private bool ValidateFields() { // Check the selected branch is blank or not if (cmbBranch.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please select the Branch !!"); cmbBranch.Focus(); return(false); } // Check the selected Login Id is blank or not if (cmbLoginId.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please select the Login Id !!"); cmbLoginId.Focus(); return(false); } // Check the Password is blank or not if (txtPassword.Text == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the password !!"); txtPassword.Focus(); return(false); } // Check the Password is invalid or not if (cmbLoginId.Text.ToUpper() == "ADMIN") { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_USER", " " + cmnService.J_SQLDBFormat("LOGIN_ID", J_SQLColFormat.UCase) + " = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(cmbLoginId.Text.ToUpper()) + "' " + "AND USER_PASSWORD = '******'") == false) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.InvalidPassword); txtPassword.Focus(); return(false); } } else if (cmbLoginId.Text.ToUpper() != "ADMIN") { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_USER", " BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " " + "AND " + cmnService.J_SQLDBFormat("LOGIN_ID", J_SQLColFormat.UCase) + " = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(cmbLoginId.Text.ToUpper()) + "' " + "AND USER_PASSWORD = '******'") == false) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.InvalidPassword); txtPassword.Focus(); return(false); } } // Check the selected F.A. Year is blank or not if (cmbFAYear.SelectedIndex < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please select the FA Year"); cmbFAYear.Focus(); return(false); } return(true); }
private void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateFields() == false) { return; } Hashtable nameValue = new Hashtable(); nameValue.Add("SERVERNAME", this.strServerName); nameValue.Add("DATABASENAME", this.strDatabaseName); nameValue.Add("USERNAME", this.strUserName); nameValue.Add("PASSWORD", this.strPassword); XMLService objxml = new XMLService(); objxml.J_CreateXMLFile(nameValue, Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName); if (dmlService.J_IsDatabaseObjectExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { // Close & Dispose the MstLogin Class this.Close(); this.Dispose(); if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else { CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } return; } else { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database structure.\nPlease check the database"); txtServerName.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception err_handler) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); } }
public bool CheckRights(string MenuName) { if (J_Var.J_pLoginId.ToUpper() != "ADMIN") { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_MENU, MST_USER_RIGHTS", " MST_MENU.MENU_ID = MST_USER_RIGHTS.MENU_ID " + "AND MST_MENU.MENU_VISIBILITY = 0 " + "AND MST_USER_RIGHTS.USER_ID = " + J_Var.J_pUserId + " " + "AND " + cmnService.J_SQLDBFormat("MST_MENU.MENU_NAME", J_SQLColFormat.UCase) + " = '" + MenuName.ToUpper() + "'") == false) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.InsufficientRights); return(false); } } return(true); }
private void cmbUserId_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { PopulateDetailGrid(); if (cmbUserId.SelectedIndex <= 0) { return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdvDescription.Rows) { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_USER_RIGHTS", " USER_ID = " + Convert.ToInt64(Support.GetItemData(cmbUserId, cmbUserId.SelectedIndex)) + " " + "AND MENU_ID = " + Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(row.Cells[1].Value)) + "") == true) { row.Cells[0].Value = true; } } }
private bool InsertMenuData(long MenuId, string GroupCode, string MenuGroup, string SLNo, string MenuName, string MenuDesc, string MenuSubDesc_1, bool MenuVisibility) { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_MENU", "MENU_ID = " + MenuId + "") == true) { return(true); } int intMenuVisibility = 0; if (MenuVisibility == false) { intMenuVisibility = 1; } strSQL = "INSERT INTO MST_MENU (" + " MENU_ID," + " MENU_GROUP_CODE," + " MENU_GROUP_NAME," + " MENU_SLNO," + " MENU_NAME," + " MENU_DESC," + " MENU_SUB_DESC_1," + " MENU_VISIBILITY) " + "VALUES ( " + MenuId + "," + " '" + GroupCode + "'," + " '" + MenuGroup + "'," + " '" + SLNo + "'," + " '" + MenuName + "'," + " '" + MenuDesc + "'," + " '" + MenuSubDesc_1 + "'," + " " + intMenuVisibility + ")"; if (dmlService.J_ExecSql(strSQL) == false) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ValidateFields() == false) { return; } Hashtable nameValue = new Hashtable(); nameValue.Add("SERVERNAME", cmbServers.Text.Trim()); nameValue.Add("DATABASENAME", cmbDatabase.Text.Trim()); nameValue.Add("USERNAME", txtDatabaseUserName.Text.Trim()); nameValue.Add("PASSWORD", txtDatabasePassword.Text.Trim()); XMLService xml = new XMLService(); xml.J_CreateXMLFile(nameValue, Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName); // Close & Dispose the MstLogin Class this.Close(); this.Dispose(); if (dml.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else { CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception err_handler) { cmn.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); } }
