예제 #1
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]) != 0)
            userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
            DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);               //gets all accounts
            System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0];   //table holding all account entries for the user
            object s = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field <object>("AcctNumber"); //sets the default account to the first of the user's accounts. LIKELY CHANGE LATER.
            if (Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]) == 0)
                Session["account"] = Convert.ToInt64(s);                    //saves the first account as the default account during the session
            userID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["userID"]);                    //saves the Session userID to the variable on this page
            Session["userID"]  = 1; //temporary solution for demo 3/19/2017
            Session["account"] = 211111110;

        BudgetDS = DA.returnBoundedBudgets(Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]), d1, d2);

        //Sets the source for the listview

        BudgetList.DataSource = BudgetDS;
        DataTable    accounts = DA.returnAccounts(userID).Tables[0];
        DropDownList DDL      = AccountList;

        DDL.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Account", "0"));
        DDL.DataSource     = accounts;
        DDL.DataTextField  = "AcctNumber";
        DDL.DataValueField = "AcctNumber";


        DataTable    categories = DA.returnCategories(userID).Tables[0];
        DropDownList DDL2       = CategorySelect;

        DDL2.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Category", "0"));
        DDL2.DataSource     = categories;
        DDL2.DataTextField  = "Name";
        DDL2.DataValueField = "CategoryID";

예제 #2
    public static string[,] getPieValues(long account)
        DataAbstract DA          = new DataAbstract();
        DateTime     DT          = System.DateTime.Now;
        DateTime     before      = DT.AddMonths(-1);
        DataSet      accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);

        System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0]; //table holding all account entries for the user

        //object accountObject = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field<object>("AcctNumber");
        //long accountNumber = Convert.ToInt64(accountObject);

        DataSet catData = DA.returnCategories(userID);

        System.Data.DataTable catTable = catData.Tables[0];
        int resLength = catTable.Rows.Count;

        string[,] result = new string[resLength, 3];
        double totalTransactions = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < catTable.Rows.Count; ++i) //get name and total spent for each category
            object   catIDData = catTable.Rows[i].Field <object>("CategoryID");
            object   nameData  = catTable.Rows[i].Field <object>("Name");
            int      catID     = Convert.ToInt32(catIDData);
            string   category  = Convert.ToString(nameData);
            DateTime start     = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
            DateTime end       = DateTime.Now;
            //double catSum = DA.returnTransactionCategoryBoundTotals(catID, account, start, end); //one month span
            double catSum = DA.returnTransactionCategoryBoundTotals(catID, account, Convert.ToDateTime("12/1/2016"), Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2017")); //other span
            totalTransactions += catSum;
            result[i, 0]       = category;
            result[i, 1]       = Convert.ToString(catSum);
        } //end of for loop
          //result has names and totals of each category
        double degreeCheck = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < catTable.Rows.Count; ++i) //get degrees of pie chart for each category
            double catSum = Convert.ToDouble(result[i, 1]);

            double percent = catSum / totalTransactions;
            if (catSum == 0)
                percent = 0;
            double degrees = percent * 360;
            result[i, 2] = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(degrees));
            degreeCheck += degrees;

예제 #3
        static public void notifyOne(int userID)
            Boolean notifyGoals;
            Boolean notifyBudgets;

            DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

            notifyBudgets = Convert.ToBoolean(DA.returnUser(userID).Tables[0].Rows[0].Field <object>("GoalsNotifications"));
            notifyGoals   = Convert.ToBoolean(DA.returnUser(userID).Tables[0].Rows[0].Field <object>("BudgetsNotifications"));
            DataTable accounts = DA.returnAccounts(userID).Tables[0];
            string    emailMsg = "Report on your financial status \n";

            for (int i = 0; i < accounts.Rows.Count; ++i) //iterate through all accounts of the user
                long accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(accounts.Rows[i].Field <object>("AcctNumber"));

                //Section for proceessing Goal portion of email
                if (notifyGoals)
                    //emailMsg += getGoalText(accountNum);
                }//end of goals section
                //Section for processing Budget section of email
                if (notifyBudgets)
                    DataTable budgets = DA.returnBudgets(accountNum).Tables[0];
                    emailMsg += "\n\nYour current Budget Updates \n";
                    for (int j = 0; j < budgets.Rows.Count; ++j)
                        DataRow b = budgets.Rows[j];
                        int     notificationCount = Convert.ToInt32(b.Field <object>("NotificationCount"));
                        int     budgetID          = Convert.ToInt32(b.Field <object>("BudgetID"));

                        string categoryName = DA.returnCategoryName(Convert.ToInt32(b.Field <object>("CategoryID")));
                        double currentAmt   = Convert.ToDouble(b.Field <object>("CurrentAmt"));
                        double maxAmt       = Convert.ToDouble(b.Field <object>("MaxAmt"));
                        double percent      = currentAmt / maxAmt;

                        Notifications N = new Notifications();
                        int           notificationCountUpdate = N.Check("budget", percent * 100);

