예제 #1
 static void ExtractEntry(DataIEX iex, IEXEntry entry, string file)
     using (FileStream target = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create))
         iex.CopyEntryToStream(entry, target);
예제 #2
        static void ExtractNamedEntryArray(DataIEX iex, IEXEntry[] list, string directory, string collectionName, JToken infoJSON)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(directory, collectionName));

            Console.WriteLine("Extracting \"" + collectionName + "\", x" + list.Length.ToString());

            string[] fileArray = new string[list.Length];

            for (int x = 0; x < list.Length; x++)
                if (list[x] == null)
                    fileArray[x] = null;
                    string filePath = Path.Combine(collectionName, list[x].Name);

                    fileArray[x] = filePath;

                    filePath = Path.Combine(directory, filePath);

                    ExtractEntry(iex, list[x], filePath);

                Console.WriteLine("\t" + (x + 1).ToString() + "/" + list.Length.ToString());

            infoJSON[collectionName] = new JArray(fileArray);
예제 #3
        static void Pack(string iexPath, string dir)
            //Find the info file
            string info = Path.Combine(dir, "IEX.json");

            if (!File.Exists(info))
                throw new FileNotFoundException(info);

            //Create the IEX
            DataIEX iex = new DataIEX();

            //Start loading stuff based on the IEX.json
            string infoData = File.ReadAllText(info);
            JToken infoJSON = (JToken)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(infoData);

            //Header stuff
                //File & folder
                    JToken saveInfo = infoJSON["header"];

                    iex.GameFolderName   = (string)saveInfo["folderName"];
                    iex.GameSaveFileName = (string)saveInfo["saveFile"];

                    JArray strings = (JArray)infoJSON["strings"];

                    iex.Strings = new string[strings.Count];
                    for (int x = 0; x < iex.Strings.Length; x++)
                        iex.Strings[x] = (string)strings[x];

                //Graphics lookup
                    JArray lookup = (JArray)infoJSON["graphicsLookup"];

                    List <Lookup> lookups = new List <Lookup>();
                    foreach (JObject pair in lookup.Children())
                        lookups.Add(new Lookup((string)pair["file"], (string)pair["iex"]));

                    iex.GraphicsLookup = lookups.ToArray();

                //Sound lookup
                    JArray soundLookup = (JArray)infoJSON["soundLookup"];

                    iex.SoundLookup = new string[soundLookup.Count];
                    for (int x = 0; x < iex.SoundLookup.Length; x++)
                        iex.SoundLookup[x] = (string)soundLookup[x];

                JToken fileInfo = infoJSON["Contents"];

                iex.SoundEntries     = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Sound", dir);
                iex.FontEntires      = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Font", dir);
                iex.CursorEntries    = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Cursor", dir);
                iex.TileEntries      = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Tile", dir);
                iex.ObjectEntries    = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Object", dir);
                iex.CollisionEntries = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Collision", dir);
                iex.ParticleEntries  = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Particle", dir);

                    JToken etc = fileInfo["etc"];

                    iex.UnknownEntry  = CreateEntry(dir, (string)etc["UnknownEntry"]);
                    iex.FunctonTable1 = CreateEntry(dir, (string)etc["FunctionTable1"]);
                    iex.FunctonTable2 = CreateEntry(dir, (string)etc["FunctionTable2"]);

                iex.LevelEntries = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "Level", dir);
                iex.GUIEntries   = CreateEntryList(fileInfo, "GUI", dir);

            //Write the iex to a file
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(iexPath, FileMode.Create))
                using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs))
예제 #4
        static void Unpack(string iexDir, string dir)
            using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(iexDir))
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    DataIEX iex = new DataIEX();

                    //Extract data
                        JToken infoJSON = new JObject();

                        //Header and stuff
                            //Save info
                                JToken saveInfo = new JObject();

                                saveInfo["folderName"] = iex.GameFolderName;
                                saveInfo["saveFile"]   = iex.GameSaveFileName;

                                infoJSON["header"] = saveInfo;

                                infoJSON["strings"] = new JArray(iex.Strings);

                            //Graphics lookup
                                JArray lookup = new JArray();

                                foreach (Lookup l in iex.GraphicsLookup)
                                    JObject pair = new JObject();
                                    pair["file"] = l.File;
                                    pair["iex"]  = l.IEX;


                                infoJSON["graphicsLookup"] = lookup;

                            //Sound lookup
                                infoJSON["soundLookup"] = new JArray(iex.SoundLookup);

                        //Extract entries
                            JToken fileInfo = new JObject();

                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.SoundEntries, dir, "Sound", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.FontEntires, dir, "Font", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.CursorEntries, dir, "Cursor", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.TileEntries, dir, "Tile", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.ObjectEntries, dir, "Object", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.CollisionEntries, dir, "Collision", fileInfo);
                            ExtractIndexedEntryArray(iex, iex.ParticleEntries, dir, "Particle", fileInfo);

                            JToken etc = new JObject();
                                etc["UnknownEntry"]   = "UnknownEntry.bin";
                                etc["FunctionTable1"] = "FunctionTable1.bin";
                                etc["FunctionTable2"] = "FunctionTable2.bin";

                                ExtractEntry(iex, iex.UnknownEntry, Path.Combine(dir, (string)etc["UnknownEntry"]));
                                ExtractEntry(iex, iex.FunctonTable1, Path.Combine(dir, (string)etc["FunctionTable1"]));
                                ExtractEntry(iex, iex.FunctonTable2, Path.Combine(dir, (string)etc["FunctionTable2"]));
                            fileInfo["etc"] = etc;

                            ExtractNamedEntryArray(iex, iex.LevelEntries, dir, "Levels", fileInfo);
                            ExtractNamedEntryArray(iex, iex.GUIEntries, dir, "GUIs", fileInfo);

                            infoJSON["Contents"] = fileInfo;

                        //Save info json
                        string headerData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(infoJSON, Formatting.Indented);
                        File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(dir, "IEX.json"), headerData);

                    Console.WriteLine("Done extracting.");