private bool ValidateFields() { try { if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Sorting) { if (Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex)) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "PARTY_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } return(true); } else if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Searching) { if (grpSearch.Visible == false) { if (Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex)) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "PARTY_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } } else if (grpSearch.Visible == true) { if (txtPartyNameSearch.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.SearchingValues); txtPartyNameSearch.Select(); return(false); } } return(true); } else { // Company Name if (txtPartyName.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the Party Name."); txtPartyName.Select(); return(false); } // Duplicacy check with repect to the mode if (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Add) { // Duplicacy check with respect to Branch id if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_PARTY", " PARTY_NAME = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPartyName.Text) + "' " + "AND BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId) == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DuplicateCode); txtPartyName.Select(); return(false); } } else if (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Edit) { // Duplicacy check with respect to Branch id if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_PARTY", " PARTY_NAME = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPartyName.Text) + "' " + "AND BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " " + "AND PARTY_ID <> " + lngSearchId + "") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DuplicateCode); txtPartyName.Select(); return(false); } } return(true); } } catch (Exception err_handler) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); return(false); } }
private void BtnEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex >= 0) { ControlVisible(true); ClearControls(); //=============== EDIT RESTRICTION ================== // RESTRICT RECORD MODIFICATION WHEN START NO & LAST NO NOT MATCH if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_INVOICE_SERIES", " START_NO <> LAST_NO " + "AND INVOICE_SERIES_ID = " + lngSearchId + "") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Modification not possible"); dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "INVOICE_SERIES_ID", lngSearchId); return; } // RESTRICT RECORD MODIFICATION WHEN IF TRANSACTION IS OVER if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("TRN_INVOICE_HEADER", " INVOICE_SERIES_ID = " + lngSearchId + "") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Modification not possible"); dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "INVOICE_SERIES_ID", lngSearchId); return; } // A particular id wise retrieving the data from database if (ShowRecord(Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(ViewGrid[ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex, 0]))) == false) { ControlVisible(false); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return; } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref this.ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "INVOICE_SERIES_ID", lngSearchId); } lblMode.Text = J_Mode.Edit; cmnService.J_StatusButton(this, lblMode.Text); lblSearchMode.Text = J_Mode.General; strCheckFields = ""; } else { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return; } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "INVOICE_SERIES_ID", lngSearchId); } } catch (Exception err_handler) { ControlVisible(false); cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); } }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Added by Ripan Paul on 23-07-2011 if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_PARTY", " BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " " + "AND PARTY_NAME = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPartyName.Text.Trim().ToUpper()) + "'") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Duplicate Party found ..."); txtPartyName.Select(); return; } // Save Confirmation Message if (cmnService.J_SaveConfirmationMessage(ref txtAddress1) == true) { return; } // Transaction is started dmlService.J_BeginTransaction(); // insert query & execution strSQL = "INSERT INTO MST_PARTY (" + " BRANCH_ID," + " PARTY_CATEGORY_ID," + " PARTY_NAME," + " ADDRESS1," + " ADDRESS2," + " ADDRESS3," + " CITY," + " PIN," + " CONTACT_PERSON," + " MOBILE_NO," + " PHONE_NO," + " FAX," + " EMAIL_ID," + " USER_ID," + " CREATE_DATE) " + " VALUES( " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + "," + " " + Support.GetItemData(cmbPartyCategory, cmbPartyCategory.SelectedIndex) + ", " + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPartyName.