/// <summary> /// Contracts Mail reminder /// </summary> /// <createdBy>Bobis</createdBy> /// <createdDate>Apr 15 2014</createdDate> public static void ContractsMailSending() { List <MailMatrixResponseParam> lstreceipentUserID = new List <MailMatrixResponseParam>(); try { string url = DecisionPointRepository.GetSiteUrl(); var location = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; var directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(location); DecisionPointRepository objdecisionPointRepository = new DecisionPointRepository(); lstreceipentUserID = objdecisionPointRepository.ContractsMailSending().Select(x => new MailMatrixResponseParam { Recevier = x.OwnerName, RecevierEmail = x.EmailId, Sender = x.ManagerName, TblId = x.Id, SenderId = x.CreatedBy }).ToList(); string body = string.Empty; string subject = string.Empty; for (int iCounter = 0; iCounter < lstreceipentUserID.Count; iCounter++) { string signature = objdecisionPointRepository.GetSignature(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].SenderId); if (signature != null) { string[] sign = signature.Split(new string[] { "body>" }, StringSplitOptions.None); subject = "Contract Reminder Mail"; signature = sign[1].Substring(0, sign[1].Length - 2); MailInviteFormat objMailInviteFormat = new MailInviteFormat() { PersonName = lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier, Signature = signature, InviteeCompanyName = lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender, DueDate = Convert.ToString(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].DueDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DomainUrl = url }; objMailInviteFormat.FilePath = directoryPath + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaffInviteMailAlert"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier)) { objMailInviteFormat.Action = "You have received " + subject + " from " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + ". Please complete it."; body = DPInviteMailFormat.PersonInviteMailFormat(objMailInviteFormat); //body = "<div style='line-height:25px'>To: " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + "<br/>From: " + // lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + "<br/>Subject: '" + subject + "'<br/><br/>" + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + // "Dear " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + ",<br/> you have received a '" + subject + "' from " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + ". Please log at compliance tracker and review.<br/><br/></br></br>" + // signature + "</div>"; } BusinessCore.GetSmtpDetail(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].RecevierEmail, body, subject); //update last invite date and next mail sending date in contracts log UpdateContractLogInviteDate(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].TblId); } } } catch { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Mail reminder /// </summary> /// <createdBy>Bobis</createdBy> /// <createdDate>Apr 15 2014</createdDate> public static void DocumentMailSending() { List <MailMatrixResponseParam> lstreceipentUserID = new List <MailMatrixResponseParam>(); try { var location = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; var directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(location); string url = DecisionPointRepository.GetSiteUrl(); DecisionPointRepository objdecisionPointRepository = new DecisionPointRepository(); lstreceipentUserID = objdecisionPointRepository.DocumentMailSending().Select(x => new MailMatrixResponseParam { Recevier = x.Recevier, RecevierEmail = x.RecevierEmail, Sender = x.Sender, Category = x.Category, Flow = x.Flow, DocId = x.DocId, TblId = x.TblId, SenderId = x.SenderId, RecevierId = x.RecevierId, DueDate = x.DueDate, UserType = x.UserType }).ToList(); string body = string.Empty; string subject = string.Empty; for (int iCounter = 0; iCounter < lstreceipentUserID.Count; iCounter++) { // if (!objdecisionPointRepository.CheckDocumentMailSentOrNotToUser(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter])) // { string signature = objdecisionPointRepository.GetSignature(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].SenderId); if (signature != null) { string[] sign = signature.Split(new string[] { "body>" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Category)) { subject = "New " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Category; } else { subject = "New Category"; } signature = sign[1].Substring(0, sign[1].Length - 2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier)) { MailInviteFormat objMailInviteFormat = new MailInviteFormat() { PersonName = lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier, Signature = signature, InviteeCompanyName = lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender, DueDate = Convert.ToString(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].DueDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DomainUrl = url }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].UserType)) { if (string.Equals(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].UserType, Shared.IC)) { objMailInviteFormat.FilePath = directoryPath + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ICInviteMailAlert"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { objMailInviteFormat.FilePath = directoryPath + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaffInviteMailAlert"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } else { objMailInviteFormat.FilePath = directoryPath + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StaffInviteMailAlert"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } objMailInviteFormat.Action = "You have received " + subject + " from " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + ". Please complete it."; body = DPInviteMailFormat.PersonInviteMailFormat(objMailInviteFormat); //if (lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Flow.Equals(2)) //{ // body = "<div style='line-height:25px'>To: " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + "<br/>From: " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + "<br/>Subject: '" + subject + "'<br/><br/>" + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + "A '" + subject + "' has been assigned to you. Please log and complete.<br/><br/></br></br>" + signature + "</div>"; //} //else { body = "<div style='line-height:25px'>To: " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + "<br/>From: " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + "<br/>Subject: '" + subject + "'<br/><br/>" + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Recevier + " you have received a '" + subject + "' from " + lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Sender + ". Please log in and review.<br/><br/></br></br>" + signature + "</div>"; } } BusinessCore.GetSmtpDetail(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].RecevierEmail, body, subject); lstreceipentUserID[iCounter].Type = 0; //Insert mail log into database objdecisionPointRepository.DocumentMailSndLog(lstreceipentUserID[iCounter]); } //} } } catch { throw; } finally { } }