public void Display(ArrayList displayList, DS1307 clock, Schedule schedule) { var now = clock.Get(); displayList.Add("Time: " + now.ToString("U") + "\r\n"); displayList.Add("Heater Schedule Today: "); schedule.GetDayTimeSlots(now.DayOfWeek, displayList); displayList.Add("\r\n"); displayList.Add("Heater Status: "); if (schedule.GetHeaterStatus(now) == true) { displayList.Add("ON"); } else { displayList.Add("OFF"); } if (schedule.WaterHeaterManualOverride) { displayList.Add(" [manual override]"); } else { displayList.Add(" [scheduled]"); } displayList.Add("\r\n"); }
public void synch() { var RTC_Clock = new DS1307(); //RTC_Clock.Set(new DateTime(2018, 6, 18, 20, 00, 00)); // (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) RTC_Clock.Halt(false); /* To make shure RTC is running */ while (true) { try { DateTime DateTimeNTP = NTPTime("", -180); if (!(DateTimeNTP.Year == 1900)) { // Synch RTC nd system clock from NTPTime Debug.Print("Synch OK!"); Debug.Print("Internet Time " + DateTimeNTP.ToString()); Debug.Print("System Clock Before Synch " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); Utility.SetLocalTime(DateTimeNTP); Debug.Print("System Clock After Synch " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); //Debug.Print("RTC Before " + RTC_Clock.Get().ToString()); RTC_Clock.Halt(true); RTC_Clock.Set(DateTimeNTP); RTC_Clock.Halt(false); Debug.Print("RTC After Synch " + RTC_Clock.Get().ToString()); } else { Debug.Print("NTP socket failure! Check Internet connection"); Debug.Print("Synch system Clock using RTC"); Utility.SetLocalTime(RTC_Clock.Get()); Debug.Print("System Clock " + DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.ToString()); Debug.Print("General Failure! Verify internet connection and RTC"); } /* sleep for 1 minute */ Thread.Sleep(60000); } }
public static void LogTemperature(object obj) { LedRed.Write(true); var tickStart = Utility.GetMachineTime().Ticks; var now = Clock.Get(); ThermoCouple.Read(); var elapsedMs = (int)((Utility.GetMachineTime().Ticks - tickStart) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond); var date = AddZeroPrefix(now.Year) + "/" + AddZeroPrefix(now.Month) + "/" + AddZeroPrefix(now.Day); var time = AddZeroPrefix(now.Hour) + ":" + AddZeroPrefix(now.Minute) + ":" + AddZeroPrefix(now.Second) + ":" + AddZeroPrefix(elapsedMs); var celsius = Shorten(ThermoCouple.Celsius.ToString()); var farenheit = Shorten(ThermoCouple.Farenheit.ToString()); var latestRecord = date + "," + time + "," + celsius + "," + farenheit; Debug.Print(latestRecord); try { if (CardDetect.Read() == false) { var filename = SdMountPoint + BuildTemperatureLogFilename(now); if (File.Exists(filename) == false) { using (var tempLogFile = new StreamWriter(filename, true)) { tempLogFile.WriteLine("date,time,celsius,fahrenheit"); } } using (var tempLogFile = new StreamWriter(filename, true)) { if (Buffer.Count != 0) { foreach (var bufferedLine in Buffer) { tempLogFile.WriteLine(bufferedLine); } Buffer.Clear(); } tempLogFile.WriteLine(latestRecord); tempLogFile.Flush(); } } else { LogLine("No card in reader. Buffering record."); Buffer.Add(latestRecord); } LedRed.Write(false); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { LogLine("Memory full. Clearing buffer."); Buffer.Clear(); } catch (IOException e) { LogLine("IO error. Resetting peripherals."); Buffer.Add(latestRecord); ResetPeripherals.Set(); } }
public static void Main() { var clock = new DS1307(); // Set the clock to some arbitrary date / time clock.Set(new DateTime(2011, 1, 2, 20, 20, 20)); // Make sure the clock is running clock.Halt(false); // Test reading RTC clock registers Debug.Print("Before Halt: " + clock.Get().ToString()); // Halt the clock for 3 seconds clock.Halt(true); Thread.Sleep(3000); // Should be the same time as "Before Halt" Debug.Print("After Halt for 3 seconds (should be the same time): " + clock.Get().ToString()); // Resume the clock clock.Halt(false); // Sleep for another 1.5 second Thread.Sleep(1500); // Should be just one second later since the clock's oscillator was resumed Debug.Print("Resumed Clock (should be time + ~1 