private void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera with the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeCapture mode
            // and set it as the frame source of the context. The camera is off by default and must be
            // turned on to start streaming frames to the data capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(
                          "Sample depends on a camera, which failed to initialize.");

            // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled. For the purpose of this
            // sample we enable the QR symbology. In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app
            // requires as every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            var barcodeCaptureSettings = BarcodeCaptureSettings.Create();

            barcodeCaptureSettings.EnableSymbology(Symbology.Qr, true);

            // Create new barcode capture mode with the settings from above.
            barcodeCapture = BarcodeCapture.Create(dataCaptureContext, barcodeCaptureSettings);

            // By default, every time a barcode is scanned, a sound (if not in silent mode) and a
            // vibration are played. In the following we are setting a success feedback without sound
            // and vibration.
            barcodeCapture.Feedback.Success = new Feedback();

            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode capturing process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this, this.dataCaptureContext);

            // Add a barcode capture overlay to the data capture view to render the location of captured
            // barcodes on top of the video preview.
            // This is optional, but recommended for better visual feedback.
            overlay = BarcodeCaptureOverlay.Create(this.barcodeCapture, this.dataCaptureView);

            // Add a square viewfinder as we are only scanning square QR codes.
            overlay.Viewfinder = RectangularViewfinder.Create(RectangularViewfinderStyle.Square, RectangularViewfinderLineStyle.Light);

            // Adjust the overlay's barcode highlighting to match the new viewfinder styles and improve the visibility of feedback.
            // With 6.10 we will introduce this visual treatment as a new style for the overlay.
            this.highlightingBrush = new Brush(fillColor: Android.Graphics.Color.Transparent,
                                               strokeColor: Android.Graphics.Color.White,
                                               strokeWidth: 3);
            overlay.Brush = this.highlightingBrush;

        private void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start
            // streaming frames to the data capture context for recognition.
            // See ResumeFrameSource and OnPause methods.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();

            if ( != null)
                // Use the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeTracking mode.
                CameraSettings cameraSettings = BarcodeTracking.RecommendedCameraSettings;
                // Adjust camera settings - set Full HD resolution.
                cameraSettings.PreferredResolution = VideoResolution.FullHd;

            // The barcode tracking process is configured through barcode tracking settings
            // which are then applied to the barcode tracking instance that manages barcode tracking.
            BarcodeTrackingSettings barcodeTrackingSettings = BarcodeTrackingSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires
            // as every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            HashSet <Symbology> symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>();



            // Create barcode tracking and attach to context.
            this.barcodeTracking = BarcodeTracking.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeTrackingSettings);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed of tracked barcodes.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode tracking process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this, this.dataCaptureContext);

            // Create barcode tracking overlay to the data capture view to render the tracked barcodes on
            // top of the video preview. This is optional, but recommended for better visual feedback.
            BarcodeTrackingBasicOverlay.Create(this.barcodeTracking, this.dataCaptureView);

            // Add the DataCaptureView to the container.
            FrameLayout container = this.FindViewById <FrameLayout>(Resource.Id.data_capture_view_container);

        private void SetupRecognition()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.context = DataCaptureContextExtensions.LicensedContext;

            // Use the camera and set it as the frame source of the context. The camera is off by
            // default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data capture context for recognition.
            // See viewWillAppear and viewDidDisappear above.

            // Use the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeTracking mode as default settings.
            // The preferred resolution is automatically chosen, which currently defaults to HD on all devices.
            // Setting the preferred resolution to full HD helps to get a better decode range.
            var cameraSettings = BarcodeTracking.RecommendedCameraSettings;

            cameraSettings.PreferredResolution = VideoResolution.Uhd4k;

            // The barcode tracking process is configured through barcode tracking settings
            // and are then applied to the barcode tracking instance that manages barcode tracking.
            var settings = BarcodeTrackingSettings.Create(BarcodeTrackingScenario.A);

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled. For the purpose of this
            // sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies. In your own app ensure that you only enable the
            // symbologies that your app requires as every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            settings.EnableSymbologies(new HashSet <Symbology>

            // Create new barcode tracking mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeTracking = BarcodeTracking.Create(this.context, settings);


            // To visualize the on-going barcode tracking process on screen, setup a data capture view that renders the
            // camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.captureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.context, this.View.Bounds);
            this.captureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;

            // Add a barcode tracking overlay to the data capture view to render the tracked barcodes on top of the video
            // preview. This is optional, but recommended for better visual feedback. The overlay is automatically added
            // to the view.
            this.basicOverlay          = BarcodeTrackingBasicOverlay.Create(this.barcodeTracking, this.captureView);
            this.basicOverlay.Listener = this;

