예제 #1
        internal static List <POCO.Files.CPFile> GetFilesAssociatedToRecordForBatchProcessing(DataConfig dataConfig, POCO.System system, POCO.Record record)
            List <POCO.Files.CPFile> filesToProcess = new List <POCO.Files.CPFile>();

            // Create the filter
            string recordUri = record.RowKey;

            if (!recordUri.EndsWith("|"))
                recordUri += "|";
            }                                                   // Standardise the url to end in a pipe '|' to help match files via partial Uri

            List <DataFactory.Filter> filters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();

            DataFactory.Filter pkGTEFilter = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", recordUri, "ge");
            DataFactory.Filter pkLTFilter  = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", Utils.GetLessThanFilter(recordUri), "lt");

            // Check the system type
            string thisPageId = string.Empty;
            string nextPageId = string.Empty;

            switch (system.Type)
            case POCO.SystemType.SharePointOnline:
            case POCO.SystemType.SharePointTeam:
            case POCO.SystemType.SharePointOneDrive:
                    List <POCO.SPFile> spfiles = DataFactory.SharePointOnline.GetFiles(dataConfig, filters, thisPageId, 1000, out nextPageId);

                    // Convert to ICPFile format
                    foreach (POCO.SPFile fileToConvert in spfiles)
                        // Convert to ICPFile compatible object
                        POCO.Files.SPFile file = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <POCO.Files.SPFile>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileToConvert));

                    thisPageId = nextPageId;
                }while (nextPageId != string.Empty);


            case POCO.SystemType.GoogleDrive:
                List <POCO.Files.GoogleFile> googlefiles = DataFactory.Google.GetFiles(dataConfig, filters);

                // Convert to ICPFile format
                foreach (POCO.Files.GoogleFile fileToConvert in googlefiles)
                    // Convert to ICPFile compatible object
                    POCO.Files.GoogleFile file = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <POCO.Files.GoogleFile>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileToConvert));


            case POCO.SystemType.NTFSShare:

                List <POCO.NTFSFile> ntfsFiles = DataFactory.NTFS.GetFiles(dataConfig, filters);

                // Convert to ICPFile format
                foreach (POCO.NTFSFile fileToConvert in ntfsFiles)
                    // Convert to ICPFile compatible object
                    POCO.Files.NTFSFile ntfsfile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <POCO.Files.NTFSFile>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileToConvert));


            case POCO.SystemType.Basecamp:
                // Get the Basecamp files

                // URL format of the basecamp project is:  https://<basecamp api>/<account number>/projects/<project id>.json
                // all data for a project is in "buckets": https://<basecamp api>/<account number>/buckets/<project id>/<type of bucket>/<id>.json
                // any data matching should use the buckets/<project id>>
                string basecampFilesUri = record.RecordUri.Replace("projects", "buckets");
                if (basecampFilesUri.ToLower().EndsWith(".json"))
                    basecampFilesUri = basecampFilesUri.Substring(0, basecampFilesUri.Length - 5);
                if (!basecampFilesUri.EndsWith("|"))
                    basecampFilesUri += "|";

                List <DataFactory.Filter> basecampFilters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();

                string             pk         = Utils.CleanTableKey(basecampFilesUri);
                DataFactory.Filter basecampPK = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", pk, "eq");

                //DataFactory.Filter basecampPKLT = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", Utils.GetLessThanFilter(pk), "lt");

                DataFactory.DataConfig             basecampDataConfig = dataConfig;
                List <POCO.BasecampDocumentEntity> basecampFiles      = DataFactory.BasecampProject.GetFiles(basecampDataConfig, basecampFilters);

                // Convert to ICPFile format
                foreach (POCO.BasecampDocumentEntity fileToConvert in basecampFiles)
                    // Convert to ICPFile compatible object
                    //BasecampFile basefile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BasecampFile>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileToConvert));

