예제 #1
        public async Task DailyCmd()
            bool  newDaily = false;
            Daily daily    = DailyDb.GetDaily(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id);

            if (daily == null)
                daily = new Daily
                    UserId  = Context.User.Id,
                    GuildId = Context.Guild.Id,
                    Date    = 0
                newDaily = true;

            long timeNow = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
            int  ms      = 72000000;

            if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(Context.User.Id, ProType.ProPlus))
                ms /= 2;

            if ((daily.Date + ms) < timeNow)
                if ((daily.Date + 172800000) < timeNow && !newDaily)
                    long   mslate     = timeNow - (daily.Date + 172800000);
                    long   dayslate   = (mslate / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 1;
                    double multiplier = dayslate > 3 ? 0 : 1 - dayslate * 0.25;
                    daily.Streak = (int)(daily.Streak * multiplier);
                    await ReplyAsync($"You are **{dayslate}** days late to claim your daily. For every day missed, you lose 25% of your streak.");

                daily.Date = timeNow;
                int amount = ToastieUtil.DailyAmount(daily.Streak);
                int tax    = ToastieUtil.DailyTax(amount, BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id), BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id, Context.Guild.Id), await BalanceDb.TotalToasties(Context.Guild.Id));
                amount -= tax / 2;
                //int cap = Constants.dailycap;
                //amount = amount > cap ? cap : amount;

                await DailyDb.SetDaily(daily);

                await BalanceDb.AddToasties(Context.User.Id, amount, Context.Guild.Id);

                await BalanceDb.AddToasties(Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id, tax, Context.Guild.Id);

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, ToastieUtil.DailyGetEmbed(Context.User, daily.Streak, amount, BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id), Program.GetPrefix(Context)).Build());
                long wait    = (daily.Date + ms - timeNow) / 1000;
                int  hours   = (int)wait / 3600;
                int  minutes = (int)wait % 3600 / 60;
                int  seconds = (int)wait % 60;
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, ToastieUtil.DailyWaitEmbed(Context.User, hours, minutes, seconds, Program.GetPrefix(Context)).Build());
예제 #2
        public async Task DailyLeaderboard([Remainder] string str = "")
            var dailies = await DailyDb.GetLeaderboard(Context.Guild.Id);

            var parsed = dailies.Select(x =>
                    return(new UserAmountView()
                        User = Context.Guild.GetUser(x.Id),
                        Amount = x.Count
                { return(null); }
                         .Where(x => x != null && x.User != null);

            var msg = new CustomPaginatedMessage();

            msg.Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                Name = "User Leaderboards"
            msg.Title = "Daily Streak :calendar_spiral:";
            msg.Pages = CustomPaginatedMessage.PagesArray(parsed, 10);

            await PagedReplyAsync(msg);
예제 #3
        public async Task Weekly()
            var weekly = WeeklyDb.GetWeekly(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id);

            if (weekly == null)
                weekly = new Weekly
                    GuildId = Context.Guild.Id,
                    UserId  = Context.User.Id

            int hours = 164;

            if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(Context.Guild.Id, ProType.Guild) || PremiumDb.IsPremium(Context.Guild.Id, ProType.GuildPlus))
                hours /= 2;

            if (weekly.Date.AddHours(hours).CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                int streak = await DailyDb.GetHighest(Context.Guild.Id) + 15;

                int amount = ToastieUtil.DailyAmount(streak);
                int tax    = ToastieUtil.DailyTax(amount, BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id), BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id, Context.Guild.Id), await BalanceDb.TotalToasties(Context.Guild.Id));
                amount -= tax / 2;
                if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(Context.Guild.Id, ProType.GuildPlus))
                    amount += 1000;

                string text = "";
                if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(Context.User.Id, ProType.ProPlus))
                    await LootBoxDb.AddLootbox(Context.User.Id, LootBoxType.WaifuT1, 1, Context.Guild.Id);

                    text = "You receive a T1 Waifu lootbox! :star2:";

                await BalanceDb.AddToasties(Context.User.Id, amount, Context.Guild.Id);

                await BalanceDb.AddToasties(Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id, tax / 2, Context.Guild.Id);

                weekly.Date = DateTime.Now;
                await WeeklyDb.SetWeekly(weekly);

                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text, false, ToastieUtil.WeeklyGetEmbed(amount, BalanceDb.GetToasties(Context.User.Id, Context.Guild.Id), Context.User, Program.GetPrefix(Context)).Build());


