public void AddSecurity(string security, DataFactory dataFactoryObject)
     if (security.Trim().Length > 0)
         _securities.Add(security, dataFactoryObject);
		public void Constructor_IfTheDataFactoryParameterIsNotNull_ShouldSetTheDataFactoryProperty()
				ShimDataFactory.StaticConstructor = () => { };
				DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();
				Assert.AreEqual(dataFactory, new DataFactoryWrapper(dataFactory, Mock.Of<IPageDataCaster>(), Mock.Of<IPermanentLinkMapper>()).DataFactory);
예제 #3
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string uId = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString();
         string name = new DataFactory().getAData("select [username] from [managerinfo] where [manageId]=" + uId, "username");
         this.lb_account.Text = name;
         this.lb_serverTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString();
예제 #4
        //--- Methods ---
        protected override Yield Start(XDoc config, Result result) {
            yield return Coroutine.Invoke(base.Start, config, new Result());

            // read configuration settings
            _factory = new DataFactory(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory.Instance, "?");
            _catalog = new DataCatalog(_factory, config);
            _domain = (config["openid-suffix"].AsText ?? string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant();

            // test database connection
            try {
            } catch(Exception) {
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to connect to Deki Social instance with connectionString: {0}", _catalog.ConnectionString));
예제 #5
        //--- Methods ---
        protected override Yield Start(XDoc config, Result result) {
            yield return Coroutine.Invoke(base.Start, config, new Result());

            // read configuration settings
            _factory = new DataFactory(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory.Instance, "?");
            _catalog = new DataCatalog(_factory, config);

            _tablePrefix = config["db-tableprefix"].AsText ?? string.Empty;

            // test database connection
            try {
            } catch(Exception) {
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to connect to vBulletin instance with connection string: {0}", _catalog.ConnectionString));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// 添加或修改车辆信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ht"></param>
 /// <param name="_key"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool AddOrEditVehicleInfo(Hashtable ht, string _key)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().Submit_AddOrEdit("YR_Vehicles", "ID", _key, ht));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 车辆操控日志
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operate_type">操作类型:01开车,02锁车,03寻车,04开座锁</param>
        /// <param name="gpsID">车辆gps编号</param>
        /// <param name="result">操控返回结果:0失败,1成功</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool VehicleOperateLog(string operate_type, string vehicleid, bool result, string returnResult)
            string    gpsNum     = "";
            string    longitude  = "";
            string    latitude   = "";
            string    speed      = "0";
            string    power      = "0";
            string    lockState  = "";
            Hashtable vehicle_ht = GetVehicleInfoByID(vehicleid);

            if (vehicle_ht != null)
                gpsNum    = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "VehicleGPSNum");
                longitude = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "Longitude");
                latitude  = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "Latitude");
                speed     = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "CurrentSpeed");
                power     = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "Electricity");
                lockState = SiteHelper.GetHashTableValueByKey(vehicle_ht, "LockState");
            List <StringBuilder> sqls = new List <StringBuilder>();
            List <object>        objs = new List <object>();
            //StringBuilder sbAddLog = new StringBuilder();
            //sbAddLog.Append("INSERT INTO YR_VehicleDriveLog(ID,VehicleID,OrderID,GPSNum,Longitude,Latitude,Address,Direction,Speed,Power,LockState,LightState,RecordTime,DriveStyle,IsStart,IsEnd,OprResult,ReturnResult) " +
            // "SELECT convert(varchar(50),newid()),YR_Vehicles.ID,YR_Orders.ID,VehicleGPSNum,Longitude,Latitude,null,null,CurrentSpeed,Electricity,LockState,LightState,getdate(),@DriveStyle,null,null,@OprResult,@ReturnResult " +
            // "FROM YR_Vehicles left join YR_Orders on YR_Vehicles.ID=YR_Orders.VehicleID and OrderState=1 where YR_Vehicles.DeleteMark=1 and YR_Vehicles.ID=@ID");
            StringBuilder sbAddLog = new StringBuilder();

            sbAddLog.Append("INSERT INTO YR_VehicleDriveLog(ID,VehicleID,GPSNum,Longitude,Latitude,Speed,Power,LockState,RecordTime,DriveStyle,IsStart,IsEnd,OprResult,ReturnResult) VALUES(convert(varchar(50),newid()),@VehicleID,@GPSNum,@Longitude,@Latitude,@Speed,@Power,@LockState,getdate(),@DriveStyle,null,null,@OprResult,@ReturnResult)");
            SqlParam[] parmAddLog = new SqlParam[] {
                new SqlParam("@VehicleID", vehicleid),
                new SqlParam("@GPSNum", gpsNum),
                new SqlParam("@Longitude", longitude),
                new SqlParam("@Latitude", latitude),
                new SqlParam("@Speed", speed),
                new SqlParam("@Power", power),
                new SqlParam("@LockState", lockState),
                new SqlParam("@DriveStyle", operate_type),
                new SqlParam("@OprResult", result?1:0),
                new SqlParam("@ReturnResult", returnResult),
                new SqlParam("@ID", vehicleid)

            if (result)
                if (operate_type == "01")
                    StringBuilder sbUpdateVehicle = new StringBuilder();
                    sbUpdateVehicle.Append("UPDATE YR_Vehicles SET LockState='unlock' WHERE ID=@ID");
                    SqlParam[] parmUpdateVehicle = new SqlParam[] {
                        new SqlParam("@ID", vehicleid)
                else if (operate_type == "02")
                    StringBuilder sbUpdateVehicle = new StringBuilder();
                    sbUpdateVehicle.Append("UPDATE YR_Vehicles SET LockState='lock' WHERE ID=@ID");
                    SqlParam[] parmUpdateVehicle = new SqlParam[] {
                        new SqlParam("@ID", vehicleid)
                else if (operate_type == "03")
                else if (operate_type == "04")
            return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().BatchExecuteBySqlWithTrans(sqls.ToArray(), objs.ToArray()) ? true : false);
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 保存事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string    guid = CommonHelper.GetGuid;
            Hashtable ht   = new Hashtable();

            ht["User_Code"]    = User_Code.Value;
            ht["User_Name"]    = User_Name.Value;
            ht["User_Account"] = User_Account.Value;
            ht["User_Pwd"]     = Md5Helper.MD5(User_Pwd.Value, 32); //Md5Helper.MD5(pwd, 32)
            ht["User_Sex"]     = User_Sex.Value;
            ht["Email"]        = Email.Value;
            //ht["Title"] = Title.Value;
            ht["User_Remark"] = User_Remark.Value;
            ht["birthday"]    = birthday.Text;
            ht["Sage_b"]      = Sage_b.Value;
            ht["join_date"]   = join_date.Text;
            ht["out_date"]    = out_date.Text;
            ht["work_flag"]   = work_flag.Value;
            ht["Boss_id"]     = GetIDFromName(Boss_id.Value);
            ht["Boss_Flag"]   = Boss_Flag.Value;
            ht["ATS_Code"]    = ATS_Code.Value;
            if (HR.Value != strHRtemp)
                string        strsql = "update Base_UserInfo set HR=0";
                StringBuilder sbsql  = new StringBuilder(strsql);
                DataTable     dtsql  = DataFactory.SqlDataBase().GetDataTableBySQL(sbsql);
            ht["HR"] = HR.Value;
            if (work_flag.Value == "0")
                ht["DeleteMark"] = 2;
                ht["DeleteMark"] = 1;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_key))
                guid             = _key;
                ht["ModifyDate"] = DateTime.Now;
                if (User_Pwd.Value == "*************")
                ht["ModifyUserId"]   = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId;
                ht["ModifyUserName"] = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName;
                ht["User_ID"]        = guid;
                ht["CreateUserId"]   = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId;
                ht["CreateUserName"] = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName;
            bool IsOk = DataFactory.SqlDataBase().Submit_AddOrEdit("Base_UserInfo", "User_ID", _key, ht);

            if (IsOk)
                IsOk = systemidao.Add_AppendPropertyInstance(guid, AppendProperty_value.Value.Split(';'));
                if (IsOk)
                    IsOk = this.add_ItemForm(checkbox_value.Value.Split(','), guid);
            if (IsOk)
                string        strsql = "insert into Base_LeaveConsole(EmpID) select USER_ID from Base_UserInfo where USER_ID not in (select empid from Base_LeaveConsole)";
                StringBuilder sbsql  = new StringBuilder(strsql);
예제 #9
 public GiftAidDeclarationController(DataFactory dataFactory)
     _GiftAidDeclarationWorker = (GiftAidDeclarationWorker)dataFactory.GetDataFactory <GiftAidDeclaration>();
		public void GetPage_WithTwoParameters_ShouldCallGetPageWithTwoParametersOfTheWrappedDataFactory()
				bool getPageIsCalled = false;
				PageReference pageLinkValue = null;
				ILanguageSelector selectorValue = null;
				PageData pageData = new PageData();
				ShimDataFactory.StaticConstructor = () => { };
				DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();

				new ShimDataFactory(dataFactory).GetPagePageReferenceILanguageSelector = delegate(PageReference pageLink, ILanguageSelector selector)
					getPageIsCalled = true;
					pageLinkValue = pageLink;
					selectorValue = selector;
					return pageData;

