static string _getErrorMessages(Type flutterOperationType, MethodInfo methodInfo, List <ParameterInfo> parametersInfo, Type returnType)
            if (parametersInfo == null)
                parametersInfo = new List <ParameterInfo>(0);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            string operationClassName = DartSupport.GetTypeName(flutterOperationType);

            string methodName = methodInfo.Name;

            builder.AppendLine($"Invalid {nameof(PlatformOperationAttribute)} for class {operationClassName}.");
            builder.AppendLine($"Method name: {methodName}");

            if (returnType != null)
                string returnTypeName = DartSupport.GetTypeName(returnType);
                builder.AppendLine($"- Invalid return type: {returnTypeName}");

            foreach (ParameterInfo info in parametersInfo)
                string paramName = info.Name;
                string paramType = DartSupport.GetTypeName(info.ParameterType);
                builder.AppendLine($"- Invalid \"{paramName}\" type: {paramType}");

        static string _getErrorMessages(IEnumerable <Type> types)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Type type in types)

        static string _getErrorMessages2(Type flutterOperationType, MethodInfo methodInfo, string invalidOperationName)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            string operationClassName = DartSupport.GetTypeName(flutterOperationType);

            string methodName = methodInfo.Name;

            builder.AppendLine($"Invalid {nameof(PlatformOperationAttribute)} for class {operationClassName}, method:{methodName}.");
            //builder.AppendLine($"ID for Method {methodName} => '{invalidOperationName}' is already used by another method!");
            builder.AppendLine($"Cannot exists multiple {nameof(PlatformOperationAttribute)} with the same method name: Function overloading is not supported in Dart at all.");

예제 #4
 public static string LibMessageImport(string package) => DartSupport.DartPackageImport(package, DartProject.DartSeparator.ToString(), DartFiles.LibMessageFileName);
예제 #5
 public static string IndexImport(string package) => DartSupport.DartPackageImport(package, DartProject.DartSeparator.ToString(), DartFiles.IndexFileName);
예제 #6
 public static string MessageSerializerImport(string package) => DartSupport.DartPackageImport(package, DartProject.DartSeparator.ToString(), DartFiles.MessageSerializerFileName);
예제 #7
 public static string ConvertersImport(string package) => DartSupport.DartPackageImport(package, DartProject.DartSeparator.ToString(), DartFiles.ConvertersFileName);
예제 #8
 public static string ExceptionsImport(string package) => DartSupport.DartPackageImport(package, DartProject.DartSeparator.ToString(), DartFiles.ExceptionsFileName);
예제 #9
        public static void Build(Assembly assembly, string outputDir, string packageName, string packageDescription = null, bool verbose = false)
            // NOTE: Parameters have been already validated!

            if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir))

            // Load or create Flutter package if it doesn't already exist

            DartProject dartProject = InitializePackage(outputDir, packageName, packageDescription, verbose);

            // Configure and resolve package dependencies

            ConfigurePackageDependencies(dartProject, verbose);

            // Delete all the "testing" project files

            string dartPackageName = dartProject.Name;

            Console.WriteLine("Parsing .NET assembly...");

            // Load all the assembly types: this call the assembly resolver.
            ICollection <Type> protocolTypes;

                protocolTypes = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error = $"Error loading the assembly. Verify that your .NET project not reference some native library.\nDetails: {ex.Message}";
                throw new Exception(error);

            // Load all classes that need to be exported in Dart and check if everything is valid

            // Force to add this exception type export
            //ICollection<Type> flutterEx = new List<Type>() { typeof(flutnet.sdk.FlutterException), typeof(flutnet.sdk.FlutterRunException) };

            // Base SDK types
            ICollection <Type> flutnetSdkTypes = new List <Type>()

            ICollection <Type> sysDataTypes = new List <Type>()

            protocolTypes = protocolTypes.Concat(flutnetSdkTypes).Concat(sysDataTypes).Distinct().ToList();

            // Exception types
            ICollection <Type> exceptionTypes = protocolTypes.Where(t => t.IsValidPlatformOperationException()).ToList();

            // Find out if some exception have some decoration: invalid!!!
            ICollection <Type> decoratedExceptions = exceptionTypes.Where(t => t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformDataAttribute), true).Length > 0 ||
                                                                          t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformServiceAttribute), true).Length > 0).ToList();

            if (decoratedExceptions.Any())
                string errorMessage = string.Join("\n", decoratedExceptions.Select(t => $"The type {t.FullName} is a {typeof(PlatformOperationException).Name}: cannot be decorated with annotations.").ToArray());
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);

