public Category Add(Category c) { Requires.NotNull(c); Requires.PropertyNotNegative(c, "ModuleId"); string valReason = ""; if (!this.validateCategoryUrlNotInUse(c.URL, c.ModuleId, c.CategoryID, out valReason)) { throw (new Exception("URL already in use")); } using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository <Category>(); c.SortOrder = rep.Get().Where(cp => cp.ParentID == 0).Count() + 1; rep.Insert(c); var cntTaxonomy = new DNNContent(); var objContentItem = cntTaxonomy.CreateContentItem(c); c.ContentItemID = objContentItem.ContentItemId; rep.Update(c); if (c != null && c.ImageFileID > 0) { c.Image = new Components.Entities.File(FileManager.Instance.GetFile((int)c.ImageFileID)); } } return(c); }
public Article Add(Article a) { Requires.NotNull(a); Requires.PropertyNotNegative(a, "ModuleId"); string valReason = ""; if (!this.validateArticleUrlNotInUse(a.URL, a.ModuleId, a.ArticleID, out valReason)) { throw (new Exception("URL already in use")); } using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { try { ctx.BeginTransaction(); var rep = ctx.GetRepository <Article>(); rep.Insert(a); var cntTaxonomy = new DNNContent(); var objContentItem = cntTaxonomy.CreateContentItem(a); a.ContentItemID = objContentItem.ContentItemId; a.Files.ForEach(f => f.ArticleID = a.ArticleID); a.Pages.ForEach(f => f.ArticleID = a.ArticleID); rep.Update(a); UpsertFiles(a, ctx); UpsertImages(a, ctx); UpsertCategories(a, ctx); UpsertTags(a, ctx); UpsertPages(a, ctx); ctx.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { ctx.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } } return(a); }
public HttpResponseMessage ImportFromNAModule(ImportFromNAModuleDTO dto) { //https://localhost/API/dnn_OpenNewsSPA/Helper/ImportFromNAModule?naModeulId=414&oaModeulId=542 var rq = HttpContext.Current.Request; //dto = new ImportFromNAModuleDTO { // naModeulId = rq.QueryString["naModeulId"].AsInt(-1), // oaModeulId = rq.QueryString["oaModeulId"].AsInt(-1) //}; if (dto.naModeulId > 0 && dto.oaModeulId == -1) { dto.oaModeulId = ActiveModule.ModuleID; } int naTabid = -1; naTabid = ModuleController.Instance.GetTabModulesByModule(dto.naModeulId).FirstOrDefault().TabID; if (dto == null || dto.naModeulId <= 0 || dto.oaModeulId <= 0) { throw (new Exception("naModeulId and oaModeulId Required")); } string jsonPathBase = "/DesktopModules/{0}/data/custom-fields-{1}.json"; string jsonPath = string.Format(jsonPathBase, ActiveModule.DesktopModule.FolderName, ActiveModule.ModuleID.ToString() ); string logPathBase = "/DesktopModules/{0}/data/importLog-Module-{1}.txt"; string logPath = string.Format(logPathBase, ActiveModule.DesktopModule.FolderName, ActiveModule.ModuleID.ToString() ); jsonPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(jsonPath); logPath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(logPath); var dataFolder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(jsonPath); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataFolder)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dataFolder); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(logPath)) { System.IO.File.Create(logPath).Close(); } else if (dto.clearLog) { System.IO.File.Delete(logPath); System.IO.File.Create(logPath).Close(); } System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Starting Import for NA Module with Id: " + dto.naModeulId.ToString() }); using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { ctx.Execute(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "OpenNews_ClearAllModuleData", dto.oaModeulId, dto.resetIdentity, dto.identityInsert); var naCategories = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_Category Where Moduleid=@0", dto.naModeulId); var repoCats = ctx.GetRepository <Category>(); var dicCats = new Dictionary <int, int>(); naCategories.ToList().ForEach(c => { var newCat = new Category(); if (dto.identityInsert) { newCat.CategoryID = c.CategoryID; } newCat.Name = c.Name; newCat.Description = stringNotNull(c.Description); newCat.MetaDescription = stringNotNull(c.MetaDescription, 255); newCat.MetaTitle = stringNotNull(c.MetaTitle, 255); newCat.MetaKeywords = stringNotNull(c.MetaKeywords, 255); newCat.SortOrder = c.SortOrder; newCat.ParentID = (c.ParentID == -1?0: c.ParentID); newCat.ModuleId = dto.oaModeulId; //TODO = use actual old url string oldUrl = UrlHelper.GetCategoryURL(naTabid, c.CategoryID); newCat.URL = oldUrl.Split('/').Last(); int testint = -1; if (int.TryParse(newCat.URL, out testint)) { newCat.URL = UrlHelper.cleanUrl(newCat.Name, PortalSettings.PortalId); } repoCats.Insert(newCat); dicCats.Add(c.CategoryID, newCat.CategoryID); }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + dicCats.Count.ToString() + " Categories" }); naCategories = null; var naTags = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_Tag Where Moduleid=@0", dto.naModeulId); var repoTags = ctx.GetRepository <Tag>(); var dicTag = new Dictionary <int, int>(); naTags.ToList().ForEach(c => { var newTag = new Tag(); if (dto.identityInsert) { newTag.TagID = c.TagID; } newTag.Name = c.Name; newTag.ModuleId = dto.oaModeulId; repoTags.Insert(newTag); dicTag.Add(c.TagID, newTag.TagID); }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + dicTag.Count.ToString() + " Tags" }); naTags = null; var naArticles = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_Article Where Moduleid=@0", dto.naModeulId); var repoArticles = ctx.GetRepository <Article>(); var dicArticles = new Dictionary <int, int>(); naArticles.ToList().ForEach(c => { var newArticle = new Article(); if (dto.identityInsert) { newArticle.ArticleID = c.ArticleID; } newArticle.Title = c.Title; newArticle.ApproverID = c.ApproverID; newArticle.AuthorID = c.AuthorID; newArticle.AutoArchive = (c.EndDate != null); newArticle.CommentCount = c.CommentCount; newArticle.CreatedDate = c.CreatedDate; newArticle.EndDate = c.EndDate; newArticle.IsApproved = c.IsApproved; newArticle.IsDeleted = false; newArticle.IsDraft = c.IsDraft; newArticle.IsFeatured = c.IsFeatured; newArticle.LastUpdated = c.LastUpdate; newArticle.LastUpdateID = c.LastUpdateID; newArticle.MetaDescription = stringNotNull(c.MetaDescription, 255); newArticle.MetaKeywords = stringNotNull(c.MetaKeywords, 255); newArticle.MetaTitle = stringNotNull(c.MetaTitle, 255); newArticle.ModuleId = dto.oaModeulId; newArticle.NumOfViews = c.NumberOfViews; newArticle.PageHeadText = stringNotNull(c.PageHeadText, 500); newArticle.RssGuid = stringNotNull(c.RssGuid); newArticle.ShortURL = ""; newArticle.StartDate = c.StartDate; newArticle.Summary = stringNotNull(c.Summary); //TODO Get the current url of this article... string oldUrl = UrlHelper.GetArticleURL(naTabid, c.ArticleID); newArticle.URL = oldUrl.Split('/').Last(); int testint = -1; if (int.TryParse(newArticle.URL, out testint)) { newArticle.URL = UrlHelper.cleanUrl(newArticle.Title, PortalSettings.PortalId); } //newArticle.URL = UrlHelper.cleanUrl(newArticle.Title, PortalSettings.PortalId); repoArticles.Insert(newArticle); var cntTaxonomy = new DNNContent(); var objContentItem = cntTaxonomy.CreateContentItem(newArticle); newArticle.ContentItemID = objContentItem.ContentItemId; repoArticles.Update(newArticle); dicArticles.Add(c.ArticleID, (int)newArticle.ArticleID); }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + dicArticles.Count.ToString() + " Articles" }); //naArticles = null; var naPages = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_Page", null); var repoPages = ctx.GetRepository <Page>(); int importedPageCount = 0; naPages.ToList().ForEach(c => { if ((c.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(c.ArticleID)) { var newPage = new Page(); newPage.PageText = stringNotNull(CommonHelper.ConvertToMarkDown(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("<div>" + c.PageText + "</div>"), true)); newPage.PageText = Regex.Replace(newPage.PageText, @"(\r\n){3,}", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); //newPage.PageText = newPage.PageText.Replace(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); newPage.SortOrder = 0; newPage.ArticleID = (long)dicArticles[c.ArticleID]; repoPages.Insert(newPage); importedPageCount++; } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + importedPageCount.ToString() + " Article Pages" }); naPages = null; var naFiles = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_File", null); var repoFiles = ctx.GetRepository <File>(); int importedFilesCount = 0; naFiles.ToList().ForEach(c => { if ((c.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(c.ArticleID)) { var newFile = new File(); try { newFile.ArticleID = (long)dicArticles[c.ArticleID]; newFile.fileInfo = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, c.Folder + c.FileName, true); if (newFile.fileInfo != null) { newFile.fileInfo.Title = stringNotNull(c.Title); FileManager.Instance.UpdateFile(newFile.fileInfo); newFile.FileID = newFile.fileInfo.FileId; newFile.IsImage = false; newFile.SortOrder = c.SortOrder; repoFiles.Insert(newFile); importedFilesCount++; } else { System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Failed to get fileInfo for file: " + c.Folder + c.FileName }); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Error importing File: " + c.Folder + c.FileName + " - " + ex.Message }); } } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + importedFilesCount.ToString() + " Article Files" }); naFiles = null; var naImages = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_Image", null); //var repoFiles = ctx.GetRepository<File>(); int importedImagesCount = 0; naImages.ToList().ForEach(c => { if ((c.