private void seek() { String strsql = "SELECT tmp.* FROM" + "(SELECT rownum as num,batchcode,starttime,endtime,decode(state,'0','关闭','1','正常')AS status FROM T_UN_BATCH ORDER BY batchcode DESC)tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + "order by tmp.batchcode desc"; int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM T_UN_BATCH").ToString()); Bind(strsql); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }
private void seek() { String strsql = "SELECT tmp.* from(select rownum as num,t.* from (select id ,cigarettename,cigarettecode,mantissa,machineseq from t_produce_sorttrough where state=0 and cigarettetype=10" + " order by to_number(machineseq))t)tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by tmp.num"; //MessageBox.Show(strsql); int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM t_produce_sorttrough where state=0 and cigarettetype=10").ToString()); Bind(strsql); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }
private void seek() { String strsql = "SELECT cigarettecode,cigarettename,sl from(select t.* ,rownum num from(select cigarettecode,cigarettename,sum(pokenum)sl from t_produce_poke p,t_produce_sorttrough s " + "where p.troughnum=s.troughnum and p.machineseq in(43,44,45)group by cigarettecode,cigarettename order by sl desc)t" + " )tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by tmp.num"; //MessageBox.Show(strsql); int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM t_produce_poke p ,t_produce_sorttrough s where p.machineseq in(43,44,45) and p.troughnum=s.troughnum group by cigarettecode,cigarettename").ToString()); this. Bind(strsql); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }
private void seek() { String wherecause = ""; if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex == 0) { wherecause = "and troughtype=10 and CIGARETTETYPE=20"; } else { wherecause = "and troughtype=20"; } String strsql = "SELECT tmp.* from(select rownum as num,t.* from (select cigarettename,cigarettecode,mantissa,machineseq,THRESHOLD,BOXCOUNT,clearup,maintissaless from t_produce_sorttrough where state=10 " + wherecause + " order by to_number(machineseq))t)tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by tmp.num"; //MessageBox.Show(strsql); int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM t_produce_sorttrough where state=10 " + wherecause).ToString()); Bind(strsql); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }
private void seek() { // string linenum = this.box_sortline.SelectedValue+""; string types = this.box_condition.SelectedValue + ""; string keywd = this.txt_keywd.Text.Trim(); String tmp = ""; if (types != null && types != "" && keywd != null && keywd != "") { tmp = " and " + types + " like'%" + keywd + "%'"; } String strsql = "SELECT tmp.* FROM (select rownum as num,t.* from(select id,linenum,machineseq,troughdesc,'单独道'as troughtype" + ",actcount,cigarettecode,state,cigarettename,decode(cigarettetype,'10','混合','20','正常','异型')as cigarettetype,replenishline,transportationline,decode(state,'0','正常','1','禁用')as status " + "from t_produce_sorttrough t where cigarettetype='30'" + tmp + " ORDER BY machineseq)t)tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by tmp.num"; //MessageBox.Show(strsql); int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM t_produce_sorttrough where 1=1 and cigarettetype='30'" + tmp).ToString()); Bind(strsql); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }
private void seek()//显示通道信息 { // string linenum = this.box_sortline.SelectedValue+""; string types = this.box_condition.SelectedValue + ""; string keywd = this.txt_keywd.Text.Trim(); int type = cbtype.SelectedIndex; int ctype = cbctype.SelectedIndex; if (ctype == 1) { ctype = 20; } else if (ctype == 2) { ctype = 30; } else if (ctype == 3) { ctype = 40; } if (type == 0) { type = 10; } else if (type == 1) { type = 20; } else if (type == 2) { type = 30; } else if (type == 3) { type = 40; } String tmp = ""; if (types != null && types != "" && keywd != null && keywd != "") { tmp = " and " + types + " like'%" + keywd + "%'"; } if (type != 0) { tmp += "and troughtype=" + type; } if (ctype != 0) { tmp += "and cigarettetype=" + ctype; } String strsql = "SELECT tmp.* FROM (select rownum as num, troughnum,id,machineseq," + "cigarettecode,cigarettename,state,troughtype as type,cigarettetype as ctype,decode(cigarettetype,'10','混合','20','标准','30','异型','异型混合')as cigarettetype,decode(state,'10','正常','0','禁用')as status, " + "decode(troughtype,10,'分拣',20,'重力式货架',30,'皮带机',40,'分拣出口')as troughtypes,groupno from t_produce_sorttrough t where 1=1 " + tmp + " )tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by to_number(tmp.troughnum)"; String temps = tmp + " ORDER BY troughnum)tmp where tmp.num>" + (pager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * pager1.PageSize + " and tmp.num<=" + pager1.CurrentPageIndex * pager1.PageSize + " order by to_number(tmp.troughnum)"; //MessageBox.Show(strsql); int total = int.Parse(DataPublic.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM t_produce_sorttrough where 1=1 " + tmp).ToString()); Console.WriteLine(strsql); //Db.Open(); Bind(strsql); // Db.Close(); pager1.RecordCount = total; this.pager1.InitPageInfo(); }