            List <Type> referencedTypesFromException = new List <Type>();

            foreach (Type type in exceptionTypes)
                // Extract all the property types for each class
                List <Type> properties = DartSupport.GetAllReferencedTypes(type, protocolTypes).ToList();
                referencedTypesFromException.AddRange(properties.Where(p => p.IsValidPlatformOperationException() == false));

            // Verify that not exists classes with both decorations [FlutterData] and [FlutterService]
            ICollection <Type> multipleAttributeType = protocolTypes.Where(t => (t.IsClass || t.IsEnum || t.IsInterface) &&
                                                                           t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformDataAttribute), true).Length > 0 &&
                                                                           t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformServiceAttribute), true).Length > 0

            if (multipleAttributeType.Any())
                string errorMessage = string.Join("\n", multipleAttributeType.Select(t => $"The type {t.Name} cannot have both attribute {nameof(PlatformDataAttribute)} and {nameof(PlatformServiceAttribute)}").ToArray());
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);

            // Find all the classes marked as [FlutterData]: will be converted into Dart classes with FromJson and ToJson methods.
            ICollection <Type> dataTypes = protocolTypes.Where(t =>
                                                               sysDataTypes.Contains(t) ||                                                                        // To ensure the inclusion about FlutnetErrorCode & EventArgs
                                                               ((t.IsClass || t.IsEnum) && t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformDataAttribute), true).Length > 0) // user declared [PlatformData]

            // Take in consideration even all the property/fields types included in this classes
            List <Type> referencedTypes = new List <Type>();

            foreach (Type type in dataTypes)
                // Extrac all the property types for each class
                List <Type> properties = DartSupport.GetAllReferencedTypes(type, protocolTypes).ToList();

            // Add all the types referenced from FlutterData classes
            foreach (Type t in referencedTypes)
                if (dataTypes.Contains(t) == false)

            // Add all the types referenced from some FlutterException class
            foreach (Type et in referencedTypesFromException)
                if (dataTypes.Contains(et) == false)

            // Find all the classes or interface (even abstract) marked as [FlutterService]: all their method will be converted into Dart project.
            ICollection <Type> serviceTypes = protocolTypes
                                              .Where(t => t.IsValidPlatformService() && t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformServiceAttribute), true).Length > 0)

            // Map each service with all his methods and events
            Dictionary <Type, List <MethodInfo> > serviceToMethods = new Dictionary <Type, List <MethodInfo> >();
            Dictionary <Type, List <EventInfo> >  serviceToEvents  = new Dictionary <Type, List <EventInfo> >();

            // Take in consideration even all the types referenced by this methods(params and return types) -> will be considered as [FlutterData]
            List <Type> methodsTypes   = new List <Type>();
            List <Type> eventArgsTypes = new List <Type>();

            foreach (Type service in serviceTypes)
                #region Operations

                // Extract all the PUBLIC methods marked as "FlutterOperation"
                List <MethodInfo> flutterOperations = service.GetPlatformOperations().ToList();

                serviceToMethods.Add(service, flutterOperations);

                // Check for each platform operation the return and params class types
                foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in flutterOperations)
                    // Extract all the class properties
                    Type returnType = DartReturnType.GetNestedType(methodInfo.ReturnType);
                    if (returnType != typeof(void))
                        List <Type> properties = DartSupport.GetAllReferencedTypes(returnType, protocolTypes).ToList();
                        bool isCustom = protocolTypes.Contains(returnType);
                        if (isCustom)

                    foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in methodInfo.GetParameters())
                        List <Type> properties = DartSupport.GetAllReferencedTypes(paramInfo.ParameterType, protocolTypes).ToList();
                        bool isCustom = protocolTypes.Contains(paramInfo.ParameterType);
                        if (isCustom)


                #region Events

                // Exrract all the events marked as PlaftormEvent
                List <EventInfo> flutterEvents = service.GetPlatformEvents().ToList();

                serviceToEvents.Add(service, flutterEvents);

                foreach (EventInfo e in flutterEvents)
                    // Get the associated EventArgs
                    Type args = e.GetPlatformEventArgs();


                    List <Type> properties = DartSupport.GetAllReferencedTypes(args, protocolTypes).ToList();