            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, ToastieUtil.WeeklyWaitEmbed(weekly.Date.AddHours(hours), Context.User, Program.GetPrefix(Context)).Build());
예제 #4
        // Embeds
        //Embed Method: profile
        public static async Task <EmbedBuilder> ProfileEmbed(SocketGuildUser user)
            var eb = new EmbedBuilder();

            string name = user.Username;

            var role = RoleUtil.GetMemberRole(user.Guild, user) ?? RoleUtil.GetLeaderRole(user.Guild, user);

            if (role != null)
                var team = TeamDb.TeamByMember(role.Id) ?? TeamDb.TeamByLeader(role.Id);
                if (team != null)
                    role = user.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == team.LeaderRoleId);
                    if (role == null)
                        role = user.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == team.MemberRoleId);

                    name += $" | {role.Name}";

            if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(user.Id, ProType.ProPlus))
                name += " | Pro+ 🌟";
            else if (PremiumDb.IsPremium(user.Id, ProType.Pro))
                name += " | Pro ⭐";
            eb.WithAuthor(name, user.GetAvatarUrl(), $"https://namiko.moe/Guild/{user.Guild.Id}/{user.Id}");

            var waifus     = UserInventoryDb.GetWaifus(user.Id, user.Guild.Id);
            int waifucount = waifus.Count();
            int waifuprice = WaifuUtil.WaifuValue(waifus);

            var  daily   = DailyDb.GetDaily(user.Id, user.Guild.Id);
            long timeNow = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

            string text = "";

            text += $"Amount: {BalanceDb.GetToasties(user.Id, user.Guild.Id).ToString("n0")}\n" +
                    $"Daily: {(daily == null ? "0" : ((daily.Date + 172800000) < timeNow ? "0" : daily.Streak.ToString()))}\n" +
                    $"Boxes Opened: {ProfileDb.GetLootboxOpenedAmount(user.Id)}\n";
            eb.AddField("Toasties <:toastie3:454441133876183060>", text, true);

            text = $"Amount: {waifucount}\n" +
                   $"Value: {waifuprice.ToString("n0")}\n";
            foreach (var x in MarriageDb.GetMarriages(user.Id, user.Guild.Id))
                    if (!text.Contains("Married: "))
                        text += "Married: ";
                    text += $"{BasicUtil.IdToMention(GetWifeId(x, user.Id))}\n";
                } catch { }
            eb.AddField("Waifus :two_hearts:", text, true);

            var waifu = FeaturedWaifuDb.GetFeaturedWaifu(user.Id, user.Guild.Id);

            if (waifu != null)
                eb.AddField("Featured Waifu <:MiaHug:536580304018735135>", $"**{waifu.Name}** - *{waifu.Source}*");

            var    rep    = ProfileDb.GetRepAmount(user.Id);
            string footer = $"Votes: {await VoteDb.VoteCount(user.Id)} • ";

            footer += $"Rep: {rep} • ";
            // Activities require guildpresence
            //footer += $"Status: '{user.Status}'";
            //var activity = user.Activities.FirstOrDefault();
            //if (activity != null)
            //    footer += $", {activity.Type}: '{activity.Name}'";

            string quote = ProfileDb.GetQuote(user.Id);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(quote) & !WebUtil.IsValidUrl(quote))

            string image = ProfileDb.GetImage(user.Id);

            if (WebUtil.IsValidUrl(image))

            eb.Color = ProfileDb.GetHex(out string colour, user.Id)? (Discord.Color)HexToColor(colour) : BasicUtil.RandomColor();
예제 #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetGuildUser([FromRoute] ulong guildId, [FromRoute] ulong userId)
            var client = await HttpContext.GetBotClient();

            Task <RestGuildUser> currentUser = client.GetGuildUserAsync(guildId, HttpContext.GetUserId());
            Task <RestGuildUser> searchUser  = client.GetGuildUserAsync(guildId, userId);
            var guild = client.GetGuildAsync(guildId);
            var tasks = new List <Task>();

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            catch (HttpException)
                return(StatusCode(412, "Bot not in guild"));
            if (currentUser.Result == null)
                return(StatusCode(403, "Unauthorized"));
            if (searchUser.Result == null)
                return(StatusCode(404, "No user in guild"));

            var profile = await ProfileDb.GetProfile(searchUser.Result.Id);

            var bal = await BalanceDb.GetToastiesAsync(userId, guildId);

            var dailyRes = await DailyDb.GetDailyAsync(userId, guildId);

            var daily  = dailyRes == null ? 0 : dailyRes.Streak;
            var waifus = (await UserInventoryDb.GetWaifusAsync(userId, guildId)).OrderBy(x => x.Source).ThenBy(x => x.Name).ToView();
            var waifu  = FeaturedWaifuDb.GetFeaturedWaifu(userId, guildId).ToView();

            var user = new GuildUserView
                AvatarUrl       = searchUser.Result.GetAvatarUrl(size: 256),
                Id              = searchUser.Result.Id.ToString(),
                Name            = searchUser.Result.Username,
                Discriminator   = searchUser.Result.Discriminator,
                ImageUrl        = profile.Image,
                Quote           = profile.Quote.CleanQuote(),
                LootboxesOpened = profile.LootboxesOpened,
                Rep             = profile.Rep,
                Balance         = bal,
                Daily           = daily,
                Waifus          = waifus,
                JoinedAt        = searchUser.Result.JoinedAt,
                Waifu           = waifu,
                Guild           = new GuildSummaryView
                    ImageUrl = guild.Result.IconUrl,
                    Id       = guild.Result.Id.ToString(),
                    Name     = guild.Result.Name