				PageReference pageLinkParameter = new PageReference();
				ILanguageSelector selectorParameter = Mock.Of<ILanguageSelector>();

				Assert.AreEqual(pageData, new DataFactoryWrapper(dataFactory, Mock.Of<IPageDataCaster>(), Mock.Of<IPermanentLinkMapper>()).GetPage(pageLinkParameter, selectorParameter));
				Assert.AreEqual(pageLinkParameter, pageLinkValue);
				Assert.AreEqual(selectorParameter, selectorValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail           = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, serviceStatus.RootURL, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.None).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count())
                detail.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);

            EntityTypeElement eTypeElement = new EntityTypeElement();

            Dictionary <string, string> entityAndpaths = MetadataHelper.StreamPropertyEntities(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument);

            string relativePath = string.Empty;

            foreach (var en in entityTypeElements)
                if (entityAndpaths.Keys.Contains(en.EntityTypeShortName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(en.EntitySetName))
                    eTypeElement = en;
                    relativePath = entityAndpaths[en.EntityTypeShortName];

            if (eTypeElement.EntityTypeShortName == null)
                detail.ErrorMessage = "Cannot find the appropriate entity-set to verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);


            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + eTypeElement.EntitySetName;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(eTypeElement.EntitySetName, eTypeElement.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);
            if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode || HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                url = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + relativePath.TrimEnd('/');
                if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
                    detail.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Fail to find the stream property read and edit URL.", resp.StatusCode);

                    // Restore the service.
                    var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);

                resp   = WebHelper.Get(new Uri(url), null, RuleEngineSetting.Instance().DefaultMaximumPayloadSize, null);
                detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Get, StringHelper.MergeHeaders(Constants.V4AcceptHeaderJsonFullMetadata, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders), resp);
                if ((resp.StatusCode.HasValue && HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode) || HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                    resp   = WebHelper.UpdateMediaTypeEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag);
                    detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Put, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, "Successfully updated the stream of the image.");

                    if (null != resp && (HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode || resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK))
                        passed = true;
                        passed = false;
                        detail.ErrorMessage = string.Format("HTTP PUT to update the stream property failed with the error {0}.", resp.StatusCode);
                    detail.ErrorMessage = "Get stream property failed from above URI.";

                // Restore the service.
                WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                detail.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(url), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            var           termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            var           serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            var           dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <string> norPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, norPropertyTypes, NavigationRoughType.None).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count)
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property and a normal property with string type, but there is not this entity type in metadata, so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            foreach (var ele in entityTypeElements)
                if (ele.EntityTypeShortName.IsMediaType())

                var funcs = new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetUpdateRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions
                var methods = new List <Func <string, string, List <string>, bool?> >()
                var restrictions = ele.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc, funcs, null, NavigationRoughType.None, methods);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(restrictions.Item1) &&
                    null != restrictions.Item2 && restrictions.Item2.Any())
                    entityType = ele;

            if (null == entityType || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityType.EntitySetName))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "The service does not support batch operation.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetUrl))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Cannot find the entity-set URL which is matched with {0}", entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, false, ref additionalInfos);

            detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

            if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                string entityId = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                bool   hasEtag  = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;
                resp = WebHelper.GetEntity(entityId);

                if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                    JObject       entity           = JObject.Parse(resp.ResponsePayload);
                    List <string> norPropertyNames = entityType.NormalProperties.Where(norProp => norPropertyTypes.Contains(norProp.PropertyType)).Select(norProp => norProp.PropertyName).ToList();
                    reqDataStr = dFactory.ConstructUpdatedEntityData(entity, norPropertyNames).ToString();

                    string boundary     = "batch_4e1a76dc-b738-4aa4-9f93-df661d0a4c9f";
                    string batchReqData = string.Format(
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changeset_77162fcd-b8da-41ac-a9f8-9357efbbd621

Content-Type: application/http 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary 
Content-ID: 1

PATCH {0} HTTP/1.1
                        + (hasEtag ? "If-Match: *" : string.Empty) +



", entityId, reqDataStr);
                    resp    = WebHelper.BatchOperation(serviceStatus.RootURL, batchReqData, boundary);
                    detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, serviceStatus.RootURL + "/$batch", HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, batchReqData);

                    if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                        string expectedData =
                            @"Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: 1
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
                        int    index   = resp.ResponsePayload.IndexOf("--changesetresponse");
                        string payload = resp.ResponsePayload.Remove(0, index + 1);
                        if (expectedData == payload.Filtration(new List <string>()
                            "\nContent-Type:", "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:", "\nContent-ID:", "\nHTTP/1.1 "
                            passed = true;
                            passed = false;
                            detail2.ErrorMessage = string.Format("The response payload does not accord with the expected pattern as follows:\r\n{0}", expectedData);
                        passed = false;
                        detail2.ErrorMessage = "The OData service does not return a 200 OK HTTP status code.";

                    // Restore the service.
                    var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                passed = false;
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Created the new entity failed for above URI with entity data {0}.", reqDataStr);

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

        private static MktSummaryEvent PrepareMktSummaryEvent(DataFactory factory, MktSummaryEvent mktSummary, TickData tick)
            switch (tick.Type)
                case Type.Ask:
                    if (mktSummary.Ask == null)
                        mktSummary.Ask = tick;
                        if (tick.TimeStamp > mktSummary.EventTime) mktSummary.EventTime = tick.TimeStamp;
                        mktSummary = CheckForSyntheticTradeCondition(factory, mktSummary);
                case Type.Bid:
                    if (mktSummary.Bid == null)
                        mktSummary.Bid = tick;
                        if (tick.TimeStamp > mktSummary.EventTime) mktSummary.EventTime = tick.TimeStamp;
                        mktSummary = CheckForSyntheticTradeCondition(factory, mktSummary);
                case Type.Trade:
                    if (mktSummary.Trade == null)
                        mktSummary.Trade = tick;
                        if (tick.TimeStamp > mktSummary.EventTime) mktSummary.EventTime = tick.TimeStamp;
                        mktSummary = CheckForSyntheticTradeCondition(factory, mktSummary);

            if ((mktSummary.Ask != null) && (mktSummary.Bid != null) && mktSummary.Trade != null)
                mktSummary.Complete = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Mkt summary {0} {1} ask {2} bid {3} trade {4}", tick.Security,
                        mktSummary.Ask.Price, mktSummary.Bid.Price, mktSummary.Trade.Price);

            return mktSummary;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            TermDocuments termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail3          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail4          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.SingleValued).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count())
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            foreach (var en in entityTypeElements)
                var matchEntity = en.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc,
                                                                   new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetUpdateRestrictions

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntity.Item1) &&
                    matchEntity.Item2 != null && matchEntity.Item2.Any() &&
                    matchEntity.Item3 != null && matchEntity.Item3.Any())
                    entityType = en;

            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetUrl))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Cannot find the entity-set URL which is matched with {0}", entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            // Create a entity
            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
            var    keyNames        = entityType.KeyProperties;
            string keyName         = keyNames.First().PropertyName;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);
            if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
                var entityId = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                var hasEtag  = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;

