예제 #1
파일: Org.cs 프로젝트: max-serrin/Org
        public Org(string directory)
            // Initialization
            KeyPreview = true;

            // Hotkeys Setup
            hotkeys = new Dictionary <Tuple <Keys, Modes>, HotkeysSettings>();

            foreach (Keys key in DataExtensions.GetCommonKeysAndButtons())
                foreach (Modes mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Modes)))
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Control, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Control));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Shift, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Shift));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Alt, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Alt));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Alt, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Control | Keys.Shift | Keys.Alt));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Shift, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Shift));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Shift | Keys.Alt, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Shift | Keys.Alt));
                    hotkeys.Add(new Tuple <Keys, Modes>(key | Keys.Alt, mode), new HotkeysSettings(key | Keys.Alt));
            undoHistory = new Stack <UndoActions>();

            pictureBox.MouseWheel += PictureBox_MouseWheel;

            // PictureBox Context Menu Setup
            pictureBoxContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
            pictureBoxContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Randomize", PictureBoxContextMenu_Randomize_onClick);
            pictureBoxContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Reference", PictureBoxContextMenu_Reference_onClick);
            pictureBox.ContextMenu = pictureBoxContextMenu;

            // TreeView Context Menu Setup
            treeViewContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
            treeViewContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Add to Favorites", TreeViewContextMenu_AddToFavorites_onClick);
            treeViewContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Remove from Favorites", TreeViewContextMenu_RemoveFromFavorites_onClick);
            treeViewContextMenu.MenuItems.Add("Randomize", TreeViewContextMenu_Randomize_onClick);
            folderBrowser.ContextMenu = treeViewContextMenu;

            fullScreen = new FullScreen(pictureBox, this);
            settings   = new Settings(this);

            // Mode Setup
            mode = Modes.Browse;
            browseToolStripMenuItem.Checked = true;

            browseToolStripMenuItem.Tag    = Modes.Browse;
            organizeToolStripMenuItem.Tag  = Modes.Organize;
            randomizeToolStripMenuItem.Tag = Modes.Randomize;

            // Load Images
            images = new Images(directory);

            // TreeView Setup
            favorites = new TreeNode("Favorites")
                Tag = ""
예제 #2
            public override void Show()
                // Modifier
                panel.Controls.Add(new Label {
                    Text = "Modifier:", TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, Width = 47
                CheckBox checkBox;

                panel.Controls.Add(checkBox = new CheckBox {
                    Text = "Ctrl", Width = 47, Tag = Keys.Control
                checkBox.CheckedChanged    += CheckBox_CheckedChanged;
                panel.Controls.Add(checkBox = new CheckBox {
                    Text = "Alt", Width = 47, Tag = Keys.Alt
                checkBox.CheckedChanged    += CheckBox_CheckedChanged;
                panel.Controls.Add(checkBox = new CheckBox {
                    Text = "Shift", Width = 47, Tag = Keys.Shift
                checkBox.CheckedChanged += CheckBox_CheckedChanged;
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(checkBox, true);

                // Mode
                panel.Controls.Add(new Label {
                    Text = "Mode:", TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, Width = 47
                panel.Controls.Add(currentMode = new ComboBox()
                    Tag = Keys.M
                foreach (Modes mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Modes)))
                currentMode.SelectedIndex         = 0;
                currentMode.SelectedIndexChanged += ComboBox_ModeChanged;
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(currentMode, true);

                // Key
                panel.Controls.Add(new Label {
                    Text = "Key:", TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight, Width = 47

                List <HotkeySettings> hotkeySettingsList = new List <HotkeySettings>();

                foreach (Keys key in DataExtensions.GetCommonKeysAndButtons())
                    hotkeySettingsList.Add(new HotkeySettings(key));

                hotkeys = new ComboBox();
                hotkeys.SelectedIndexChanged += LoadHotkeySettings;
                hotkeys.DataSource            = hotkeySettingsList;
                hotkeys.DisplayMember         = "Name";
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(hotkeys, true);

                // Radio selections
                HotkeySettings hotkeySettings = (HotkeySettings)hotkeys.SelectedItem;
                RadioButton    radioButton;

                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "None", Tag = Actions.None
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(radioButton, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Move selected file to ", Tag = Actions.Move
                panel.Controls.Add(textBox_Move = new TextBox {
                    Text = "...", Tag = Actions.Move
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(textBox_Move, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Copy", Tag = Actions.Copy, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Copy data", Tag = Actions.CopyData, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Cut", Tag = Actions.Cut, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(radioButton, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Delete", Tag = Actions.Delete, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(checkBox = new CheckBox {
                    Text = "Permanent", Tag = Actions.Delete, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(checkBox, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Select all", Tag = Actions.SelectAll, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "All previous", Tag = Actions.SelectAllPrevious, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "All following", Tag = Actions.SelectAllFollowing, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Fullscreen", Tag = Actions.FullScreen, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Next", Tag = Actions.NextFile, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Previous", Tag = Actions.PreviousFile, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false, Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(radioButton, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Skip", Tag = Actions.Skip, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(textBox_Skip = new NumericUpDown {
                    Value = 1, Tag = Actions.Skip
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(textBox_Skip, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Up Directory", Tag = Actions.UpDirectory, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Next Directory", Tag = Actions.NextDirectory, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Previous Directory", Tag = Actions.PreviousDirectory, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Rename", Tag = Actions.Rename
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(radioButton, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Open with", Tag = Actions.Open, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(textBox_Open = new TextBox {
                    Text = "...", Tag = Actions.Open
                panel.Controls.Add(exeDialogButton = new Button {
                    Text = "...", Tag = Actions.Open, AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink, AutoEllipsis = false
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(exeDialogButton, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Set mode", Tag = Actions.Mode, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false
                panel.Controls.Add(textBox_Mode = new ComboBox()
                    Tag = Actions.Mode
                foreach (Modes mode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Modes)))
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(textBox_Mode, true);

                panel.Controls.Add(radioButton = new RadioButton {
                    Text = "Undo", Tag = Actions.Undo
                ((FlowLayoutPanel)panel).SetFlowBreak(radioButton, true);

                Button button;

                panel.Controls.Add(button = new Button {
                    Text = "Save"
                button.MouseClick += SaveHotkeySettings;

                panel.Controls.Add(new CheckBox {
                    Text = "For All Modes", Tag = Keys.A, AutoSize = true, AutoEllipsis = false

                panel.Layout += new LayoutEventHandler(SettingsLayoutPanel_Layout);

                // Load the initial hotkey
                LoadHotkeySettings(hotkeys, null);