sec): " + clock.Get().ToString()); // Requires an oscilloscope or an interrupt handler on the microcontroller to see the effects TestSquareWaves(ref clock); // Test writing to arbitrary registers Debug.Print("Writing distinct RAM registers (writing the register number to itself)"); for (byte I = DS1307.DS1307_RAM_START_ADDRESS; I <= DS1307.DS1307_RAM_END_ADDRESS; I++) { clock.WriteRegister(I, I); } // Test reading from arbitrary registers Debug.Print("Reading distinct RAM registers (the registers and values read should be the same)"); for (byte I = DS1307.DS1307_RAM_START_ADDRESS; I <= DS1307.DS1307_RAM_END_ADDRESS; I++) { Debug.Print(I.ToString() + ": " + clock[I].ToString()); } // Test writing to the RAM as a single block //-------------01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 string Text = "[There are 56 bytes in the RTC RAM buffer and that's it]"; Debug.Print("Writing string: " + Text + " (Length=" + Text.Length.ToString() + ") to the RAM as a block."); var ram = new byte[DS1307.DS1307_RAM_SIZE]; // Copy the string to the ram buffer for (byte I = 0; I < DS1307.DS1307_RAM_SIZE; I++) { ram[I] = (byte)Text[I]; } // Write it to the RAM in the clock clock.SetRAM(ram); // Zero out the ram buffer ram = null; // Zero out the string Text = null; // Test reading from the RAM as a single block Debug.Print("Reading from the RAM as a block..."); ram = clock.GetRAM(); for (byte I = 0; I < DS1307.DS1307_RAM_SIZE; I++) { Text += (char)ram[I]; } Debug.Print("RAM: " + Text + " (Length=" + Text.Length.ToString() + ")"); // Sleep another 5 seconds before exiting Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); // Reset the clock & RAM clock.Set(new DateTime(2011, 2, 17, 21, 36, 00)); for (byte I = 0; I < DS1307.DS1307_RAM_SIZE; I++) { ram[I] = (byte)0; } // Write it to the RAM in the clock clock.SetRAM(ram); }
public static void Main() { const int millisecIncrement = 100; const int millisecElapsedLimit = 60000; var millisecCounter = 0; var currentHeat = HighHeat; var currentHeaterStatus = false; var previousHeaterStatus = true; var initialize = true; _ledHighHeat.SetDutyCycle(0); _ledLowHeat.SetDutyCycle(0); InitializeClock(); Log("\r\nWater Heater Controller v1.0\r\n"); Log("Initializing..."); LoadSchedule(); PowerServo(true); Log("Centering servo"); _servo.Center(); Log("Setting heater on high heat by default"); _servo.Move(Center, currentHeat); Log("Running..."); PowerServo(false); while (true) { if (_serialUI.SerialErrorReceived == true) { _serialUI.Dispose(); _serialUI = new SerialUserInterface(); _showMainMenu = true; Log("Serial error received: serial UI object recycled"); } if (_showMainMenu == true) { _showMainMenu = false; MainMenu(null); } millisecCounter += millisecIncrement; if (millisecCounter >= millisecElapsedLimit || _scheduleChange == true) { millisecCounter = 0; currentHeaterStatus = _schedule.GetHeaterStatus(_clock.Get()); } if (currentHeaterStatus != previousHeaterStatus || _scheduleChange == true || initialize == true) { Log("Heater state change"); _ledOverride.Write(_schedule.WaterHeaterManualOverride); if (currentHeaterStatus) { Log("Setting heater on high"); PowerServo(true); _servo.Move(currentHeat, HighHeat); PowerServo(false); _ledHighHeat.SetDutyCycle(50); _ledLowHeat.SetDutyCycle(0); currentHeat = HighHeat; } else { Log("Setting heater on low"); PowerServo(true); _servo.Move(currentHeat, LowHeat); PowerServo(false); _ledHighHeat.SetDutyCycle(0); _ledLowHeat.SetDutyCycle(50); currentHeat = LowHeat; } previousHeaterStatus = currentHeaterStatus; _scheduleChange = false; initialize = false; } if (_shutdown) { Log("Shutting down"); Log("Moving servo to center..."); _ledHighHeat.SetDutyCycle(50); _ledLowHeat.SetDutyCycle(50); PowerServo(true); _servo.Move(currentHeat, Center); PowerServo(false); Log("Shutdown complete"); Log("Cycle power to restart."); var dutyCycle = 0; var direction = 1; while (true) { _ledHighHeat.SetDutyCycle((uint)dutyCycle); _ledLowHeat.SetDutyCycle((uint)dutyCycle); dutyCycle += direction; if (dutyCycle == 50) { direction = -1; } else if (dutyCycle == 0) { direction = 1; } Thread.Sleep(50); } } Thread.Sleep(millisecIncrement); } }