                // Get a individual property except key property
                string        toUpdatePropertyName = string.Empty;
                List <string> properties           = MetadataHelper.GetSortedPropertiesOfEntity(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                foreach (string name in properties)
                    if (!string.Equals(name.Split(',')[0], keyName))
                        if (name.Split(',')[1].Equals("Edm.String"))
                            toUpdatePropertyName = name.Split(',')[0];

                string individualProUrl = entityId + @"/" + toUpdatePropertyName;
                resp    = WebHelper.Get(new Uri(individualProUrl), Constants.AcceptHeaderJson, RuleEngineSetting.Instance().DefaultMaximumPayloadSize, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders);
                detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, individualProUrl, HttpMethod.Get, StringHelper.MergeHeaders(Constants.AcceptHeaderJson, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders), resp);
                if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    JObject jo;
                    resp.ResponsePayload.TryToJObject(out jo);
                    string valueOfIndividualProperty = jo[Constants.Value].ToString();
                    string newValue = valueOfIndividualProperty + "ToUpdate";
                    jo[Constants.Value] = newValue;

                    // Update the individual property
                    resp    = WebHelper.UpdateEntity(individualProUrl, jo.ToString(), HttpMethod.Put);
                    detail3 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, individualProUrl, HttpMethod.Put, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, jo.ToString());
                    if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                        // Check whether the individual property is updated to new value
                        if (WebHelper.GetContent(individualProUrl, context.RequestHeaders, out resp))
                            detail4 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, individualProUrl, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp);
                            resp.ResponsePayload.TryToJObject(out jo);

                            if (jo != null && jo[Constants.Value] != null && jo[Constants.Value].Value <string>().Equals(newValue))
                                passed = true;
                            else if (jo == null)
                                passed = false;
                                detail4.ErrorMessage = "Can not get individual property after PUT to it.";
                            else if (jo != null && jo[Constants.Value] == null)
                                passed = false;
                                detail4.ErrorMessage = "Can not get the value of individual property.";
                            else if (jo != null && jo[Constants.Value] != null && !jo[Constants.Value].Value <string>().Equals(newValue))
                                passed = false;
                                detail4.ErrorMessage = "The value of individual property is not updated.";
                        passed = false;
                        detail3.ErrorMessage = "Update individual property from the created entity failed.";
                    passed = false;
                    detail2.ErrorMessage = "Get individual property from the created entity failed.";

                // Delete the entity
                var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                passed = false;
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2, detail3, detail4

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(this.ErrorMessage, new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

예제 #15
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtContainer.Text))
        //    div_bottom.Html = "<p class=\"error\">Status : Save failed, Container  can't for empty .</p>";
        //    txtContainer.Focus();
        //    return;

        DataFactory dal = new DataFactory();
        DataTable   dt  = dal.FactoryDAL(PageHelper.ConnectionStrings, "FW_OceanImport_Container_SP", new List <IFields>()
            dal.CreateIFields().Append("Option", "Update")
            .Append("oc_CtnrNo", txtContainer.Text.ToUpper().Trim())
            .Append("oc_CtnrSize", CmbSize.Value)
            .Append("oc_SealNo", txtSeal.Text.Trim().ToUpper())
            .Append("oc_Servicemode", CmbSerMode.Value)
            .Append("oc_SONo", txtSO.Text.Trim().ToUpper())
            .Append("oc_GWT", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGWT.Text)?DBNull.Value:(object)txtGWT.Text)
            .Append("oc_CBM", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCBM.Text)?DBNull.Value:(object)txtCBM.Text)
            .Append("oc_Piece", string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPiece.Text)?DBNull.Value:(object)txtPiece.Text)
            .Append("oc_Unit", CmbUnit.Value)
            .Append("oc_OrderMarks", txtMarks1.Text.ToUpper().Replace("\r\n", "\n"))
            .Append("oc_OrderNoOfPackage", txtmarks3.Text.ToUpper().Replace("\r\n", "\n"))
            .Append("oc_OrderDescription", txtMarks2.Text.ToUpper().Replace("\r\n", "\n"))
            .Append("oc_Remark", txtRemark.Text.ToUpper().Replace("\r\n", "\n"))
            .Append("oc_STAT", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[12])
            .Append("oc_SYS", SYS)
            .Append("oc_User", FSecurityHelper.CurrentUserDataGET()[0])
            .Append("oc_ToHBL", hidHBL.Text)
            .Append("oc_ROWID", hidID.Text)

        if (dt != null)
            string rowID = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
            string flag  = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();

            ControlBinder.pageTitleMsg(true, "OI-C:" + txtContainer.Text, "<p class=\"success\">Status : Record Saved with  <span>" + txtContainer.Text + " </span> </p>", div_bottom);

            if (b)
                b = false;
                X.Redirect("Container.aspx?HBL=" + Request["HBL"]);

            if (flag.Trim() == "Insert")
                //X.Msg.Alert("status", " Saved successfully").Show();
                X.Redirect("Container.aspx?ID=" + rowID + "&HBL=" + Request["HBL"]);

            lblPiece.Text = txtPiece.Text;
            lblUnit.Text  = CmbUnit.Value;
            ControlBinder.pageTitleMsg(false, "OI-C:" + txtContainer.Text, "<p class=\"error\">Status : Save failed, please check the data . </p>", div_bottom);
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 权限授权提交事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ModuleId">访问权限值</param>
        /// <param name="ModuleButtonId">操作权限值</param>
        /// <param name="ViewDetailId">视图权限值</param>
        /// <param name="ObjectId">对象ID</param>
        /// <param name="Category">分类</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult AuthorizedSubmit(string ModuleId, string ModuleButtonId, string ViewDetailId, string ObjectId, string Category)
            IDatabase     database    = DataFactory.Database();
            DbTransaction isOpenTrans = database.BeginTrans();

                List <DbParameter> parameter = new List <DbParameter>
                    DbFactory.CreateDbParameter("@ObjectId", ObjectId),
                    DbFactory.CreateDbParameter("@Category", Category)

                #region 访问
                string[]      arrayModuleId   = ModuleId.Split(',');
                StringBuilder sbDelete_Module = new StringBuilder("delete from BaseModulePermission where ObjectId = @ObjectId AND Category=@Category");
                database.ExecuteBySql(sbDelete_Module, parameter.ToArray(), isOpenTrans);
                int index = 1;
                foreach (var item in arrayModuleId)
                    if (item.Length > 0)
                        BaseModulePermission entity = new BaseModulePermission();
                        entity.ModulePermissionId = CommonHelper.GetGuid;
                        entity.ObjectId           = ObjectId;
                        entity.Category           = Category;
                        entity.ModuleId           = item;
                        entity.SortCode           = index;
                        database.Insert(entity, isOpenTrans);

                #region 操作
                string[]      arrayModuleButtonId = ModuleButtonId.Split(',');
                StringBuilder sbDelete_Button     = new StringBuilder("delete from BaseButtonPermission where ObjectId = @ObjectId AND Category=@Category");
                database.ExecuteBySql(sbDelete_Button, parameter.ToArray(), isOpenTrans);
                index = 1;
                foreach (var item in arrayModuleButtonId)
                    if (item.Length > 0)
                        string[]             stritem = item.Split('|');
                        BaseButtonPermission entity  = new BaseButtonPermission();
                        entity.ButtonPermissionId = CommonHelper.GetGuid;
                        entity.ObjectId           = ObjectId;
                        entity.Category           = Category;
                        entity.ModuleButtonId     = stritem[0];
                        entity.ModuleId           = stritem[0];
                        entity.SortCode           = index;
                        database.Insert(entity, isOpenTrans);

