예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="yskmcode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <Bill_Yskm> GetYskmByDeptTblx(string depcode, string tblx, string nd, string yskmType)
            if (new Dal.Bills.SysconfigDal().GetsysConfigBynd(nd)["ystbfs"] == "0")                                                                                                     //0是部门汇总
                string sql = " select * from Bill_Yskm where  yskmcode in (select yskmcode from bill_yskm_dept where deptcode=@deptcode) and tblx=@tblx  and yskmMc not  like '%退费%' "; //  and isnull(iszyys,'1')='1'   and yskmBm not like '0234%'
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yskmType))
                    sql += " and dydj='" + yskmType + "'";
                SqlParameter[] sp = { new SqlParameter("@deptcode", depcode),
                                      new SqlParameter("@tblx",     tblx) };
                return(ListMaker(sql, sp));
                if (tblx == "02")
                    bool boIsgkfj = new Dal.ConfigDal().GetValueByKey("UseGKFJ").Equals("1") ? true : false;

                    if (boIsgkfj)
                        string cxsql = @"select * from bill_yskm where yskmcode in (select  distinct kmcode  from bill_ys_xmfjbm where deptcode = @deptcode and by3 = '2'  and  left(procode,4) = @nd) 
                                            and yskmcode not in (select distinct yskmcode from bill_yskm_gkdept gkdept inner join bill_ys_xmfjbm xmfjbm on gkdept.yskmcode=xmfjbm.kmcode where xmfjbm.procode=@nd
                                            and xmfjbm.deptcode=@deptcode and  gkdept.deptcode=@deptcode)";//and isnull(iszyys,'1')='1'
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yskmType))
                            cxsql += " and dydj='" + yskmType + "'";
                        SqlParameter[] paramter = { new SqlParameter("@deptcode", depcode),
                                                    new SqlParameter("@nd",       nd) };
                        return(ListMaker(cxsql, paramter));
                        string cxsql = @"select * from bill_yskm where yskmcode in (select  yskmcode from bill_yskm_dept where deptcode = @deptcode ) ";// and isnull(iszyys,'1')='1' and yskmMc not  like '%退费% 大智专用
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yskmType))
                            cxsql += " and dydj='" + yskmType + "'";
                        SqlParameter[] paramter = { new SqlParameter("@deptcode", depcode) };
                        return(ListMaker(cxsql, paramter));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据部门编号获得该部门可以填报/报销的预算科目
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depcode">部门编号</param>
        /// <param name="strdydjcode">对应单据编号 01 收入类单据 02 报销单 03固定资产购置 04往来费用</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <Bill_Yskm> GetGkYskmByDep(string depcode, string strdydjcode)
            string sql      = "";
            bool   boIsGkfj = new Dal.ConfigDal().GetValueByKey("UseGKFJ").Equals("1") ? true : false;

            if (boIsGkfj)
                sql = " select * from Bill_Yskm where yskmcode in (select yskmcode from bill_yskm_gkdept where deptcode=@deptcode) and gkfy='1'   and kmStatus='1' and (dydj=@dydj or dydj='04') ";
                sql = " select * from Bill_Yskm where yskmcode in (select yskmcode from bill_yskm_dept where deptcode=@deptcode) and gkfy='1'   and kmStatus='1'   and (dydj=@dydj or dydj='04')  ";
            SqlParameter[] sp = { new SqlParameter("@deptcode", depcode), new SqlParameter("@dydj", strdydjcode) };
            return(ListMaker(sql, sp));
예제 #3
        public IList <Bill_Ysmxb> InsetNdysmx(string nd, string deptcode, string gcbh, string billcode)
            bool   boIsGkfj = new Dal.ConfigDal().GetValueByKey("UseGKFJ").Equals("1") ? true : false;
            string cxsql    = "";

            if (boIsGkfj)//and kmcode not in (select distinct yskmcode from bill_yskm_gkdept)
                cxsql = @"insert into bill_ysmxb ( gcbh , billcode , yskm , ysje , ysdept , ystype ) 
                                   select '" + gcbh + "' , '" + billcode + "', kmcode as yskmcode , je , '" + deptcode + @"' , '1' 
					               from   (select (je-isnull(ysje,0)) as ncys,* from (select * from bill_ys_xmfjbm where procode=@nd and by3 = '2'
                        and deptcode=@deptcode 
                        ) xmfjbm left join (select * from bill_ysmxb where ystype='5' and gcbh=@gcbh ) mxb on mxb.yskm=xmfjbm.kmcode and left(mxb.gcbh,4)=xmfjbm.procode and mxb.ysdept=xmfjbm.deptcode) a  ";
                cxsql = @"insert into bill_ysmxb ( gcbh , billcode , yskm , ysje , ysdept , ystype ) 
                                   select '" + gcbh + "' , '" + billcode + "', kmcode as yskmcode ,a.ncys as je , '" + deptcode + @"' , '1' 
                                        (select (je-isnull(ysje,0)) as ncys,* from (select * from bill_ys_xmfjbm where procode=@nd and by3 = '2' 
                                and deptcode=@deptcode
                            ) xmfjbm left join (select SUM(ysje) as ysje,gcbh,ysDept,yskm from bill_ysmxb where ystype='5' and gcbh=@gcbh  group by gcbh,ysDept,yskm) mxb on mxb.yskm=xmfjbm.kmcode and left(mxb.gcbh,4)=xmfjbm.procode and mxb.ysdept=xmfjbm.deptcode) a
					               "                    ;

            SqlParameter[] paramter = { new SqlParameter("@deptcode", deptcode), new SqlParameter("@gcbh", nd + "0001"), new SqlParameter("@nd", nd) };
            string         cxjesql  = "select * from bill_ysmxb where gcbh = @gcbh and billcode=@billcode ";

            SqlParameter[] cxparamter = { new SqlParameter("@gcbh",     gcbh),
                                          new SqlParameter("@billcode", billcode) };
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataHelper.constr))
                SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
                    DataHelper.ExcuteNonQuery(cxsql, tran, paramter, false);
                    return(ListMaker(cxjesql, cxparamter));