                    POCO.Files.BasecampFile bf = new POCO.Files.BasecampFile();
                    bf.BatchGuid             = Guid.Empty;
                    bf.BatchStatus           = null;
                    bf.CreationTime          = fileToConvert.TimeCreated;
                    bf.FolderUri             = fileToConvert.PartitionKey;
                    bf.ItemUri               = fileToConvert.ServerRelativeUrl;
                    bf.JsonFileProcessResult = null;
                    bf.LastModifiedTime      = fileToConvert.TimeLastModified;
                    bf.Name              = fileToConvert.Name;
                    bf.OrganisationId    = Guid.Empty;
                    bf.PartitionKey      = fileToConvert.PartitionKey;
                    bf.RowKey            = fileToConvert.RowKey;
                    bf.SiteUrl           = fileToConvert.ServerRelativeUrl;
                    bf.SourceFileName    = fileToConvert.Name;
                    bf.SourceRelativeUrl = fileToConvert.ServerRelativeUrl;
                    bf.Title             = fileToConvert.Title;
                    bf.UniqueId          = fileToConvert.UniqueId;



                throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown system type: " + system.Type);

예제 #2
        public IActionResult GetByRecordAssociationFilter([FromQuery] string filter)
            string entityAsJson = "";
            List <POCO.RecordAssociationSubjectObject> subjectObjectEntities = new List <POCO.RecordAssociationSubjectObject>();

                _logger.LogInformation("CPAPI: Get By Record Association Filter");

                // Deserialize the ontology filter
                Controllers.RecordAssociationFilter oFilter = new Controllers.RecordAssociationFilter();
                if (filter != null && filter.Length > 0)
                    _logger.LogDebug("Deserializing Record Association filter of length: " + filter.Length);
                    oFilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Controllers.RecordAssociationFilter>(filter);

                // Check if a filter has been supplied
                if (oFilter.recordassociations.Count == 0)
                    // Nothing to filter by - return invalid filter

                // Create the filters for the datafactory
                List <DataFactory.Filter> filters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();
                if (oFilter.recordassociations.Count > 0)
                    string combinedFilter = "";
                    foreach (RecordAssociation rif in oFilter.recordassociations)
                        string cleanFilterPKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(rif.recorduri);    // Utils.CleanTableKey(rif.recorduri);
                        string cleanFilterRKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(rif.recordassociationuri);

                        if (cleanFilterPKey != "")
                            DataFactory.Filter pkfilt = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", cleanFilterPKey, "eq");
                        // Check if an item key has been provided
                        if (cleanFilterRKey != "")
                            DataFactory.Filter rkfilt = new DataFactory.Filter("RowKey", cleanFilterRKey, "eq");
                    _logger.LogInformation("RecordKeyPhraseFilter query BLANK");

                DataFactory.DataConfig dataCfg = Utils.GetDataConfig();

                List <POCO.RecordAssociationSubjectObject> subjectobject = DataFactory.Record.GetRecordAssociationSubjectObject(dataCfg, filters);

                //CloudTable table = Utils.GetCloudTableNoCreate("stlprecordassociationsubjectobject", _logger);

                //// Create a default query
                //TableQuery<SubjectObjectEntity> query = new TableQuery<SubjectObjectEntity>();
                //string combinedFilter = "";
                //if (oFilter.recordassociations.Count > 0)
                //    foreach (string rafilter in oFilter.recordassociations)
                //    {
                //        string cleanFilterPKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(rafilter);

                //        string pkquery = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, cleanFilterPKey);

                //        if (combinedFilter != "")
                //        {
                //            combinedFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(combinedFilter, TableOperators.Or, pkquery);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            combinedFilter = pkquery;
                //        }
                //    }

                //// Create final combined query
                //query = new TableQuery<SubjectObjectEntity>().Where(combinedFilter);

                //List<SubjectObjectEntity> SubjectObjectEntityEntities = new List<SubjectObjectEntity>();
                //TableContinuationToken token = null;

                //var runningQuery = new TableQuery<SubjectObjectEntity>()
                //    FilterString = query.FilterString,
                //    SelectColumns = query.SelectColumns

                //    runningQuery.TakeCount = query.TakeCount - SubjectObjectEntityEntities.Count;