                #region 视图
                string[]      arrayViewDetailId = ViewDetailId.Split(',');
                StringBuilder sbDelete_View     = new StringBuilder("delete from BaseViewPermission where ObjectId = @ObjectId AND Category=@Category");
                database.ExecuteBySql(sbDelete_View, parameter.ToArray(), isOpenTrans);
                index = 1;
                foreach (var item in arrayViewDetailId)
                    if (item.Length > 0)
                        string[]           stritem = item.Split('|');
                        BaseViewPermission entity  = new BaseViewPermission();
                        entity.ViewPermissionId = CommonHelper.GetGuid;
                        entity.ObjectId         = ObjectId;
                        entity.Category         = Category;
                        entity.ViewId           = stritem[0];
                        entity.ModuleId         = stritem[1];
                        entity.SortCode         = index;
                        database.Insert(entity, isOpenTrans);
                return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                    Success = true, Code = "1", Message = "操作成功。"
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                    Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "操作失败,错误:" + ex.Message
예제 #17
 public SmsManager() : this(DataFactory.Get <IOutboundSmsRepository>())
예제 #18
        private static void setEntityId(IDbCommand cmd, EntityPropertyInfo info, Object paramVal)
            int id = ((IEntity)paramVal).Id;

            DataFactory.SetParameter(cmd, info.ColumnName, id);
예제 #19
 public Hashtable GetVehicleInfoByLicenseNumber(string licenseNumber)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().GetHashtableById("YR_Vehicles", "LicenseNumber", licenseNumber));
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// 更改提现状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult PayToBank(string KeyValue, int Status, string StatusStr)
            IDatabase     database    = DataFactory.Database();
            DbTransaction isOpenTrans = database.BeginTrans();

                Am_UserGetMoneyToBank entity = repositoryfactory.Repository().FindEntity(KeyValue);
                if (entity == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Number))
                    return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                        Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "数据异常"
                if (entity.Status != 0)
                    return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                        Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "提现状态不正常"
                entity.Status    = Status;
                entity.StatusStr = StatusStr;
                entity.PayTime   = DateTime.Now;

                int IsOk = database.Update(entity, isOpenTrans); //更新提现状态
                Base_SysLogBll.Instance.WriteLog(KeyValue, OperationType.Update, IsOk > 0 ? "成功" : "失败", "提现操作");
                var usermodel = database.FindEntity <Ho_PartnerUser>(entity.U_Number);
                if (usermodel == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(usermodel.Number))
                    return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                        Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "数据异常"
                if (Status == 9) //退还
                    usermodel.Money += entity.Money;
                    database.Update(usermodel, isOpenTrans); //更新用户信息表
                    var recordModel = new Am_MoneyDetail()
                        CreateTime     = DateTime.Now,
                        CurrMoney      = usermodel.Money,
                        CreateUserId   = ManageProvider.Provider.Current().UserId,
                        CreateUserName = ManageProvider.Provider.Current().UserName,
                        OperateType    = 6,
                        OperateTypeStr = "提现取消",
                        Money          = entity.Money,
                        UserName       = entity.UserName,
                        U_Name         = entity.U_Name,
                        U_Number       = entity.U_Number
                    database.Insert(recordModel, isOpenTrans); //添加返还记录1
                else //提现成功
                    if (usermodel.FreezeMoney > 0) //首先要有押金
                        var money = entity.BankCharge;
                        if (entity.BankCharge > usermodel.FreezeMoney)
                            money = usermodel.FreezeMoney;
                        usermodel.FreezeMoney -= money; //扣除手续费1:1返还
                        usermodel.Money       += money;
                        database.Update(usermodel, isOpenTrans); //更新用户信息表
                        var recordModel = new Am_AmDepositDetail()
                            CreateTime = DateTime.Now,
                            CurrMoney  = usermodel.FreezeMoney,
                            Mark       = "押金1:1返还",
                            Money      = money,
                            UserName   = entity.UserName,
                            U_Name     = entity.U_Name,
                            U_Number   = entity.U_Number
                        database.Insert(recordModel, isOpenTrans); //添加返还记录
                return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                    Success = true, Code = "1", Message = "操作成功"
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Content(new JsonMessage {
                    Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "操作失败:" + ex.Message
예제 #21
        private void LoadDbConfig() {
            _dbConfig = XDocFactory.LoadFrom(_dbConfigFile, MimeType.XML);
            _factory = new MindTouch.Data.DataFactory(MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory.Instance, "?");
            _catalog = new DataCatalog(_factory, _dbConfig);

        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail           = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, serviceStatus.RootURL, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty);
            string        updateUrl        = serviceStatus.RootURL;
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <string> norPropertyTypes = new List <string>()

            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.None).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count)
                detail.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property and a string type normal property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);


            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, string>, List <string> > > entityTypeInfo = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, string>, List <string> > >();

            bool foundEntity = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypesWithComplexProperty(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, "Edm.String", out entityTypeInfo);

            if (foundEntity)
                foreach (var en in entityTypeElements)
                    if (entityTypeInfo.Keys.Contains(en.EntityTypeShortName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(en.EntitySetName))
                        entityType = en;
                detail.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with complex type normal property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);


            if (entityType == null)
                detail.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with complex type normal property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);


            Dictionary <KeyValuePair <string, string>, List <string> >   complexProps = entityTypeInfo[entityType.EntityTypeShortName];
            KeyValuePair <KeyValuePair <string, string>, List <string> > complexPop   = complexProps.First();
            string complexPropName = complexPop.Key.Key;

            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            updateUrl = entitySetUrl;

            string url = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;

            updateUrl = url;
            var     additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            JObject reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);

            if (!dFactory.CheckOrAddTheMissingPropertyData(entityType.EntitySetName, complexPropName, ref reqData))
                detail.ErrorMessage = "The property to update does not exist, and cannot be updated.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail);


            string reqDataStr  = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp        = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

            if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                string entityId = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                updateUrl = entityId.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + complexPropName;
                bool hasEtag = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;
                resp   = WebHelper.GetPropertyValue(updateUrl);
                detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, entityId, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp);
                if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode || HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                    JProperty complexPropContent = null;

                    foreach (JProperty prop in reqData.Children <JProperty>())
                        if (prop.Name.Equals(complexPropName))
                            complexPropContent = prop;

                    resp   = WebHelper.UpdateComplexProperty(updateUrl, context.RequestHeaders, complexPropContent, hasEtag, complexPop.Value);
                    detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, updateUrl, HttpMethod.Patch, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);
                    if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                        resp   = WebHelper.GetPropertyValue(updateUrl);
                        detail = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, updateUrl, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                        if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                            JObject value;
                            resp.ResponsePayload.TryToJObject(out value);

                            bool updated = true;

                            if (value != null && value.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                                foreach (var prop in value.Children <JProperty>())
                                    if (complexPop.Value.Contains(prop.Name))
                                        updated = prop.Value.ToString().Equals(Constants.UpdateData);

                                    if (!updated)
                                        passed = false;
                                        detail.ErrorMessage = string.Format("The compelex property in request fails in HTTP patch updating.");

                                if (updated)
                                    passed = true;
                            passed = false;
                            detail.ErrorMessage = "Can not get the updated entity.";
                        passed = false;
                        detail.ErrorMessage = "HTTP Patch the complex property failed.";
                    detail.ErrorMessage = "Can not get the created entity from above URI.";

                // Restore the service.
                var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                detail.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(updateUrl), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

		public void GetChildren_WithOneParameter_ShouldCallGetChildrenWithOneParameterOfTheWrappedDataFactory()
				bool getChildrenIsCalled = false;
				PageReference pageLinkValue = null;
				PageDataCollection pageDataCollection = new PageDataCollection();
				ShimDataFactory.StaticConstructor = () => { };
				DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();

				new ShimDataFactory(dataFactory).GetChildrenPageReference = delegate(PageReference pageLink)
					getChildrenIsCalled = true;
					pageLinkValue = pageLink;
					return pageDataCollection;

				PageReference pageLinkParameter = new PageReference();