                        if (notificationCountUpdate > notificationCount)
                            DA.updateNotificationBudgets(budgetID, notificationCountUpdate);
                            string budgetString = categoryName + " has reached " + (percent * 100).ToString("N0") + "%\n";
                            emailMsg += budgetString;
                    }//end of budgets
                string[]      m    = emailMsg.Trim().Split();
                Notifications Note = new Notifications();
                Note.sendEmail(emailMsg, accountNum.ToString());
            }//end of specific account
예제 #4
    public void getAccounts(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA       = new DataAbstract();
        DataTable    accounts = DA.returnAccounts(userID).Tables[0];
        DropDownList DDL      = AccountList;

        DDL = (DropDownList)sender;
        DDL.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Account", "0"));
        DDL.DataSource     = accounts;
        DDL.DataTextField  = "AcctNumber";
        DDL.DataValueField = "AcctNumber";


        DDL.ID = "EditAccountList";

        //sender = DDL;
예제 #5
    protected void Page_PreRender()
        if (!IsPostBack)
            DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();
            if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]) != 0)
                userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
                DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);               //gets all accounts
                System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0];   //table holding all account entries for the user
                object s = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field <object>("AcctNumber"); //sets the default account to the first of the user's accounts. LIKELY CHANGE LATER.
                if (Session["account"] == null)
                    Session["account"] = Convert.ToInt64(s);                    //saves the first account as the default account during the session
                userID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["userID"]);                    //saves the Session userID to the variable on this page
                Session["userID"]  = 1; //temporary solution for demo 3/19/2017
                Session["account"] = 211111110;
            // long, datetime, datetime int, int
            transactions = DA.returnTransactions(Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]));
            TransactionsList.DataSource = transactions;
            int uid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
            ChangeCategoryDD.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Account", "0"));
            ChangeCategoryDD.DataSource     = DA.returnCategories(uid);
            ChangeCategoryDD.DataTextField  = "Name";
            ChangeCategoryDD.DataValueField = "CategoryID";

            ListItem LVI = ChangeCategoryDD.Items.FindByValue("6");     //set listview selected to 'other' on load
            if (LVI != null)
                int index = ChangeCategoryDD.Items.IndexOf(LVI);
                ChangeCategoryDD.SelectedIndex = index;
예제 #6
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]) != 0)
            userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
            DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);               //gets all accounts
            System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0];   //table holding all account entries for the user
            object s = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field <object>("AcctNumber"); //sets the default account to the first of the user's accounts. LIKELY CHANGE LATER.
            if (Session["account"] == null)
                Session["account"] = Convert.ToInt64(s);                    //saves the first account as the default account during the session
            userID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["userID"]);                    //saves the Session userID to the variable on this page
            Session["userID"]  = 1; //temporary solution for demo 3/19/2017
            Session["account"] = 211111110;

        GoalDS = DA.returnFavorites("Goal", Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]));

        //Sets the source for the listview

        FaveGoalsList.DataSource = GoalDS;

        BudgetDS = DA.returnFavorites("Budget", Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]));

        //Sets the source for the listview

        FaveBudgetsList.DataSource = BudgetDS;

        hfAcctNum.Value = Convert.ToString(Session["account"]);
예제 #7
    //DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
    //DateTime later = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]) != 0)
            userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
            DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);               //gets all accounts
            System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0];   //table holding all account entries for the user
            object s = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field <object>("AcctNumber"); //sets the default account to the first of the user's accounts. LIKELY CHANGE LATER.
            if (Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]) == 0)
                Session["account"] = Convert.ToInt64(s);                    //saves the first account as the default account during the session
            userID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["userID"]);                    //saves the Session userID to the variable on this page
            Session["userID"]  = 1; //temporary solution for demo 3/19/2017
            Session["account"] = 211111110;
예제 #8
    private void LoadSubjects()
        DataAbstract DA         = new DataAbstract();
        DataTable    categories = DA.returnCategories(userID).Tables[0];
        DataTable    accounts   = DA.returnAccounts(userID).Tables[0];

        //Set sources for the dropdowns and associate the text and value
        //   based on the datatable fields

        CategorySelect.DataSource     = categories;
        CategorySelect.DataTextField  = "Name";
        CategorySelect.DataValueField = "CategoryID";

        AccountList.DataSource     = accounts;
        AccountList.DataTextField  = "AcctNumber";
        AccountList.DataValueField = "AcctNumber";

        CategorySelect.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Category", "0"));
        AccountList.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Account", "0"));
예제 #9
    public static string[,] getbudgetData()
        DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

        DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);

        System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0]; //table holding all account entries for the user
        int accountCount = accountsTable.Rows.Count;                 //the total number of accounts for the user

        int totalBudgetCount = 0;

        //grab each account under the userID, grab the goals for each account, sum number of all goals
        for (int num = 0; num < accountCount; ++num)
            System.Data.DataRow accountRow = accountsTable.Rows[num];
            object s          = accountRow.Field <object>("AcctNumber");
            long   accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(s);
            totalBudgetCount += DA.returnBudgets(accountNum).Tables[0].Rows.Count;

        string[,] result = new string[totalBudgetCount, 9];  //will hold data for all goals in all accounts

        int total = 0;

