예제 #1
        private Data.PartOfSolution insertRectangle(Data.Rectangle x, Data.Rectangle r, bool[,] t)
            Data.PartOfSolution part = new Data.PartOfSolution();
            int m = t.GetLength(0);  //liczba wierszy
            int n = t.GetLength(1);  //liczba kolumn

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    if (t[i, j] == false)
                        //czy mozna wstawic prostokat
                        if (this.canBeInserted(i, j, x.Height, x.Width, t))
                            part.Ylu = i;
                            part.Xlu = j;
                            part.Yrd = i + x.Height - 1;
                            part.Xrd = j + x.Width - 1;
                            return part;
                        //a moze obrocony?
                        if (this.canBeInserted(i, j, x.Width, x.Height, t))
                            part.Ylu = i;
                            part.Xlu = j;
                            part.Yrd = i + x.Width - 1;
                            part.Xrd = j + x.Height - 1;
                            return part;

            part = this.findBestPlacement(x, r, t);
            if (part == null)
                part = this.findBestPlacement(x, r, t);
            return part;
예제 #2
 private Data.PartOfSolution fillCorners(Data.Rectangle x, Data.Rectangle r, int c)
     if ((x.Width > r.Width) || (x.Height > r.Height)) return null;
     Data.PartOfSolution part = new Data.PartOfSolution();
     if (c==LU)  //lewy gorny
         part.Xlu = 0;
         part.Ylu = 0;
         part.Xrd = x.Width - 1;
         part.Yrd = x.Height - 1;
         return part;
     if (c==RU) //prawy gorny
         part.Xlu = r.Width - x.Width;
         part.Ylu = 0;
         part.Xrd = r.Width - 1;
         part.Yrd = x.Height - 1;
         return part;
     if (c==LD) //lewy dolny
         part.Xlu = 0;
         part.Ylu = r.Height - x.Height;
         part.Xrd = x.Width - 1;
         part.Yrd = r.Height - 1;
         return part;
     if (c == RD) //prawy dolny
         part.Xlu = r.Width - x.Width;
         part.Ylu = r.Height - x.Height;
         part.Xrd = r.Width - 1;
         part.Yrd = r.Height - 1;
         return part;
     return null;
예제 #3
 private Data.PartOfSolution findBestPlacement(Data.Rectangle x, Data.Rectangle r, bool[,] t)
     Data.PartOfSolution part = new Data.PartOfSolution();
     int m = t.GetLength(0);  //liczba wierszy
     int n = t.GetLength(1);  //liczba kolumn
     int max = -1, tmp;
     int a=0, b=0;
     for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
             //find the max free area for current rectangle
             tmp = this.countFreeSquares(x.Width, x.Height, i, j, t);
             if (max < tmp)
                 max = tmp;
                 a = i;
                 b = j;
     if (max < 0) return null;  //rectangle cannot be inserted
     part.Ylu = a;
     part.Xlu = b;
     part.Yrd = a + x.Width - 1;
     part.Xrd = b + x.Height - 1;
     return part;
예제 #4
        public bool constructHorizontalLayer(List<Data.Rectangle> rectangle, int w,int h)
            this.directionOfLayer = direction.Horizontal;
            int w1 = 0;
            this.start = h;
            this.end = -1;
            while (w1 < w )
                if (rectangle.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Zabraklo prostokatow by skonczyc warstwe");
                    return false; //moze cos lepiej
                Data.Rectangle rect = rectangle[0];
                this.listUsedRectangles.Add(rect); //niepotzrebne

                Data.PartOfSolution part = new Data.PartOfSolution();
                part.Xlu = w1;
                part.Ylu = h;
                part.Xrd = w1 + rect.Width;
                part.Yrd = h + rect.Height;
                w1 += rect.Width;

                if (this.end == -1 || this.end > part.Yrd)//h + rect.Height)
                    this.end = part.Yrd;// h + rect.Height;  //zapamietuje najglebsze wciecie!!!!!!
                this.lastPartEnd = part.Xrd;
                if (this.end2 < part.Yrd)
                    this.end2 = part.Yrd;
            return true;