                //    Task<TableQuerySegment<SubjectObjectEntity>> tSeg = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync<SubjectObjectEntity>(runningQuery, token);
                //    tSeg.Wait();
                //    token = tSeg.Result.ContinuationToken;
                //    SubjectObjectEntityEntities.AddRange(tSeg.Result);

                //} while (token != null && (query.TakeCount == null || SubjectObjectEntityEntities.Count < query.TakeCount.Value) && SubjectObjectEntityEntities.Count < 1000);    //!ct.IsCancellationRequested &&

                // Return only distinct entrys
                List <string> SubjectObjectEntityKeys = new List <string>();
                foreach (POCO.RecordAssociationSubjectObject ne in subjectobject)
                    if (!SubjectObjectEntityKeys.Contains(ne.RowKey))
                        // Add the entity to the output
                        // and the key
                subjectObjectEntities.Sort((x, y) => String.Compare(x.RowKey, y.RowKey));

                // Serialize
                entityAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(subjectObjectEntities, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exceptionMsg = "Subject Object GET BY RECORD FILTER exception: " + ex.Message;
                //log.Info("Exception occurred extracting text from uploaded file \r\nError: " + ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + "[" + ex.InnerException.Message + "]";


            ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult(entityAsJson);

예제 #3
        public static void LogEventService(DataFactory.DataConfig providerConfig, string serviceModule, string serviceEvent)
            // Store the table name suffix
            string tableNameSuffix = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(Utils.TableSuffixDateFormatYM);

            // Create the data object
            DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            string   logid           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            POCO.LogServiceEvent log = new POCO.LogServiceEvent();
            log.PartitionKey  = Utils.CleanTableKey(serviceModule);
            log.RowKey        = Utils.CleanTableKey(logid);
            log.LogDateTime   = currentDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
            log.LogId         = logid;
            log.NodeIp        = string.Empty;
            log.NodeName      = string.Empty;
            log.ServiceEvent  = serviceEvent;
            log.ServiceModule = serviceModule;

            switch (providerConfig.ProviderType)
            case "azure.tableservice":

                // Cycle the tables each month to manage size
                string tableName = AzureTableNames.DiagnosticsFileProcessing + tableNameSuffix;

                AzureLogServiceEvent az = new AzureLogServiceEvent(log);

                CloudTable     table     = Utils.GetCloudTable(providerConfig, tableName);
                TableOperation operation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(az);
                Task           tUpdate   = table.ExecuteAsync(operation);


            case "internal.mongodb":
                string mongoTableName = MongoTableNames.DiagnosticsFileProcessing + tableNameSuffix;
                IMongoCollection <MongoLogServiceEvent> collection = Utils.GetMongoCollection <MongoLogServiceEvent>(providerConfig, mongoTableName);

                // Create the data object
                MongoLogServiceEvent mongoObject = new MongoLogServiceEvent();
                mongoObject.PartitionKey  = Utils.CleanTableKey(serviceModule);
                mongoObject.RowKey        = Utils.CleanTableKey(logid);
                mongoObject.LogDateTime   = currentDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                mongoObject.LogId         = logid;
                mongoObject.NodeIp        = string.Empty;
                mongoObject.NodeName      = string.Empty;
                mongoObject.ServiceEvent  = serviceEvent;
                mongoObject.ServiceModule = serviceModule;

                // Insert


                throw new ApplicationException("Data provider not recognised: " + providerConfig.ProviderType);

            //TODO return id of new object if supported
        public IActionResult GetByFilter([FromQuery] string filter)
            string entityAsJson = "";

                _logger.LogInformation("CPAPI: Get");

                // Deserialize the ontology filter
                OntologyFilter oFilter = new OntologyFilter();
                if (filter != null && filter.Length > 0)
                    _logger.LogDebug("Deserializing ontology filter of length: " + filter.Length);
                    oFilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OntologyFilter>(filter);

                List <DataFactory.Filter> filters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();
                foreach (string of in oFilter.ontology)
                    string             cleanFilterPKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(of);
                    DataFactory.Filter pkfilt          = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", cleanFilterPKey, "eq");