                     * if (args.BaseType == typeof(EventArgs)) // Extend EventArgs
                     * {
                     * }
                     * else if(args == typeof(EventArgs)) // Empty args
                     * {
                     * }*/


            // Add all the method types in the data types collection
            foreach (Type mt in methodsTypes)
                if (dataTypes.Contains(mt) == false)

            // Add all the events args type
            foreach (Type argsType in eventArgsTypes)
                if (dataTypes.Contains(argsType) == false)

            // FlutterData
            dataTypes = dataTypes.Where(t => t.IsValidPlatformOperationException() == false).Distinct().ToList();

            // Find all data typed NOT marked with decoration
            ICollection <Type> notMarkedDataTypes = dataTypes.Where(t =>
                                                                    sysDataTypes.Contains(t) == false && // Skip check on system data type
                                                                    protocolTypes.Contains(t) && t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformDataAttribute), true).Length <= 0).ToList();

            if (notMarkedDataTypes.Any())
                string[] notMarkedTypeNames = notMarkedDataTypes.Select(t => $" - {t.FullName} not marked with [PlatformData] decoration.").ToArray();
                string   errorList          = string.Join("\n", notMarkedTypeNames);
                throw new Exception($"Some types may need [PlatformData] decoration: \n{errorList}\n");

            // Verify that all the data types not extends somethings:
            // inheritance is not supported by the generator for flutter data.
            Type[] extendedDataTypes = dataTypes.Where(t => DartSupport.HaveInheritance(dataTypes, t)).ToArray();

            // We enable PlatformData Inheritance: the base type must be PlatformData to (or NULL)
            Type[] platformDataSubtypes = extendedDataTypes.ToArray();

            // PlatformData Super Types with no attribute
            Type[] invalidPlatformDataSuperTypes = platformDataSubtypes.Where(subT =>
                                                                              subT.BaseType != null &&
                                                                              !sysDataTypes.Contains(subT.BaseType) && // Skip system data type, like EventArgs
                                                                              subT.BaseType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PlatformDataAttribute), true).Length <= 0).ToArray();

            if (invalidPlatformDataSuperTypes.Any())
                throw new FlutterInheritedDataException(invalidPlatformDataSuperTypes);

            // Verify that all the classe marker with flutnet.sdk.FlutterData + FlutterException are compatible with Dart language
            // !!! NOTE: we check both FlutterData and FlutterException classes.
            Type[] invalidDataTypes = DartSupport.GetUnsupportedDartTypes(dataTypes.Concat(exceptionTypes).ToList()).ToArray();

            if (invalidDataTypes.Any())
                throw new FlutterUnsupportedDartTypeException(invalidDataTypes);

            ICollection <Type> allExportedTypes = dataTypes.Concat(exceptionTypes).Concat(serviceToMethods.Keys).ToList();

            // Verificy that all the methods types (return and params) are supported in Dart
            List <Exception> errors = new List <Exception>();
            foreach (var srv in serviceToMethods)
                Type service = srv.Key;
                List <MethodInfo> methods = srv.Value;
                List <EventInfo>  events  = serviceToEvents.ContainsKey(srv.Key) ? serviceToEvents[srv.Key] : new List <EventInfo>(0);

                List <string> uniqueOperationNames = new List <string>();

                // Find all unsupported flutter operation
                MethodInfo[] invalidMethods = service.GetUnsupportedPlatformOperations();

                foreach (MethodInfo method in invalidMethods)
                    errors.Add(new Exception($"Invalid Method {method.Name}, for {service.Name}: cannot mark NON PUBLIC methods with {nameof(PlatformOperationAttribute)}."));

                // Check if the method is supported
                foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
                    // Extract the method name: must be unique (Dart language NOT support Method Overloading)
                    string operationName = DartSupport.GetDartMethodName(method.Name);

                    if (uniqueOperationNames.Contains(operationName))
                        errors.Add(new FlutterOperationException(service, method, operationName));


                    // Each method cannot have attributes with the same name, because Dart is NOT KEY SENSITIVE
                    // Example: bool login( string Password, string password) ---> error!
                    bool duplicatedParamName = method.GetParameters().Select(p => p.Name.ToUpper()).Distinct().Count() <

                    if (duplicatedParamName)
                        var duplicatedGroups = method.GetParameters().GroupBy(
                            k => k.Name.ToUpper(),
                            e => e.Name

                        IEnumerable <string> duplicatedParams = duplicatedGroups.Select(g => $"Duplicated: {g.ToArray()}\n");