            // Add another barcode tracking overlay to the data capture view to render other views. The overlay is
            // automatically added to the view.
            this.advancedOverlay          = BarcodeTrackingAdvancedOverlay.Create(this.barcodeTracking, this.captureView);
            this.advancedOverlay.Listener = this;
        protected void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( != null)
                // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            // Use the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeTracking mode as default settings.
            // The preferred resolution is automatically chosen, which currently defaults to HD on all devices.
            CameraSettings cameraSettings = BarcodeTracking.RecommendedCameraSettings;

            // Setting the preferred resolution to full HD helps to get a better decode range.
            cameraSettings.PreferredResolution = VideoResolution.FullHd;
            BarcodeTrackingSettings barcodeTrackingSettings = BarcodeTrackingSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires as
            // every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            HashSet <Symbology> symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>()


            // Create new barcode tracking mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeTracking = BarcodeTracking.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeTrackingSettings);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode tracking process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            var dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, this.View.Bounds);

            dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight |
            BarcodeTrackingBasicOverlay.Create(this.barcodeTracking, dataCaptureView);
예제 #5
        protected void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( != null)
                // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            BarcodeCaptureSettings barcodeCaptureSettings = BarcodeCaptureSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable the QR symbology. In your own app ensure
            // that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires as every additional
            // enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            barcodeCaptureSettings.EnableSymbology(Symbology.Qr, true);

            // Create new barcode capture mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeCapture = BarcodeCapture.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeCaptureSettings);

            // By default, every time a barcode is scanned, a sound (if not in silent mode) and a
            // vibration are played. In the following we are setting a success feedback without sound
            // and vibration.
            this.barcodeCapture.Feedback.Success = new Feedback(vibration: null, sound: null);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode capturing process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, this.View.Bounds);
            this.dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight |

            this.overlay            = BarcodeCaptureOverlay.Create(this.barcodeCapture, this.dataCaptureView);
            this.overlay.Viewfinder = RectangularViewfinder.Create(RectangularViewfinderStyle.Square, RectangularViewfinderLineStyle.Light);

            // Adjust the overlay's barcode highlighting to match the new viewfinder styles and improve the visibility of feedback.
            // With 6.10 we will introduce this visual treatment as a new style for the overlay.
            this.highlightingBrush = new Brush(fillColor: UIColor.Clear,
                                               strokeColor: UIColor.White,
                                               strokeWidth: 3);
            overlay.Brush = this.highlightingBrush;

예제 #6
        private void SetupRecognition()
            // Register this as a listener to get informed whenever a
            // new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode capturing process on screen,
            // setup a data capture view that renders the camera preview.
            // The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(Context, View.Bounds);
            this.dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth |
            SettingsManager.Instance.CaptureView = this.dataCaptureView;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()


            // To visualize the on-going capturing process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(DataCaptureManager.Instance.DataCaptureContext, this.View.Bounds);
            this.dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight |

            this.captureOverlay = IdCaptureOverlay.Create(DataCaptureManager.Instance.IdCapture, this.dataCaptureView);
            this.captureOverlay.IdLayoutStyle = IdLayoutStyle.Square;

예제 #8
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


            Toolbar toolbar = this.FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);


            ViewGroup container = this.FindViewById <ViewGroup>(Resource.Id.data_capture_view_container);

            // Create a new DataCaptureView and fill the screen with it. DataCaptureView will show
            // the camera preview on the screen. Pass your DataCaptureContext to the DataCaptureView.
            this.view = DataCaptureView.Create(this, DataCaptureManager.Instance.DataCaptureContext);
            container.AddView(view, new Android.Widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent));

            this.overlay = IdCaptureOverlay.Create(DataCaptureManager.Instance.IdCapture, this.view);
            this.overlay.IdLayoutStyle = IdLayoutStyle.Square;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the recommended camera settings for the BarcodeTracking mode.
            var cameraSettings = BarcodeTracking.RecommendedCameraSettings;

            // Adjust camera settings - set Full HD resolution.
            cameraSettings.PreferredResolution = VideoResolution.FullHd;
            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
            camera = Camera.GetDefaultCamera(cameraSettings);

            if (camera == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException(
                          "Sample depends on a camera, which failed to initialize.");


            // The barcode tracking process is configured through barcode tracking settings
            // which are then applied to the barcode tracking instance that manages barcode tracking.
            var barcodeTrackingSettings = BarcodeTrackingSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires
            // as every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            var symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>


            // Create barcode tracking and attach to context.
            barcodeTracking = BarcodeTracking.Create(dataCaptureContext, barcodeTrackingSettings);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed of tracked barcodes.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode tracking process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            var dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this, dataCaptureContext);

            // Add a barcode tracking overlay to the data capture view to render the tracked barcodes on
            // top of the video preview. This is optional, but recommended for better visual feedback.
            var overlay =
                BarcodeTrackingBasicOverlay.Create(barcodeTracking, dataCaptureView);

