public override DataTable List(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.QueryCondition Condition, string Sort = "", int Top = 0, int Page = 0) { Interface_DataAccess Da = this.CreateDataAccess(); try { return base.List(Da, Condition, Sort, Top, Page); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } finally { Da.Close(); } }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { bool Rv = base.Save(Da); Int64 ItemID = (Int64)Do_Methods.IsNull(this.pDr["ItemID"], 0); double Price = 0; DataTable Dt = Do_Methods_Query.ExecuteQuery("Select Top 1 Price From Item_PriceHistory Where ItemID = " + ItemID + " Order By DatePosted").Tables[0]; if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0) Price = Convert.ToDouble(Do_Methods.IsNull(Dt.Rows[0]["Price"], 0)); if (Price != Convert.ToDouble(Do_Methods.IsNull(this.pDr["Price"], 0))) this.UpdatePriceHistory(ItemID); return Rv; }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { DateTime ServerDate = Layer02_Common.GetServerDate(); if (Convert.ToInt64(Do_Methods.IsNull(this.mHeader_Dr[this.mHeader_TableName + "ID"], 0)) == 0) { //this.mHeader_Dr["EmployeeID_CreatedBy"] = this.mCurrentUser.pDrUser["EmployeeID"]; this.mHeader_Dr["DateCreated"] = ServerDate; } //this.mHeader_Dr["EmployeeID_UpdatedBy"] = this.mCurrentUser.pDrUser["EmployeeID"]; this.mHeader_Dr["DateUpdated"] = ServerDate; return base.Save(Da); }
public override void Load(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.Keys Keys = null) { Interface_DataAccess Da = Do_Methods.CreateDataAccess(); try { if (this.mIsCache) { Da.Connect(Do_Methods.Convert_String(Do_Globals.gSettings.pCollection[Layer01_Constants.CnsConnectionString_Cache])); } else { Da.Connect(); } base.Load(Da, Keys); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } finally { Da.Close(); } }
public virtual void LoadForm(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.Keys Keys = null) { this.mIsNew = (Keys == null); this.mBase.Load(Keys); this.SetupForm_Bindings(); }
protected virtual void Setup( DataObjects_Framework.BaseObjects.Base Base , Int64 System_ModulesID , Boolean IsReadOnly = false) { this.mBase = Base; this.mSystem_ModulesID = System_ModulesID; this.mIsReadOnly = IsReadOnly; }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { this.mObj_ContactPerson.Save(Da); this.pDr["ContactPersonID"] = this.mObj_ContactPerson.pDr["ContactPersonID"]; //foreach (ClsBaseObjs.Str_Obj Obj in this.mBO_ShippingAddress_Address.pList_Obj) //{ // Obj.Obj.Save(); // DataRow[] Inner_ArrDr = this.pDt_ShippingAddress.Select("TmpKey = " + Obj.Name); // if (Inner_ArrDr.Length > 0) // { Inner_ArrDr[0]["AddressID"] = Obj.Obj.pDr["AddressID"]; } //} base.Save(Da); //this.mObj_ShippingAddress.Save(Da); return true; }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { this.mObj_Person.Save(); this.pDr["PersonID"] = this.mObj_Person.pID; return base.Save(Da); }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { this.mObj_RowProperty.Save(); this.pDr["RowPropertyID"] = this.mObj_RowProperty.pID; return base.Save(Da); }
public DataSet ExecuteQuery(string ProcedureName, DataObjects_Framework.Common.Do_Constants.Str_Parameters[] ProcedureParameters) { bool IsConnection = false; if (this.mConnection != null) { if (this.mConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IsConnection = true; } } if (!IsConnection) { this.Connect(); } //[-] SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter Adp = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet Ds = new DataSet(); try { Cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.CommandText = ProcedureName; Cmd.CommandTimeout = CnsQueryTimeout; if (!Information.IsNothing(ProcedureParameters)) { foreach (DataObjects_Framework.Common.Do_Constants.Str_Parameters Inner_Obj in ProcedureParameters) { Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(Inner_Obj.Name, Inner_Obj.Value); } } Cmd.Transaction = this.mTransaction; Cmd.Connection = this.mConnection; Adp.SelectCommand = Cmd; Adp.Fill(Ds); } catch (Exception Ex) { throw Ex; } finally { Cmd.Dispose(); Cmd = null; Adp.Dispose(); Adp = null; if (!IsConnection) { this.Close(); } } return Ds; }
/// <summary> /// (Overridable) Loads the List with the supplied QueryCondition object /// </summary> /// <param name="Condition"> /// QueryCondition object to use /// </param> public virtual void Load(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.ClsQueryCondition Condition) { this.mDt_List = this.mDa.List(this.mHeader_ViewName, Condition); this.AddRequired(this.mDt_List); }
public int ExecuteNonQuery(string ProcedureName, DataObjects_Framework.Common.Do_Constants.Str_Parameters[] ProcedureParameters) { bool IsConnection = false; if (this.mConnection != null) { if (this.mConnection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { IsConnection = true; } } if (!IsConnection) { this.Connect(); } //[-] SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(); int ReturnValue = 0; try { Cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.CommandText = ProcedureName; Cmd.CommandTimeout = CnsQueryTimeout; if (!Information.IsNothing(ProcedureParameters)) { foreach (DataObjects_Framework.Common.Do_Constants.Str_Parameters Inner_Obj in ProcedureParameters) { Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(Inner_Obj.Name, Inner_Obj.Value); } } Cmd.Transaction = this.mTransaction; Cmd.Connection = this.mConnection; ReturnValue = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch { } finally { Cmd.Dispose(); Cmd = null; if (!IsConnection) { this.Close(); } } return ReturnValue; }
public override void Load(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.ClsKeys Keys = null) { base.Load(Keys); }
//[-] public override void LoadForm(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.Keys Keys = null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override bool Save(DataObjects_Framework.DataAccess.Interface_DataAccess Da = null) { this.pDr["System_LookupID_PartyType"] = this.mPartyType; return base.Save(Da); }
void FrmDetail_Ev_FormSaved(DataObjects_Framework.Objects.Keys Keys) { ClsBase Obj_Base = (ClsBase)Activator.CreateInstance(this.mBase.GetType(), new Object[] { null }); Obj_Base.Load(Keys); DataRow Dr_Obj = Obj_Base.pDr; DataTable Dt_List = (DataTable)this.Grid_List.pGrid.DataSource; StringBuilder Sb_Keys = new StringBuilder(); Sb_Keys.Append(@"1 = 1"); foreach (var Key in Keys.pName) { Sb_Keys.Append(@" And " + Key + @" = " + Do_Methods.Convert_Int64(Dr_Obj[Key])); } DataRow[] Arr_Dr = Dt_List.Select(Sb_Keys.ToString()); if (Arr_Dr.Length > 0) { foreach (DataColumn Dc in Arr_Dr[0].Table.Columns) { if (Keys.pName.Any(O => O == Dc.ColumnName)) { continue; } Arr_Dr[0][Dc.ColumnName] = Dr_Obj[Dc.ColumnName]; } } else { Dt_List.Rows.Add(Dr_Obj.ItemArray); } }