                        errors.Add(new Exception($"Invalid Method {method.Name}, for {service.Name}: params cannot have the same name (NOT KEY_SENSITIVE)!\n {duplicatedParams}"));

                    Type invalidReturnType = null;

                    // Extract all the properties for the class
                    Type returnType = DartReturnType.GetNestedType(method.ReturnType);
                    if (returnType != typeof(void))
                        if (DartSupport.IsSupportedByDart(returnType, allExportedTypes) == false)
                            invalidReturnType = method.ReturnType;

                    List <ParameterInfo> invalidParameters = new List <ParameterInfo>();

                    foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in method.GetParameters())
                        if (DartSupport.IsSupportedByDart(paramInfo.ParameterType, allExportedTypes) == false)

                    if (invalidReturnType != null || invalidParameters.Count > 0)
                        errors.Add(new FlutterOperationException(service, method, invalidParameters, invalidReturnType));

                // Find all unsupported flutter operation
                EventInfo[] invalidEvents = service.GetUnsupportedPlatformEvents();

                // Check if all events are supported
                foreach (EventInfo @event in invalidEvents)
                    errors.Add(new Exception($"Invalid Event {@event.Name}, for {service.Name}. [PlatformEvent] must be implemented using EventHandler or EventHandler<T> pattern!"));

            // Some methods to export in Dart (FlutterOperation) are not supported
            if (errors.Any())
                throw new MultipleException(errors);

            // All the checks ended well

            // ----------------------------------------
            // Convert all the C# Types in Dart types
            // ----------------------------------------

            // Generate all the classes marked with [FlutterData]
            Dictionary <Type, DartType> dartDataTypes = new Dictionary <Type, DartType>();

            foreach (Type type in dataTypes)
                DartType dartType = new DartType(allExportedTypes, type, dartPackageName);
                dartDataTypes.Add(type, dartType);

            // Generate all the classes marked with [FlutterService]
            Dictionary <Type, DartService> dartServiceTypes = new Dictionary <Type, DartService>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, List <MethodInfo> > srv in serviceToMethods)
                Type service = srv.Key;
                List <MethodInfo> methods     = srv.Value;
                List <EventInfo>  events      = serviceToEvents.ContainsKey(srv.Key) ? serviceToEvents[srv.Key] : new List <EventInfo>(0);
                DartService       dartService = new DartService(allExportedTypes, service, methods, events, dartPackageName, SignatureTools.GetCSharpSignature);

                dartServiceTypes.Add(service, dartService);

            // Genenerate all the FlutterException hinerited classes
            Dictionary <Type, DartType> flutterExceptionTypes = new Dictionary <Type, DartType>();

            foreach (Type type in exceptionTypes)
                DartType dartType = new DartType(allExportedTypes, type, dartPackageName);
                flutterExceptionTypes.Add(type, dartType);

            // Join all dart types for FlutterException and [FlutterData]
            ICollection <DartType> exportedDataAndExceptionType = dartDataTypes.Select(t => t.Value).Concat(flutterExceptionTypes.Select(e => e.Value)).ToList();

            // ---------------------------------------------------------
            // Check the number of objects that will be generated
            // ---------------------------------------------------------

            // PlatformData Count
            int platformDataCount = dartDataTypes.Count - 1;                       // exclude internal PlatformErrorCode;
            // PlatformOperationException Count
            int platformOperationExceptionCount = flutterExceptionTypes.Count - 2; // exclude PlatformOperationException base class + internal FlutnetException
            // PlatformService Count
            int platformServiceCount = dartServiceTypes.Count;
            // PlatformOperation Count
            int platformOperationCount = dartServiceTypes.Values.Sum(s => s.Methods.Count);
            // PlatformEvent Count
            int platformEventCount = dartServiceTypes.Values.Sum(s => s.Events.Count);

            if (verbose)
                Console.WriteLine($"Found {platformServiceCount} PlatformServices");
                Console.WriteLine($"Found {platformOperationCount} PlatformOperations");
                Console.WriteLine($"Found {platformEventCount} PlatformEvents");
                Console.WriteLine($"Found {platformDataCount} PlatformData");
                Console.WriteLine($"Found {platformOperationExceptionCount} PlatformOperationExceptions");

            // ----------------------------------------
            // Delete all the files in the project "lib/" folder
            // ----------------------------------------

            DirectoryInfo libDir = dartProject.LibFolder;

            string libPath = Path.GetFullPath(libDir.FullName);

