0}%'", source);

            SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(query, DataServiceCM.GetInstance().Connection);


            dgvVendor.DataSource = table;
예제 #19
        private void sendToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvForm.SelectedRows)
                string refno = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim();

                string query = string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'已發送', d_mcstatus = N'處理中' where d_docno = '{0}'", refno);

            MessageBox.Show("Record has been sent");

예제 #20
        public static int GetId()
            string query = "select top 1 d_id from TB_CM_DEBIT order by d_id desc";

                int result = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query);
예제 #21
        private void printToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvForm.SelectedRows)
                string refno = row.Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim();

                string query = string.Format("select d_directory from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", refno);
                string file  = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query).ToString().Trim();


예제 #22
        private void LoadCategory()

            string query = "select distinct d_category from TB_CM_MASTER_DESCRIPTION";

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                while (reader.Read())

            cbCategory.SelectedIndex = 0;
예제 #23
        public static bool IsAccountCodeExists(string accountcode)
            string query = string.Format("select * from TB_CM_MASTER_ACCOUNTCODE where a_code = '{0}'", accountcode);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                if (reader.HasRows)
예제 #24
        public static bool IsVendorExists(string vendor)
            string query = string.Format("select * from TB_ACC_MASTER_VENDOR where v_code = '{0}'", vendor);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                if (reader.HasRows)
예제 #25
        private void SearchData(string category, string source)
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            if (category == "All")
                category = "";

            string         query = string.Format("select d_category as category, d_desc as reason from TB_CM_MASTER_DESCRIPTION where d_category like '%{0}%' and d_r3 like '%{1}%'", category, source);
            SqlDataAdapter sda   = new SqlDataAdapter(query, DataServiceCM.GetInstance().Connection);


            dgvDescrption.DataSource = table;
예제 #26
        public static bool IsInvoiceExists(string invoice, string vendor)
            string query = string.Format("select * from TB_ACC_MASTER_INVOICE where i_invoice = '{0}' and i_vendor = '{1}'", invoice, vendor);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                if (reader.HasRows)
        private void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

            string text = _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_divapproval = 'No', o_divapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'科責已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice)
                : _status == "會計處理中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_staffapproval = 'No', o_staffapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice)
                : string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_accapproval = 'No', o_accapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice);


            string applicant = AccUtil.GetApplicant(_invoice);

            EformUtil.SendRejectEmail(_invoice, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), "Outstanding Slip Rejected - " + _invoice, "Your Outstanding Slip has been rejected by " + GlobalService.User);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
예제 #28
        public static string GetNextDocNo()
            string query = "select top 1 d_id from TB_CM_DEBIT order by d_id desc";

                int result = (int)DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteScalar(query);
                result += 1;

                return("DB-" + result.ToString("D5"));
예제 #29
        public static bool IsCostCentreExists(string costcentre)
            string query = string.Format("select * from TB_CM_MASTER_COSTCENTRE where c_code = '{0}'", costcentre);

            using (SqlDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                if (reader.HasRows)
예제 #30
        private void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string query = string.Format("select d_div, d_dept, d_mcstaff, d_mcreviewer, d_mcfinal, d_createdby, d_reason from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno);

            string target    = "";
            string applicant = "";
            string reason    = "";

            using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query))
                while (reader.Read())
                    target = _status == "係責承認中" ? reader.GetString(0).Trim()
                        : _status == "科責承認中" ? reader.GetString(1).Trim()
                        : _status == "部責承認中" ? reader.GetString(2).Trim()
                        : _status == "經管確認中" ? reader.GetString(3).Trim()
                        : _status == "經管檢查中" ? reader.GetString(4).Trim() : "";

                    applicant = reader.GetString(5).Trim();
                    reason    = reader.GetString(6).Trim();

            string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

            string text = _status == "係責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'科責承認中', d_sectapproval = 'Yes', d_sectdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno)
                        : _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'部責承認中', d_divapproval = 'Yes', d_divdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno)
                        : _status == "部責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'經管確認中', d_deptapproval = 'Yes', d_deptdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno)
                        : _status == "經管檢查中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'經管承認中', d_mcreviewerapproval = 'Yes', d_mcreviewerdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno)
                        : string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = '申請處理完成', d_mcfinalapproval = 'Yes', d_mcfinaldate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno);


            string email     = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(target, "kmhk.local");
            string fromEmail = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local");

            if (_status == "部責承認中")
                EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_docno, applicant, fromEmail, email, reason, "Debit Note Application Approval Required: " + _docno);
                EformUtil.SendDebitNotificationEmail(_docno, applicant, fromEmail, email, "Received a Debit/Credit Note Application Form\n\nPlease check in Management Console");

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;