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(c.ArticleID)) { try { var newFile = new File(); newFile.ArticleID = (long)dicArticles[c.ArticleID]; newFile.fileInfo = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, c.Folder + c.FileName, true); if (newFile.fileInfo != null) { newFile.fileInfo.Title = stringNotNull(c.Title); newFile.fileInfo.Description = stringNotNull(c.Description); FileManager.Instance.UpdateFile(newFile.fileInfo); newFile.FileID = newFile.fileInfo.FileId; newFile.IsImage = true; newFile.SortOrder = c.SortOrder; repoFiles.Insert(newFile); importedImagesCount++; } else { System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Failed to get fileInfo for image: " + c.Folder + c.FileName }); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Error importing Image: " + c.Folder + c.FileName + " - " + ex.Message }); } } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + importedImagesCount.ToString() + " Article Images" }); naImages = null; var naArticleCategories = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_ArticleCategories", null); var repoArticleCategory = ctx.GetRepository <ArticleCategory>(); int importedArticleCategoryCount = 0; naArticleCategories.ToList().ForEach(c => { if ((c.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(c.ArticleID) && (c.CategoryID != null) && dicCats.ContainsKey(c.CategoryID)) { var newAC = new ArticleCategory(); newAC.ArticleID = (long)dicArticles[c.ArticleID]; newAC.CategoryID = dicCats[c.CategoryID]; repoArticleCategory.Insert(newAC); importedArticleCategoryCount++; } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + importedArticleCategoryCount.ToString() + " Article Category Links" }); naArticleCategories = null; var naArticleTag = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_ArticleTag", null); var repoAT = ctx.GetRepository <ArticleTag>(); int importedArticleTagCount = 0; naArticleTag.ToList().ForEach(c => { if ((c.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(c.ArticleID) && (c.TagID != null) && dicTag.ContainsKey(c.TagID)) { var newAT = new ArticleTag(); newAT.ArticleID = (long)dicArticles[c.ArticleID]; newAT.TagID = dicTag[c.TagID]; repoAT.Insert(newAT); importedArticleTagCount++; } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + importedArticleTagCount.ToString() + " Article Tag Links" }); int postProcessImageCount = 0; //Process all article [IMAGE] tags repoPages.Get().ToList().ForEach(p => { var images = repoFiles.Find("WHERE ArticleID=@0", p.ArticleID).ToList(); string rxTagsPattern = @"\[IMAGE:(?<imageId>\d{1,3})\]"; Regex rxTags = new Regex(rxTagsPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); foreach (Match m in rxTags.Matches(p.PageText)) { int imgId = -1; string imgHtml = ""; if (int.TryParse(m.Groups["imageId"].Value, out imgId) && images.Count > imgId) { var img = images[imgId]; imgHtml = "[IMAGE:" + img.FileID.ToString() + "]"; postProcessImageCount++; } p.PageText = Regex.Replace(p.PageText, "\\[IMAGE:" + imgId.ToString() + "\\]", imgHtml); repoPages.Update(p); } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Imported : " + postProcessImageCount.ToString() + " Inline Article Images Proccessed" }); naArticleTag = null; var naCustomField = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_CustomField WHERE ModuleId=@0 ORDER BY SortOrder", dto.naModeulId); var onCustomFieldDef = new CustomDef(); if (naCustomField.Count() > 0) { onCustomFieldDef.DefId = -1; onCustomFieldDef.ModuleId = dto.oaModeulId; onCustomFieldDef.Name = ActiveModule.ModuleTitle + " Custom Definition"; onCustomFieldDef.Required = true; onCustomFieldDef.TypeName = "ImportDef"; naCustomField.ToList().ForEach(cf => { var ncf = new CustomDefField(); switch (cf.ValidationType) { case 1: ncf.dataType = "decimal"; ncf.controlType = "input"; ncf.inputType = "number"; break; case 2: ncf.dataType = "date"; ncf.controlType = "date"; break; case 3: ncf.dataType = "decimal"; ncf.controlType = "input"; ncf.inputType = "number"; break; case 4: ncf.dataType = "int"; ncf.controlType = "input"; ncf.inputType = "number"; break; case 5: ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "input"; ncf.inputType = "email"; break; case 