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtAddress1.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtAddress2.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtAddress3.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtCity.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPin.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtContactPersonName.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtMobileNo.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtPhone.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtFaxNo.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtEmailID.Text.Trim()) + "'," + " " + J_Var.J_pUserId + "," + " " + cmnService.J_DateOperator() + dtService.J_ConvertMMddyyyy(dmlService.J_ReturnServerDate()) + cmnService.J_DateOperator() + ")"; if (dmlService.J_ExecSql(strSQL) == false) { txtPartyName.Select(); return; } // Transaction is commited dmlService.J_Commit(); // Added by Ripan Paul on 23-07-2011 BS.BS_PartyName = txtPartyName.Text.Trim(); // after data is inserted, the message is displayed cmnService.J_PanelMessage(J_PanelIndex.e00_DisplayText, J_Msg.AddModeSave); // exit from this form BtnExit_Click(sender, e); }
static void Main() { // set the application name J_Var.J_pApplicationName = "BS v1.0"; // set the project name J_Var.J_pProjectName = "Billing System"; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // start block // set some parameters //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // set the Zip password J_Var.J_pZipFilePassword = "******"; // set the Login Screen come or not //J_Var.J_pLoginScreen = J_LoginScreen.NO; #region FOR MOCROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE // ========================================= // FOR MOCROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE // ========================================= J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabaseName = "BillingSystem.mdb"; J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabasePassword = ""; J_Var.J_pApplicationType = J_ApplicationType.StandAlone_Network; J_Var.J_pDatabaseType = J_DatabaseType.SqlServer; J_Var.J_pConnectionProviderType = J_ConnectionProviderType.Sql; // ========================================= // ========================================= #endregion #region FOR MOCROSOFT SQL SERVER DATABASE // ========================================= // FOR MOCROSOFT SQL SERVER DATABASE // ========================================= //J_Var.J_pApplicationType = J_ApplicationType.StandAlone_Network; //J_Var.J_pDatabaseType = J_DatabaseType.SqlServer; //J_Var.J_pConnectionProviderType = J_ConnectionProviderType.Sql; // ========================================= // ========================================= #endregion // set the xml file name as connection to database J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName = "_JS_BS.xml"; // set the xml file name as Branch Information J_Var.J_pXmlBranchInfoFileName = "_JS_BS_B.xml"; // set the command time-out J_Var.J_pCommandTimeout = 99999; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // end block //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // declare & initialization objects DMLService dmlService = new DMLService(); CommonService cmnService = new CommonService(); DateService dtService = new DateService(); // set the Operating Syatem type [32 bit | 64 bit] J_Var.J_pOSType = cmnService.J_GetOSType(); // declare & initialization variable string strSQL = string.Empty; // To Check the DateTime Format if (dtService.J_SystemDateFormatCheck_dd_MM_yyyy() == false) { return; } // to check the application type as StandAlone & SingleMachine if (J_Var.J_pApplicationType == J_ApplicationType.StandAlone_SingleMachine) { // to check the microsoft database file is exist or not if (cmnService.J_IsFileExist(Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabaseName) == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Database file does not exist.\nPlease check the database file"); return; } // to check the connection is possible or not if (dmlService.J_ValidateConnection() == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database.\nPlease check the database"); return; } // to check the MST_FAYEAR table is exist or not if (dmlService.J_IsDatabaseObjectExist("MST_FAYEAR") == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database structure.