            // ----------------------------------------
            // Start generating all the project files
            // ----------------------------------------
            Console.WriteLine($"Start generating all the dart project files ...", verbose);

            // Generate all the Dart PlatformData classes
            foreach (DartType dartType in dartDataTypes.Values)
                string filePath   = DartSupport.GetDartFilePath(libPath, dartType);
                string folderPath = DartSupport.GetDartDirectoryPath(libPath, dartType);

                if (Directory.Exists(folderPath) == false)

                DartGenerator.GenerateDartTypeFile(dartType, exportedDataAndExceptionType, filePath);

            // Generate all the exception
            foreach (DartType dartType in flutterExceptionTypes.Values)
                string filePath   = DartSupport.GetDartFilePath(libPath, dartType);
                string folderPath = DartSupport.GetDartDirectoryPath(libPath, dartType);

                if (Directory.Exists(folderPath) == false)

                DartGenerator.GenerateDartTypeFile(dartType, exportedDataAndExceptionType, filePath, skipCopyWith: true);

            // For each FlutterService we generate:
            // - the service class
            // - all the FAKE classes that wrap RETURN and PARAMS for methods
            foreach (DartService dartSrv in dartServiceTypes.Values)
                foreach (DartMethod method in dartSrv.Methods)
                    // Return Object generator
                    string returnFilePath       = DartSupport.GetDartFilePath(libPath, method.ReturnObj);
                    string folderReturnFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartDirectoryPath(libPath, method.ReturnObj);

                    if (Directory.Exists(folderReturnFilePath) == false)

                    DartGenerator.GenerateDartTypeFile(method.ReturnObj, exportedDataAndExceptionType, returnFilePath, skipDynamicJson: true, skipCopyWith: true);

                    // Param Object generator
                    string paramFilePath       = DartSupport.GetDartFilePath(libPath, method.ParamObj);
                    string folderParamFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartDirectoryPath(libPath, method.ParamObj);

                    if (Directory.Exists(folderParamFilePath) == false)

                    DartGenerator.GenerateDartTypeFile(method.ParamObj, exportedDataAndExceptionType, paramFilePath, skipDynamicJson: true, skipCopyWith: true);

                // Generate the service class
                DartType dartType = dartSrv.Type;

                string filePath   = DartSupport.GetDartFilePath(libPath, dartType);
                string folderPath = DartSupport.GetDartDirectoryPath(libPath, dartType);

                if (Directory.Exists(folderPath) == false)

                DartGenerator.GenerateDartServiceFile(dartSrv, exportedDataAndExceptionType, filePath);

            // Prendo tutti i tipi relativi ai metodi dei servizi (sono stati generati solo per i metodi)
            List <DartType> allFakeDartTypes = dartServiceTypes.SelectMany(s => s.Value.Methods)
                                               .SelectMany(m => new[] { m.ReturnObj, m.ParamObj }).ToList();

            List <DartType> serviceDartType = dartServiceTypes.Values.Select(s => s.Type).ToList();

            IEnumerable <DartType> indexedTypes = dartDataTypes.Values

            // 20201202 - skip index file to prevent class name collision
            // Generating index.dart
            //string indexPath = Path.Combine(libPath, DartFiles.IndexFileName);
            //DartGenerator.GenerateIndexFile(dartPackageName, indexedTypes, indexPath);

            // Generating bridge.dart
            string bridgePath = Path.Combine(libPath, DartFiles.BridgeFileName);

            // Generating converters.dart
            string converterPath = Path.Combine(libPath, DartFiles.ConvertersFileName);

            // Generating exceptions.dart
            string exceptionsPath = Path.Combine(libPath, DartFiles.ExceptionsFileName);
            DartGenerator.GenerateExportFile(flutterExceptionTypes.Values, exceptionsPath);

            // Default generation path
            string dartProjectPath = dartProject.WorkingDir.FullName;

            // Temp folder link used by flutnet to build the folder
            DirectoryInfo tempLinkedFolderInfo = null;

            bool isWindows = Utilities.OperatingSystem.IsWindows();

            // Windows ISSUES for build_runner --> PATH to LONG (create a temp mklink for the project folder)
            if (isWindows)
                // Get Windows system location
                DirectoryInfo winSystemFolder = Directory.GetParent(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.System));

                // Like "C:\"
                string winSystemDrive = Path.GetPathRoot(winSystemFolder.FullName);