				Assert.AreEqual(pageDataCollection, new DataFactoryWrapper(dataFactory, Mock.Of<IPageDataCaster>(), Mock.Of<IPermanentLinkMapper>()).GetChildren(pageLinkParameter));
				Assert.AreEqual(pageLinkParameter, pageLinkValue);
예제 #24
 public bool AddOrEditInfo(Hashtable ht, string _key)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().Submit_AddOrEdit("YR_ServiceArea", "ID", _key, ht));
 public void AddSecurity(DataFactory dataFactoryObject)
     _securities.Add(dataFactoryObject.SecurityName, dataFactoryObject);
예제 #26
 public int DeleteByID(Hashtable ht, string _key)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().UpdateByHashtable("YR_ServiceArea", "ID", _key, ht));
예제 #27
        private static ISnmpMessage ParseMessage(int first, Stream stream, UserRegistry registry)
            var array = DataFactory.CreateSnmpData(first, stream);

            if (array == null)

            if (array.TypeCode != SnmpType.Sequence)
                throw new SnmpException("not an SNMP message");

            var body = (Sequence)array;

            if (body.Length != 3 && body.Length != 4)
                throw new SnmpException("not an SNMP message");

            var                version = (VersionCode)((Integer32)body[0]).ToInt32();
            Header             header;
            SecurityParameters parameters;
            IPrivacyProvider   privacy;
            Scope              scope;

            if (body.Length == 3)
                header     = Header.Empty;
                parameters = SecurityParameters.Create((OctetString)body[1]);
                privacy    = DefaultPrivacyProvider.DefaultPair;
                scope      = new Scope((ISnmpPdu)body[2]);
                header     = new Header(body[1]);
                parameters = new SecurityParameters((OctetString)body[2]);
                privacy    = registry.Find(parameters.UserName);
                if (privacy == null)
                    // handle decryption exception.
                    return(new MalformedMessage(header.MessageId, parameters.UserName));

                var code = body[3].TypeCode;
                if (code == SnmpType.Sequence)
                    // v3 not encrypted
                    scope = new Scope((Sequence)body[3]);
                else if (code == SnmpType.OctetString)
                    // v3 encrypted
                        scope = new Scope((Sequence)privacy.Decrypt(body[3], parameters));
                    catch (DecryptionException)
                        // handle decryption exception.
                        return(new MalformedMessage(header.MessageId, parameters.UserName));
                    throw new SnmpException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "invalid v3 packets scoped data: {0}", code));

                if (!privacy.AuthenticationProvider.VerifyHash(stream, parameters.AuthenticationParameters, parameters.EngineId))
                    throw new SnmpException("invalid v3 packet data hash detected");

            var scopeCode = scope.Pdu.TypeCode;

            switch (scopeCode)
            case SnmpType.TrapV1Pdu:
                return(new TrapV1Message(body));

            case SnmpType.TrapV2Pdu:
                return(new TrapV2Message(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.GetRequestPdu:
                return(new GetRequestMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.ResponsePdu:
                return(new ResponseMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy, false));

            case SnmpType.SetRequestPdu:
                return(new SetRequestMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.GetNextRequestPdu:
                return(new GetNextRequestMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.GetBulkRequestPdu:
                return(new GetBulkRequestMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.ReportPdu:
                return(new ReportMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

            case SnmpType.InformRequestPdu:
                return(new InformRequestMessage(version, header, parameters, scope, privacy));

                throw new SnmpException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "unsupported pdu: {0}", scopeCode));
예제 #28
 public Hashtable GetInfoByID(string areaID)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().GetHashtableById("YR_ServiceArea", "ID", areaID));
예제 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 批量新增所属,部门,角色,工作组,用户权限
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item_value">对象主键</param>
        /// <param name="user_id">用户主键</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool add_ItemForm(string[] item_value, string user_id)
                int             index = 0;
                string          key;
                string          type;
                StringBuilder[] sqls = new StringBuilder[item_value.Length + 4];
                object[]        objs = new object[item_value.Length + 4];

                StringBuilder sbDelete_org = new StringBuilder();
                sbDelete_org.Append("Delete From Base_StaffOrganize Where User_ID =@User_ID");
                SqlParam[] parm_org = new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id) };
                sqls[0] = sbDelete_org;
                objs[0] = parm_org;

                StringBuilder sbDelete_Role = new StringBuilder();
                sbDelete_Role.Append("Delete From Base_UserRole Where User_ID =@User_ID");
                SqlParam[] parm_Role = new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id) };
                sqls[1] = sbDelete_Role;
                objs[1] = parm_Role;

                StringBuilder sbDelete_UserGroup = new StringBuilder();
                sbDelete_UserGroup.Append("Delete From Base_UserInfoUserGroup Where User_ID =@User_ID");
                SqlParam[] parm_UserGroup = new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id) };
                sqls[2] = sbDelete_UserGroup;
                objs[2] = parm_UserGroup;

                StringBuilder sbDelete_Right = new StringBuilder();
                sbDelete_Right.Append("Delete From Base_UserRight Where User_ID =@User_ID");
                SqlParam[] parm_Right = new SqlParam[] { new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id) };
                sqls[3] = sbDelete_Right;
                objs[3] = parm_Right;
                index   = 4;
                foreach (var item in item_value)
                    if (item.Length > 0)
                        string[] str_item = item.Split('|');
                        key  = str_item[0];
                        type = str_item[1];
                        if (type == "所属部门")
                            StringBuilder sbadd = new StringBuilder();
                            sbadd.Append("Insert into Base_StaffOrganize(");
                            SqlParam[] parmAdd = new SqlParam[] {
                                new SqlParam("@StaffOrganize_Id", CommonHelper.GetGuid),
                                new SqlParam("@Organization_ID", key),
                                new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserId", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserName", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName)
                            sqls[index] = sbadd;
                            objs[index] = parmAdd;
                        else if (type == "所属角色")
                            StringBuilder sbadd = new StringBuilder();
                            sbadd.Append("Insert into Base_UserRole(");
                            SqlParam[] parmAdd = new SqlParam[] {
                                new SqlParam("@UserRole_ID", CommonHelper.GetGuid),
                                new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id),
                                new SqlParam("@Roles_ID", key),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserId", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserName", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName)
                            sqls[index] = sbadd;
                            objs[index] = parmAdd;
                        else if (type == "用户工作组")
                            StringBuilder sbadd = new StringBuilder();
                            sbadd.Append("Insert into Base_UserInfoUserGroup(");
                            SqlParam[] parmAdd = new SqlParam[] {
                                new SqlParam("@UserInfoUserGroup_ID", CommonHelper.GetGuid),
                                new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id),
                                new SqlParam("@UserGroup_ID", key),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserId", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserName", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName)
                            sqls[index] = sbadd;
                            objs[index] = parmAdd;
                        else if (type == "用户权限")
                            StringBuilder sbadd = new StringBuilder();
                            sbadd.Append("Insert into Base_UserRight(");
                            SqlParam[] parmAdd = new SqlParam[] {
                                new SqlParam("@UserRight_ID", CommonHelper.GetGuid),
                                new SqlParam("@User_ID", user_id),
                                new SqlParam("@Menu_Id", key),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserId", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId),
                                new SqlParam("@CreateUserName", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName)
                            sqls[index] = sbadd;
                            objs[index] = parmAdd;
                return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().BatchExecuteBySql(sqls, objs) >= 0 ? true : false);
예제 #30
 public ConfigSettingsController(IConfiguration config)
     _config       = config;
     _listSettings = DataFactory.GetSettingList();
예제 #31
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string Action = context.Request["action"];                      //提交动作

            switch (Action)
            case "login":

            case "code_login":

            case "retrieve_pwd":

            case "sms_code":

            case "jizhumima":
                string     str    = "0";
                HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies["USER_COOKIE"];
                if (cookie != null)
                    str = cookie["UserName"] + "&" + cookie["PassWord"] + "&" + cookie["DLAdminHotelid"];

            case "Menu":
                RM_System_IDAO sys_idao = new RM_System_Dal();
                string         UserId   = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId.ToString();//用户ID
                string         strMenus = JsonHelper.DataTableToJson(sys_idao.GetMenuHtml(UserId), "MENU");

            case "CheckSqlIsOpen":
                    if (DataFactory.CheckSqlIsOpen(RequestSession.GetSessionUser().AdminHotelid.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(RequestSession.GetSessionUser().Hotelid)))
                        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                        sql.AppendFormat("SELECT id,ErrorNum FROM dbo.Set_Association WHERE hotelid={0} ", RequestSession.GetSessionUser().Hotelid);
                        DataTable dt = DataFactory.SqlDataBase().GetDataTableBySQL(sql);
                        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["ErrorNum"]) > 0)
                                Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
                                ht["ErrorNum"] = 0;
                                DataFactory.SqlDataBase().UpdateByHashtable("Set_Association", "id", dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(), ht);

                catch { }


예제 #32
        public bool Delete <T>(T entity) where T : class, new()
            var tt = DataFactory.DeleteEntity <T>(entity, null, null);