        //populate the 2D array

        for (int i = 0; i < accountCount; ++i) //variable i iterates through accounts
            System.Data.DataRow accountRow = accountsTable.Rows[i];
            long    accountNum             = Convert.ToInt64(accountRow.Field <object>("AcctNumber"));
            DataSet D = DA.returnBudgets(accountNum);

            System.Data.DataTable T = D.Tables[0];  //Gets the actual Goals Table, filtered appropriately
            int rowCount            = T.Rows.Count; //Number of entries

            for (int j = 0; j < rowCount; ++j)      //variable j iterates through budgets of an account
                //RAW DATABASE OBJECTS
                object BudgetIDData, CategoryIDData, StartDateData, EndDateData, MaxAmtData, CompletedData, FailedData, CurrentAmt;
                string BudgetID, CategoryID, AcctNumber, StartDate, EndDate, MaxAmt, Completed, Failed, Current;
                System.Data.DataRow DR = T.Rows[j];          //gets the current row we're copying

                BudgetIDData = DR.Field <object>("BudgetID");
                BudgetID     = Convert.ToString(BudgetIDData);
                CategoryIDData = DR.Field <object>("CategoryID");
                CategoryID     = DA.returnCategoryName(Convert.ToInt32(CategoryIDData));
                AcctNumber = Convert.ToString(accountNum);
                StartDateData = DR.Field <object>("StartDate");
                StartDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(StartDateData).ToString("M dd, yyyy");
                EndDateData = DR.Field <object>("EndDate");
                EndDate     = Convert.ToDateTime(EndDateData).ToString("M dd, yyyy");
                MaxAmtData = DR.Field <object>("MaxAmt");
                MaxAmt     = Convert.ToInt32(MaxAmtData).ToString("C2");
                CompletedData = DR.Field <object>("Completed");
                Completed     = Convert.ToString(CompletedData);
                FailedData = DR.Field <object>("Failed");
                Failed     = Convert.ToString(FailedData);

                CurrentAmt = DR.Field <object>("CurrentAmt");
                Current    = Convert.ToString(CurrentAmt);

                result[total, 0] = BudgetID;
                result[total, 1] = CategoryID;
                result[total, 2] = AcctNumber;
                result[total, 3] = StartDate;
                result[total, 4] = EndDate;
                result[total, 5] = MaxAmt;
                result[total, 6] = Completed;  // "false" or "true"
                result[total, 7] = Failed;     // "false" or "true"
                result[total, 8] = Current;
            } //end goal
예제 #10
    //Before page loads, the logged in user data is pulled.
    //If none are logged in, user 1 is logged in (for easier development and demonstration)
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA = new DataAbstract();

        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]) != 0)
            userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userID"]);
            DataSet accountData = DA.returnAccounts(userID);               //gets all accounts
            System.Data.DataTable accountsTable = accountData.Tables[0];   //table holding all account entries for the user
            object s = accountsTable.Rows[0].Field <object>("AcctNumber"); //sets the default account to the first of the user's accounts. LIKELY CHANGE LATER.
            if (Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]) == 0)
                Session["account"] = Convert.ToInt64(s);                    //saves the first account as the default account during the session
            userID = Convert.ToInt16(Session["userID"]);                    //saves the Session userID to the variable on this page
            Session["userID"]  = 1; //temporary solution for demo 3/19/2017
            Session["account"] = 211111110;

        DataSet DS = new DataSet();

        //Sets the source for the listview
        //Session's tab key decides if active or inactive tabs are displayed
        if (Convert.ToString(Session["tab"]) == "Inactive")
            Session.Add("tab", "Inactive");
            DS = DA.returnCompleteGoals(Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]));
            GoalsList.DataSource = DS;

            //sets addfunds box and button to hidden
            TextBox addbox  = new TextBox();
            Button  addbutn = new Button();
            for (int i = 0; i < GoalsList.Items.Count(); i++)
                addbox  = (TextBox)GoalsList.Items[i].FindControl("AddAmt");
                addbutn = (Button)GoalsList.Items[i].FindControl("AddFundsSubmit");
                if (addbutn != null)
                    if (addbox != null)
                        addbox.Visible  = false;
                        addbutn.Visible = false;
            Session.Add("tab", "Active");
            DS = DA.returnIncompleteGoals(Convert.ToInt64(Session["account"]));
            GoalsList.DataSource = DS;
            //sets addfunds box and button to visible
            TextBox addbox  = new TextBox();
            Button  addbutn = new Button();

            for (int i = 0; i < GoalsList.Items.Count(); i++)
                addbox  = (TextBox)GoalsList.Items[i].FindControl("AddAmt");
                addbutn = (Button)GoalsList.Items[i].FindControl("AddFundsSubmit");
                if (addbutn != null)
                    if (addbox != null)
                        addbox.Visible  = true;
                        addbutn.Visible = true;