\nPlease check the database"); return; } // declare & initialize the hashtable object to create the xml file Hashtable nameValue = new Hashtable(); // store values to hashtable nameValue.Add("SERVERNAME", ""); nameValue.Add("DATABASENAME", Application.StartupPath); nameValue.Add("USERNAME", J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabaseName); nameValue.Add("PASSWORD", J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabasePassword); // declare & initialize the object of XMLService XMLService objxml = new XMLService(); // create the xml file to connect to the database objxml.J_CreateXMLFile(nameValue, Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName); if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.YES) { CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.NO) { J_Var.frmMain = new mdiBillingSystem(); J_Var.frmMain.ShowDialog(); } } else { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } return; } // to check the application type as StandAlone, SingleMachine & Browser to Config window if (J_Var.J_pApplicationType == J_ApplicationType.StandAlone_SingleMachineBrowser) { // to check the microsoft xml file is exist or not if (cmnService.J_IsFileExist(Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName) == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SysServerInfoLocalBrowser frmLocalBrowser = new SysServerInfoLocalBrowser(); frmLocalBrowser.ShowDialog(); frmLocalBrowser.Dispose(); return; } DataSet dsUserInfo = dmlService.J_ConvertXmlToDataSet(Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName); if (dsUserInfo == null) { return; } J_Var.J_pDatabaseName = cmnService.J_Decode(dsUserInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0][cmnService.J_Encode("DATABASENAME")].ToString()); // to check the microsoft database file is exist or not if (cmnService.J_IsFileExist(J_Var.J_pDatabaseName + "/" + J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabaseName) == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SysServerInfoLocalBrowser frmLocalBrowser = new SysServerInfoLocalBrowser(); frmLocalBrowser.ShowDialog(); frmLocalBrowser.Dispose(); return; } // to check the connection is possible or not if (dmlService.J_ValidateConnection() == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database.\nPlease check the database"); return; } // to check the MST_FAYEAR table is exist or not if (dmlService.J_IsDatabaseObjectExist("MST_FAYEAR") == false) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database structure.\nPlease check the database"); return; } // check atleast one fayear data exist or not. if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.YES) { CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.NO) { J_Var.frmMain = new mdiBillingSystem(); J_Var.frmMain.ShowDialog(); } } else { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } return; } // to check the microsoft xml file is exist or not if (cmnService.J_IsFileExist(Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName) == true) { if (dmlService.J_ValidateConnection() == true) { // check the MST_FAYEAR table exist or not if (dmlService.J_IsDatabaseObjectExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else { dmlService.Dispose(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } return; } } } dmlService.Dispose(); if (J_Var.J_pDatabaseType == J_DatabaseType.MsAccess) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SysServerInfoLocal frmLocal = new SysServerInfoLocal(); frmLocal.ShowDialog(); frmLocal.Dispose(); } else if (J_Var.J_pDatabaseType == J_DatabaseType.SqlServer) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); SysServerInfoNetwork frmNetwork = new SysServerInfoNetwork(); frmNetwork.ShowDialog(); frmNetwork.Dispose(); } return; }
private bool ValidateFields() { try { if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Sorting) { if (Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex)) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "TAX_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } return(true); } else if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Searching) { if (grpSearch.Visible == false) { if (Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex)) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "TAX_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } } else if (grpSearch.Visible == true) { if (txtTaxDescSearch.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.SearchingValues); txtTaxDescSearch.Select(); return(false); } } return(true); } else { // Tax Description if (txtTaxDesc.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter tax description"); txtTaxDesc.Select(); return(false); } // Duplicacy check with repect to the tax description if (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Add) { if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_TAX", " TAX_DESC = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtTaxDesc.Text) + "' " + "AND BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " ") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DuplicateName); txtTaxDesc.Select(); return(false); } } else if (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Edit) { // Duplicacy check with respect to district id if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_TAX", " TAX_DESC = '" + cmnService.J_ReplaceQuote(txtTaxDesc.Text) + "' " + "AND BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " " + "AND TAX_ID <> " + lngSearchId) == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DuplicateName); txtTaxDesc.Select(); return(false); } } // Tax Percentage if (cmnService.J_ReturnDoubleValue(txtTaxPercentage.Text.Trim()) == 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter tax percentage"); txtTaxPercentage.Select(); return(false); } return(true); } } catch (Exception err_handler) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); return(false); } }