6: ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "input"; ncf.inputType = "text"; break; default: break; } switch (cf.FieldType) { case 0: //OneLineTextBox ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "input"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ncf.inputType)) { ncf.inputType = "text"; } break; case 1: //MultiLineTextBox ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "textarea"; ncf.rows = 4; break; case 2: //RichTextBox ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "textarea"; ncf.rows = 4; break; case 3: //DropDownList ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "select"; SetCustomFieldOptionsAndDefaults(ref ncf, cf); break; case 4: //CheckBox ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "check"; SetCustomFieldOptionsAndDefaults(ref ncf, cf); break; case 5: //MultiCheckBox ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "checklist"; SetCustomFieldOptionsAndDefaults(ref ncf, cf); break; case 6: //RadioButton ncf.dataType = "string"; ncf.controlType = "radio"; SetCustomFieldOptionsAndDefaults(ref ncf, cf); break; case 7: //ColorPicker - not yet supported. break; default: break; } ncf.maxLength = cf.Length; = cf.Name; = cf.CaptionHelp; ncf.label = cf.Caption; ncf.required = cf.IsRequired; if (cf.DefaultValue != null) { ncf.defaultValue = cf.DefaultValue; } if (cf.RegularExpression != null) { ncf.validationRegEx = cf.RegularExpression; } ncf.visible = cf.IsVisible; onCustomFieldDef.Fields.Add(ncf); }); } var onCustomDefs = new List <CustomDef>(); onCustomDefs.Add(onCustomFieldDef); //Write to json config file. if (System.IO.File.Exists(jsonPath)) { System.IO.File.Delete(jsonPath); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(jsonPath, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(onCustomDefs.ToArray())); //Import CustomFields Data for Articles. var naCustomFieldVals = ctx.ExecuteQuery <dynamic>(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "SELECT * FROM DnnForge_NewsArticles_CustomValue WHERE ArticleID IN (SELECT ArticleID FROM [dbo].[DnnForge_NewsArticles_Article] Where ModuleID=@0)", dto.naModeulId); naCustomFieldVals.GroupBy(x => x.ArticleID).ToList().ForEach(group => { int articleId = group.Key; long aid = (long)dicArticles[articleId]; var article = repoArticles.Find("WHERE ArticleID=@0", aid).SingleOrDefault(); if (article != null) { dynamic ImportDefData = new ExpandoObject(); dynamic ImportDef = new ExpandoObject(); var ImportDefDataDic = (IDictionary <string, object>)ImportDefData; var ImportDefDic = (IDictionary <string, object>)ImportDef; group.ToList().ForEach(val => { var cf = naCustomField.Where(c => c.CustomFieldID == val.CustomFieldID).SingleOrDefault(); if (cf != null) { ImportDefDataDic.Add(cf.Name, val.CustomValue); } }); ImportDefDic.Add("ImportDef", ImportDefData); article.CustomTypes = ImportDef; repoArticles.Update(article); } }); System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(logPath, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - Import Complete" }); //naCustomFieldVals.ToList().ForEach(val => { // if ((val.ArticleID != null) && dicArticles.ContainsKey(val.ArticleID)) { // var cf = naCustomField.Where(c => c.CustomFieldID == val.CustomFieldID).SingleOrDefault(); // long aid = (long)dicArticles[val.ArticleID]; // var article = repoArticles.Find("WHERE ArticleID=@0", aid).SingleOrDefault(); // if (cf != null && article != null) // { // //dynamic ImportDef // dynamic ImportDefData = new ExpandoObject(); // dynamic ImportDef = new ExpandoObject(); // var ImportDefDataDic = (IDictionary<string, object>)ImportDefData; // var ImportDefDic = (IDictionary<string, object>)ImportDef; // ImportDefDataDic.Add(cf.Name, val.CustomValue); // ImportDefDic.Add("ImportDef", ImportDefData); // article.CustomTypes = ImportDef; // repoArticles.Update(article); // } else { // string issue = "Import error Custom field value with id: " + val.CustomFieldID.ToString() + " not imported for articleid: " + val.ArticleID.ToString(); // if (cf == null) { // issue += " cf==null"; // } // if (article == null) // { // issue += " article==null"; // } // Exceptions.LogException(new Exception(issue)); // } // } //}); //ctx.Execute(System.Data.CommandType.Text, "" + //"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OpenNews_Category] OFF; " + //"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OpenNews_Tag] OFF; " + //"SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[OpenNews_Article] OFF; " + //"", dto.oaModeulId); } return(Request.CreateResponse(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)); }