예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// 通过主键ID删除车辆信息(逻辑删除)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ht"></param>
 /// <param name="_key"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int DelVehicleInfoByID(Hashtable ht, string _key)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().UpdateByHashtable("YR_Vehicles", "ID", _key, ht));
예제 #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            TermDocuments termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail3          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail4          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.None).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count())
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            foreach (var en in entityTypeElements)
                var matchEntity = en.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc,
                                                                   new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetUpdateRestrictions

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntity.Item1) &&
                    matchEntity.Item2 != null && matchEntity.Item2.Any() &&
                    matchEntity.Item3 != null && matchEntity.Item3.Any())
                    entityType = en;
            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetUrl))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Cannot find the entity-set URL which is matched with {0}", entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            // Create a entity
            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

            if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                var entityId = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                var hasEtag  = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;
                resp    = WebHelper.DeleteEntity(entityId, context.RequestHeaders, hasEtag);
                detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, entityId, HttpMethod.Delete, string.Empty, resp);
                if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                    var header  = new KeyValuePair <string, string>("If-None-Match", "*");
                    var headers = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >()
                    resp    = WebHelper.UpsertEntity(entityId, reqDataStr, HttpMethod.Put, hasEtag ? headers : null);
                    detail3 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Put, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                    if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                        resp    = WebHelper.GetEntity(entityId);
                        detail4 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, entityId, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp);
                        if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                            passed = true;
                            passed = false;
                            detail4.ErrorMessage = "Can not the Upserted entity from above URI.";

                        // Restore the service.
                        var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                        passed = false;
                        detail3.ErrorMessage = "Upsert the entity failed.";
                    passed = false;
                    detail2.ErrorMessage = "Delete the entity failed.";
                passed = false;
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2, detail3, detail4

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

예제 #35
 /// <summary>
 /// 通过车辆ID获取车辆信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicleID">车辆ID</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Hashtable GetVehicleInfoByID(string vehicleID)
     return(DataFactory.SqlDataBase().GetHashtableById("YR_Vehicles", "ID", vehicleID));
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            TermDocuments termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail3          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail4          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <string> norPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, norPropertyTypes, NavigationRoughType.CollectionValued).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count())
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "It expects an entity type with Int32 key property and containing a string property to Patch/Post, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            foreach (var et in entityTypeElements)
                string navigPropName = null;
                string navigPropRelatedEntitySetUrl      = null;
                string navigPropRelatedEntityTypeKeyName = null;
                var    matchEntity = et.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc,
                                                                      new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetUpdateRestrictions

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntity.Item1) ||
                    matchEntity.Item2 == null || !matchEntity.Item2.Any() ||
                    matchEntity.Item3 == null || !matchEntity.Item3.Any())

                foreach (var np in matchEntity.Item3)
                    navigPropName = np.NavigationPropertyName;
                    string navigEntityTypeShortName     = np.NavigationPropertyType.RemoveCollectionFlag().GetLastSegment();
                    List <NormalProperty> navigKeyProps = MetadataHelper.GetKeyProperties(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, navigEntityTypeShortName).ToList();

                    if (navigKeyProps.Count == 1 && keyPropertyTypes.Contains(navigKeyProps[0].PropertyType))
                        navigPropRelatedEntitySetUrl      = navigEntityTypeShortName.MapEntityTypeShortNameToEntitySetURL();
                        navigPropRelatedEntityTypeKeyName = navigKeyProps[0].PropertyName;


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigPropRelatedEntityTypeKeyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigPropRelatedEntitySetUrl))
                    string entitySetUrl    = et.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();
                    string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
                    var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
                    var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(et.EntitySetName, et.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
                    string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
                    bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
                    var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);
                    detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                    if (null != resp && HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                        string  entityId  = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                        bool    hasEtag   = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;
                        JObject newEntity = JObject.Parse(resp.ResponsePayload);
                        url     = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + navigPropRelatedEntitySetUrl;
                        resp    = WebHelper.Get(new Uri(url), Constants.V4AcceptHeaderJsonFullMetadata, RuleEngineSetting.Instance().DefaultMaximumPayloadSize, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders);
                        detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Get, StringHelper.MergeHeaders(Constants.V4AcceptHeaderJsonFullMetadata, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders), resp);
                        if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            JObject feed;
                            resp.ResponsePayload.TryToJObject(out feed);
                            var entities = JsonParserHelper.GetEntries(feed);

                            if (entities.Count > 0 && entities[0][Constants.V4OdataId] != null)
                                reqDataStr = @"{""" + Constants.V4OdataId + @""" : """ + entities[0][Constants.V4OdataId].ToString() + @"""}";
                                url        = string.Format("{0}/{1}/$ref", entityId, navigPropName);

                                // Verify to send a POST Http request and response with a 204 No Content status code.
                                resp    = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, reqDataStr);
                                detail3 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                                if (null != resp && resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
                                    if (resp.ResponseHeaders.Contains("OData-EntityId"))
                                        // Verify to send a PATCH Http request and response with a 204 No Content status code.
                                        List <string> norPropertyNames = et.NormalProperties
                                                                         .Where(np => norPropertyTypes.Contains(np.PropertyType) && !np.IsKey)
                                                                         .Select(np => np.PropertyName).ToList();
                                        if (!norPropertyNames.Any())
                                            detail3.ErrorMessage = "The entity-type does not contain any properties can be updated.";
                                            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(url), resp.ResponsePayload, detail3);


                                        reqData = dFactory.ConstructUpdatedEntityData(newEntity, norPropertyNames);
                                        resp    = WebHelper.UpdateEntity(entityId, context.RequestHeaders, reqDataStr, HttpMethod.Patch, hasEtag);
                                        detail4 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Patch, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                                        if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                                            if (resp.ResponseHeaders.Contains("OData-EntityId"))
                                                passed = true;
                                                passed = false;
                                                detail4.ErrorMessage = "The response headers does not contain OData-EntityId header for above patch request.";
                                            passed = false;
                                            detail4.ErrorMessage = "Patch HTTP request failed.";
                                        passed = false;
                                        detail3.ErrorMessage = "The response headers does not contain OData-EntityId header for above POST request.";
                                    passed = false;
                                    detail3.ErrorMessage = "POST HTTP request failed for above URI.";

                        // Restore the service.
                        var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                        passed = false;
                        detail1.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";


            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2, detail3, detail4

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

예제 #37
        private void initializeDataHandler()
            _markets = new MarketAggregator();

            //const string dsPath = "TickData.qbd";
            //_histFeed = new HistoricalDataHandler(dsPath);
            //_histFeed.AddDataInterval(new DateTime(2013, 3, 4, 23, 59, 50), new DateTime(2013, 3, 5, 0, 1, 0));
            //_histFeed.AddDataInterval(new DateTime(2013, 3, 5, 23, 59, 44), new DateTime(2013, 3, 6, 0, 1, 0));

            //var NKH3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NKM3 Index", 13, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));

            //var NOH3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NOH3 Index", 17, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));

            //var NIH3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NIH3 Index", 21, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));
            //NIH3.LogEachTick = true;

            //var TPH3 = new DataFactory(new Security("TPH3 Index", 26, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));

            //var JBH3 = new DataFactory(new Security("JBH3 Comdty", 31, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));

            //var JPY = new DataFactory(new Security("JPY Curncy", 9, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));


            //DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            //TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - start;
            //Console.WriteLine("Playback time {0} seconds", time.Seconds.ToString());

            //const string filePath = @"C:\Users\Andre\Documents\BBDataSource\Market Aggregator OutPut\";
            //_markets.BatchWriteOutData(MarketAggregator.OutPutType.FlatFile, MarketAggregator.OutPutMktMode.BothMkts, filePath, 11);

            var NKM3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NKM3 Index", 13, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));
            _blbgFeed.AddSecurity(NKM3, NKM3.SecurityName);
            NKM3.LogEachTick = true;

            //var NOM3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NOM3 Index", 18, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));
            //NOM3.LogEachTick = true;

