private void ParseSection(IConfigurationRoot root, IConfigurationSection section, string deletionValue)
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing section: " + section.Key);
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > props = section.AsEnumerable();
            bool   writeOuter = section.GetChildren().Count() > 0;
            string LastList   = "";
            string LastDict   = "";

            if (section.Value != deletionValue)
                if (writeOuter)
                    //check if parent is list
                    if (section.Path.Contains(":") && RootDataField[section.Path.Substring(0, section.Path.LastIndexOf(':'))].Datatype is ListType)
                        sb.AppendLine("\"" + section.Key + "\" : {");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in section.AsEnumerable())
                    if (LastDict != "" && !kvp.Key.StartsWith(LastDict))
                        LastDict = "";
                    Console.WriteLine("...Enumerating: " + kvp.Key);
                    //we have a list we're working on
                    //does this item start with the list? item:list
                    //if we remove the list - item:list:0 -> 0 [false], item:list:0:subobj -> 0:subobj [true]
                    //  then don't process, already handled by recursion.
                    if (LastList != "" && kvp.Key.StartsWith(LastList) && kvp.Key.Substring(LastList.Length).TrimStart(':').Contains(":"))
                        Console.WriteLine("      Ignoring - " + kvp.Key);
                        //value is actually at this level, should have no extra :'s
                        //value == null could be either a section or a value that is truly null.  Oh Well.
                        if (RootDataField[kvp.Key] != null &&
                            kvp.Value == deletionValue
                            if (RootDataField[kvp.Key] != null && //for datatypes that aren't implemented
                                RootDataField[kvp.Key].Datatype.IsPOCO &&
                                !kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "").Contains(":"))
                                Console.WriteLine("......Member: " + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value);
                                //remove the path from the key
                                if (kvp.Value == null)
                                    sb.AppendLine("\"" + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "") + "\" : null,");
                                    sb.AppendLine("\"" + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "") + "\" : \"" + kvp.Value + "\",");
                                //we rely on to remove the trailing commas
                                if (kvp.Value == null)
                                    //check dict
                                    if (kvp.Key.Contains(':') && RootDataField.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) && RootDataField[kvp.Key].Datatype is DictionaryType)
                                        if (kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "").Contains(':'))
                                            //todo: not sure why this happens yet
                                            Console.WriteLine(".................duplicate dict ignored: " + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", ""));
                                            LastDict = kvp.Key;
                                            sb.AppendLine("\"" + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "") + "\" : {");

                                            //poco values don't include objects/sub-sections, so the recursive ParseSection won't add them to the dictionary
                                            if (RootDataField[kvp.Key].GenericParameters[1].Datatype.IsPOCO)
                                                //no objects, so lets just iterate through them?
                                                foreach (IConfigurationSection s in root.GetSection(kvp.Key).GetChildren())
                                                    if (s.Path != kvp.Key)
                                                        if (s.Value == null)
                                                            sb.AppendLine("\"" + s.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "") + "\" : null,");
                                                            sb.AppendLine("\"" + s.Key + "\" : \"" + s.Value + "\",");

                                                 * //iterate through each item...
                                                 * foreach (IConfigurationSection s in root.GetSection(kvp.Key).GetChildren())
                                                 * {
                                                 *  //this should only fail if a property does not have a supported datatype
                                                 *  //the values will be output anyways, since they are included as members with values and not just sections
                                                 *  //todo: warn if this happens
                                                 *  if (RootDataField[s.Path] != null)
                                                 *  {
                                                 *      if (!(RootDataField[s.Path].Datatype is ListType) && !(RootDataField[s.Path].Datatype is DictionaryType))
                                                 *          ParseSection(root, s);
                                                 *  }
                                                 * }
                                                 * //ParseSection(root, root.GetSection(kvp.Key));
                                                 * sb.AppendLine("},");
                                    else if (RootDataField[kvp.Key] != null
                                                                                             //&& kvp.Key.Contains(':')
                                                                                             //&& RootDataField[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf(':'))] != null
                                                                                             //must check parent to determine if this is a list
                                                                                             //&& RootDataField[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf(':'))].Datatype is ListType)
                                             && RootDataField[kvp.Key].Datatype is ListType) //check for list
                                        Console.WriteLine("......List - " + kvp.Key);
                                        LastList = kvp.Key;
                                        if (kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "").Contains(':'))
                                            //todo: not sure why this happens yet
                                            Console.WriteLine(".................duplicate list ignored: " + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", ""));
                                            sb.AppendLine("\"" + kvp.Key.Replace(section.Path + ":", "") + "\" : [");
                                            //iterate through each list item, adding as you go.  If poco, its easy.  Otherwise, have to iterate sections
                                            //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in section.AsEnumerable())
                                            //value is actually at this level, should have no extra :'s
                                            //value == null could be either a section or a value that is truly null.  Oh Well.
                                            int atIndex = 0;
                                            //root.AsEnumerable().Contains(kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()) ;
                                            Dictionary <string, string> rootDict = root.AsEnumerable()
                                                                                   .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                                            bool containsIndex = rootDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()); //root[kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()] != null;
                                            while (containsIndex)
                                                Console.WriteLine(".............." + atIndex.ToString());
                                                if (RootDataField[kvp.Key].GenericParameters[0].Datatype.IsPOCO)
                                                    sb.AppendLine("\"" + root[kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()] + "\",");
                                                    Console.WriteLine(".................Member: " + kvp.Key + "=" + root[kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()]);
                                                    //sb.AppendLine("\"" + kvp.Key + "\" : ");
                                                    ///sb.AppendLine("\"[OBJECT-" + kvp.Key + "]\",");
                                                    //add properties

                                                    //handle children
                                                    ParseSection(root, root.GetSection(kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString()), deletionValue);
                                                containsIndex = rootDict.ContainsKey(kvp.Key + ":" + atIndex.ToString());

                                        if (kvp.Key.Contains(":") && kvp.Key != section.Path)
                                            if (RootDataField[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf(':'))] != null
                                                //must check parent to determine if this is a dict
                                                && RootDataField[kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.LastIndexOf(':'))].Datatype is DictionaryType)
                                                ParseSection(root, root.GetSection(kvp.Key), deletionValue);
                                    Console.WriteLine(".......Unhandled value" + kvp.Key + "=" + kvp.Value);
                                //ParseChildren(root, section);
                        }// delete
                ///trailing dictionary
                if (LastDict != "")
                    LastDict = "";
                //TODO:handle lists here, and still somehow allow objects in lists

                ParseChildren(root, section, deletionValue);
                if (writeOuter)