public void HandleCSV() { if (!File.Exists(Path)) { Console.WriteLine("File does not exist!"); return; } data.ClearEntries(); CSVTypes Type = GetCSVType(); List <string> DataList = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(Path)); DataList.RemoveAt(0); if (Type == CSVTypes.INS) { foreach (var line in DataList) { string LineReplaced = line.Replace("\",\"", "#"); int Length = LineReplaced.Length; string[] LineSplit = LineReplaced.Substring(1, LineReplaced.Length - 2).Split('#'); // INS double Timer = StringToDouble(LineSplit[0]); double AX = StringToDouble(LineSplit[1]); double AY = StringToDouble(LineSplit[2]); double AZ = StringToDouble(LineSplit[3]); double GX = StringToDouble(LineSplit[4]); double GY = StringToDouble(LineSplit[5]); double GZ = StringToDouble(LineSplit[6]); double Angle = 0f; if (LineSplit.Length == 8) { Angle = Convert.ToDouble(LineSplit[7]); } data.AddDataEntry(new DataEntry(null, new XYZ(AX, AY, AZ, Timer), new XYZ(GX, GY, GZ, Timer), Angle)); } Console.WriteLine($"Loaded {DataList.Count} lines from {Path} [{Type}]"); } else if (Type == CSVTypes.POZYX) { foreach (var line in DataList) { // Replace "," with # and skip first char " and last char " string LineReplaced = line.Replace("\",\"", "#"); int Length = LineReplaced.Length; string[] LineSplit = LineReplaced.Substring(1, LineReplaced.Length - 2).Split('#'); // POZYX double Timer = StringToDouble(LineSplit[0]); double X = StringToDouble(LineSplit[1]); double Y = StringToDouble(LineSplit[2]); double Z = StringToDouble(LineSplit[3]); data.AddDataEntry(new DataEntry(new XYZ(X, Y, Z, Timer), null, null, 0)); } Console.WriteLine($"Loaded {DataList.Count} lines from {Path} [{Type}]"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Type UNKNOWN!!!!"); } }
public static void LogData(string[] Input) { List <string> InputList = new List <string>(Input); if (!(Input.Length > 1)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, use help to get data"); return; } switch (Input[1]) { case "fixtimer": if (MenuController.Confirm("Are you sure you want to replace everything?", false)) { if (Input.Length == 3) { int Seperation = Convert.ToInt32(Input[2]); FixTime(Seperation); } else { FixTime(); } } break; case "weka": if (MenuController.Confirm("Are you sure you want to replace everything?", false)) { string[] entries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(".", "*.csv", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var FilePath in entries) { string FileContents = File.ReadAllText(FilePath); string Output = Regex.Replace(FileContents, @"\d+,\d+", delegate(Match match) { string v = match.ToString().Replace(",", "."); return(v); }); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, Output); } } break; case "latex": if (MenuController.Confirm("Are you sure you want to replace everything?", false)) { string[] entries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(".", "*.csv", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var FilePath in entries) { string FileContents = File.ReadAllText(FilePath); string Output = Regex.Replace(FileContents, @"\d+,\d+", delegate(Match match) { string v = match.ToString().Replace(",", "."); return(v); }); Output = Regex.Replace(Output, @"""\d+""\,", delegate(Match match) { string substringed = match.ToString().Substring(1, match.Length - 3); double newNum = Convert.ToDouble(substringed) / 1000f; return(newNum.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + ","); }); Output = Regex.Replace(Output, @"""(|-)\d+(|\.|\,)\d*""", delegate(Match match) { string v = match.ToString().Replace(@"""", ""); return(v); }); Output = Regex.Replace(Output, @"""(|-)\d+(\.|\,)\d+""", delegate(Match match) { string v = match.ToString().Replace(@"""", ""); return(v); }); File.WriteAllText(FilePath, Output); } } break; case "combine": if (true) { StringBuilder FileContents = new StringBuilder(); string[] entries = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(".", "*INS.csv", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var FilePath in entries) { FileContents.Append(File.ReadAllText(FilePath)); } FileContents.Replace("Timer,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ,A\n", ""); File.WriteAllText("Combined_ins.csv", "Timer,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ,A\n" + FileContents.ToString()); } break; case "ra": if (Input.Length == 3) { try { dataMapper.CalculateRollingAverage(Convert.ToInt32(Input[2])); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid format!"); } } else { dataMapper.CalculateRollingAverage(10); } break; case "load": if (Input.Length == 3) { Load load = new Load(Input[2] + ".csv"); load.HandleCSV(); dataMapper =; } break; case "calibrate": if (dataMapper == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Data Mapper has been created!"); } else { if (Input.Length == 3) { int Timer = 0; try { Timer = Convert.ToInt32(Input[2]) * 1000; dataMapper.CalibrateINS(Timer); } catch (FormatException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Not a number givin!"); } } else { dataMapper.CalibrateINS(); } } break; case "start": if (dataMapper == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Data Mapper has been created!"); } else { if (InputList.Count == 3) { if (Input[2] == "nem") { dataMapper.StartReading(); if (MenuController.Confirm("Stop?", true)) { dataMapper.StopReading(); } } else { try { MapperTimer = Convert.ToInt32(InputList[2]); Thread TimerThread = new Thread(dataMapperTimer); dataMapper.StartReading(); TimerThread.Start(); Console.WriteLine($"Started Datamapper for {MapperTimer} sec"); TimerThread.Join(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid format!"); } } } else { dataMapper.StartReading(); Console.WriteLine("Started Datamapper"); } } break; case "stop": if (dataMapper == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Data Mapper has been created!"); } else { dataMapper.StopReading(); Console.WriteLine("Stopped data logging"); } break; case "clear": if (dataMapper == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Data Mapper has been created!"); } else { dataMapper.ClearEntries(); Console.WriteLine("Cleared the DataList"); } break; case "save": if (dataMapper == null) { Console.WriteLine("No Data Mapper has been created!"); } else { if (InputList.Count == 3) { string FileName = InputList[2]; if (File.Exists(FileName + "_INS.csv") || File.Exists(FileName + "_POZYX.csv")) { if (MenuController.Confirm("This file already exists, Overwrite?", false)) { CSVWriterController csvWriter = new CSVWriterController(dataMapper, FileName); csvWriter.Execute(); Console.WriteLine($"Saved to {FileName}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cancelled!"); } } else { CSVWriterController csvWriter = new CSVWriterController(dataMapper, FileName); csvWriter.Execute(); Console.WriteLine($"Saved to {FileName}"); } } } break; case "new": if (Input.Length == 2) { dataMapper = new DataMapper.DataMapper(); } else { switch (Input[2]) { case "ins": dataMapper = new DataMapper.DataMapper(false, true); break; case "pozyx": dataMapper = new DataMapper.DataMapper(true, false); break; default: break; } } Console.WriteLine("Created new DataMapper!"); break; case "kalman": dataMapper.GenerateKalman(); Console.WriteLine("Generated data kalman filtered data of INS data."); break; case "segment": string SegmentFile = "Segmented.csv"; if (File.Exists(SegmentFile)) { File.Delete(SegmentFile); } ConcurrentQueue <DataEntry> OutputSegments = dataMapper.SegmentData(); using (var test = File.AppendText(SegmentFile)) { test.WriteLine("Timer,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ,Angle"); int i = 0; foreach (var item in OutputSegments) { Console.WriteLine($"{i++}"); string output = $"\"{item.INS_Accelerometer.TimeOfData}\",\"{item.INS_Accelerometer.X}\",\"{item.INS_Accelerometer.Y}\",\"{item.INS_Accelerometer.Z}\",\"{item.INS_Gyroscope.X}\",\"{item.INS_Gyroscope.Y}\",\"{item.INS_Gyroscope.Z}\",\"{item.INS_Angle}\""; Console.WriteLine($"{output}"); test.WriteLine(output); } } Console.WriteLine($"Done segmenting data! {OutputSegments.Count}"); break; case "variance": ConcurrentQueue <Tuple <DataEntry, double, double> > varianceData = dataMapper.CalculateVariance(); string VarianceFile = "Variance.csv"; if (File.Exists(VarianceFile)) { File.Delete(VarianceFile); } using (var test = File.AppendText(VarianceFile)) { test.WriteLine("Timer,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ,Angle,Variance,Slope"); foreach (var item in varianceData) { string output = $"\"{item.Item1.INS_Accelerometer.TimeOfData}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Accelerometer.X}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Accelerometer.Y}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Accelerometer.Z}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Gyroscope.X}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Gyroscope.Y}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Gyroscope.Z}\",\"{item.Item1.INS_Angle}\",\"{item.Item2}\",\"{item.Item3}\""; test.WriteLine(output); } } Console.WriteLine("Done!"); break; case "acc": CalculateLasseStuff(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input format, use help command!"); break; } }