///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_parameterTypeDesignator); dos.writeByte((byte)_changeIndicator); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_partAttachedTo); dos.writeUint((uint)_parameterType); dos.writeDouble((double)_parameterValue); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { dos.writeByte((byte)_requiredReliabilityService); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_pad1); dos.writeByte((byte)_pad2); dos.writeUint((uint)_requestID); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void write(java.io.OutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException public virtual void write(System.IO.Stream @out) { DataOutputStream data = new DataOutputStream(@out); data.writeInt(packetSize); data.writeInt(address); data.writeInt(Length); if (buffer is ByteBuffer) { WritableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(@out); channel.write((ByteBuffer)buffer); } else { IMemoryReader reader = MemoryReader.getMemoryReader(address, Length, 1); for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { data.writeByte(reader.readNext()); } } VideoEngine.log_Renamed.info(string.Format("Saved memory {0:x8} - {1:x8} (len {2:x8})", address, address + Length, Length)); //VideoEngine.Console.WriteLine("CaptureRAM write " + ((3 * 4) + Length)); //data.flush(); //out.flush(); }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _realWorldTime.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_reason); dos.writeByte((byte)_frozenBehavior); dos.writeShort((short)_padding1); dos.writeUint((uint)_requestID); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _receivingEntityID.marshal(dos); _repairingEntityID.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_repairResult); dos.writeShort((short)_padding1); dos.writeByte((byte)_padding2); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
public override void writePacketData(DataOutputStream dataoutputstream) { dataoutputstream.writeInt(entityId); dataoutputstream.writeByte(type); dataoutputstream.writeInt(xPosition); dataoutputstream.writeInt(yPosition); dataoutputstream.writeInt(zPosition); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public PackOutput writeBytes(ByteBuffer buffer) throws java.io.IOException public override PackOutput WriteBytes(ByteBuffer buffer) { while (buffer.remaining() > 0) { Data.writeByte(buffer.get()); } return(this); }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_characterSet); for (int idx = 0; idx < _characters.Length; idx++) { dos.writeByte(_characters[idx]); } // end of array marshaling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
public override void writePacketData(DataOutputStream dataoutputstream) { dataoutputstream.writeByte(window_Id); dataoutputstream.writeShort(inventorySlot); dataoutputstream.writeByte(mouseClick); dataoutputstream.writeShort(action); if (itemStack == null) { dataoutputstream.writeShort(-1); } else { dataoutputstream.writeShort(itemStack.itemID); dataoutputstream.writeByte(itemStack.stackSize); dataoutputstream.writeShort(itemStack.getItemDamage()); } }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeUint((uint)_environmentType); dos.writeByte((byte)_length); dos.writeByte((byte)_index); dos.writeByte((byte)_padding1); dos.writeByte((byte)_geometry); dos.writeByte((byte)_padding2); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
public override void writePacketData(DataOutputStream dataoutputstream) { dataoutputstream.writeInt(protocolVersion); dataoutputstream.writeUTF(username); dataoutputstream.writeUTF(password); dataoutputstream.writeLong(mapSeed); dataoutputstream.writeByte(dimension); }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_entityKind); dos.writeByte((byte)_domain); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_country); dos.writeByte((byte)_category); dos.writeByte((byte)_nomenclatureVersion); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_nomenclature); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { dos.writeByte((byte)_controlType); dos.writeByte((byte)_communicationsChannelType); _sourceEntityID.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_sourceCommunicationsDeviceID); dos.writeByte((byte)_sourceLineID); dos.writeByte((byte)_transmitPriority); dos.writeByte((byte)_transmitLineState); dos.writeByte((byte)_command); _masterEntityID.marshal(dos); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_masterCommunicationsDeviceID); dos.writeUint((uint)_intercomParameters.Count); for (int idx = 0; idx < _intercomParameters.Count; idx++) { IntercomCommunicationsParameters aIntercomCommunicationsParameters = (IntercomCommunicationsParameters)_intercomParameters[idx]; aIntercomCommunicationsParameters.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_protocolVersion); dos.writeByte((byte)_exerciseID); dos.writeByte((byte)_pduType); dos.writeByte((byte)_protocolFamily); dos.writeUint((uint)_timestamp); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_length); dos.writeShort((short)_padding); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
public override void writePacketData(DataOutputStream dataoutputstream) { dataoutputstream.writeByte(windowId); dataoutputstream.writeShort(itemStack.Length); for (int i = 0; i < itemStack.Length; i++) { if (itemStack[i] == null) { dataoutputstream.writeShort(-1); } else { dataoutputstream.writeShort((short)itemStack[i].itemID); dataoutputstream.writeByte((byte)itemStack[i].stackSize); dataoutputstream.writeShort((short)itemStack[i].getItemDamage()); } } }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeFloat((float)_erp); dos.writeFloat((float)_frequency); dos.writeFloat((float)_pgrf); dos.writeFloat((float)_pulseWidth); dos.writeUint((uint)_burstLength); dos.writeByte((byte)_applicableModes); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_pad2); dos.writeByte((byte)_pad3); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _radioEntityType.