            //var JPY = new DataFactory(new Security("JPY Curncy", 9, Security.SecurityType.Curncy));
            //_blbgFeed.AddSecurity(JPY.Security, JPY);
            //JPY.LogEachTick = true;

            ////var NIM3 = new DataFactory(new Security("NIM3 Index", 22, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));
            ////NIM3.LogEachTick = true;

            //var JBM3 = new DataFactory(new Security("JBM3 Comdty", 32, Security.SecurityType.IndexFuture));
            //JBM3.LogEachTick = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            TermDocuments termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            DataFactory   dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            var           detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail3          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            var           detail4          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string> keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <string> norPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.CollectionValued).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count)
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property and a string type normal property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            foreach (var en in entityTypeElements)
                var matchEntity = en.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc,
                                                                   new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetUpdateRestrictions

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntity.Item1) &&
                    matchEntity.Item2 != null && matchEntity.Item2.Any() &&
                    matchEntity.Item3 != null && matchEntity.Item3.Any())
                    entityType = en;

            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetUrl))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Cannot find the entity-set URL which is matched with {0}", entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);
            if (HttpStatusCode.Created == resp.StatusCode)
                string entityId = additionalInfos.Last().EntityId;
                bool   hasEtag  = additionalInfos.Last().HasEtag;
                resp    = WebHelper.GetEntity(entityId);
                detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, entityId, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp);
                if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                    JObject       entity           = JObject.Parse(resp.ResponsePayload);
                    List <string> norPropertyNames = entityType.NormalProperties
                                                     .Where(norProp => norPropertyTypes.Contains(norProp.PropertyType) && !norProp.IsKey)
                                                     .Select(norProp => norProp.PropertyName)
                    reqDataStr = dFactory.ConstructUpdatedEntityData(entity, norPropertyNames).ToString();
                    resp       = WebHelper.UpdateEntity(entityId, context.RequestHeaders, reqDataStr, HttpMethod.Patch, hasEtag);
                    detail3    = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Patch, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);
                    if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent == resp.StatusCode)
                        resp    = WebHelper.GetEntity(entityId);
                        detail4 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, entityId, HttpMethod.Get, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

                        if (HttpStatusCode.OK == resp.StatusCode)
                            entity = JObject.Parse(resp.ResponsePayload);
                            var jProps  = entity.Children <JProperty>();
                            int counter = 0;

                            foreach (var jP in jProps)
                                if (norPropertyNames.Contains(jP.Name) && Constants.UpdateData == jP.Value.ToString())

                            if (norPropertyNames.Count == counter)
                                passed = true;
                                passed = false;
                                detail4.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Not all properties in request are updated, there are {0} properties in request to be updated but {1} properties are updated. ", norPropertyNames.Count, counter);
                            passed = false;
                            detail4.ErrorMessage = "Can not get the updated entity.";
                        passed = false;
                        detail3.ErrorMessage = "Patch the entity failed.";
                    passed = false;
                    detail2.ErrorMessage = "Can not get the created entity from above URI.";

                // Restore the service.
                var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                passed = false;
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "Created the new entity failed for above URI.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2, detail3, detail4

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

        private void AddHistDataToCache(DataFactory factory, TickData tick)
            if (!CachedTickData.ContainsKey(tick.TimeStamp))
                CachedTickData.Add(tick.TimeStamp, new Dictionary<DataFactory, List<TickData>>());

            Dictionary<DataFactory, List<TickData>> timeInterval = CachedTickData[tick.TimeStamp];

            if (!timeInterval.ContainsKey(factory))
                timeInterval.Add(factory, new List<TickData>());
            List<TickData> tickData = timeInterval[factory];

예제 #40
파일: DataCatalog.cs 프로젝트: bjorg/DReAM
 //--- Constructors ---
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="factory">Factory to use for command construction and query execution.</param>
 /// <param name="connectionString">Database connection string.</param>
 /// <param name="slowSqlWarningEnabled">A value indicating whether the slow SQL warning is enabled.</param>
 public DataCatalog(DataFactory factory, string connectionString, bool slowSqlWarningEnabled = true)
     if(factory == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
     if(connectionString == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
     this._factory = factory;
     _connection = connectionString;
     _slowSqlWarningEnabled = slowSqlWarningEnabled;
		public void GetChildren_WithFourParameters_ShouldCallGetChildrenWithFourParametersOfTheWrappedDataFactory()
				bool getChildrenIsCalled = false;
				PageReference pageLinkValue = null;
				ILanguageSelector selectorValue = null;
				int? startIndexValue = null;
				int? maxRowsValue = null;
				PageDataCollection pageDataCollection = new PageDataCollection();
				ShimDataFactory.StaticConstructor = () => { };
				DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();

				new ShimDataFactory(dataFactory).GetChildrenPageReferenceILanguageSelectorInt32Int32 = delegate(PageReference pageLink, ILanguageSelector selector, int startIndex, int maxRows)
					getChildrenIsCalled = true;
					pageLinkValue = pageLink;
					selectorValue = selector;
					startIndexValue = startIndex;
					maxRowsValue = maxRows;
					return pageDataCollection;

				PageReference pageLinkParameter = new PageReference();
				ILanguageSelector selectorParameter = Mock.Of<ILanguageSelector>();
				int startIndexParameter = DateTime.Now.Second;
				int maxRowsParameter = DateTime.Now.Millisecond;

				Assert.AreEqual(pageDataCollection, new DataFactoryWrapper(dataFactory, Mock.Of<IPageDataCaster>(), Mock.Of<IPermanentLinkMapper>()).GetChildren(pageLinkParameter, selectorParameter, startIndexParameter, maxRowsParameter));
				Assert.AreEqual(pageLinkParameter, pageLinkValue);
				Assert.AreEqual(selectorParameter, selectorValue);
				Assert.AreEqual(startIndexValue.Value, startIndexParameter);
				Assert.AreEqual(maxRowsValue.Value, maxRowsParameter);
예제 #42
파일: DataCatalog.cs 프로젝트: PeteE/DReAM
        public DataCatalog(DataFactory factory, XDoc config)
            if(factory == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
            if(config == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
            _factory = factory;

            // compose connection string from config document
            string server = config["db-server"].AsText ?? "localhost";
            int port = config["db-port"].AsInt ?? 3306;
            string catalog = config["db-catalog"].AsText;
            string user = config["db-user"].AsText;
            string password = config["db-password"].AsText ?? string.Empty;
            string options = config["db-options"].AsText;
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(catalog)) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config/catalog");
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config/user");
            _connection = string.Format("Server={0};Port={1};Database={2};Uid={3};Pwd={4};{5}", server, port, catalog, user, password, options);

            // compose read-only connection string
            string readonly_server = config["db-readonly-server"].AsText ?? server;
            int readonly_port = config["db-readonly-port"].AsInt ?? port;
            string readonly_catalog = config["db-readonly-catalog"].AsText ?? catalog;
            string readonly_user = config["db-readonly-user"].AsText ?? user;
            string readonly_password = config["db-readonly-password"].AsText ?? password;
            string readonly_options = config["db-readonly-options"].AsText ?? options;
            _readonlyconnection = string.Format("Server={0};Port={1};Database={2};Uid={3};Pwd={4};{5}", readonly_server, readonly_port, readonly_catalog, readonly_user, readonly_password, readonly_options);
		public void GetDescendents_ShouldCallGetDescendentsOfTheWrappedDataFactoryAndReturnAConvertedResult()
				bool getDescendentsIsCalled = false;
				PageReference pageLinkValue = null;
				IList<PageReference> pageReferenceList = new List<PageReference>(new[] {new PageReference(1), new PageReference(2), new PageReference(3)});
				ShimDataFactory.StaticConstructor = () => { };
				DataFactory dataFactory = new DataFactory();

				new ShimDataFactory(dataFactory).GetDescendentsPageReference = delegate(PageReference pageLink)
					getDescendentsIsCalled = true;
					pageLinkValue = pageLink;
					return pageReferenceList;

				ContentReference contentLinkParameter = new ContentReference(DateTime.Now.Second);