                //CloudTable table = Utils.GetCloudTable("stlpontology", _logger);

                //// Create a default query
                //TableQuery<OntologyEntity> query = new TableQuery<OntologyEntity>();
                //if (oFilter.ontology.Count>0)
                //    string combinedFilter = "";
                //    foreach(string of in oFilter.ontology)
                //    {
                //        string cleanFilterPKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(of);
                //        string pkquery = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, cleanFilterPKey);

                //        if (combinedFilter!="")
                //        {
                //            combinedFilter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(combinedFilter, TableOperators.Or, pkquery);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            combinedFilter = pkquery;
                //        }
                //    }
                //    // Create final combined query
                //    query = new TableQuery<OntologyEntity>().Where(combinedFilter);
                //List<OntologyEntity> ontologyEntities = new List<OntologyEntity>();
                //TableContinuationToken token = null;

                //var runningQuery = new TableQuery<OntologyEntity>()
                //    FilterString = query.FilterString,
                //    SelectColumns = query.SelectColumns

                //    runningQuery.TakeCount = query.TakeCount - ontologyEntities.Count;

                //    Task<TableQuerySegment<OntologyEntity>> tSeg = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync<OntologyEntity>(runningQuery, token);
                //    tSeg.Wait();
                //    token = tSeg.Result.ContinuationToken;
                //    ontologyEntities.AddRange(tSeg.Result);

                //} while (token != null && (query.TakeCount == null || ontologyEntities.Count < query.TakeCount.Value));    //!ct.IsCancellationRequested &&

                DataFactory.DataConfig datacfg          = Utils.GetDataConfig();
                List <POCO.Ontology>   ontologyEntities = DataFactory.Ontology.GetOntology(datacfg, filters);

                ontologyEntities.Sort((x, y) => String.Compare(x.Label, y.Label));

                entityAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ontologyEntities, Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exceptionMsg = "Ontology GET exception: " + ex.Message;
                //log.Info("Exception occurred extracting text from uploaded file \r\nError: " + ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + "[" + ex.InnerException.Message + "]";


            ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult(entityAsJson);

예제 #5
        public IActionResult GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter([FromQuery] string filter)
            string entityAsJson = "";

                _logger.LogInformation("CPAPI: GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter");

                // Deserialize the data filter
                FileExceptionFilter oFilter = new FileExceptionFilter();
                if (filter != null && filter.Length > 0)
                    string filterDecoded = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(filter);
                    filterDecoded = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(filterDecoded);

                    _logger.LogDebug("Deserializing filter of length: " + filterDecoded.Length);
                    oFilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FileExceptionFilter>(filterDecoded);

                // Validate the filter
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oFilter.systemuri) ||
                    _logger.LogWarning("GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter: systemuri or exceptiontype is blank");
                //Guid systemGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
                //if (!Guid.TryParse(oFilter.systemid, out systemGuid))
                //    _logger.LogWarning("GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter: systemid is invalid - expected Guid");
                //    return StatusCode((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                if (oFilter.exceptiontype.Length > 50)
                    _logger.LogWarning("GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter: exception type is invalid - too long");

                // Create system filter
                List <DataFactory.Filter> filters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();
                DataFactory.Filter        f1      = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", oFilter.systemuri, "eq");

                DataFactory.DataConfig dataConfig = Utils.GetDataConfig();

                List <POCO.System> systems = DataFactory.System.GetSystems(dataConfig, filters);
                if (systems.Count != 1)
                    _logger.LogWarning("GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter: system count expected 1 instead of: " + systems.Count.ToString());

                // Get the data
                List <POCO.FileProcessException> fileexceptions = DataFactory.Log.GetFileProcessException(dataConfig, systems[0], oFilter.exceptiontype);

                // Convert to JSON and return
                entityAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fileexceptions);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exceptionMsg = "GetByFileProcessExceptionFilter: exception: " + ex.Message;
                //log.Info("Exception occurred extracting text from uploaded file \r\nError: " + ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + "[" + ex.InnerException.Message + "]";


            ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult(entityAsJson);