            // Configure how barcodes are highlighted - apply default brush or create your own.
            // final Brush defaultBrush = new Brush(Color.BLUE, Color.RED, 5f);
            defaultBrush  = overlay.Brush;
            overlay.Brush = defaultBrush;

            var rejectedFillColor   = ContextCompat.GetColor(this, Resource.Color.barcode_rejected);
            var rejectedBorderColor = ContextCompat.GetColor(this, Resource.Color.barcode_rejected_border);

            rejectedBrush    = new Brush(rejectedFillColor, rejectedBorderColor, 1f);
            overlay.Listener = this;

            // Add the DataCaptureView to the container.
            var container = FindViewById <FrameLayout>(Resource.Id.data_capture_view_container);

        private void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( != null)
                // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            // The barcode capturing process is configured through barcode capture settings
            // which are then applied to the barcode capture instance that manages barcode recognition.
            BarcodeCaptureSettings barcodeCaptureSettings = BarcodeCaptureSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires as
            // every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            HashSet <Symbology> symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>();



            // Some linear/1d barcode symbologies allow you to encode variable-length data.
            // By default, the Scandit Data Capture SDK only scans barcodes in a certain length range.
            // If your application requires scanning of one of these symbologies, and the length is
            // falling outside the default range, you may need to adjust the "active symbol counts"
            // for this symbology. This is shown in the following few lines of code for one of the
            // variable-length symbologies.
            SymbologySettings symbologySettings =

            ICollection <short> activeSymbolCounts = new HashSet <short>(
                new short[] { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 });

            symbologySettings.ActiveSymbolCounts = activeSymbolCounts;

            // Create new barcode capture mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeCapture = BarcodeCapture.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeCaptureSettings);
            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode capturing process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this, this.dataCaptureContext);

            // Add a barcode capture overlay to the data capture view to render the location of captured
            // barcodes on top of the video preview.
            // This is optional, but recommended for better visual feedback.
            BarcodeCaptureOverlay overlay = BarcodeCaptureOverlay.Create(this.barcodeCapture, this.dataCaptureView);

            overlay.Viewfinder = RectangularViewfinder.Create();

 public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
     this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.RequireContext(), null);
예제 #12
        protected void InitializeAndStartBarcodeScanning()
            // Create data capture context using your license key.
            this.dataCaptureContext = DataCaptureContext.ForLicenseKey(SCANDIT_LICENSE_KEY);

            // Use the default camera and set it as the frame source of the context.
            // The camera is off by default and must be turned on to start streaming frames to the data
            // capture context for recognition.
            // See resumeFrameSource and pauseFrameSource below.
   = Camera.GetDefaultCamera();
            if ( != null)
                // Use the settings recommended by barcode capture.

            BarcodeCaptureSettings barcodeCaptureSettings = BarcodeCaptureSettings.Create();

            // The settings instance initially has all types of barcodes (symbologies) disabled.
            // For the purpose of this sample we enable a very generous set of symbologies.
            // In your own app ensure that you only enable the symbologies that your app requires as
            // every additional enabled symbology has an impact on processing times.
            HashSet <Symbology> symbologies = new HashSet <Symbology>()


            // Some linear/1d barcode symbologies allow you to encode variable-length data.
            // By default, the Scandit Data Capture SDK only scans barcodes in a certain length range.
            // If your application requires scanning of one of these symbologies, and the length is
            // falling outside the default range, you may need to adjust the "active symbol counts"
            // for this symbology. This is shown in the following few lines of code for one of the
            // variable-length symbologies.
            SymbologySettings symbologySettings =

            HashSet <short> activeSymbolCounts = new HashSet <short>(
                new short[] { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 });

            symbologySettings.ActiveSymbolCounts = activeSymbolCounts;

            // Create new barcode capture mode with the settings from above.
            this.barcodeCapture = BarcodeCapture.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, barcodeCaptureSettings);

            // Register self as a listener to get informed whenever a new barcode got recognized.

            // To visualize the on-going barcode capturing process on screen, setup a data capture view
            // that renders the camera preview. The view must be connected to the data capture context.
            this.dataCaptureView = DataCaptureView.Create(this.dataCaptureContext, this.View.Bounds);
            this.dataCaptureView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight |

            this.overlay            = BarcodeCaptureOverlay.Create(this.barcodeCapture, this.dataCaptureView);
            this.overlay.Viewfinder = RectangularViewfinder.Create(RectangularViewfinderStyle.Square, RectangularViewfinderLineStyle.Light);

            // Adjust the overlay's barcode highlighting to match the new viewfinder styles and improve the visibility of feedback.
            // With 6.10 we will introduce this visual treatment as a new style for the overlay.
            overlay.Brush = new Brush(fillColor: UIColor.Clear,
                                      strokeColor: UIColor.White,
                                      strokeWidth: 3);
