예제 #1
        public void BindCheckBox(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CheckBox       myCheckBox = (CheckBox)sender;
            DataGridItem   container  = (DataGridItem)myCheckBox.NamingContainer;
            DataItemHelper helper     = new DataItemHelper(container.DataItem);

            myCheckBox.Checked = helper[_ID].AsBoolean;
예제 #2
        protected string GetCellText(object item, string column)
            DataItemHelper helper = new DataItemHelper(item);
            double         val    = Utility.ConvertTo(helper[column], 0D);

            if (val == 0D)
            return(val.ToString("#,##0.0") + (chkShowPercentOfTotal.Checked ? br + (val / totalHours).ToString("(0.0%)") : string.Empty));
예제 #3
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //User-selected time comes in here
            string time = Request.Form["data"];

            if (time == null)
                //Page version 1 - User views admin page for first time; display buttons to launch calendar and submit

                Document doc = new Document();
                doc.Head = new DocumentHead("OpenNETCF Padarn Web Server", new StyleInfo("css/SampleSite.css"));

                //Add the calendar scripts
                doc.Head.Scripts.Add(new Script("script/calendar.js"));
                doc.Head.Scripts.Add(new Script("script/calendar-en.js"));
                doc.Head.Scripts.Add(new Script("script/calendar-setup.js"));

                Utility.AddPadarnHeaderToDocument(doc, true, "AdminLogView");

                Div timeDiv = new Div();

                //Add the calendar elements
                Form calendarForm = new Form("AdminLogView.aspx", FormMethod.Post);
                calendarForm.Add(new RawText("<input type=\"text\" id=\"data\" name=\"data\" />"));
                calendarForm.Add(new RawText("<button id=\"trigger\">...</button>"));
                calendarForm.Add(new Button(new ButtonInfo(ButtonType.Submit, "Search")));

                timeDiv.Add(new RawText("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n" +
                                        "Calendar.setup(\r\n" +
                                        "{\r\n" +
                                        "  inputField : \"data\",\r\n" +
                                        "  ifFormat : \"%m-%d-%y %H:%M\",\r\n" +
                                        "  button : \"trigger\",\r\n" +
                                        "  showsTime : \"true\"\r\n" +
                                        "}\r\n" +
                                        ");\r\n" +


                //Send the document html to the Response object

                //Flush the response

                //Page version 2 - User selected a valid date from the JavaScript calendar control

                //What Date was passed in?
                DateTime selectedDate = DateTime.Parse(time).Date;

                //Create the document
                Document doc = new Document();

                //Add a header to the document
                doc.Head = new DocumentHead("OpenNETCF LogProvider Sample Output", new StyleInfo("css/SampleSite.css"));

                Div menuContainer = new Div();
                menuContainer.ClassName = "centeredContainer";

                Div menuItemContainer = new Div();
                menuItemContainer.ClassName = "siteMenu";

                Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
                paragraph.Elements.Add(new FormattedText("Listing of Event Log for "
                                                         + selectedDate.ToShortDateString() + " :", TextFormat.Bold, "6"));
                paragraph.Elements.Add(new LineBreak());

                Table table = new Table(CLASS_NAME, "1000", Align.Center);

                //Create header row corresponding to file details
                Row row = new Row();
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Num #"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Page"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Client IP"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Cookies"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("SSL"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Browser"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Event ID"));
                row.Cells.Add(new RawText("Event Time"));

                //Retrieve records for selected day
                List <DataItemHelper.ClientRequestInfo> listEntries = DataItemHelper.FindRecordsOnDay(selectedDate);

                int recordCount = 0;

                foreach (DataItemHelper.ClientRequestInfo data in listEntries)
                    //For each record, show page (or error), client IP, cookie enablement, SSL enablement, eventID, and time
                    row = new Row();
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText((++recordCount).ToString(), TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.PageRequested, TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.ClientIP, TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.ClientBringsCookies ? "YES" : "NO", TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.UsingSsl ? "ON" : "OFF", TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.Browser.ToString(), TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.EventID.ToString(), TextFormat.None, "2"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new FormattedText(data.RequestDate.ToLongTimeString(), TextFormat.None, "2"));

                if (listEntries.Count == 0)
                    //If no records can be found, display some boilerplate
                    paragraph.Elements.Add(new LineBreak());
                    paragraph.Elements.Add(new FormattedText("- No records found for " + selectedDate.ToShortDateString() + " -", TextFormat.None, "6"));
                    paragraph.Elements.Add(new LineBreak());


                if (recordCount != 0)
                    //Add content table if there were files encountered

                //Send the document html to the Response object

                //Flush the response