                // Folder Link JUNCTION "C:\_flutnet.tmp_"
                string tempProjectPath = Path.Combine(winSystemDrive, "_flutnet.tmp_");

                tempLinkedFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempProjectPath);

                    int counter = 0;

                    // Find the first free folder name like "C:\_flutnet.tmp_" or "C:\_flutnet.tmp0_"  or "C:\_flutnet.tmp1_"
                    while (tempLinkedFolderInfo.Exists && tempLinkedFolderInfo.IsSymbolic() == false)
                        tempProjectPath      = Path.Combine(winSystemDrive, $"_flutnet.tmp{counter}_");
                        tempLinkedFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempProjectPath);

                    if (tempLinkedFolderInfo.Exists)
                        // Delete the oldest link
                        FlutnetShell.RunCommand($"rmdir \"{tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName}\"", Path.GetPathRoot(tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName), verbose);

                    // Make the folder link in C:\_flutnet_\
                    Console.WriteLine($"Creating link {tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName} for building the dart project...", verbose);

                    // Make the linked folder (JUNCTION)
                    FlutnetShell.RunCommand($"mklink /d /J \"{tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName}\" \"{dartProject.WorkingDir.FullName}\"", winSystemDrive, verbose);

                    tempLinkedFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName);

                    if (tempLinkedFolderInfo.Exists == false || tempLinkedFolderInfo.IsSymbolic() == false)
                        throw new Exception($"{tempProjectPath} creation failed");

                    // ******************************************
                    // The project is changed to the symbolic link
                    // ******************************************
                    dartProjectPath = tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName;
                catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{tempProjectPath} creation failed: use default location {dartProject.WorkingDir.FullName}", verbose);

                    dartProjectPath = dartProject.WorkingDir.FullName;

            Console.WriteLine($"End of generation procedure in progress ...", verbose);

            int buildRunnerErrorCount = 0;

            // Run flutter build_runner command to generate "fromjson" e "tojson" methods.
                FlutterTools.BuildBuildRunner(dartProjectPath, buildRunnerErrorCount > 0, verbose);
            catch (Exception)

                // The runner build command can fail if the dart pacgake are not
                // update correctry, so retry after that
                if (buildRunnerErrorCount <= 1)
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Clean flutter project ...", verbose);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Execute flutter pub upgrade ...", verbose);
                    FlutterTools.PubUpgrade(dartProjectPath, verbose);
                    Console.WriteLine($"flutter pub run build_runner build failed. Retrying updating the packages...", verbose);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Get flutter packages ...", verbose);
                    goto RetryBuildRunner;


            // Windows ISSUES for build_runner --> PATH to LONG (create a temp mklink for the project folder)
            if (isWindows && tempLinkedFolderInfo != null && tempLinkedFolderInfo.Exists && tempLinkedFolderInfo.IsSymbolic())
                // Delete the link
                Console.WriteLine($"Deleting link {tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName} ...", verbose);
                FlutnetShell.RunCommand($"rmdir \"{tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName}\"", Path.GetPathRoot(tempLinkedFolderInfo.FullName), verbose);

            // MODIFING AUTO-GENERATED PART G. FILE (JSON) replacing fromJson -> fromJsonDynamic and toJson -> toJsonDinamic

            foreach (DartType dartType in dartDataTypes.Values)
                string dartPartialFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartPartialFilePath(libPath, dartType);
                DartGenerator.FixDartGPartedJsonFile(dartType, dartPartialFilePath);

            foreach (DartType dartType in flutterExceptionTypes.Values)
                string dartPartialFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartPartialFilePath(libPath, dartType);
                DartGenerator.FixDartGPartedJsonFile(dartType, dartPartialFilePath);

            // MODIFING AUTO-GENERATED PART G. FILE CMD/RES fake classes
            foreach (DartService dartSrv in dartServiceTypes.Values)
                foreach (DartMethod method in dartSrv.Methods)
                    // Return Object generator
                    string returnPartialFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartPartialFilePath(libPath, method.ReturnObj);
                    DartGenerator.FixDartGPartedJsonFile(method.ReturnObj, returnPartialFilePath);

                    // Param Object generator
                    string paramPartialFilePath = DartSupport.GetDartPartialFilePath(libPath, method.ParamObj);
                    DartGenerator.FixDartGPartedJsonFile(method.ParamObj, paramPartialFilePath);

            Console.WriteLine($"Flutter package \"{dartProject.WorkingDir.FullName}\" generated/updated successfully.");