/// <summary>
        /// Fetches data for the "Visits" block. Calling this method will
        /// result on two calls (it not already cached) to the Analytics API.
        /// The first call will fetch data for the previous period, while the
        /// second call will fetch data for the current period.
        /// </summary>
        public static VisitsBlock GetBlock(DataQuery query) {

            // Declare the data options
            AnalyticsDataOptions options = new AnalyticsDataOptions {
                Metrics = new[] {
                Sorting = new AnalyticsSortOptions().AddDescending(AnalyticsMetric.Visits)

            switch (query.Type) {
                case DataQueryType.Page:
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                    //options.Filters = query.CreateFilterOptionsFromPageUrls();

            // Fetch the data
            AnalyticsDataResponse data1;
            AnalyticsDataResponse data2;
            query.GetCachedDataPreviousAndCurrent("Visits", out data1, out data2, options);

            // Get the first row of each dataset
            var row1 = data1.Rows.FirstOrDefault();
            var row2 = data2.Rows.FirstOrDefault();

            return new VisitsBlock {
                HasData = (row1 != null && row1.GetInt32(AnalyticsMetric.Pageviews) > 0) || (row2 != null && row2.GetInt32(AnalyticsMetric.Pageviews) > 0),
                Items = new[] {
                    query.FormatVisitDataInt32(AnalyticsMetric.Visits, row1, row2),
                    query.FormatVisitDataInt32(AnalyticsMetric.Pageviews, row1, row2),
                    query.FormatVisitDataInt32(AnalyticsMetric.NewVisits, row1, row2),
                    query.FormatVisitDataDouble(AnalyticsMetric.AvgTimeOnSite, row1, row2)
