public string Post(AddDaemon daemon) { Mail mail = new Mail(); int userId = daemon.UserId; Daemons ToAdd = new Daemons(); ToAdd.UserId = daemon.UserId; ToAdd.Description = daemon.Description; ToAdd.Name = daemon.Name; try { this.database.Daemons.Add(ToAdd); this.database.SaveChanges(); //Make Settings File.Delete(@"C:\Settings\DaemonSettings.txt"); string path = @"C:\Settings\DaemonSettings.txt"; Daemons d = this.database.Daemons.Where(u => u.Name == daemon.Name && u.Description == daemon.Description).First(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(d.Id); } //SendMail mail.SendMail("Daemon Installer", "Install Daemon Backuper and add Settings to C:/Settings", daemon.DaemonTo); return("Daemon Added"); } catch { return("OOPS, error on our side..."); } }
public bool Patch(int daemonId) { Daemons dbRecord = this.FindById(daemonId); dbRecord.Verified = true; this.database.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public bool Delete(int id) { Daemons del = this.FindById(id); this.database.Daemons.Remove(del); this.database.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public void SpawnDaemons() { for (int i = Daemons.Count; i <= 250; i++) { var daemon = new DaemonZombieEvent(); daemon.MoveToWorld(GetRandomLocation(), Map.ZombieLand); daemon.Home = daemon.Location; Daemons.Add(daemon); daemon.ZombieSerial = Uid; } }
public void Email(int DaemonId) { Daemons daemon = this.database.Daemons.Where(d => d.Id == DaemonId).First <Daemons>(); if (daemon.SendEmail) { daemon.SendEmail = false; } else { daemon.SendEmail = true; } this.database.SaveChanges(); }
public void HandleMobDeath(BaseCreature mob, ZombieAvatar avatar) { if (mob is ZombieZEvent) { _ZombiesLoc1.Remove(mob); _ZombiesLoc2.Remove(mob); _ZombiesLoc3.Remove(mob); _ZombiesLoc4.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is DaemonZombieEvent) { Daemons.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is TreeFellow) { TreeFellows.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is ZombieSpider) { ZombieSpiders.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is FeyWarrior) { FeyWarriors.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is Vitriol) { FeyWarriors.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is Bird) { FeyWarriors.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is HorrifyingTentacle) { HorrifyingTentacles.Remove(mob); } else if (mob is GoreFiendZombieEvent) { GoreFiends.Remove(mob); } if (avatar.Owner != null) { PlayerZombieProfile profile = ZombieEvent.EnsureProfile(avatar.Owner); profile.AddKill(mob); } }
public bool GetRequests(string username) { var query = from d in this.database.Daemons join u in this.database.Users on d.UserId equals u.Id where u.Username == username && d.Verified == false && d.Installed == true select d; List <Daemons> List = query.ToList <Daemons>(); try { Daemons a = List[0]; return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public void RespawnEvent() { foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc1.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc1.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc1.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc1.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc2.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc2.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc2.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc2.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc3.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc3.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc3.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc3.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile zombie in _ZombiesLoc4.ToList()) { if (zombie != null) { zombie.Delete(); } _ZombiesLoc4.Remove(zombie); } _ZombiesLoc4.Clear(); _ZombiesLoc4.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile daemon in Daemons.ToList()) { if (daemon != null) { daemon.Delete(); } Daemons.Remove(daemon); } Daemons.Clear(); Daemons.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile bird in Birds.ToList()) { if (bird != null) { bird.Delete(); } Birds.Remove(bird); } Birds.Clear(); Birds.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile dk in GoreFiends.ToList()) { if (dk != null) { dk.Delete(); } GoreFiends.Remove(dk); } GoreFiends.Clear(); GoreFiends.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile fey in FeyWarriors.ToList()) { if (fey != null) { fey.Delete(); } FeyWarriors.Remove(fey); } FeyWarriors.Clear(); FeyWarriors.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile tentacle in HorrifyingTentacles.ToList()) { if (tentacle != null) { tentacle.Delete(); } HorrifyingTentacles.Remove(tentacle); } HorrifyingTentacles.Clear(); HorrifyingTentacles.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile tf in TreeFellows.ToList()) { if (tf != null) { tf.Delete(); } TreeFellows.Remove(tf); } TreeFellows.Clear(); TreeFellows.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile vitriol in Vitriols.ToList()) { if (vitriol != null) { vitriol.Delete(); } Vitriols.Remove(vitriol); } Vitriols.Clear(); Vitriols.TrimExcess(); foreach (Mobile spider in ZombieSpiders.ToList()) { if (spider != null) { spider.Delete(); } ZombieSpiders.Remove(spider); } ZombieSpiders.Clear(); ZombieSpiders.TrimExcess(); SpawnZombies(); SpawnDaemons(); SpawnBirds(); SpawnFey(); SpawnSpider(); SpawnTentacles(); SpawnTreeFellow(); SpawnVitriol(); SpawnGoreFiends(); }