				IEnumerable<ContentReference> descendents = new DataFactoryWrapper(dataFactory, Mock.Of<IPageDataCaster>(), Mock.Of<IPermanentLinkMapper>()).GetDescendents(contentLinkParameter);
				Assert.AreEqual(pageLinkValue, contentLinkParameter);
				Assert.AreEqual(pageLinkValue.ID, contentLinkParameter.ID);
				// ReSharper disable PossibleMultipleEnumeration
				Assert.AreEqual(3, descendents.Count());
				Assert.AreEqual(1, descendents.ElementAt(0).ID);
				Assert.AreEqual(2, descendents.ElementAt(1).ID);
				Assert.AreEqual(3, descendents.ElementAt(2).ID);
				// ReSharper restore PossibleMultipleEnumeration
        private static TickData DataRowToTickData(DataFactory factory, DataRow row)
            Type type;
            DateTime timeStamp;
            Double price;
            uint size;
            Dictionary<string, string> codes = null;
            TickData tick = null;

            // try parse dataRow for tick data values
            if (Enum.TryParse(row[0].ToString(), out type))
                if (DateTime.TryParse(row[1].ToString(), out timeStamp))
                    if (Double.TryParse(row[2].ToString(), out price))
                        if (uint.TryParse(row[3].ToString(), out size))
                            if ((price > 0) || (price < 0))
                                // if there are any codes, add to the tickData event
                                if ((row[4].ToString() != String.Empty) || (row[5].ToString() != String.Empty))
                                    codes = GetCodes(row[4].ToString(), row[5].ToString(), type);

                                // create a new tick data event
                                tick = new TickData
                                    Type = type,
                                    TimeStamp = timeStamp,
                                    Price = price,
                                    Size = size,
                                    Codes = codes,
                                    Security = factory.SecurityObj.Name,
                                    SecurityObj = factory.SecurityObj,
                                    SecurityID = factory.SecurityObj.Id


            return tick;
 private void InitData()
     ModelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
     _service   = DataFactory.getManagerService(ModelState, Information.PersistanceStrategy);
        private void ParseDataTable(DataFactory factory, DataTable dt)
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing {0} DataTable({1} rows)", factory.SecurityName, dt.Rows.Count.ToString());

            if (!_mktSummaryEvents.ContainsKey(factory))
                _mktSummaryEvents.Add(factory, new MktSummaryEvent {Complete = false});
            MktSummaryEvent mktSummary = _mktSummaryEvents[factory];

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                TickData tick = DataRowToTickData(factory, row);
                if (tick != null)
                    if (!mktSummary.Complete)
                        mktSummary = PrepareMktSummaryEvent(factory, mktSummary, tick);
                        _mktSummaryEvents[factory] = mktSummary;
                        AddHistDataToCache(factory, tick);
예제 #47
파일: DataCatalog.cs 프로젝트: PeteE/DReAM
 //--- Constructors ---
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="factory">Factory to use for command construction and query execution.</param>
 /// <param name="connectionString">Database connection string.</param>
 public DataCatalog(DataFactory factory, string connectionString)
     if(factory == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
     if(connectionString == null) {
         throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString");
     this._factory = factory;
     _connection = connectionString;
예제 #48
 public static void Init()
     HandlerFactory.Add(new GenericHandler());
     DataFactory.Add(new SqlDataAccess());
예제 #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the extension rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The Interop service context</param>
        /// <param name="info">out parameter to return violation information when rule does not pass</param>
        /// <returns>true if rule passes; false otherwise</returns>
        public override bool?Verify(ServiceContext context, out ExtensionRuleViolationInfo info)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            bool?passed = null;

            info = null;
            ServiceStatus             serviceStatus    = ServiceStatus.GetInstance();
            TermDocuments             termDocs         = TermDocuments.GetInstance();
            DataFactory               dFactory         = DataFactory.Instance();
            ExtensionRuleResultDetail detail1          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            ExtensionRuleResultDetail detail2          = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name);
            List <string>             keyPropertyTypes = new List <string>()
                "Edm.Int32", "Edm.Int16", "Edm.Int64", "Edm.Guid", "Edm.String"
            List <EntityTypeElement> entityTypeElements = MetadataHelper.GetEntityTypes(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, 1, keyPropertyTypes, null, NavigationRoughType.None).ToList();

            if (null == entityTypeElements || 0 == entityTypeElements.Count())
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with Int32/Int64/Int16/Guid/String key property, but there is no this entity type in metadata so can not verify this rule.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            // To get test entity which is deleteable and insertable
            EntityTypeElement entityType = null;

            foreach (var entityEle in entityTypeElements)
                var matchEntity = entityEle.EntitySetName.GetRestrictions(serviceStatus.MetadataDocument, termDocs.VocCapabilitiesDoc,
                                                                          new List <Func <string, string, string, List <NormalProperty>, List <NavigProperty>, bool> >()
                    AnnotationsHelper.GetInsertRestrictions, AnnotationsHelper.GetDeleteRestrictions

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(matchEntity.Item1) &&
                    matchEntity.Item2 != null && matchEntity.Item2.Any() &&
                    matchEntity.Item3 != null && matchEntity.Item3.Any())
                    entityType = entityEle;

            if (null == entityType)
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "To verify this rule it expects an entity type with deleteable and insertable restrictions, but there is no entity type in metadata which is insertable and deleteable.";
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            string entitySetUrl = entityType.EntitySetName.MapEntitySetNameToEntitySetURL();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetUrl))
                detail1.ErrorMessage = string.Format("Cannot find the entity-set URL which is matched with {0}.", entityType.EntityTypeShortName);
                info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, detail1);


            string url             = serviceStatus.RootURL.TrimEnd('/') + @"/" + entitySetUrl;
            var    additionalInfos = new List <AdditionalInfo>();
            var    reqData         = dFactory.ConstructInsertedEntityData(entityType.EntitySetName, entityType.EntityTypeShortName, null, out additionalInfos);
            string reqDataStr      = reqData.ToString();
            bool   isMediaType     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalInfos.Last().ODataMediaEtag);
            var    resp            = WebHelper.CreateEntity(url, context.RequestHeaders, reqData, isMediaType, ref additionalInfos);

            detail1 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Post, string.Empty, resp, string.Empty, reqDataStr);

            // If create successfully, the resource is updatable and deletable.
            if (resp.StatusCode.HasValue && resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
                // Get feed response.
                resp    = WebHelper.Get(new Uri(url), Constants.V4AcceptHeaderJsonFullMetadata, RuleEngineSetting.Instance().DefaultMaximumPayloadSize, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders);
                detail2 = new ExtensionRuleResultDetail(this.Name, url, HttpMethod.Get, StringHelper.MergeHeaders(Constants.V4AcceptHeaderJsonFullMetadata, serviceStatus.DefaultHeaders), resp);
                if (resp.StatusCode.HasValue && resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    JObject jo;
                    resp.ResponsePayload.TryToJObject(out jo);
                    var entries = JsonParserHelper.GetEntries(jo);
                    foreach (JObject entry in entries)
                        if (entry[Constants.V4OdataEditLink] == null)
                            passed = false;
                            detail2.ErrorMessage = "Not all entities from above URI contain edit links.";

                    if (passed == null)
                        passed = true;
                    passed = false;
                    detail2.ErrorMessage = "Get feed resource failed from above URI.";

                // Restore the service.
                var resps = WebHelper.DeleteEntities(context.RequestHeaders, additionalInfos);
                passed = null;
                detail1.ErrorMessage = "Created new entity failed, it is not an updatable resource and can not verify this rule.";

            var details = new List <ExtensionRuleResultDetail>()
                detail1, detail2

            info = new ExtensionRuleViolationInfo(new Uri(serviceStatus.RootURL), serviceStatus.ServiceDocument, details);

        private static MktSummaryEvent CheckForSyntheticTradeCondition(DataFactory factory, MktSummaryEvent mktSummary)
            if ((mktSummary.Ask != null) && (mktSummary.Bid != null))
                mktSummary.Trade = new TickData
                    Type = Type.Trade,
                    TimeStamp = mktSummary.EventTime,
                    Price = (mktSummary.Bid.Price + mktSummary.Ask.Price) / 2,
                    Size = 0,
                    Codes = null,
                    Security = factory.SecurityObj.Name,
                    SecurityObj = factory.SecurityObj,
                    SecurityID = factory.SecurityObj.Id

            return mktSummary;