private bool ValidateFields() { try { if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Sorting) { if (Convert.ToInt64((ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex).ToString()) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "USER_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } return(true); } else if (lblSearchMode.Text == J_Mode.Searching) { if (grpSearch.Visible == false) { if (Convert.ToInt64(ViewGrid.CurrentRowIndex.ToString()) < 0) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(J_Msg.DataNotFound); if (dsetGridClone == null) { return(false); } dmlService.J_setGridPosition(ref ViewGrid, dsetGridClone, "USER_ID", lngSearchId); return(false); } } else if (grpSearch.Visible == true) { if (txtUserNameSearch.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the user name to search."); txtUserNameSearch.Select(); return(false); } } return(true); } else { if (txtUserName.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the user name."); txtUserName.Select(); return(false); } if (txtLoginId.Text.Trim() == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the login id."); txtLoginId.Select(); return(false); } if ((lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Add) || (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Edit && chkResetPassword.Checked == true)) { if (txtPassword.Text == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the password."); txtPassword.Select(); return(false); } if (txtPassword2.Text == "") { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Please enter the password."); txtPassword2.Select(); return(false); } if (txtPassword.Text != txtPassword2.Text) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Entered passwords do not match."); txtPassword.Select(); return(false); } } // Duplicacy check with respect to the mode of other validations if (lblMode.Text == J_Mode.Add) { // Duplicate check for LOGIN ID ONLY if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_USER", " BRANCH_ID = " + J_Var.J_pBranchId + " " + "AND " + cmnService.J_SQLDBFormat("LOGIN_ID", J_SQLColFormat.UCase) + " = '" + txtLoginId.Text.ToUpper() + "'") == true) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("Login id already exist."); txtLoginId.Select(); return(false); } // Check active/inactive if (chkActiveInactive.Checked == false) { cmnService.J_UserMessage("New user should be active."); chkActiveInactive.Select(); return(false); } } return(true); } } catch (Exception err_handler) { cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); return(false); } }
private void BtnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // all validations if (ValidateFields() == false) { return; } string strDatabasePath = cmnService.J_GetDirectoryName(txtBrowser.Text); // create the connection xml file Hashtable nameValue = new Hashtable(); nameValue.Add("SERVERNAME", ""); nameValue.Add("DATABASENAME", strDatabasePath); nameValue.Add("USERNAME", J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabaseName); nameValue.Add("PASSWORD", J_Var.J_pMsAccessDatabasePassword); XMLService objxml = new XMLService(); objxml.J_CreateXMLFile(nameValue, Application.StartupPath + "/" + J_Var.J_pXmlConnectionFileName); if (dmlService.J_IsDatabaseObjectExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { // Close & Dispose the MstLogin Class this.Close(); this.Dispose(); // Close & Dispose the main Class if (J_Var.J_pLoginStatus == 1) { J_Var.frmMain.Close(); J_Var.frmMain.Dispose(); } if (dmlService.J_IsRecordExist("MST_FAYEAR") == true) { dmlService.Dispose(); if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.YES) { CmnLogin frm = new CmnLogin(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } else if (J_Var.J_pLoginScreen == J_LoginScreen.NO) { J_Var.frmMain = new mdiBillingSystem(); J_Var.frmMain.ShowDialog(); } } else { dmlService.Dispose(); CmnCreate1stFAYear frm = new CmnCreate1stFAYear(); frm.ShowDialog(); frm.Dispose(); } return; } else { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage("Invalid database structure.\nPlease check the database"); BtnBrowser.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception err_handler) { dmlService.Dispose(); cmnService.J_UserMessage(err_handler.Message); } }