예제 #6
        public IActionResult GetByReverseFilter([FromQuery] string filter)
            string        entityAsJson = "";
            List <string> keyPhrases   = new List <string>();

                _logger.LogInformation("CPAPI: Get By Reverse KeyPhrase Filter");

                // Deserialize the ontology filter
                KeyPhraseFilter oFilter = new KeyPhraseFilter();
                if (filter != null && filter.Length > 0)
                    _logger.LogDebug("Deserializing KeyPhrase filter of length: " + filter.Length);
                    oFilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <KeyPhraseFilter>(filter);

                List <string> wordsToFind = new List <string>();

                // Create a default query
                List <DataFactory.Filter> filters = new List <DataFactory.Filter>();
                if (oFilter.keyphrases.Count > 0)
                    //string combinedFilter = "";
                    foreach (string rif in oFilter.keyphrases)
                        string cleanFilterPKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(rif);
                        //string cleanFilterRKey = Utils.CleanTableKey(rif);

                        DataFactory.Filter pkFilterGE = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", cleanFilterPKey, "ge");
                        DataFactory.Filter pkFilterLT = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", Utils.GetLessThanFilter(cleanFilterPKey), "lt");

                        // Also split any words in this term for later word search
                        string[] splitwords = cleanFilterPKey.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: getting keyphraseEntities for words=" + oFilter.keyphrases);
                Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                List <POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverse> keyphraseEntities = new List <POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverse>();
                DataFactory.DataConfig dataConfig = Utils.GetDataConfig();
                keyphraseEntities = DataFactory.KeyPhrase.GetReverseKeyPhrases(dataConfig, filters);
                _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: keyphraseEntities=" + keyphraseEntities.Count.ToString() + " timer=" + st.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms");

                //// Now get reverse keyphrase words
                //List<POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverseWord> words = new List<POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverseWord>();
                //if (wordsToFind.Count>0)
                //    // Find matches for each word and add to our keyphrase set
                //    foreach (string w in wordsToFind)
                //    {
                //        // Create filter and search
                //        List<DataFactory.Filter> wordfilter = new List<DataFactory.Filter>();
                //        DataFactory.Filter word = new DataFactory.Filter("PartitionKey", w, "eq");
                //        wordfilter.Add(word);
                //        _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: getting word matches for word=" + w);
                //        st.Restart();
                //        string nextPageId = string.Empty;
                //        List<POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverseWord> wordMatches = DataFactory.KeyPhrase.GetReverseKeyPhraseWords(dataConfig, wordfilter, string.Empty, 2000, out nextPageId);
                //        st.Stop();
                //        _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: word=" + w + " wordMatches=" + wordMatches.Count.ToString() + " timer=" + st.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms");
                //        words.AddRange(wordMatches);
                //    }

                //// Check if we have any word matches
                //if (words.Count>0)
                //    foreach(POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverseWord word in words)
                //    {
                //        // Split the rowkey
                //        string[] key = word.RowKey.Split("|||");
                //        if (key.Length==3)
                //        {
                //            // Create a new keyphrase reverse object using this word match
                //            // multi-part key format is [record assoc uri] [key phrase] [key phrase location]
                //            POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverse kpreverse = new POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverse(key[1], key[0], key[2]);
                //            keyphraseEntities.Add(kpreverse);
                //        }
                //    }

                // Return only distinct keyphrases
                _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: creating return data");
                foreach (POCO.RecordAssociationKeyPhraseReverse kp in keyphraseEntities)
                    if (!keyPhrases.Contains(kp.PartitionKey))
                keyPhrases.Sort((x, y) => String.Compare(x, y));

                // Serialize
                entityAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(keyPhrases, Formatting.Indented);
                _logger.LogInformation("GetByReverseFilter: created return data timer=" + st.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string exceptionMsg = "KeyPhrase GET exception: " + ex.Message;
                //log.Info("Exception occurred extracting text from uploaded file \r\nError: " + ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + "[" + ex.InnerException.Message + "]";


            ObjectResult result = new ObjectResult(entityAsJson);
