예제 #1
 private void LogData(DataRow d)
     if (_dataLogger.IsOpen)
예제 #2
 private void LogData(DataRow_RotationTest d)
     if (_dataLogger.IsOpen)
예제 #3
        private void LogGrab(Hand h)
            Vector3   objPosition = _target.transform.position;
            Vector3   closestPt   = _target.GetComponent <Collider>().ClosestPointOnBounds(h.Data.GrabAnchor);
            Transform headset     = Camera.main.transform;

            string[] data = new string[] { _level.ToString(), (Time.time - _bookStartTime).ToString(),
                                           objPosition.x.ToString(), objPosition.y.ToString(), objPosition.z.ToString(), closestPt.x.ToString(), closestPt.y.ToString(), closestPt.z.ToString(),
                                           h.Palm.Position.x.ToString(), h.Palm.Position.y.ToString(), h.Palm.Position.z.ToString(), h.Data.GrabAnchor.x.ToString(), h.Data.GrabAnchor.y.ToString(), h.Data.GrabAnchor.z.ToString(),
                                           //h.Velocity.x.ToString(), h.Velocity.y.ToString(), h.Velocity.z.ToString(),
                                           headset.position.x.ToString(), headset.position.y.ToString(), headset.position.z.ToString(),
                                           headset.forward.x.ToString(), headset.forward.y.ToString(), headset.forward.z.ToString(),
                                           headset.up.x.ToString(), headset.up.y.ToString(), headset.up.z.ToString() };

    private void HandleInteractionsForcePoke()
        long frameId          = SingleHandManager.Instance.CurrentHand.FrameId;
        long currentTimestamp = SingleHandManager.Instance.GetTimestamp();

        Vector3 cursorPosition     = positions.CursorPosition;
        Vector3 clickPosition      = positions.ClickPosition;
        float   distanceFromScreen = cursorPosition.z;

        Vector2 cursorPosition2D = cursorPosition;
        Vector2 clickPosition2D  = clickPosition;

         *  Update the hand-appeared cooldown timer if needed.
         *  Do not allow clicks until a certain amount of time has elapsed after a hand first appears.
        if (!handLastSeen)
            // Start a hand appeared cooldown timer
            if (handAppearedCooldown.ElapsedMilliseconds >= millisecondsCooldownOnEntry | !handAppearedCooldown.IsRunning)
        handLastSeen = true;

        // If not ignoring clicks...
        if ((previousTime != 0f) && !handAppearedCooldown.IsRunning)
            // Calculate important variables needed in determining the key events
            long  dtMicroseconds  = (currentTimestamp - previousTime);
            float dt              = dtMicroseconds / (1000f * 1000f);                      // Seconds
            float dz              = (-1f) * (distanceFromScreen - previousScreenDistance); // Metres +ve = towards screen
            float currentVelocity = dz / dt;                                               // m/s

            Vector2 dPerpPx = cursorPosition2D - previousScreenPos;
            Vector2 dPerp   = GlobalSettings.virtualScreen.PixelsToMeters(dPerpPx);

            // Update AppliedForce, which is the crux of the ForcePoke algorithm
            float forceChange = GetAppliedForceChange(currentVelocity, dt, dPerp, distanceFromScreen);
            appliedForce += forceChange;
            appliedForce  = Mathf.Clamp01(appliedForce);

            // Optionally log data to a logger, for post-processing
            if (logData)
                    new List <float>()

            // Update the deadzone size
            if (!pressing)

            // Calculate the positions to use for events
            Vector2 clickInputPos;
            Vector2 cursorInputPos;
            if (pressing && ignoreDragging && clampOnPress)
                clickInputPos  = clickPressPosition;
                cursorInputPos = cursorPressPosition;
                clickInputPos  = clickPosition2D;
                cursorInputPos = cursorPosition2D;

            // Send the move event
            SendInputAction(InputType.MOVE, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);

            // Determine whether to send any other events
            if (pressing)
                if (requireHold)
                    SendInputAction(InputType.HOLD, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);
                    requireHold = false;
                else if (appliedForce < unclickThreshold || ignoreDragging)
                    pressing            = false;
                    isDragging          = false;
                    cursorPressPosition = Vector2.zero;
                    clickPressPosition  = Vector2.zero;
                    SendInputAction(InputType.UP, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);
                    if (isDragging)
                        if (!dragDeadzoneShrinkTriggered && CheckForStartDragDeadzoneShrink(cursorPressPosition, cursorPosition2D))
                            positioningModule.Stabiliser.StartShrinkingDeadzone(ShrinkType.MOTION_BASED, dragDeadzoneShrinkRate);
                            dragDeadzoneShrinkTriggered = true;
                        SendInputAction(InputType.DRAG, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);
                        if (!ignoreDragging && CheckForStartDrag(cursorPressPosition, cursorPosition2D))
                            isDragging = true;
                            dragDeadzoneShrinkTriggered = false;
                        SendInputAction(InputType.HOLD, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);
            else if (!decayingForce && appliedForce >= 1f)
                // Need the !decayingForce check here to eliminate the risk of double-clicks
                // when ignoring dragging and moving past the touch-plane.

                pressing = true;
                SendInputAction(InputType.DOWN, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);
                cursorPressPosition = cursorPosition2D;
                clickPressPosition  = clickPosition2D;

                // If dragging is off, we want to decay the force after a click back to the unclick threshold
                if (decayForceOnClick && ignoreDragging)
                    decayingForce = true;

                // This might be only true if "ignoreDragging" is on, but I think because Pokes can be done quite quickly,
                // there's a chance that no frame is triggered
                requireHold = true;
            else if (allowHover)
                SendInputAction(InputType.HOVER, cursorInputPos, clickInputPos, appliedForce);

            if (decayingForce && (appliedForce <= decayThreshold))
                decayingForce = false;
            // If ignoring clicks, just move horizontally
            SendInputAction(InputType.MOVE, cursorPosition2D, clickPosition2D, 0f);
            if (allowHover)
                SendInputAction(InputType.HOVER, cursorPosition2D, clickPosition2D, 0f);

        // Update stored variables
        previousTime           = currentTimestamp;
        previousScreenDistance = distanceFromScreen;
        previousScreenPos      = cursorPosition2D;