예제 #1
파일: Helper.cs 프로젝트: edarn/kryp-client
        private static DR.Bitmap GetCompassBitmap(int avAngle, int minAngle, int maxAngle, HttpServerUtility server)
            //Compass circle
            DR.Bitmap   compass   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_compass.png"));
            DR.Graphics compassGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(compass);

            //Compass arrow
            DR.Bitmap   arrow   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_compass_arrow.png"));
            DR.Graphics arrowGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            //Green marker
            DR.Bitmap   greenMarker   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_arrow_white.png"));
            DR.Graphics greenMarkerGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            //Red marker
            DR.Bitmap   redMarker   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_arrow_grey.png"));
            DR.Graphics redMarkerGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            //Temporary bitmap
            DR.Bitmap   tempBmp = new DR.Bitmap(compass.Width, compass.Height);
            DR.Graphics tempGr  = DR.Graphics.FromImage(tempBmp);

            // draw light sector
            DR.Brush br = new DR.SolidBrush(DR.Color.FromArgb(30, 255, 200, 255));
            int      dw = 12;

            if ((maxAngle - minAngle) < 180)
                tempGr.FillPie(br, new DR.Rectangle(dw, dw, compass.Width - 2 - dw * 2, compass.Height - 2 - dw * 2), minAngle - 90 + 3, maxAngle - minAngle);
                tempGr.FillPie(br, new DR.Rectangle(dw, dw, compass.Width - 2 - dw * 2, compass.Height - 2 - dw * 2), maxAngle - 90, 360 - maxAngle);
                tempGr.FillPie(br, new DR.Rectangle(dw, dw, compass.Width - 2 - dw * 2, compass.Height - 2 - dw * 2), -90, minAngle);
            //Draw green marker
            DR.Drawing2D.Matrix X = new DR.Drawing2D.Matrix();
            X.RotateAt(minAngle, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2));
            tempGr.Transform = X;
            tempGr.DrawImage(greenMarker, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2 - greenMarker.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2 - arrow.Height / 2));

            //Draw red marker
            X.RotateAt(maxAngle, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2));
            tempGr.Transform = X;
            tempGr.DrawImage(redMarker, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2 - redMarker.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2 - arrow.Height / 2));

            //Draw compass arrow
            X.RotateAt(avAngle, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2));
            tempGr.Transform = X;
            tempGr.DrawImage(arrow, new DR.PointF(compass.Width / 2 - arrow.Width / 2, compass.Height / 2 - arrow.Height / 2));

            //compassGr.DrawImage(tempBmp, new DR.Point(0, 0));
            tempBmp.MakeTransparent(tempBmp.GetPixel(0, 0));
예제 #2
파일: Helper.cs 프로젝트: edarn/kryp-client
        private static DR.Bitmap GetSpeedBitmap(int alpha, int minAlpha, int maxAlpha, HttpServerUtility server)
            //Speed meter
            DR.Bitmap   speed   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_speed.png"));
            DR.Graphics speedGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(speed);

            //Speed arrow
            DR.Bitmap   arrow   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_speed_arrow.png"));
            DR.Graphics arrowGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            // center of arrow image
            DR.PointF rotationCenterArrow = new DR.PointF((float)arrow.Width / 2 + 1, (float)arrow.Height - 21);
            //arrowGr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red), new Point(0, arrow.Height - 21), new Point(arrow.Width, arrow.Height - 21));
            //arrowGr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red), new Point(arrow.Width / 2 + 1, 0), new Point(arrow.Width / 2 + 1, arrow.Height));

            //Green marker
            DR.Bitmap   greenMarker   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_arrow_white.png"));
            DR.Graphics greenMarkerGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            //Red marker
            DR.Bitmap   redMarker   = new DR.Bitmap(server.MapPath("~/Images/ws_arrow_grey.png"));
            DR.Graphics redMarkerGr = DR.Graphics.FromImage(arrow);

            //Temporary bitmap
            DR.Bitmap   tempBmp = new DR.Bitmap(speed.Width, speed.Height);
            DR.Graphics tempGr  = DR.Graphics.FromImage(tempBmp);

            // center of speed image
            DR.PointF rotationCenterSpeed = new DR.PointF((float)speed.Width / 2 - 2 + 2, (float)speed.Height / 2 + 2 - 3);
            //PointF rotationCenterSpeed = new PointF((float)speed.Width / 2, (float)speed.Height / 2);
            //tempGr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Yellow), new Point(0, speed.Height / 2 + 2  - 3), new Point(speed.Width, speed.Height / 2 + 2  - 3));
            //tempGr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Yellow), new Point(speed.Width / 2 - 2 + 2, 0), new Point(speed.Width / 2 - 2 + 2, speed.Height));

            // draw light sector
            DR.Brush br = new DR.SolidBrush(DR.Color.FromArgb(30, 255, 200, 255));
            int      dw = 12;

            tempGr.FillPie(br, new DR.Rectangle(dw, dw, speed.Width - 2 - dw * 2, speed.Height - 2 - dw * 2), minAlpha - 90, maxAlpha - minAlpha);

            //Draw green marker
            DR.Drawing2D.Matrix X = new DR.Drawing2D.Matrix();
            X.RotateAt(minAlpha, rotationCenterSpeed);
            tempGr.Transform = X;
                             new DR.PointF(rotationCenterSpeed.X - rotationCenterArrow.X, rotationCenterSpeed.Y - rotationCenterArrow.Y));
            //new DR.PointF(speed.Width / 2 - arrow.Width / 2 + 2, speed.Height / 2 - arrow.Height + 20));

            //Draw red marker
            X.RotateAt(maxAlpha, rotationCenterSpeed);
            tempGr.Transform = X;
                             new DR.PointF(rotationCenterSpeed.X - rotationCenterArrow.X, rotationCenterSpeed.Y - rotationCenterArrow.Y));
            //new DR.PointF(speed.Width / 2 - arrow.Width / 2 + 2, speed.Height / 2 - arrow.Height + 20));

            //Draw arrow
            X.RotateAt(alpha, rotationCenterSpeed);
            tempGr.Transform = X;

            tempGr.DrawImage(arrow, new DR.PointF(rotationCenterSpeed.X - rotationCenterArrow.X, rotationCenterSpeed.Y - rotationCenterArrow.Y));

            //speedGr.DrawImage(tempBmp, new DR.Point(0, 0));
            tempBmp.MakeTransparent(tempBmp.GetPixel(0, 0));