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_transmitState); dos.writeByte((byte)_inputSource); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_padding1); _antennaLocation.marshal(dos); _relativeAntennaLocation.marshal(dos); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_antennaPatternType); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_antennaPatternList.Count); dos.writeUlong((ulong)_frequency); dos.writeFloat((float)_transmitFrequencyBandwidth); dos.writeFloat((float)_power); _modulationType.marshal(dos); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_cryptoSystem); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_cryptoKeyId); dos.writeByte((byte)_modulationParametersList.Count); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_padding2); dos.writeByte((byte)_padding3); for (int idx = 0; idx < _modulationParametersList.Count; idx++) { Vector3Float aVector3Float = (Vector3Float)_modulationParametersList[idx]; aVector3Float.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling for (int idx = 0; idx < _antennaPatternList.Count; idx++) { Vector3Float aVector3Float = (Vector3Float)_antennaPatternList[idx]; aVector3Float.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_deadReckoningAlgorithm); for (int idx = 0; idx < _otherParameters.Length; idx++) { dos.writeByte(_otherParameters[idx]); } // end of array marshaling _entityLinearAcceleration.marshal(dos); _entityAngularVelocity.marshal(dos); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _issuingEntityID.marshal(dos); _collidingEntityID.marshal(dos); _eventID.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_collisionType); dos.writeByte((byte)_pad); _velocity.marshal(dos); dos.writeFloat((float)_mass); _location.marshal(dos); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_systemStatus); dos.writeByte((byte)_alternateParameter4); dos.writeByte((byte)_informationLayers); dos.writeByte((byte)_modifier); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter1); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter2); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter3); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter4); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter5); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_parameter6); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_order); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
/// <summary> /// Might be used for debugging <seealso cref="ProcessDiagramRetrievalTest.testGetProcessDiagram()"/>. /// </summary> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void writeToFile(java.io.InputStream is, java.io.File file) throws Exception //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: private static void writeToFile(Stream @is, File file) { DataOutputStream @out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))); int c; while ((c = @is.Read()) != -1) { @out.writeByte(c); } @is.Close(); @out.close(); }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_beamDataLength); dos.writeByte((byte)_beamIDNumber); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_beamParameterIndex); _fundamentalParameterData.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_beamFunction); dos.writeByte((byte)_trackJamTargets.Count); dos.writeByte((byte)_highDensityTrackJam); dos.writeByte((byte)_pad4); dos.writeUint((uint)_jammingModeSequence); for (int idx = 0; idx < _trackJamTargets.Count; idx++) { TrackJamTarget aTrackJamTarget = (TrackJamTarget)_trackJamTargets[idx]; aTrackJamTarget.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _minefieldID.marshal(dos); _requestingEntityID.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_requestID); dos.writeByte((byte)_missingPduSequenceNumbers.Count); for (int idx = 0; idx < _missingPduSequenceNumbers.Count; idx++) { EightByteChunk aEightByteChunk = (EightByteChunk)_missingPduSequenceNumbers[idx]; aEightByteChunk.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { _supplyType.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_quantity); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
public void writeWatchableObjects(DataOutputStream dataoutputstream) { WatchableObject watchableobject; for (Iterator iterator = watchedObjects.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); writeWatchableObject(dataoutputstream, watchableobject)) { watchableobject = (WatchableObject)iterator.next(); } dataoutputstream.writeByte(127); }
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_emitterSystemDataLength); dos.writeByte((byte)_beamRecords.Count); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_pad2); _acousticEmitterSystem.marshal(dos); _emitterLocation.marshal(dos); for (int idx = 0; idx < _beamRecords.Count; idx++) { AcousticBeamData aAcousticBeamData = (AcousticBeamData)_beamRecords[idx]; aAcousticBeamData.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { try { dos.writeByte((byte)_systemDataLength); dos.writeByte((byte)_beamDataRecords.Count); dos.writeUshort((ushort)_emissionsPadding2); _emitterSystem.marshal(dos); _location.marshal(dos); for (int idx = 0; idx < _beamDataRecords.Count; idx++) { ElectronicEmissionBeamData aElectronicEmissionBeamData = (ElectronicEmissionBeamData)_beamDataRecords[idx]; aElectronicEmissionBeamData.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { _receivingEntityID.marshal(dos); _supplyingEntityID.marshal(dos); dos.writeByte((byte)_supplies.Count); dos.writeShort((short)_padding1); dos.writeByte((byte)_padding2); for (int idx = 0; idx < _supplies.Count; idx++) { SupplyQuantity aSupplyQuantity = (SupplyQuantity)_supplies[idx]; aSupplyQuantity.marshal(dos); } // end of list marshalling } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method
///<summary> ///Marshal the data to the DataOutputStream. Note: Length needs to be set before calling this method ///</summary> new public void marshal(DataOutputStream dos) { base.marshal(dos); try { dos.writeUshort((ushort)_dataValues.Length); dos.writeByte(_dataValues); } // end try catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine(e); Trace.Flush(); } } // end of marshal method